The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 19, 1977-Pag I/ GEO to discuss 'U' plan offering GSAs GERMANS CHEER HOS TA GES' RELEASE: Leaders laud hijacked jet rescue immediate By SUE WARNER Members of the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) will meet tonight to decide what action they will take on a University proposal to implement GEO's 5.75 per cent wage increase im- mediately. A motion recommending that GEO accept the University's offer will be presented by the GEO stewards com- mittee at the meeting. The motion resolves that GEO accept the increase provided that: " the agreement not be used as evidence in any judicial or quasi- judicial proceeding; * the agreement not influence either party's position in current litigation before the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC); * GEO waives the right to file an un- fair labor practice (ULP) charge against the University pay raise issue. _ Speakers for and against the resolution will present their positions and discussion of the issue will follow at the Rackham Amphitheater meeting. According to GEOA President Mike pay hike Clark, the membership may decide to accept or defeat the proposal tonight or vote for a referendum. If GEO votes to bring the question to a referendum, GSAs will vote on the issue next week. "PERSONALLY, if we don't have a large meeting, I would like to have the whole .membership vote," Clark said yesterday. "This is an important issue and all GSAs should vote on it." Clark said the issue has important implications for GSAs. "It's a question of principle or a question of starving," Clark said. "We'll have to see which of these in- stincts really get to the membership." Originally, the University had plan- ned to place the 5.75 per cent increase in an escrow fund until its current appeal before MERC has been resolved. The University is appealing an August MERC ruling that the Univer- sity must recognize GSAs as employes' and return to collective bargaining with GEO. The ruling is the result of ULP charge filed by GEO last November. By The Associated Press World leaders showered praise on the West German government while Ger- mans celebrated in the streets yester- dayfor the daring Entebbe-style rescue of 86 hostages from a hijacked Lufthan- sa jet in Somalia. A 10-year-old boy was glad to get his "mommy" back home. "It was indeed a salvation in which. all free men rejoice," said Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, whose nation is the leading advocate of tough treatment for all terrorists. "IT'S LIKE New Year's Eve, like a birthday!" exclaimed Paul Brod of West Germany whose wife was among the hostages threatened with death by the four Arabic-speaking terrorists. Their young son Mike had waited out- side the German Chancellery during the 4%-day ordeal with a sign around his neck pleading: "I want my mom- my." In Rome and Athens, hundreds of left- wing extremists demonstrated yester- day glorifying the suicides of three anarchists in German jails and deman- ding "Death to Schmidt" for ordering the commando raid. The hijacking raised a storm of protest over lax airport security measures and signaled what may be a new international policy not to buckle under air pirates' demands in exchange for hostages. THE PRESIDENT of the Inter- national Federation of Airline Pilot's Association urged the union's 64 mem- ber associations yesterday to stage a worldwide 48-hour strike starting Oct. 25 to dramatize demands for more protection against hijackers. Others urged stronger deterrents. "The death penalty should be in- troduced for terrorists who in cold blood play with innocent peoples' lives," said Capt. Kurt Ivarsson, head of the federation's Stockholm chapter. Leaders of governments congratulated West German Chan- cellor Helmut Schmidt and his, ad- ministration. In Washington, President Carter lauded the "courage of their decision" and said the commando raid "struck a blow" for every nation vulnerable to air terrorism. FRENCH PRESIDENT Valery Giscard D'Estaing hailed the end of the hijack siege as "a victory for democracy" and Japanese Justice Minister Mitsuo Setoyama, whose government met the demands of Japanese hijackers two weeks ago, said the raid "showed how to prevent a hijacking." U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim said: "This terrible ordeal underlines once more the necessity for governments to agree on effective measures against criminal-.terrorism, the taking of innocent hostages and the hijacking of civilian aircraft."g d West' Germany had sought and- received support from a half-dozen- governments, including Somalia's Marxist regime, before ordering the commando squad on its nighttime rescue mission. Schmidt latersent per- sonal telegrams thanking the leaders for their crucial backing. "A WAVE OF solidarity turned the world around," West German delegate Per Fischer told the Belgrade con- ference meeting to review the 1975. Helsinki accords on East-West security and cooperation. "Something similar,. or even worse. can happen tomorrow, in our country or any. other country," Fischer warned. "International society must defend it- self energetically against this, kind of pressure. When the kidnapers know they can't find support anywhere,, will perhaps abstain from their d Y Executives from some 60 airiifne meeting in Manila applauded the Weft German government's handling of fhe Lufthansa hijacking and urged all governments to tighten security eve~n at the most unlikely airport." , r :.+. \ M f4 , '; - ., *~ C - a. 4 1 -.'' I, In search of .. .plantsanality? By MARIANNE EGRI Sophomore nursing student Judi Seb- ring picks her plants like she picks her friends. "I pick them by seeing which ones have more personality," explained Sebring. "They're more sensitive." SEBRING HAD plenty of plant- picking practice yesterday, care of the Panhellenic Association's yearly foliage fiesta. Proceeds from the sorority association's plant sale, which began in the Union ballroom yesterday and will run through Thursday, will go to the new children's psychiatric clinic at the University Hospital. Another plant shopper surveyed the aisles of strange-looking species and shook his head. "I have to look for a plant for my mother," he explained. "She doesn't go for these weird ones." Some students, however, came in search of the usual. "I'd buy a cactus to MAKING MONEY WASHINGTON (AP)-Being a coun- terfeiter isitough work. According to National Geographic, a lot of work goes into making money. The design of each bill is cut into steel plates, but most of the detail work is done by hand. Several engravers work on each plate, some specializing in faces, others in lettering. Once the plates are made, the paper, a special type impregnated with tiny red and blue threads, goes through the presses three times-once to print the back, once to print the front and a third time to print the serial numbers, letters and seals on the bills. The money comes off the presses in sheets of 32 bills each, at the rate of 222,720 bills an hour. Each sheet must be examined by an inspector, cut into bills and checked by electric eye to see that it has been properly cut. Finally the new bills are stacked into packets of 100 each, ready for shipment to Federal Reserve Banks which distribute the new money for circulation. I OPEN HOUSE I Saturday & Sunday October 2& - ; I. . I' 1 3150 CARPENTER ROAD ' I 971-9510 1 be different," said one shopper. "Heck, how many people do you know that have one?" "Where would you put a cactus?" another'shopper asked. * "Someplace where I'm not sitting," a browser replied.a MORE DETERMINED green thum- bs don't have to worry about the supply of plants running out. A spokeswoman for the Panhellenic Association said the sale will be constantly restocked. And if, perchance, none of the dozens of variesties on hand strikes your fan- cy, certain plants can be special or- dered from the supplier, Norton's Greenhouse. Prices at the sale are 15 per cent below Norton's retail price. But one empty-pocketed student, eyeing a table of lush Wandering Jews, asked "Do they have a 50-cent department?" OTHER SHOPPERS found they could beat the prices of the larger varieties by purchasing smaller, more inexpensive plants.' "I like small plants because I can watch them get bigger," one youngster explained. "My favorite one is the Venus flytrap because I can watch them catch flies." For those who suffer from wilting begonias or shrinking violets; a plant doctor is on hand to answer any questions,about ailing plants. A TIMMER TOWNS HOUSTON (AP)-Morris Towns, a tacke, ws'the first pick by the Houston Oilers in the National Football League college draft. Towns now weighs 265 pounds. In his freshman year in high school he scaled 340. When he was talked into going out for football he was also talked into dieting. Towns played his college football at the University of Missouri. GEO Membership MEETING Wednesday, Oct. 19 8:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre Your Pay Increase, Now or Later? HORSEBACK RIDING YEAR ROUND GROUP RATES Hayrides and Party Building Rental Douglass Meadows Ranch 2755 M 151-Temperance, MI 48102 (313) 856-3973 U U ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __e ,-I . :;jE~o~ oeec(i for evening.. .sleek cream-color slinks of polyester jersey to slide over the body in a liquid flow shoulder straps to so moving hemline. Siz A. Shoulder-tied skin openwork fringed sh B. Three-tier long ba peasant with criss-cr and matching fringec FROM OUR 4iWtc g r a p * *.4\ ~:k. 1 k -: ,;wl..$32 . 4 u>:' ; - >, ' fi. '34ft. 4r "i' . <, . .: . Is There Something You've Got To Say?