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October 19, 1977 - Image 1

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See Today for Details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 19, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Students suggest new activities center

i _

Armed with blue-prints and a stack of statistics, two
tudent leaders will ask the Regents tomorrow to provide
ore space for student activities, but they face established
esistance to their proposals from University officials.
Last month, the Regents asked Scott Kellman, then
ichigan Student Assembly (MSA) president, and Steve
arnevale, University Activities Center (UAC) head, to
tudy plans to relieve a shortage of floor space and facilities
hich now forces students to rehearse performances in
ramped quarters and practice hobbies under unsafe con-
A CAMPUS-WIDE controversy over space for student
rojects and recreation began last spring during discussion
'f razing Waterman-Barbour Gymnasium. But the roots of
the disagreement go deeper.
In 1970, most student groups moved out of the Student Ac-
ivitiesBuilding '(SAB) after the Regents decided to accept a
elocation recommendation aimed at increasing student
space-leaving few student projects in the building designed
and named for student activities.

Regents to consider space options

But the move did not achieve the goals. Students now con-
trol about the same amount of space they did 22 years ago
when the SAB was built.
THE STUDENT population has increased 70 per cent sin-
ce that time.
After several months of preparation, Kellman and Car-
nevale have drawn up three options:
" Renovate 13,000 square feet of unused bleacher area in
the Coliseum, at Fourth and Hill Streets.
" Construct a new building for student functions next to
the Coliseum.
" Increase student-designated space in various campus
buildings, including the SAB, the Michigan League, and the
In each case the space would be used for recreational and
artistic activities rather than for offices. Diverse projects
such as spray painting, glass blowing, welding, music
rehearsals, and woodworking would'find a home in the plans.

There would also be space set aside for costumes and props
used in student performances.
IF THE REGENTS decide to accept either the Coliseum
or new building options, students would move out of the 10,000
square foot SAB work room now used for such activities-a
room approximately-200 times the size of an average Angell
Hall classroom.
But if Athletic Director Donald Canham has any influence
over the decision, the only melodies heard in the Coliseum
will be sung in the showers.
Under the plan, most of the space in the Coliseum would
remain under the control of the Athletic Department. Locker
rooms and basketball courts would sit next to two floors of
rehearsal rooms and workshops on the north side of the
building. The Athletic Department does not use this space
"I'VE BEEN AROUND here for 30 years," said Canham,
"and for the first time we've got enough space." Canham

said that there are "all kinds of possibilities" being discussed
by the Athletic Department's recreation committee but that
there are no specific plans for the space yet.
"We've got some space under the baseball stands too, and
we don't have any plans for that either," he quipped.
A new building would cost about $750,000 according to
UAC leader Carnevale. "It would be a rough sort of
building-very flexible," he said. The rooms could be used
for different purposes over the years as student interests
change, Carnevale suggested.
BUT OPPOSITION to the new recreational building has
already been voiced by-James Brinkerhoff, chief financial of-
ficer. When Kellman and Carnevale asked Brinkerhoff for
funding models or plans for the payment of the construction
costs, Brinkerhoff told them that there are no funding
One possibility for payment would be a tuition assessment
spread over a number of years supplemented by money from
the University.
The final plan spreads student activities around campus
renovating variops areas. Efforts to increase student space
would be concentrated in the Union and the SAB.

Federal employes
suspected as illegal
welfare recipients

WASHINGTON (AP) - Govern--
ent investigators looking for wel-
are cheaters have personnel infor-
a'tion on 2.8 million federal em-
loyes, but military records are
eing withheld because of Pentagon
oncerns about privacy.,
Health, Education and Welfare
(HEW) Secretary Joseph Califano
has ordered the personnel informa-.
d.on, including e riXploye names, So-
cial Security' numbers and birth.
dates, compared with data on gov-
ernment welfare rolls in what he has
dubbed, "Operation Match."
THE PLAN IS designed to identify
federal employes who are taking
welfare benefits from the govern-
ment illegally or improperly.

Civil Service Commission officials
said yesterday they have given HEW
computer tapes identifying all gov-
ernment employes except. those in
security agencies and some congres-
sional and judicial posts.
A memorandum of understanding
between the commission and HEW's
inspector general said the giant
social service agency promises to
safeguard the data it gets and
destroy the files when it is finished.
Pentagon said its lawyers and pri-
vacy board officials 'thought Cali-
fano's request for sensitive personnel
data might violate the federal pri-
vacy act. The law was designed to
limit the flow of personal informa-
tion from agency to agency.

"We talked to HEW and the Office
of Management and Budget about
it," the spokesperson said. "We just
wanted to make sure this thing was
done legally. Our aim really was to
see if there was any way we could
comply with the request and the act,
Defense officials decided they
would proceed under a section of the
privacy law that permits transfer of
personnel information between agen-
cies for so-called "routine use."
IN ORDER TO do that, the
Pentagon must publish its plan in the
Federal Register and give the public
and individuals affected by the
transfer an opportunity to object.
The Civil Service Commission said
it was acting under 'a different
section of the law that permits it to
turn over files on employes to law en-
forcement agencies investigating
civil and criminal cases.
Disclosure of the Civil Service
Commission and Defense Depart-
ment actions came one day after the
former head of the federal commis-
sion on privacy criticized Califano
for abusing privacy rights in his cam-
University of Illinois, who headed the
U.S. Privacy Protection Commission
until it disbanded in July, attacked a
proposal to allow big businesses to
match government computer infor-
mation on welfare recipients with the
names of their employes.

Daily Photos by PETER SERLING

Spider plants, cacti and other foliar
friends have taken over the Union
Ballroom-at least until Thursday.
That's the last day of the annual Pan-
hellenic Association plant sale which
benefits the new children's psychiatric
unit at University Hospital. Marty
Hurwitz, left, and Matthew. Sawyer
admire some of the salable species.
See story, page 7.

Ener czar ordered to sell stock

Ru bens te Doily Photo by PETER SERUNG

uman ri hts turning
in o a oitical ssue
To Amnesty International representative Joshua Rubenstein, President Car-
ter's human rights campaign and the recent awarding of the Nobel peace prize to
Rubenstein's organization is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
Yesterday, Rubenstein praised Carter for helping make human rights become
a genuine issue. However, he added that his organization is "very much afraid of
human rights becoming a political issue either dividing east from west or north
from south."
RUBENSTEIN, A FREELANCE WRITER from Cambridge, Mass. who
specializes in Soviet dissent, appeared on campus yesterday afternoon as part of
the University Activities Center's Viewpoint lecture series..
uT awnlained that his nranization works worldwide to gain the release of

committee told Energy Secretary
James Schlesinger yesterday to sell
more than $33,000 worth of stock he
and his wife hold in an energy-
related company. The panel said the
holdings pose a possible conflict of in-
The energy committee gave
Schlesinger nine months to dispose of
2,100 shares of stock in the Newhall
Land and Farming Company. The
stock is worth about $33,600.
vote followed Schlesinger's own dis-
closure to the panel that "there are
some 90 producing wells, mostly nat-
ural gas" on 150,000 acres owned by
the company. The firm, based in
Valencia, Calif., owns land in that
state's Sacramento Valley as well as
in Texas and Louisiana.
In a Sept. 27 letter to the commit-
Following three hours of stormy
.7, - .1. . .s '..4 .,:- wiin .nn ... ..,f

tee, Schlesinger disclosed that the
firm has energy holdings and noted
that "energy production represents a
limited though respectable share of
the company's activities."
The stocks are worth about $16 a
share on the New York Stock
THE COMMITTEE voted after it
was told by staff director Grenville
Garside that Schlesinger "would be
required to sell these shares under
federal conflict-of-interest laws even

if we didn't require him to sell
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.),
said Schlesinger should be given up
to nine months to get rid of the
holdings because of the "depressed
nature of the market" at this time.
The Cabinet official should get rid
of the stock, which Schlesinger holds
jointly with his wife, because "the
appearance of his ownership of them
might raise some questions," Jack-
son said.
THE COMMITTEE action came as

a House-Senate conference commit-
tee began work on a compromise
energy bill and as President Carter
declared that the reputations of both
Congress and of his first year
domestic program hinge on the
energy bill to come.
Members of the conference com-
mittee agreed at their first meeting
yesterday to back Carter's goal of
reducing U.S. reliance on foreign oil
But conference leaders indicated
See ENERGY, Page 10

Otterbacher tells local Dems
he wants Griffin's Senate seat

State Senator John Otterbacher
brought his non-campaign campaign
for Robert Griffin's United States
Senate eant to a meeting of +he Ann

is screaming for _ change," said
Otterbacher. "It .is an inner city
neighborhood with a 12 per cent
unemployment rate. Most of the
nennle with a little money have

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