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October 18, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-18

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 18, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Raid ends hijack;
86 hostages safe

. . a

BONN, West Germany (AP)-West
German commandos stormed a
hijacked Lufthansa jetliner at
Somalia's Mogadishu airport; rescued
all 86 hostages aboard and killed all'
four hijackers, a goverment spokesman
said early today.
Spokesman Karl Boelling said one
passenger was taken to a hospital "in a
state of collapse" and -one German
commando was injured. Other
passengers were treated at the airport,
but the extent of injuries was not
The Germans attacked-less than two
hours before the hijackers threatened
to blow up the plane unless their
demand were met.
IN WASHINGTON, President Carter
congratulated the' West German
goverment for the "courage of their
decision" in staging the assault.
"All in all it seems to have gone off
relatively well," the West German
goverment spokesman said.
German radio reported that crack
anti-terror specialists of the
paramilitary Federal Border Guard's
special "GSG-9" unit had stormed the
plane under a cover of darkness and
freed all 86 hostages.

commandos used special grenades that
lack shrapnel but explode with a blin-
ding flash and immobilize a person for
several seconds.
The West German assault recalled
the celebrated Entebbe raid when
Israeli commandos rescued more than
100 hostages held aboard a hijacked Air
France jetliner by pro-Palestinian
terrorists on July 4, 1976.
Two Americans-44-year -old
Christine Maria Santiago of Santee,
Calif., and her five-year-old son Leo

were aboard the plane. Most of the
other passengers were thought to be
THE RAID came *only 90 minutes
before a deadline of 3:30 a.m. today
(8:30 p.m. Monday EDT) Set by the
hijackers to blow up the plane was due
to expire.
EARLIER, Pope Paul VI, in an un-
precedented move, offered himself as a
hostage to obtain the release of the 86

Clericals file
ULP against 'U'

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN

Hfiho, puma, away!

Three-year-old Shani Horn sits delightedly atop a statuary puma in front of the Natural Science Museum and imagines
herself galloping across the veldt.

Critics say Union wastes space

On April 25, 1919, J.G. Brandt sent a.
wire from Lawrence, Kansas to Ann
Arbor that read in part: "Have heard
value of Michigan Union as Student
Alumni Center, please wire at our ex-
pense fa'ets about your building and its.
use" for the University of Kansas.
The following September came a let-
ter from the chairman of the Commit-
tee of the Purdue Union: "Have you
any prints of your buildings, plans or
tracings from which prints may be
consin, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Illinois,
California, all inquiring after an ex-
ample of the superior 'club house' built
by alumni, administrators and stu-
dents: the Union.
But the building that was once the
standard by which universities across
the country measured their gathering
places has come under fire for failing to
attract and serve students.
One University official called it a
"bus termfinal" because of its hotel at-
mosphere. Student leaders have said
the Union is run with "archaic policy"
and that there is struggle going on be-
tween administrators over control of
the services.
BUT THE FUTURE of the four-story
edifice at the foot of South University
may be decided this week when the
Regents meet. They will be presented
with various proposals for the use of
space in University buildings, including
the Union. The decisions made on Thur-
sday and Friday will probably pass
judgment one way or another on the 61-
year-old buildings.
At the time of its construction, the
Union was a great deal larger than sim-

ilar university buildings in other parts
f the country. In 1916, the first Union
was torn down after nine years of use. It
had two dining rooms, a lounge, a game
room, a kitchen, a billiard room, a
reading room, a director's room, and a
steward's apartment.
The Union looms four stories high
with a three-story tower on top. The
side entrance on. the north approach
was known as the "ladies entrance" un-
til the 1950s, when women were finally

allowed to stride through the front door
under the tower.
BUT J.G. BRANDT was probably not
so interested in the square footage as
the idea behind the building.
In 1920, there were "Three Basic
Principles of Union Activity," accord-
ing to a message delivered by George
Hurley, then General Secretary of the
0 To increase student involvement

in activities and "limit the possibility of
leadership gravitating into the hands of
a few."
" "To, teach the great value of whole-
some recreation and relaxation to mind
and body through the judicious ad-
ministration of our facilities."
* A simple system of management.
A year earlier, the General Commit-
tee of the University Alumni also divid-
ed the Union into three ideas:
See WASTED, Page 7

The Organizing Committee for
Clericals (OCC) has filed an unfair
labor practice (ULP) charge with the
Michigan Employment Relations
Commission (MERC) claiming the
University has interfered with its
right to organize' a clerical union on
The ULP charge stems from an in-
cident in the Business Administra-
tion Building last Tuesdaywhen OCC
members attempted to meet for
lunch with other clericals in ~a staff
lounge to discuss union organizing.
ness Administration supervisor Kar-
en Carrier ordered the group not to
hold the meeting in the lounge
because it had not obtained manage-
ment's permission to use it.
"We have had previous meetings in
the-same lounge within the last three
months," said OCC Chairperson
Marianne Jensen. "Lounges are a
free-access area for employes to
discuss union business."
IN ITS ULP charge, the OCC
claims that the Public Employment
Relations Act permits employes to
discuss union affairs in non-work
areas on non-work time.
"This is a blatant example of the
University's attempt. to squelch for-
mation of a clerical union," said
Jensen. "Time and time again, they
have shown that they're out on a
definite track of union-busting."
However, University Attorney Wilt
Liam Lemmer said yesterday that
mos of the lounges are for specific
purposes, "If the OCC had wanted to
arrange to reserve one, there is
plenty of opportunity to do so," he
LEMMER HAD not seen the ULP

charge and would not comment' on
how the University will deal with it.
The OCC is currently staging an or-
ganizing drive to obtain clerical
support for a new union. University
clericals voted to disband their
former union, United Auto Workers
(UAW) local 2001 in August 1976.
The organizing drive centers
around collecting cards signed by
University clericals authorizing a~
unionto bargain collectively for
them. If the OCC can obtain signa-
tures from one-third of the Univer-
sity clericals it will be able to petition
MERC for a union certification
"This is a blatant exam ple of ihe
inirersitys attempt to squelch it
formation of a lerielt lunion."
-Marianne .ensen
election on campus.
person Mary Braun, the committee
expects to petition MERC for an
election this January.
Jensen said she doesn't think the
ULP charge will affect the organiz-
ing drive.
"The University's action is ob-
viously a breach of our right to or
ganiie," she said. "By standing tip
and filing this charge we're telling
clericals a union will stand up to the
Jensen said that until last week,
OCC members have met with little
University interference.
"They (the University) are begin-
ning to realize how big our force
really is and they're fighting it,"
Jensen said.

Kellman relinquishes MSA ost
Michigan S t u d e n t Assembly
(MSA) President F. Scott Kellman,
resigned Sunday. night during a
special MSA meeting because of
concern over schoolwork and a
desire to spend more time on other
"The student space issue [see
related story on this page] iscoming
up before the Regents; 'it demands a
lot of time," said Kellman. "With the
presidency and' working on that
issue, I have no time. I can't
adequately do both." f

KELLMAN, WHO has been an
MSA member for three years and
MSA president for the past year, will
remain a member of the govern-
ing body. He would have vacated the
presidency in any case after next
month's elections.
MSA member Jasper DiGuiseppe
said he was surprised at Kellman's
announcement. "It was something I
expected eventually but didn't think
would happen Sunday," he said. "We
didn't know what the meeting would
be about."
See MSA, Page 10


Ke llma n'ailyPhoto'"byBADAMIN

Insuladon tough to

find i

SACLJA' discusses
12.5% faculty raise
By PAULINE TOOLE William Neenan, who painted a
A faculty salary increase recom- dismal picture of faculty wages at
nendation of 12.5 per cent from the the University. Neenan said an
Committee on the Economic Status examination of past recommenda-
f the Faculty (CESF) dominated the tions showed the'real income of facul-
>roceedings of the Senate Advisory ty members was "eroding."
.ommittee on University Affairs
SACUA) yesterday. LAST YEAR, CEFS made a rec
The CESF recommendation was ommendation for an 11.5 per .cent
>resented by committee Chairman salary increase which the University
administration approved. The Board
of Regents also accepted the increase
and included it in the budget submi-
2ted to the Michigan Legislature But
the legislature returned an overall ine-
crease in the University budget of 9.1
per cent - and the increased faculty
pay amounted to a mere 5.4 per cent;
"At other universities, I woul6ay
that in the last 'two years faqulty
salary increases were 7.2 to 7.6 per
cent," said Neenan. "At the Univer-
sity of Michigan, it was 5.4 per cent.
In relation to this peer group, our
position is eroding."
SACUA member Prof. William
Elving of the Chemistry Department
added: "If the committee thought
that 12.5 per cent was a reasonable
increase, they should have doubled
it. There is still the frustration that
we're not getting anywhere."

Early this fall when Doug Schoettle set out to buy home
insulation, he could purchase only half of what he wanted.
Doug was fortunate.
Ann Arbor is presently in the throes of a gripping shor-
tage of home insulation that promises to extend through
the end of the winter. Waiting lists of as long as 50 days
plague retailers like Fingerle and. Washtenaw lumber
companies, where insulation can be purchased for private
"WERE GETTING a truckload per week, about the
same rate we took last year," says Colin Fingerle. "In-
sulation began to get scarce, back in the middle of June or
July. The problem is that the demand (for insulation) has
doubled or more, while the supply hasn't."

ALSO, SINCE July 22 of this year, the state of Michigan
has taken some initiatives by setting minimum
requirements for insulation in new buildings.
Not only has the demand skyrocketed, but strikes hob-
bling the Johns Manville and Cqrtainteed Corporations-
giants in the world of insulation production-have cut into
expected production increases.
Owens-Corning Fiberglass Cp., the other king of the
industry, cannot keep up with skyrocketing demand, ac-
cording to company spokesman Stanley Collins.
"HOMEOWNERS across the country are reinsulating at
a record pace this year," he said. "Also, homebuilding is at.
its highest rate since the building boom of the early 70's.
We've been producing and shipping more insulation than
we have at any time in our history."-

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