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October 22, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-22

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' High-64.
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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 39 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 22, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pag



Carter confronts urban poor

in Detroi

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - President Carter held
another communion with the people
yesterday, but this time his audience
was more than a distant flock of
television viewers - it was a group
cof midwestern community leaders
and poor people gathered in down-
town Detroit.

Carter, speaking at the Veterans'
Memorial Building on Detroit's
waterfront, listened to suggestions
and comments on issues ranging
from health insurance and unem-
ployment, to the high cost of energy,
and making the Washington bureau-
cracy more responsible to the people.
"THE PURPOSE of the meeting,"
Carter said, was to "learn in a
human way about the special needs

of people who have quite often been
the most deprived and most alienat-
ed from a soietimes distant govern-
The President also said he wanted
to "see from a personal perspective
how well-meaning programs that are
poorly administered don't serve the
needs of those who need the services
Carter began with a brief opening,
statement, in which he praised De-
troit's recent accomplishments in
reducing crime and unemployment,
then opened the floor to comments
and questions from the 13-member
THE PANEL included Lawrence
Doss, the president of New Detroit
At right, President Carter sits next
to Graciela Olivarez, his liaison for
community affairs, at a roundtable
discussion with thirteen midwestern
poverty activists in Detroit yester-
The poor, Carter said, are often
"alienated from sometimes distant
government in Washington."
At left, two unidentified spectators
are anxious to ask questions during
the open discussion portion of the
The Detroit stop, the first leg of a
three-day cross country tour, is
Carter's second journey this month
into a poverty-stricken area. Recent-
ly, Carter has come under attack of
black leaders for his neglect of the
poor people who helped lift him into

Inc., a Chicano mother of 10, a
Catholic priest, an unemployed steel-
worker, and a 20-year-old unem-
ployed man.
Carter told unemployed steelwork-
er Lawrence Hall, "Many of us in
government; when we see a six or
seven per cent unemployment rate
are quite pleased if a year; ago it was
eight or nine per cent. We tend to
forget the human suffering."
Then President Carter pledged
"Before this term of mine is over,
we'll bring that unemployment rate
down from 8.5% to less than 5% by
the President's remarks was any
mention of the pending Humphrey-

Hawkins full employment bill. Press
Secretary Jody Powell, when asked
later about the omission, replied,
"Because it wasn't brought up."
Emma Molina, a minority affairs
director with the Community Action
agency in Findlay, Ohio, told Carter
minorities, blacks and Mexican-
Americans "are not given the oppor-
tunities for the good jobs."
Molina said she was appealing to
Carter because, "you are the hope of
the poor people,"
THE PRESIDENT announced no
new policy plans, reiterating his old
campaign themes "of health insur-
ance, housing, and reducing unem-
ployment. Carter also plugged his
energy bill even as Congress was

gutting its major taxation provisic
The Senate Finance Commit
gave final approval yesterday to
energy bill stripped of virtw
every tax proposed by Presid
He also promised relief money
those who cannot meet this winte
heating costs.
CARTER SAID ;last year's
million relief oackage "came v
effectively, very efficiently, in
hurry, and too late. I promise yoi
won't be too late this winte
In response to a panel membe
comments on substandard housi

See CARTER, Page 10

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX

Daily Photo by JO]


African blacks

hit craekdow

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Police arrested
at least 150 blacks and Indians in South Africa yesterday as
protests motnted against the government's sharp crackdown
on black movements-and its closing of black newspapers.
The United States announced in Washington it was
recalling Ambassador William Bowdler for consultations on
the events in South Africa. In Paris, the French Foreign
Ministry issued a statement saying the crackdown "can pnly
engender violence and complicate the search for a peaceful
solution to the problems of southern Africa.",
THE U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL in New York scheduled
a debate on South Africa starting Monday at the request of
the 49-nation African group in the world organization.
At Sharpeville, a segregated, black township 3f miles
south of Johannesburg, 54 students' were arrested in pre-
dawn swoops on their homes.
A police spokesinan said they would be charged follow-
ing disturbances at three Sharpeville schools Wednesday

when hundreds of students streamed out of classes and
stoned cars and school buildings.
IN QUEENSTOWN, 420 miles to the south, police said a
black school was gutted by fire early yesterday. No arrests
were reported.
Police arrested 97 Indians taking part in a lunchtime
open-air demonstration yesterday in Johannesburg's
Lenasia Indian township. It was the first crackdown protest
by Indians living in South Afr'ica...
Under the country's emergency laws currently in force,
open-air meetings without official permission are banned.
AT PIEZTERMARITZBURG, 260 miles southeast of
Johannesburg, }four white studepts, including 21-year-old
Peter Maritz from St. Louis, Mo., were charged under the
Riotous Assemblies Act and ordered held for a further
hearing Nov. 8.

Maritz, who said the similarity between his name and
that of the town is pure coincidence, is a Princeton University
student studying for a year abroad. He said he and the other
three were picked up Thursday after a student demonstra-
tion against the crackdown because they were known activ-
ists in campus politics.
He said the demonstration was peaceful and spon-
taneous, involved only about 100 students, and dispersed vol-
untarily after about an hour'and a half. He said the four were
arrested after the demonstration had ended.
GOVERNMENT LEADERS have brushed aside the
storm of international and local opposition to the crackdown,
saying it is vital for law and order.
South Africa's initial public reaction to news of the recall
of the American ambassador was calm. "At this stage it ap-
pears as a logical and sound thing to do in these circum-
stances," a government spokesman said.

Prime Minister Jghn Vorster on Thursday dismissed as
"totally irrelevant" a U.S. State Department comment that
the crackdown could harm U.S.-South African relations.
THE NETHERLANDS said itwas recalling°Dutch South
African ambassador Rudolf Froger to discuss the situation.
The Dutch- government information service also said last
night that the cabinet decided at its weekly meeting to break
off a cultural agreement with South Africa, many of whose
ruling Afrikaners are of Dutch descent.
In Johannesburg's huge black Soweto township tihe
school boycott, previously confined to -27,000 high school
students, spread to an additional 150,000 middle school and
primary pupils. This brought to 300,000 the number of pupils
taking part in the boycott, which began at the end of July. It
started as a protest against the segregated black education
system and has become the most concerted passive resist-
ence campaign yet mounted by South African blacks.

Regents extend student

fun din
After a lengthy debate yesterday
the Regents gave students another
year to show their support at regis-
tration for the Public Interest Re-
search Group in Michigan (PIR-
GIM), whose contract with the
University ran out with the fall term
CRISP process.
In the final session of this month's
meeting, the eight public officials,
also heard a plan to shift the Speech
and Hearing Sciences (SHS) pro-
gram from the Medical to the
Education School, tabled a proposal
to allow a Detroit bank to make
investments for the University with-
out checking with the administrators
first, and wrapped up the two-day
gathering with a sunny report on
University research progress.
IN OTHER action, the Regents
passed a 24.72 per cent insurance
hike for employes to keep up the 84

At their March meetii
gents agreed to a temp
tract with PIRGIM allow
sumer advocacy organiz
terms to prove it has the
the students through t
billing system. The contr
from "negative" to "posi
off, so that students now
out a form to pull $2 per
their tuition and put
PIRGIM budget.
The Regents stipulated
third of the students regis

ng, the Re- out the forms at CRISP, the contract
porary con- would be continued.
ing the con-
ation three BUT IN THE change from nega-
support of tive to positive, the percentage of
he student students paying for PIRGIM's sup-
act changed port fell sharply from 76- to 18.
tive" check The two dissenting Regents in
have to fill yesterday's vote to extend the fund:
term from ing Through November, 1978 argued
it into the that PIRGIM had not succeeded as
an experiment.
I that if one
tering filled See PIRGIM, Page 10

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SHS unit salvaged,
undergrad major cut

The Speech and Hearing Sciences
(SHS) program may have an "enthu-

speechpathology and audiology.
IF APPROVED by the Regents in
their November or December meet-

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