,. . See edit rial page V'.I L LIEt tti l'.-f9. Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 20, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages leads F campus crime list By M. EILEEN DALEY Since the security personnel are not authorized to make tsa The University topped the list of crime-plagued campuses arrests, University security officials say it is unfair to com- sty'ae size, ted prit o Dpit, and the inter- last year, according to a recently released FBI survey, pare the campus to others which employ bona-fide police sity s large size, the proximity of Detroit, and the inter- Reported crim es The FBI said 1,789 crimes were reported on campus, over "The University of Michigan stands out as probably the troptisthesa oampuandAnbAbirdr0resehn 100 more than second-ranking Ohio State Univesity. Security only major university in the United Stafes that doesn't have s Chief Frederick Davids, former commander of the Michigan its own police department," said Davids. He said the survey DAVIDS COMPLAINED that a surve on onlyre d Michigan .... . State Police, said the figure was correct but the report was thus "portrays a picture that's misleading." crimes on LAeD isleaing Fo exy lyeported a- hi Stae - 789 17 "misleading" and "unfair." crimes is bound to be misleading. For example, he said, a 2. shitw oState... 1,57 BUT HE ADMITTED he thought the campus "could very student might report a purse stolen, then find it was only ' THE RESULTS ARE indeed rather confusing. The survey well be in the top ten because of our geographic location, and misplaced. But the statistics still show a reported crime. 3. India a . . .... .. 1,583 purports to have studied 176 universitites which employ their the influx of street people. timysies to 11nn rb officersBut the opaysfull- own police forces, but the University has no such force. It "It's obvious they live by their wits and by what they can time salaries to 11 Ann Arbor police officers. But the officers . B rkele. . . .. . . employs only a professional security force and a handful of steal. We drive them out of our buildings every day." remain under city contracts, and must respond to calls that .Berkele .1,432 Ann Arbor police. University housing security head David Foulke agreed away rom the campus. S. Africa silences black voice Regents to review 1~ 1 club space By BRIAN BLANCHARD The Regents will drive north this afternoon to discuss Flint campus landscaping first-hand, but only after they review a budget request for all three campuses nearly $35 million larger than last year's. The Regents will also consider four proposals for increased student ac- tivities space - including a new plan to use the Argus Building on East William Street as well as review faculty suggestians for freedom .of speech and recruitment policies and an appeal by the student-run Housing Council to "reverse the continuing deterioration of the housing situa- tion.' IF THE Regents approve the budget request, the University will ask Lansing to increase state appro- See REGENTS, Page 5 U.S. says relations may suffer, decries raids on black Johannesburg (AP)-In a massive predawn crackdown, South Africa's white rulers yesterday banned virtually. every major black organization in the country, closed two prin- cipal black newspapers and detained at least 50 prominent blacks. Striking nationwide in the darkness, South African police also slapped restriction orders on six whites and raided the of- fices and homes of black leaders, movements and chur- ch bodies. THE SURPRISE gover- nment action effectively ended any legal communication with and among South Africa's blacks. The prospect was that moderate black leaders would be forced underground. Reacting in Washington last night, the Carter administration publicly warned South Africans that sup- pression of black organizations and newspapers has "implications" for relations with the United States. "Our relations will hardly be im- proved by what has happened," the State Department said in an unusually pointed statement to raids conducted by security police in the white-ruled country. WITHOUT threatening directly to sever relations, the State Depart- ment said that once more details are available "we shall examine very. closely the implication of these events with regard to U.S.-South Afri- African relations." "It has been our hope that the South African government would groups recognize dialogue with all segments of the society as the prerequisite to peaceful progress and lasting social tranquility," the State Department said. "However, we have now witnessed unfortunate actions that seem to represent a very serious step back. wards." IN LONDON, British Foreign Min- ister Dayid Owen said: "The sihnc-" ing of the voices of those who speai for the majority in South Africa can~ only be a tragic setback" to the goal of a "new society" in the raciali divided country. See S. AFRICA, Page 5 Lauer narrowly wins new MSA presidency Photo by STEVE WHITCRAFT Some folks at West Quad are making an annual practice out of making this suggestion ,to Building Director Leon West. Whether all those long johns and shorts hanging out the window are a comment on West Quad's food or arise from a concern for Mr. West's own diet, The Daily isn't sure. 'TERMINAL AMBITION' DRIVES HIM ON Otterbacher eyes Senat~e seat ByGREGG KRUPA Congressman Bob Carr once said that state Senator John Otterbacher (D- Grand Rapids) was afflicted with "terminal ambition." In reviewing the 34-year-old legislator's political career, one can only agree. In 1972, Otterbacher was elected to the State House of Representatives with 64 per cent of the vote in what had been a Republican district for years. IN SETTING his sights on his first political office, the former clinical psychologist did more than plan an am- redraw. It was a shrewd move, a foreshadowing of things to come. In 1974, Otterbacher challenged the majority leader of the state Senate in a district that had not elected a Democrat in 40 years and garnered 61 per cent of the vote. SINCE WINNING that election, Ot- terbacher has introduced 157 pieces of legislation. Eighteen have been passed by the Senate and nine of his proposals are now state law. In 1976, Otterbacher decided he wan- ted to be the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by ALTHOUGH he has not officially an- nounced his candidacy, he is in the mid- st of a vigorous campaign. As of this month, a full year before the election, Otterbacher has gathered 60 field. organizers, 4,000 volunteers, raised $50,000 and has already logged over 170,000 miles across the state. "We haven't announced our official candidacy yet," said Otterbacher. "We are trying to figure out, given the demands on me legislatively, when will we be realistically able to come out of that chute with our guns blazing. I've got so much legislation before my committee now (Health and Retirement), I don't want to jeopardize what has taken us three years to put together." Otterbacher said the official announ- cement could come late this year or early next year. OTTERBACHER'S CAMPAIGN came to Ann Arbor this week, ad- dressing the city's Democratic party at their weekly meeting on Tuesday. Ot- terbacher was already showing some of the signs of fatigue inherent in any state-wide political campaign. As he was interviewed, he sent his aides scrambling for hot coffee to carry him through the evening. Asked about his views of the Carter administration, Otterbacher said there were areas of agreement and disagreement between him and the President. "I think the major area of agreement involves the general thrust of his See MAKING, Page 7 By PAULINE TOOLE LSA senior Jon Lauer was elected president of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) Tuesday night in the wake of the abrupt resignation of the body's president since last fall, Scott Kellman. Lauer, vice president for personnel since April, won a close contest with MSA Executive Vice President Chris Bachelder, a junior who was generally considered to be Kellman's choice for the spot. Bachelder will -remain vice president until general elections are held next month. KELLMAN RESIGNED, he said, to concentrate on schoolwork. He was elected MSA president twice. His resignation before the official end of his term precipitated the special election held just among MSA members. Bachelder and Lauer debated their. qualifications at length, listing priorities and describing approaches to key issues facing the assembly. Lauer expressed the need to get in touch with the student constituency. "Whenever MSA latches onto an issue, we should attach leaflets to the kiosks around campus," he said. "MSA never gets involved. That is why people have questions about its existence." MANY MEMBERS echoed the hope that MSA will establish a rapport with the student body. " r Lauer MSA treasurer . Rick Devore questioned the candidates on Univer- sity investments in South Africa, and their positions on removing'the assem- bly's money from a University invest- -ment fund. "It's blood money," Lauer respon- ded.There are people being killed in South Africa because they oppose a totalitarian regime. Money from that kind of a system-I wouldn't want to touch it." See LAUER, Page 5 Memories of Kent State recalled in AZ By PAULINE TOOLE Alan Canfora speaks of the protest days of the Vietnam era with a poign- ancy few can claim. He was one of the students wounded by National Guard fire at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. Four students died that day; the tragedy and its aftermath have compelled Canfora to speak to col- lege audiences around the country, seeking their support for a new protest on the Ohio campus. He spoke. to an audience of about 50 at Angell Hall last night. began to explain the mood at 'Kent State on the day of the shootings. "There was a righteous rebellion going on in this country. It was a peaceful and legal gathering. We weren't going to attack the trees. We weren't going to attack the ROTC building - that was already burned down," Canfora recalled. "MOST PEOPLE had no idea those guns were loaded," he continued. "On that sunny day there was no one who thought the guns would be fired."d He tied the Kent State deaths to a Daily Photo by PETER SERLING O er bacher 1~F:i..an nnmt aidn iri 1Q'? (lttprharhpr thc. l tn Uhilin T- rt i-ia cvac not