Page 4-Wednesday, October 19, 1977-The Michigan Daily - _ _ a Eijhty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Hypocrisieson human rights f Y rI 14 Vol. LXXXVIfI, No. 36 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Some can't afford pay hikes Y ESTERDAY, a committee of fac- ulty members recommended that te University hike faculty tuition by a whopping 12.5 per cent. Meanwhile, raduate student assistants are still erking without a contract; clericals *e trying to regroup and form a new union; University AFSCME workers are still some of the lowest paid service yorkers in the state; and students are ruggling to meet soaring tuition sts. This shows where the Univer- ~ity's priorities lie.. .Last yfar the faculty recommended ah 11.5 per cent raise, which was ap- proved by the administration and the Regents. The state legislature, how- ever, was not so generous. By the time it was done trimming the fat off the *- University's budget, the faculty wound up with a measly 5.4 per cent raise. So this year the professors are calling for :an 11.5 per cent pay increase, and they have warned us that we may lose some professors to other schools if faculty pay isn't improved. The ad- ministration and Regents will. probably approve this hike because the :.professors deserve a raise, and =ecause we need to retain our quality intructors. -The problem is that much as the faculty deserves a raise, there are many other campus groups that deser- ve a break too.- Governments better way to '* NCE AGAIN a country has 4X pressed the boundaries -of fate fand ambushed hijackers on a plane filled with captive civilians. Once again the ambush has been a complete 3success. The places are different, as are the .number of hijackers and the number of " captives, but the adventure generally follows the same story line. This time, ;four hijackers - their affiliations ':never established - took a West Ger- man jetliner on a five-day, 6,000 mile oddysey of Europe and Africa, carry- 4ing 86 hostages and demanding the re- 4ease of 13 prisoners from West Ger- ;man and Turkish jails, along with $15 million. The West German commandos must be congratulated for their spec- tacular show of courage and skill. All ;aptives were rescued and the hijackers were killed. . The raid and rescue couldn't help .but remind one of similar incidents in *ccent years: the rescue of over 100 hostages by Israeli commandos at Uganda's Entebbe airport in 1976, and more recently, the Dutch army's . storming of a trainload of captives held by Moluccan terrorists in the Nether- AEA ...AND 1=0R S W140 VN MAXfi T14E C9 ! ,. r, "11y is,. Graduate student assistants, clericals and service workers are all struggling to get by with their five per cent wage hikes of last year, while the cost of living continues to rise at a rate of more than six per cent. Although it is true that faculty members received wage hikes approximately in percent- age to those of other University em- ployes, we must recognize that five per cent of a professor's salary buys a lot more food than five per cent of a cleri- cal's salary. There are some Univer- sity employes who need a raise to nieet house payments, and keep food on the table rather than purchase a second car, or go to the Bahamas for Christ- mas, and if the faculty were to receive its desired wage hike, these other em- ployes would be forced to bear the brunt by struggling through another year with less than a cost of living pay hike. In addition, a 12.5 per cent faculty wage increase would almost certainly necessitate yet another tuition hike - the sixth in the last seven years. In short, while it is easy to under- stand that faculty members want more money, professors must realize that they are not an island. If they get more money, others must suffer some loss to pay for it. And many of those people just can't afford to pay for higher faculty wages. mnust think of a stop terrorists lands last June. In all cases, the gov- ernments had to be admired for their stern stand against and eventual over- powering of the terrorists. The course of action followed by these governments and the West Ger- mans currently seems to be the only way to fight against international terrorism. No other solution seems to deter future incidents as effectively. Nonetheless, what will be the world's reaction when - while com- mandos are attempting the sme heroic maneuvers to rescue other inno- cent people - the terrorists actually do make their threats a'reality and set off their ever-present bombs? When 50 or 100 people suddenly become the casu- alties, will heads of state still make long-distance congratulatory phone calls, slap a few backs and say "Oh, you'll get them next time"? Governments must never think of hijackings as suspense stories which always end with a good guy victory. The latest incident should not be used to plan the next ambush, instead it should be cited as evidence of the need for all governments to cooperate toward the total elimination of terror- ism. 97 NOEL PEASE PR2 E CE.SSARY By ROD KOSANN It was last week that President Carter sat down with the Niger- ian Head of State Olusegan Oba- sanjo to a dinner of duck and wild rice. After reviewing the mutual back slapping and praise be- tween the two leaders, one must seriously ask the question - who spiked the orange sauce? As part of .his toast to Carter, Obasanjo stated, "nowhere else are fundamental justice and hu- man rights more wantonly tram- pled upon" than in southern Af- rica. Such a statement has be- come routine for black African leaders, and can hardly evoke surprise. However, it is President Carter's response which every- day becomes both more puzzling and disturbing. Carter praised .the Nigerian leader for promoting ."human rights" in his African nation, and agreed with Obasanjo's assessment of the sit- uation in the south. It seems that President Carter should have ex- amined his guest's record before making hasty judgments. In a New York Times article of February 20, one finds some clues as to the true human rights situation in Nigeria. The article recounts an incident in which "several hundred soldiers attack- ed the home of Nigeria's best , known musician, and dissident, setting it ablaze." During the burning of the commune style home, sixty men and women were badly beaten and forced to strip naked. The article went on to state that such incidents be- tween "civilians and soldiers" were "not uncommon.' HEAD OF STATE Obasanjo is aiming at civilian rule by 1979. President Carter praised him for this goal, but it is one which homeless dissident Fela Anikula- po Kuti says will never be effec- ted. Having seen Obasanjo's means to this democratic end, one is inclined to agree with Mr. Kuti. It ap ars that the Nigerian leader's statement on southern Africa might also be applied to those games played within his own backyard. Why then the praise by President Carter? Bar- ring the possibility that the New York Times is not receiving the circulation it should around the oval office; the more likely an- swer is that Carter is feverishly pursuing the path of hypocrisy that is so characteristic of South Africa's severest detractors. One must gather than the President's line of reasoning grants human rights violations the greatest pri- ority only if committed between races. The persecution of blacks by their own leaders - that is widespread in Africa - does not merit his attention. The same psychology exists among those who condemn Uni- versity holdings on corporate in- vestments in Southern Africa. In ordler to be totally consistent, shouldn't the same standards of protest be applied to those areas of black Africa lacking a clean human rights record? After a recent visit to South Africa, Ver- non Jordan noted the ameliorat- ing influence of American corpor- ations there, ,and.stated that "to a person," the nation's black leaders were "firm in their conviction" that these companies should not withdraw. Why is it then that nowhere does -one hear voices pressing for this. type of influence to effect change in much of black Africa's human - rights policy? If it is because the corporate influence in black Africa is not great enough (which is questionable since these inter- ests appear to be substantial), then whatsof the influence Qf the U.S. government which has ex- tended substantial aid through- out the continent? If it is because South Africa deserves a special status since it discriminates on the "basis of race," then what does this say about the views of that nation's critics on human rights in general? THIS IS NOT meant to defend South Africa's present system. It is a country badly in need of change. Yet, observers traveling there testify that shifts in policy are taking place. During a recent trip throughout the continent, col- umnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak noted that many' racial barriers are breaking down. However, the process is not one that will take place over- night, and the answer is not as simple as Vice President Mon- dale's proposal of "one man, one vote." By pushing for deadlines or extreme solutions the Carter administration heightens the ex- isting tensions of both blacks and whites and encourages immedi- ate violence. A great percentage of whites in South Africa have come to recognize that civil. peace. depends on blacks getting. a greater share of economic and political power. The form that this power will take can be better decided upon in Johannesberg than Washington., A sudden shift to majority rule in South Africa could bring to power a leader with the same human rights outlook as Oluse- gan Obasanjo, or the less benevo- lent of his black African colleagues. This is merely oiie of many considerations that Presi- dent Carter should confront next time he dines with an African leader. It is time that the Presi- dent starts applying uniform standards to all nations on the African continent. If he fails to do so his hypocrisy will. not make him a champion of human rights, but a catalyst to further viblence and tragedy. " Rod Kosann is Sales Man- ager of the Daily business staff. NIGERIAN HEAD OF STATE Lt. Gen. Olusegun Obasando with President Carter during his visit to Washington on Oct. 11. Olu- segun was praised by the White House for his country's promotion of "human rights." Health Service By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION: Would you please do a column on sickle cell anemia. What is it? How do you get it? How do I know if I have it? ANSWER: Sickle cell anemia is an in- herited disease -- the only way you can get it is to be born with it. All red blood cells contain a substance called hemoglobin which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Normally, these red cells are round, and when the con- tained hemoglobin releases the oxygen it car- ries, the cells retain their round shape. These cells are also soft, permitting them to easily flow through small blood vessels. In some in- dividuals, however, red cells contain what is known as sickle hemoglobin. When sickle hemoglobin releases its oxygen the cell's shape can change to the shape of a farmer's sickle. Thus these cells are called sickle cells and the disease produced by them, sickle cell anemia. Although sickle hemoglobin carries just as much oxygen as normal hemoglobin, there are two main differences between nor- mal round and sickle cells. Sickle cells tend to be hard and thus can jam up in the small blood vessels of the body, retarding the flow of blood. They also do not live as long as nor- mal cells. Normal red cells live for about 120 days whereas sickle cells live for less than 60 days; thus sickle cells are broken down faster than the body can make new cells. As a result, the body has fewer red cells and less hemo- globin, a condition known as anemia. ESSENTIALLY, the medical problems associated with sickle cell anemia are a result of either of these two situations. The plugged blood vessels can lead to pain, of varying in- tensity and duration, in different parts of the body (called sickle cell pain crises). Sometimes the pain may be so mild as to be treatable with aspirin while at other times it may require hospitalization. The ai cause individuals to tire very easil tion, some individuals with sickle c may have a shortened life span.; anemia is usually diagnose childhood, and thus persons of c usually already know if they have t Unfortunately, there is no cure for anemia at this time. However, ti use of such things as pain medic blood transfusions, physicians hav to increase longevity, prolong cri: tervals, and in general, make life fortable for persons with this diseas Some individuals who do not h cell anemia have a condition know cell trait. Although about half1 globin in cells of persons with sickl is sickle hemoglobin (practically hemoglobin in cells of persons with anemia is sickle hemoglobin), their cells are round and not sickled. Thu ally do not have any of the probl ciated with sickle cell disease. 0c symptoms may occur in individual le cell trait due to some sickling o cells at high altitudes or when rec eral anesthesia for surgical opera in general, because of the relative; symptoms, sickle cell trait may tected unless an individual has a sp test to determine.if this condition is As we mentioned above, both anemia and trait are inherited The type of hemoglobin that we h red blood cells is genetically detern from our mother's and half from o genes for hemoglobin type. Whethe sickle cell anemia or sickle cell tr pend upon whether your parents . sperm or eggs which carried genes hemoglobin. If both have sickle ce their children will have sickle cell; both have normal hemoglobin, the will have normal hemoglobin. If, t child receives one gene for norm Handbook emia may gene for sickle hemoglibin, half of the child's yell anemia hemoglobin will be normal and half will be Sickle cell sickle. This child will have sickle cell trait. d during IF BOTH PARENTS have sickle cell trait ollege age half of their sperm and eggs will carry genes she disease for normal, and half for sickle hemoglobin. sickle cell Thus when a sperm and egg conmbine there is hrough the a 25 per cent chance that each child will have ations and sickle cell anemia, a 25 per cent chance that e been able each child will have normal hemoglobin, and sis-free in- a 50 per cent chance that each child will have more com- sickle cell trait. ave sickle Sickle cell anemia is more likely to be found lavesicke inpeople whose ancestors came from Africa. n as sickle In the United States, about 1 out of, 10 black the hemo- Americans has sickle cell trait and 1 out of 400 le cell trait has sickle cell anemia. It is also found in all of the l hf h d sicle cellh people whose ancestors camne from the Medi- sickle cell terranean area; the Middle East and parts of r red blood India. If you are a member of one of these s they usu- high risk groups you may want to find out if lems asso- you have sickle cell trait. This can be done by wi ionaly a simple blood test and can prepare you for Swth sick- the possibility of having a child with sickle f the blood cell anemia should you marry a person who eiving gen- also has sickle cell trait, or what is more tions. But, likely, put your mind at ease. It may also aid absence of in your own health care should, for example, ecial blood you need surgery or be traveling in places of ecil bood high altitude. present. One final point. Although sickle cell anemia sickle cell has always been a disadvantage, there can be conditions. advantages to having sickle cell trait in those ave in our parts of the world where malaria is a prob- mined, half lem. Individuals with sickle cell trait appear ur father's to be resistant to malaria: they do not get it as r you have frequently and if they do get it they usually ait will de- have a milder case. produced s for sickle Please send all health related questions to: ell anemia, Health Educators anemia; if University Health Service ir children Division of Office of Student Services however, a 207 Fletcher al and one Ann Arbor,,.MI 48109 Letters to The Daily office space To The Daily: We strongly oppose the decision of the Student Organiza- tion's Board to deny office space to campus organizations which represent ethnic minorities and/or political ideologies. This discriminatory decision was pur- nortedlv made an the assumntion fact they are going to allocate space for some organizations, but not for all organizations, they are not representing the students." All recognized student organi- zations have a right to office space for carrying out their activ- ities. Recognizing the limited amount of office space, the equit- able solution in this situation. This action against ethnic and political groups follows a general policy of restricting the freedom of activity and the freedom of. speech of these groups. The Uni- versity has initiated a policy over the course of the summer pro- hibiting all sales on the diag. Not only has the fishbowl been lim- iart tn ran rrnnnc. nor A 1 -h a lull, administrative policies seek to jeopardize hard-won student rights of freedom of ex- pression. All groups and individu- als opposed to this recent deci- sion are urged to contact us at: 665-8021 or 663-8306. - Young Socialist Alliance E' 59":..