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October 20, 1977 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-20

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Just your average All-American

Mark Donahue is pretty much your average
Michigan senior in most respects.
He is majoring in education and is presently
taking pre-student teaching classes. Like most ed
majors he is looking for alternatives since the
teaching field is so overcrowded.
HE HAS a girlfriend back in his home town,
Oaklawn, Illinois. They plan to get married this
June after he graduates.
Finally, Mark Donahue loves football. And
aying football is where his being average ceases.
onahue, at 6-3 and 245 pounds, is Michigan's star-
ting guard and a consensus All-American.
Like anyone who has reached that pinnacle of ex-
cellence, Donahue devotes much of hisjlife tofoot-
ball. Like anyone who has ever played the game, he
gets a lot of satisfaction out of it.
One of the things that is most rewarding to
Donahue is the self-discipline required to practice
and play the sport.r
"I LIKE the self-discipline involved. During foot-
ball season you have a very short amount of spare
time. You might be tired at night but you have to
force yourself to study," Donahue commented.
For the average student at the big U, midterm
time is a dreaded season of the year. Time usually
seems as scarce as energy. Add to midterms the six
hours a day involved in perfecting a championship
football team and you can begin to understand why
a football player must lea'n to organize his time.

DONAHUE ALSO enjoys striving towards team ob-
jectives. He gets a feeling of accomplishment from
working extremely hard for a goal. When you reach
that goal there is nothing better in the world."
One of Donahue's aspirations is to continually im-
prove throughout the season both as an individual
and as a team. This year he feels that this has been
working out. "In the beginning of the season I don't
think I was playing up to my potential. Now toward
the end of the season we are both rising toward our
"The whole team and myself as an individual are
performing ,more consistently. We are sustaining
drives. We don't have as many times where;
someone misses an assignment that results in a
THE OVERALL improvement in the team is ob-
vious. After wallowing through the Navy and Duke
games, the Wolverines are turning into an awesome
football machine with almost weekly improvement.

The big lineman went on to say, "The trouble is
people expect us to start out the season like we were
playing when we played Ohio State."
One of the things that made things tough in the
early going was the expectation of great things from
this year's offensive line, led by Donahue.
Preseason accolades such as "the best Michigan
line ever" and "a pro franchise in itself" made
scores of 14-7 and 21-9 look even worse.
As Donahue puts it,-"When you have the publicity
you have to perform."
PUBLICITY ISN'T generally a problem for an in-
terior lineman, but Donahue has been the exception.
Last year Mark was a consensus All-American as a
junior. This year his picture has appeared in nearly
every preseason football magazine printed.
Donahue is quick to make light of the whole
business, however. "There is a lot behind an All-
American. It's mostly who gets the publicity. We
were in the limelight a lot lasst year. There might
be a really super lineman on an 0-9 team, but he
won't be an All-American because he doesn't get the
Being an All-American certainly helps on the way
to a career in professional football, which he would
"like to give a try." It is quite likely that Donahue
will go high in the draft, but he doesn't want to think
too much about it.
"I'm not going to get my hopes up. There are a lot
of good linemen in the country and I don't want to be
disappointed. Last year everybody told Rob Lytle
he would go in the first round. When he didn't go un-
til the second he felt.. .well, sort of cheated. I don't
want that to happen to me."

The Michigan Daily-ThursdayOctober 20, 1977-Page 9
Blue back on grass
in Brown Jug battle
For the first time since the loss in the Rose Bowl last January, the Mich'
igan Wolverines will play on a grass field when they. travel to Minnesota
Saturday. The Gophers, 4-2, tore up their artificial surface last year and ,
planted natural grass.
"We've been practicing on our grass field this week." said coach Bo"
Schembechler. "You gotta learn how to make your cuts and do things dif
The top-ranked Wolverines have fared well on the road so far this seasonr
but Schembechler remembers vividly two years ago when Michigan escaped
with a one touchdown victory in Minneapolis.
"It's always tough playing on the road," Schembechler said. "We gotta'-=
suck it up and play together. It won't be any picnic especially in Minneapolis
They have beaten two of the best three teams on their schedule-UCLA anida'
According to the Michigan coach, the Gopher strength lies in their.
defense and placekicking. The Michigan offense, coming off its best perfor-
mance of the season, will be counting on the backfield of Russell Davis ands
Harlan Huckleby to churn out the yardage.
Davis has more than pleased Schembechler with his output this season.
The powerful fullback leads the team in rushing with 597 yards.
Huckleby, sidelined against Wisconsin with a pulled leg muscle, has'
practiced all week and will reunite with Davis in the starting backfield
against Minnesota. Ironically, Roosevelt Smith who gained 157 yards against'
the Badgers and started in place of Huckleby is bothered with a slight
ankle injury.
Sophomore Lawrence Reid is running at number two fullback this week
due to a knee injury to Kevin King. Middle guard Steve Graves still has a
sore knee but will start in the battle for the Little Brown Jug.
Cagers' ortunes fall-i

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Freshman runner boosts harriers

Every year Michigan cross country coach Ron Warhurst
tries to find that certain freshman that will surprise
everyone and have the potential to bolster the Wolverine
When Warhurst convinced Gary Parenteau to spend his
next four years in Ann Arbor, he may well have found that
certain runner.
HAILING SEVEN miles west of Flint in the petite town of
Swartz Creek, Michigan (population 5,000), Parenteau has
developed into the biggest surprise of the three freshmen,
Warhurst recruited.
Parenteau was virtually an unknown compaired to Gary
Carter from St. Clair Shores Lakeview and Bill Weidenback
from Grosse Pointe North. Carter was the Michigan A in-
dividual state champion in cross country and the two mile
champ while Weidenbach turned in the fastest two mile in
the nation last spring. And then there was Parenteau.
THE BIOLOGY MAJOR who plans on following a pre-
med curriculum was fourth in the individual Class A cross
.country meet to gain All-State honors, and sixth in the Class
A two mile. ,:
So what makes him the kind of runner that could make it
here at Michigan?
"His confidence and his attitude really impress me," said
Warhurst. "He just-goes out with the attitude of 'I got
nothing to lose so I'll try it'."
In making the adjustment from running three mile races
in high school to six mile contests in college, Parenteau
claims that the change "just came natural."

"THE LONGER the distance the better I seem to run,"
Parenteau commented. "About the only thing that I've had
toadjust to is that here we train faster than I was used to."
The first year at college often poses many problems for
freshmen, but Parenteau seems to be making the transition
rather well'.
"My studies are going all right so far," he remarked.
"I've been studying really hard and haven't been getting all
that much sleep. It's been heavy books and no screwing
"I'VE BEEN really pleased with the way I've been run-
ning up to this point," Parenteau said. "My goal when I
came here was to get a letter and then run in the Big Ten
In compairing his three freshman recruits, Warhurst said
that "For what he ran in high school, Parenteau's made the
adjustment better than Carter or Weidenbach."
Parenteau said he wasn't jealous of all the attention that
both Carter and Weidenbach received before coming to
Michigan but admitted he was "psyched about running
against them at first."
ALL THAT SEEMS to be behind him now however, since
his roommate at South Quad just hppens to be Carter.
With four weeks lef in the season, Parenteau has
established himself amongst the Wolverines' top 10 run-
"He's within a minute of Mike McGuire and Bill
DOnakowski (Michigan's two tip runners)'and that's not
too shabby for a young kid," Warhurst said.

Three days ago, coach Johnny Orr
Sopened the doors of Crisler Arena and
ushered in the start of the 1977-78
Michigan basketball season with op-
"' timism and a full, healthy squad.
" qSome of that optimism, however, has
been stifled by an early rash of injuries
and illnesses that has sidelined both
Phil Hubbard and Mark Lozier.'
' Y ' -, At this rate, Orr will be lucky if he
r r"'can field a five-man line-up the time the
regular season opens Nov. 26 against
Western Kentucky.
Hubbard, the leading scorer from last
year's Big Ten championship team,'
sustained a knee injury of still unknown
severity during the opening practice. In
.,the two days that have passed since the
mishap, Hubbard has undergone '
numerous tests which have thus far
proved inconclusive. Cartilage
H'damage, however, is feared.
"I'll be honest with you, I have no
idea how serious it is,'= said Orr yester-
day after practice. "If he does need an
operation, then we're in trouble. I just
Purre ta f(I hope he's O.K."
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An official announcement regarding'
Hubbard's condititon is expected today.'
Keeping Hubbard company on :tre'
inactive list so far this week has been
sophomore guard Lozier, who 'is
suspected to have mononucieasis'
Although no positive diagnois has h~ear
issued by team physician Dr. Gerald
O'Connor, Lozier seems to have all the
He hasn't practiced with the team:;
since Monday, after complaining 'of
fatigue, a sore throat, and shortness.©4
breath. Initial tests revealed nothing
but a high fever and more ;are
scheduled for this afternoon.
The lone freshman on last year's,
team, Orr was counting on Lozier td
help replace departed backcourtmerl
Ricky Green and Steve Grote. '#
"I don't know what I've got,"',com=
mented Lozier from his bed yesterday
"I don't really feel that bad. It's "just
like a hoarse feeling in my throat. '
If it is mono, Orr estimated that-
Lozier would be out or at least half the
season, .perhaps longer.



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12. Colorado at Nebrasks
13. Iowa State at Oklahoma
14. California at UCLA
15. Georgia Tech at Tulane
16. Tennessee at Florida
17. Duke at Maryland
18. S. Carolina at N. Carolina
19. Vanderbilt at Mississippi
20. DAILY LIBELS at Abjenct A&M
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