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October 22, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-22

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er said,
ut of the
ing proje
to some t

darter relates to etroit's urbanites
inued from Page 1) eXperienceS.
To a woman concerned with the YOUNG WAS ONE of the few black 'positive commitment" in regard to need for national planning. And over Carter's visit. Demo
'My first home, when I. plight of migrant workers the Presi- leaders who stood by Carter after federal funds for Detroit. because that was not addressed, I piceted in front of the V\
Navy was in a public dent said, "I picked tomatoes by the Carter's campaign statement about Congressman John Conyers (D- believe the President does not under- Building while members
ct. And I understand at hamper myself, and I picked cotton, "ethnic purity." Detroit), was not so reserved in his stand the problems." Revolutionary Socialist L
degree the environment and i have shaken peanuts." The President praised Young's role criticism. The panel forum and discussion chanted "Break chains of
". t.. d. A IP' fn ai n t tfw hic R n n __ _t -__ ...a.,.-...1r

of the

you nave described.
also mentioned the Housing and.
munity Development Act, which
provide $12.5 billion to improve,
uality of low-rent housing for the
RTER SAID he was concerned
t the inadequate health care sys-
for the poor. He disclosed;
ied legislation "that will for the
time, permit the service of
ician extenders, who can act as
ctor where doctors themselves
not available." The President
icted Congress will pass the bill
an attempt to solidify his image ''
"populist" President, Carter
)nded to many questions by
ing them to his ,own personal

cerned with how he would feed his
ten-year-old daughter, Carter said,
"I also have a ten-year-old daughter,
as you know, She was ten this week,
so I feel a kinship .with you."
Carter's visit obviously boosted the
re-election campaign of Detroit May-
or Coleman Young. Young was
among the dignitaries who greeted
Carter when he arrived at Metropoli-
tan Airport shortly after noon. He
accompanied Carter from the airport.
in the Presidential limousine, and
enjoyed a front row seat at the
Young's opponent in the coming
election, Councilman. Er n es t
Browne, Jr., also attended the meet-
ing, but sat in the back row.

in decreasing Detroit's crime..
"With the good work or your
mayor," Carter said,;"the crime rate
in Detroit in the last year has
dropped 21 per cent, the greatest re-
duction in crime of any major city in
the whole country."
Lawrence Doss, president of New
Detroit, Inc., found Carter's com-
ments at the meeting interesting and
"I THINK it was a very good
session," Doss said. "However, I was
disappointed that I didn't get a more

"When are we going to stop all of
this bullshit?" Conyers complained.
"It's about time someone levels with
the people. You can't come to a city
like this and say things are getting
"THE FORUM wasn't used prop-
erly to maximize support for the
President to use his leverage with
Congress. The whole thing lacked
depth. It wasn't a sham, it was just
irrelevant. This was not reality.
What we were talking about was the

iasea orr aimosi t wo Hours. B1efore
leaving for Metropolitan airport,
Carter lunged into a crowd of
outstretched hands.
Among the crowd was University
alumnus Rosalee Lehman who was in
Detroit "looking at the riverfront"
when she saw the commotion.
"WE SAID* "Maybe Jimmy Car-
ter's in town.' We were just joking!!
Now my girlfriend's down there with
her camera and I can't get her
away," Lehman said.
Not everyone was so enthusiastic

workers pave the way!"
One of the demonstrators, Karen
Hammer of "Jobs'or Income Now,'
said "Carter promised jobs and
that's been a big shuck. He hasn't
done better than anybody else.'
Carter's'°D.trbit visit was the first
stop in a two-day swing through five
states. The President plans to follow
up his "panel discussion" in Detroit
with an appearance at a De.mnocratic
fund-raiser in Des Moines, oWa and
a sleep-over at a farmer's house in

PIRGIM remains

The Student Government has student openings on
he following committees:

---Civil Liberties
-Research Policy
-State Relations
-University Relations

(Continued from Page 1)
"To waive the policy is to destroy
the policy," said David Laro (R-
Flint). Laro said the decision was
"unfair", to original intentions of the
"WE'VE BECOME their advo-
cates," added Deane Baker (R-Ann
President Robben Fleming voiced
his support for the decision, saying,
"The University tends to be a place
where you try to go the last.mile with
He stressed that two of the test
terms were during the summer and
thus aren't a fair 'sample of the
student population.
BAKER said the wording on the

-MSA Special Projects
-Central Student
Judiciary Committee
--Course Evaluation

forms is not clearly marked to
explain that the process is voluntary,
and that students should have to put.
their signatures on such a document..
The group supported changes in the
forms to solve these problems.
Later during the morning meeting
in the Regents Room of the Adminis-
tration Building, the policy makers
heard HaroldShapiro, vice-president
for academic affairs, describe a plan
to move the Speech and Hearing
Sciences (SHS) program from the
Medical School to the Education
School's Special Education depart-
ment. The proposal also phases out
undergraduate courses in communi-
cation disorders. (See accompanying
story). ,
As the Regents turned to consider-
ation of a plan to "streamline the
process" of University investments,
the lesson of Ann Arbor's recent
I investment scandal seemed upper-

m o,
ly t

st in their thoughts. mittee C, and a presentation on the
money spent on research over the
ALL OF US have read about the last ten years.
able the city has gotten into," Committee C is a nine-member
nmented Regent Thomas Roach group of community representatives
Detroit). faculty who review recombinant
ith that in mind, his' colleagues DNA research.
led the plan, proposed by Vice Francis Payne, Epidemiology pro-
sident Brinkerhoff, allowing the fessor and chairman of the commit-
ional Bank of Detroit to jpuggle tee, said that there "has been nothing
versity bonds and stocks "with- here at the University and, as far as
prior approval from the Univer- we know, nothing in the world," to
officers." indicate a danger in recombinant
rinkerhoff had pointed out that DNA research.
plan would give the bank the UNIVERSITY Vice President for
on of making investments quick- Research Charles Overberger then
o gain a competitive edge and presented the Regents with a series
e the time spent sending mes- of graphs showing a rapidly growing
es from Detroit to Ann Arbor. research budget for the University
during the last decade.
HE REGENTS finished this In 1968 the University .ent $51.8
nth's gathering with a report of million on research as : whole.
Biological Research Review Today, $76.1 million goes to labs and
rmittee (BRRC), known as Com- libaries around campus.


Application forms available in 3909 Michigan Union



SHS finds home in Ed. School;
Undergrad major eliminated

Don't be left out
of this year's

Mihiganeasi an Yearbook!
ign up for an appointment TODAY
-.. , by calIng 764-0561 from 9 a.m.-9
p.m. Or stop by our office at 420
Maynard (next to S.A.B.)

(Continued from Page 1)
tending the master's program from'
one to two years, Shapiro said, is that
professional certification of a speech
pathologist or audiologist comes only
after graduate study is completed.
The proposal also calls for more
clinical research by SHS faculty and
new inter-disciplinary clinical pro-
grams with some Medical School de-
No Waiting
liberty off State
E. Univ. at So. Univ..

under the Education School stems
from a Medical School Executive
Committee recommendation last De-
cember that the 45-year-old program
be dropped entirely from the Univer-
sity curriculum.
In the past 10 months, SHS has
undergone extensive evaluations."
Despite the summer recommenda-
tions of a review committee and the
literary college that SHS stay within
the Medical School, Med School
administrators have stated through-
out that they did not want responsi-
bility for the program.
Medical School Dean John Gron-
vali said last night faculty in his.
school were ,not interested in main-
taining SHS or in the program's
PILEASED WITH Academic " Af-
fairs' recommendation to move SHS
to the Education School, Gronvall
added that SHS activities "will mesh
better with programs in special
education than they do with some
programs in the Medical School."
If SHS moves to the Education
School, it will. come under the leader-

ship of Dr. William Cruickshank,
S p e c i a 1 Education Department
chairman and director of the Insti-
tute for the Study of Mental Retarda-
t i o n and Related Disabilities
"The Speech and Hearing Sciences
section can operate very effectively
in that.department," Shapiro said.
He also noted 511's clinical work can
be integrated with ISMRRD's re-
THOUGH SHS's ew lease on 'life
"still could encountersome change,"
Shapiro said the proposal. "rejects
the notion that we should discontinue
the program.,"
"I think it will work out," re-
marked Donald Sharf, acting SHS
director, about the move to the
Education School. Other universities
- such as Columbia, Syracuse and
Penn State - include the study of
communication disorders in their
education schools, Sharf noted.
"After the past year's controversy
and debate, "it would :have beenvery
difficult to .stay" in the Medi'cal
School, Sharf said..


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