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October 19, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-19

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the Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 19, 1977-page 3


Cooked critters
Next time you're digging up in the back yard and you come across
a stray bone, don't throw ithway-a group of people in Pittsfield town-
ship this summer found the skeleton of a mastadon, a big furry critter
the size of an elephant which lived in these parts about 9,000 years ago.
The skeleton is now on display at tlhe University Exhibit Museum on
Geddes Road.. "The Huron River used to flow through this valley
somewhat south of where it is now," explained Dr. Gerald Smith,
director of the department of Paleontology. "That area was marsh
and swamp and the animals got trapped down there." Exhibit
Museum officials say the small size of the tusks and the excessive
wear on them indicates the animal was a female, probably a very
old one. Let that be a lesson-if you live in Pittsfield township, be sure
you don't let your pet mastadon out for a walk in the swamp.
Iappenings ...
... brown bag Britain lovers can gather for lunch at noon in the Inter-
national Center, 603 E. Madison, for a program on "Study Abroad Op-
tions in Great Britain"... Gena Fine will speak on "Yugoslav Village
Revisited" at noon in Lane Hall's Commons Roam.. . Slav fanciers
can move right from there to a 3:30 p.m. meeting of the Serbo-
Croatian Speaking Circle in the Center for Russian and East European
Studies .,.. a free presentation of Ibsen'sA Doll's House will be given
at 4:10 p.m. in Frieze Building's Arena Theater... Aaron Vinokur of
Israel's Haifa University will speak on "Recent Research on Family
Budgets in the USSR" at 4:10 p.m. in Lane Hall... Carl Cohlen. RC
professor of Philosophy, will address the question "Should the Nazis
be allowed to march in Skokie and other Jewish communities?" at 7
p.m. in East Quad's Green Lounge... Sigma Delta Chi, the society of
professional journalists will hold an introductory meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in the League's Henderson Room . .. Alan Canfora, wounded at Kent
State, will speak on "Kent State, 1970-1977'' at 7:30 p.m. in Angell
Aud. B.. the Audobon Society will present a lecture by naturalist
Stephen Horn under the unlikely title "Bats-Diners in Darkness" at
7:30 p.m. in tlIe Botanical Gardens. .the Baha'i Student Associa-
tion will meet at 7:30 p.m. in he International Center... something
called the Stilyagi Air Corps Science Fiction Society will meet in room
4304 of the Union at 8 p.m ... you're as Jung as you feel with the
' Carl Jung discussion group, which meets at 8 p.m. in Canterbury
House, corner of Division and Catherine ... GEO will hold a member-
ship meeting at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater... the noted
WCC band will perform at the Halfway Inn in the basement of East
Quad at 9:00 p.m.... and Feminist Legal Services telephone hours
for fall are 9 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at 763-4158.,
On the outside ...
Morning has broken-broken, busted, and just plain washed out,
because as you read this it should be raining. It will stay that way all
day with the rain ceasing in the early evening. Expect a high of around
55 and an overnight low of 40. Tomorrow it should warm up to about 60.
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r Daily Official Bulletin
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Only 100 yards from a rural schod4 near Managua, Nicaragua, leftist
guerrillas ambushed Nicaaguan soldiers Monday. All 450 children ap-
parently escaped injury.
Niarga eiee

-AP Photo

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)-Lef-
tist Sandiigsta guerrillas, thought to
have suffered a serious blow when their
two top leaders were killed last yaar,
have launched a new wave of attacks
they claim will "finish" the right-wing
government of resident Anastasio
Somoza Debayle.
The latest attacks Monday killed at
least four soldiers and wounded 15
others. A total of at least 15 soldiers,
police officers and civilians have been
killed in the five-day-old campaign.
ABOUT 25 guerrillas ambushed a
military truck carrying reinforcements
as it crossed a bridge on the Masaya
highway eight miles outside this capital
city Monday.
The attackers hurled a grenade into
the canvas-covered truck, killing
three soldiers. A firefight then
raged for three hours, the soldiers on
one side of the highway and guerrillas
hidden in trees and thick vegetation on
the other side.
Another soldier was killed in the gun-
battle. Fifteen soldiers were reported
wounded. Guerrilla casualties were
VILLAGERS panicked because 450
children were in a school about 100 yar-
ds from the ambush, but apparently all
the students escaped injury.
In nearby Masaya, Nicaragua's
second city, guerrillas attacked a
military barracks with guns and
grenades and then holed up in a nearby
Roman Catholic church. The gover-
nment troops received support from
tanks and rocket-equipped airplanes.
It was not known this morning
whether the guerrillas were still
holding out in Masaya. There were
no official reports on casualties in that
A GOVERNMENT spokesman said
Monday night that authorities had the
situation under control throughout
These attacks are an effort by subver-
sive forces to attract attention," he
Julit Guevera, a Sandanista guerrilla
who fled to neighboring Costa Rica on
Monday, was quoted as saying the in-
surgents had plans for more assaults.
"The Sandinistas are going to finish
with the current state of things," he

reportedly said.
Guerrilla attacks last week at villages
on both the northern and southern bor-
ders of Nicaragua killed 11 soldiers and
Costa Rican authorities reported
that on Friday a Nicaraguan plane
strafed a group of three official Costa
Rican boats on an inspection tour near
the border. There were no casualties.
Costa Rica said it would file a com-
plaint with the Organization of
American States.
LANSING (UPI)-Rep. Dana Wilson
(D-Hazel Park), yesterday called for a
special, intense investigation of PBB
exposure among workers at the
Michigan Chemical Co., saying he was
amazed it hasn't already been done.
THE STATE Department of Public
Health, however, has enrolled between
60 and 90 Michigan Chemical workers
and their families in its special long-
term study of PBB's health effects-a
fact state disease control chief John
Isbister said might not be generally
known at the plant.
workers who joined Wilson at a news
conference said they believe health
concerns have focused mainly on far-
"If I'd have been a cow, I'd have been
dead shortly after it broke
but ... buried in Kalkaska," said one
of the chemical workers. "I worked
around PBB for a little over two
years. "

The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, be-
fore gp.m. of the day preceeding publication and by 2
p.m. Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Wednesday, October 19
Psychiatry: Jerome Frank, Johns Hopkins Hosp.,
"The Effective Components of Psychotherapy," 5-
6450 Hosp., 9:30 a.m.
Panhellenic Plant Sale: Proceeds to CPH, Union
Ballroom, l~a.m.-8 p.m.
WUOM Lecture Hour: National Town Meeting:
"Fame & Fortune in Sports, An Almost Impossible
Dream?" 10:30a.m.
International Ctr.: "Academic Year Abroad in
Great Britain," 603 E. Madison, noon.
Astronomy Seminar: Helmut Abt, Kitt Peak, "The
Volume LXXXVIII, No.36
Wednesday, October 19, 1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pub
lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dur-
ing the University year at 420 Maynard Street;
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
READING, Pa. (AP)-The ways of
the "good old days" are not the
cheapest nowadays.
An.ice company here reports that it
has one family left that insists on using
an old-fashioned ice box. The ice com-
pany delivers a 50-pound cake of ice
three times a week. Each cake costs
$1.50. That amounts to more than $200 a
The cost of electricity for an electric
refrigerator to replace the ice box
would be about $75 a year and the elec-
tricity needed to freeze a tray of 16 ice
cubes costs about 1.5 cents, according
to the General Public Utilites Corp.

Occurrence of Peculiar Stars in Open Clusters," 807
Dennison Bldg., 2p.m.
Ctr. for Res., Learning"& Teaching: Wibert
McKeachie, S. Ericksen, "Teacher-Student Rela-
tions in the Classroom," 2448 Mason Hall, 3p.m. -
Ecology/Evolutionary Biology: Ian Swingland,
Oxford U., "The Ecology & Strategies of the Giant
Land Tortoises of Aldabra Atoll," 3056 Nat. Sci.,
4 p.m.
Physics Colloquium: Dennis Hegyi, "The De-
tection of a Galactic Halo & the Cosmological Miss-
ing Mass," 296 Dennison Bldg., 4 p.m.
Statistics: Stephen Stigler, U. of Wis.; 451 Mason
Hall, 4 p. m.
Industrial & Op. Engineering: Boris VerkHovsky
Princeton U., "Marketing & Investments in Re-
search & Technology Development," 229 W. Eng., 4
p. m.
Artists, Craftsmen Guild/Theatre Dept.: Irene
Connors, "Yeats' Idea of the Theatre," Pendleton
Rm., 8p.m.
lust for the
health of it.
Get moving, America!
March 1-7. 1977 is.
National Physical Education and Sport Week"
Physical Education Public Information
American Aliance for Heath
Physical Education and Recreaton
1 201 16th St N W. Washington, DC 20036

t a nn arbor film ceoperaeiv
Wednesday, October 19
(Norman Z. McLeod, 1932) 7& 10:15-MLS 3
More of the Marx Brothers in their unceasing war against chronology and the finer things. Groucho
descends on a university as the new college president in order to graduate his son Zeppo and to win the
annual footbol classic. With Thelma Todd. The secret word i "swordfish.
(Clyde Bruckman, 1933)
W. C. Fields as Pa tells the story of the young man who went to the city and naively drank "the
fatal gloss of beer.'" A tle of the frozen north, where "it isn't a fit night out for man nor beast."
Screenplay by W.C. Fields.
(Norman Z. McLeod, 1931) S:40 Only-MLB 3
The Marx Brothers stow away on the unlukiest ship since the TITANIC. The plot is purely incidental as
usual. But see Groucho and Lucille in the closet! Thrill to the amazing fingers of Chico on the 88's!
Hear Harpo sing ike Chevalier! "Think about it too much and sanity, like o wilted lettuce leaf, begins
to wilt and curl o the edges."-Pauline UBaFE.

Our elaborate new salad bar now includes nine ingredients
not found in most restaurant salads. Beets, for instance. And green
onions. Carrot sticks. Garbanzo beans. Cucumbers. Coleslaw. Mixed
green salad. And four savory dressings. It's all part of our exciting
new menu.
There are a lot of ordinary dinner salads out there. And then
there's ours. Since we didn't join 'em. We beat 'em.

s elAe


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