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October 21, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-21

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Vol. LXXXVIIi, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October21, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Paes

Regents request

budget increase

on }Esalary
The Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion (GEO) voted Wednesday night to
accept the University's offer of an im-
mediate 5.75 per cent increase for this
By a 68-23 margin, the GEO member-
ship decided to adopt a Steward's
Committee motion recommending that
the union accept theyay raise provided
* the agreement not be used as
evidence in any jucicial or quasi-,
judicial proceeding;
" the agreement not influence either
party's position in current litigation
before the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission (MERC);
" GEO waive the right to file an
unfair labor practice (ULP)
charge against the University on the
pay raise issue;
" GEO reserve the right to bargain
for a higher wage increase;
t the 5.75 per cent increase will be in
the form of wages.
According to GEO President Mike
Clark, the union will send a letter of
agreement to the University today. if
See GEO Page 2

Student leaders offer,
activity center plans

The Regents yesterday approved the
administration's recommendation for a
$30.7 million 1978-79 budget increase re-
quest. The hike, if approved by the state
legislature, would rocket the Univer-
sity's budget to $130 million.
The eight-member governing board
also okayed a slate of large construc-
tion projects, which likewise need ap-
proval in Lansing.
BEFORE LEAVING for a tour of the
University's Flint campus, the Regents
heard student representatives offer
seven plans for easing the student ac-
tivities space crunch.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
expressed doubt that state representa-
tives would allow the budget increase,
particularly the $21.5 million bonus to
University employes in wages and work
Even after the boost to staff health
insurance, workers' compensation and
Social Security funds, the University
gives its staff the lowest benefits of all
Michigan state universities, said James
Brinkerhoff, vice president for finance.
After a lunch break, the Regents ap-
proved a '78-'79 list of projects to the
state that include a $40 million power
plant, an $8.5 million Center for Public
Policy Studies, and a $400,000 remodel-
ing plan for the pharmacy building.
THE CAPITAL outlay approval
finished action for the day, and the
two student representatives took the
opportunity to talk to the Regents'
about space proposals.
"The University of .Michigan is
negligent in providing for adequate
space outside of the classroom," said
Scott . Kellman, former Michigan
Student Assembly head. Kellman
and University Activities Center
(UAC) President Steve Carnevale
charged that the Union makes stu-
dents "feel like intruders" by using
"archaic" policy.
Carnevale said the Michigan Union
is mismanaged, that "everything is
charged to overhead" so that one

cannot tell what services are losing
money.C Carnevale said the Union is a
high-priced, low-volume business
that could be improved.
UNION rules, including its fire
regulations, are outdated, said Car-
In an interview later in the day,
Union manager Stanfield Wells said
the statements were "completely un-
true." Wells said the Board of
See BUDGET, Page 2

to hear

Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG


ALLALNE onetaehilltop next to Liberty St., west of Ann Arbor, an oak tree and Blair Tily enjoy a quiet autumn
afternoon together.CPIL

"Two or three proposals" for reor-
ganizing the imperiled Speech and
Hearing Sciences (SHS) program
will be presented to the Regents to-
day, according to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro.
SHS and Medical School adminis-
trators, who recommended last De-
cember that the University scrap the
SHS undergraduate and graduate
degrees, expressed surprise when
informed by The Daily yesterday
that a presentation regarding the
program's fate was planned for
today's Regents' meeting.. .
"IT'S NEWS to me," said Donald
Sharf, SHS acting director.
Medical School Associate Dean
Robert Green also had not received
word about the planned briefing
before the Regents, though both
administrators were expecting Sha-
piro's office to draft a recommenda-
tion on SHS's fate by today.
See REGENTS, Page 2


4ngry backlash sweeps S. Africa

(AP) - Police gunfire wounded a
black youth yesterday as disturb-
ances and protests flared across
South Africa following the govern-
ment's crackdown on the black press
and black protest movements and
Even Afrikaaner academics joined
the wide condemnation of the govern-.
ment by opposition whites and the
opposition press. Some warned the
country is becoming a police state
headed toward bloody racial conflict.
BUT GEN. H. J. van den Berg,
head of the powerful Bureau of State
Security, declared that even tougher
action will be taken if the current un-
rest continues. He said there could be
more arrests and restrictions.
At the United Nations in New
York, the 49-nation African Group
announced it would ask the U.N.
Security Council .to take up "the
question of South Africa . . . as soon
as possible."
In its toughest action since the
early 1960s, South Africa's white
government on Wednesday banned
virtually all significant black organi-
zations, closed the two principal
black newspapers, detained more
than 50 prominent blacks and
slapped restriction orders on seven
CLOSING of the white-owned
World and Weekend World news-
papers meant urban blacks, already
living under severe government ra-
cial restrictions, lost the publications
regarded as most closely mirroring
their grievances and aspirations. The,
papers carried the most extensive re-
porting in the country of black unrest
and boycotts.
Also wiped out, at least officially,
were all black consciousness move-
ments, including black-run self-help
community programs. Their offices
have been closed, their assets frozen,

and most of their leaders detained.
The wdunding of the youth yester-
day occurred when police fired on
protesters outside Graaff-Reinet, a
town in Cape province 500 miles
south of Johannesburg. Riot police
chief Maj. Gen. Dawid Kriel said po-
lice fired after 300 youths gathered at
a primary school near the town and
began stoning cars.
KRIEL reported 13 arrests at
various disturbances across the
One trouble spot was the black
township of Sharpeville, 36 miles
south of Johannesburg where in 1960
a total of 67 blacks was killed by
police gunfire in the Country's first
major racial disturbance.

Principal J. Makhokolo of Sharpe-
ville's Lekoa-Shandu high school said
students wrote slogans on black-
boards denouncing Bantu black edu-
cation and chanted nationalist slo-
gans , in the schoolyard before
streaming out to stone passing cars.
SIX YOUTHS were arrested, Kriel
said, in Pretoria's black townships,
scene of continuing unrest with mili-
tants reported by police to be intimi-
dating some high schoolers who want
to attend classes.
The government crackdown elicit-
ed foreign criticism, including hard-
line statements from the Carter
Administration in Washington.
Prime Minister John Vorster said
American criticism of his govern-

ment is "irrelevant." Speaking last
night to cheering supporters at Al-
berton, Vorster claimed full respon-
sibility for the moves.,
"I am not interested (in. what
America thinks about my moves),"
he continued. "As far as I am con-
cerned, it is totally irrelevant. The
Jimmy Carter Administration has
for 10 months now been trying to
make policy for us."
When asked Wednesday by a
television interviewer whether he
had estimated negative reaction
abroad, Justice and Prisons Minister
James Kruger said, "I am afraid
that the public image may well be
tarnished overseas."

City officials p leased by state

plns t
City and University officials
pleased with the Michigan Sen
approval Tuesday of a bill to r
burse city governments for the
protection they give tax-exempt
institutions such as the Univer
But Ann Arbor officials say
proposal does not go far enough,
should be expanded to cover p
and otherservices Ann Arbor g
the University.
Senate Bill 602 - known as
"Bursley Bill" after its sponsor,
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor
would give Ann Arbor $560,000
year for its fire service to
University. It provides a totalt
million to communities withs
agencies such as universities,
fices, and hospitals.
Such facilities are exempt f
property taxes which pay for
government operations, but rel

p for Ufire
such local services as police and fire That(
are protection, street and road mainten- uarar
ate's ance, and garbage collection. city s
eim- The State House of Representa- ciddes
fire tives will probably approve a similar "I thi
state bill soon, according to Rep. Gary forwar
sity. Owen (D-Ypsilanti) "It's been sent to Roger
the the Appropriations Committee; I'm long-ti]
and sure we've got the votes to get it out," sity su
olice Owen said. "The chairman - Rep. ary tax
dives (Dominic) Jacobetti (D-Negaunee) twice f
--strongly supports it. -He's 'got propert
the Marquette University in his district. trxer
Sen. We should have it on the governor's City
) - desk in two or three weeks." ray, w
this Republican Governor William Mil- saiy th
the liken has said he supports the equitab
of $3 proposal. 'of Univ
state "About two years ago, I indicated This ye
of- to our folks in the city that we ought city $27
to be pushing for (state compensa- o h
from tion) very hard," said Democratic oncamp
city Mayor Albert Wheeler. "I'm very Mur
y on happy to see it's come to a reality. onvin

(bill) will provide us with a
nteed minimum each year" for
ervices to the University, he
ink it's certainly a great stride
d," agreed City Councilman
Bertoia (R-3rd Ward), a
me advocate of more Univer-
pport for the city. "The ordin-
xpayer ... doesn't have to pay
or the University - once in his
ty taxes and again in his state
'he continued.
Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ho lobbied hard for the plan,
he Burnley bill is "much more
ble" than the current method
versity funding for fire service.
ear, the University will pay the
;5,000 for fire protection, based
number of calls for fire service
Lpus last year.
say said he was able to
ce the University to provide
unds only after threatening to
ne of the fire stations which
d many campus calls.
i passage of the Bursley bill
ean the end of the direct pay-
o the city by the University,
g the city a net gain of $280,000
ard Kennedy, University vice-
%tfl ata.++ r.atinncf 1. m C +


Crime story: We'd like to explain
a double mistake and the facts

these f
close o
will me
ment t
a year.

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
The Starshiap Enterprise appears on Compumart's PET computer

The Daily found itself in an uncom-
fortable position yesterday. Early this
wee.. nn nf nur rnrter sw a

Michigan State. The survey only took
note of campuses which employ their
own innre fnrce The Tniversity has

crete figure, he said the University's
reported crimes could well be close to
the figure at Michigan State.

A revolution is .about to take

to make life tougher for the
average person. But this winter,
new technology and tpe economics
of m ace rn ; ain a ii et h



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