age 4-Sunday, October 16, 1977-The Michigan Daily P , Iirl igttn ttil Bing will outlastMinute-mai Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 34 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan (elease of pay hike good, vhether selfishsympathetic THE UNIVERSITY this week agreed to give the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) the 5.75 per cent pay hike outlined in their as yet unsigned contract, an action which stands solitary in its level-headedness when compared to other moves made by the University since this GEO mess began. There is some question as to whether that size increase will still be agreed to by GEO - what with the year-long delay in the implementation of a new contract with the University - but basically, the release of those funds from escrow shows a spark of -sympathy by the administration. It also shows a keen eye on their part: the University is insisting that GEO agree not to file an unfair labor practice charge against it for unilater- ally granting the pay hike,-instead of reaching agreement with the union through normal collective bargaining. It appears GEO leaders will agree ,-to the conditions, if only because rank e=And file members would probably dis- : .regard the union otherwise, insisting e'=on immediate payment of the raise. If --that were to happen, GEO would effec- t:: lively lose their mandate and would "never have clout at the bargaining a 'table again. It has already been made e -, °obvious, through a series of unsuccess- ful strike votes, that GEO does not have the genuine support of its consti- tuency. The administration's action, then, has not only given them favorable pub- licity, but put the union on the defen- sive again. A shrewd maneuver. The rest of the contract controversy stands in its own mire. GEO was given some ,momentum by a Michigan Em- ployment Relations Commission (MERC) decision earlier this year that defined graduate student assistants (GSAs), as employes of the University, and not just students. The administra- tion has, in effect, appealed that rul- ing, and will not return to the bargain- ing table to sign a GEO contract until the appeal is answered in December. No matter what the real motive was for the University's release of the pay hike, whether selfish or sympathetic, it is good that the money is being paid. There are, no doubt, many GSAs who will be eating and sleeping better once they see that cash. Some have probably sacrificed greatly simply because two clumsy organizations - the University and GEO - have been too busy outwitting each other to con- sider the welfare of those affected by the stalled contract. By BOB ROSENBAUM The first time I heard Bing Crosby, I think, he.was signing the song which must have in- evitably come back to haunt him many times in recent years - "White Christmas." The large plaster disk spun around the turntable at 78 r.p.m., and I remember I was fascinated by the crackling sounds which ac- companied' the smooth Voice in raspy rhythm. The song didn't impress me half as much as the number of copies it has sold at the time. Millions " on millions, my mother told me. I WAS YOUNG. I was inter- ested more in what the Beatles were doing than what this old man was doing anytime. Still, to this day, the success of "White Christmas" staggers me. Now Bing Crosby is dead. That fact does not sadden me to any great extent. But I am saddened by the lack of perspective that people have shown, toward Crosby. Members of this generation have cast the singer aside as ever having any influence on the entertainment industry today. There is a simple explanation for this. WE ARE OBVIOUSLY unable to appreciate the Crosby style, accustomed as we are to the screamingly angry heritage of rock 'n roll music. It's true as well, that the only thing we've heard from the smooth stylist in recent years are Minute-maid commercials. But Crosby represents an era so totally different from ours, he fit the needs and expectations of that era with such grace and ex- pertise, the generation of the 50's couldn't possibly appreciate his talents. We are captivated today 'by nothing less than that which glit- ters, flashes, beeps, bruises and blinds. Entertainment must stun, shock or stupify us to gain accep- tance. It is evidenced in the music we listen to, the movies we watch and the games we play. BING CROSBY could never compete with that. He never at- tempted to. His ever-present pipe and hat, his velvet smooth vocals, his family-man image and his unchallenged generosity are characteristics of an age past; of sudden economic depression and World War. Bing Crosby was the respite of his day. Even though we can't, critics have recognized the talents ;; vlase during :offgal _ -AP Photo CROSBY is pictured here in some earlier achievements, along with yesterday's European newspape headlines which followed his sudden death in Spain. At lower left, the entertainer is shown in his oscar winning role as a priest in the 1945 film "Going My Way," and at top, with Bob Hope and Dorothy La mour, his partners in the "On the Road to.. ." movies series. rrUKe- 1A.4LDEMAN , MITCHELL. AND ENPLICWMMtJ ,AND S WONT LEzrlrHAPPEN AGAIN/t" sA MSOeey . y- , . :. f Arf h 3 1 \ which pervaded this man's career days. They have the per- spective to call Crosby great. We laugh through our noses when we hear that. Then singer's ,,career covered everything: big bands, radio, recording, films, theater, and television. Whether we will admit it or not, Crosby has found his way into even those things which entertain us today. Bing was certainly -not the greatest, but if his success with the'40-year-old-plus generation is any indication, he was certainly close to it. No doubt future weeks. will subject us to Bing Crosby' nostalgia the likes of which can only be equaled by the late Elvis Presley. Certainly we will not see many of today's top-name 'superstars" receive as much attention when they die many years hence. Look at it this way. If one of today's ;names re-recorded that corny "White Christmas," would it sell 39,120,000 copies? Bob Rosenbaum is co-direc- tor of the Daily's editorial page. H1T11r Letters to lyp 4till - -"" ' -- - J; 't }. ___.. w__.._._. ur r - -°._ _, _ parking To The Daily: In the short time that I have been a Parking Enforcement Of- ficer for the City of Ann Arbor, many citizens have complained to me about the parking laws. Un- fortunately, I only enforce the laws; City Council passes them. Therefore, I urge all of you with parking complaints to join me at the October 17 Council meeting at City Hall. Since the parking prob- lem is not on the agenda, it will not be discussed at the beginning (7.30 p.m.) of the meeting. However, anyone wishing to speak on this subject may drop by the City Clerk's Office Monday - the earlier the better. If there is a large turnout - of speakers and spectators - I am sure the council will tackle this problem in the near future. -Gary Sanders Parking Enforcement Officer City of Ann Arbor " carter and israel To The Daily: President Carter has loudly proclaimed a new policy by which he will.remove the threat of war in the middle East - a homeland for the Palestinians and defensible borders for Israel. A close look at this policy, how- ever, shows that it is merely the offering up of the life of a small nation, Israel, to appease the Arabs just as Great Britain of- fered up the life of a small nation, Czechoslovakia, to appease Hit- ler. The root cause of the continu- ing threat of war in the Middle East is not the problem of Arab refugees or Israel's holding on to conquered Arab territories. The real cause is the fact that after each of the four wars that the Arab countries have waged against Israel, the Arab coun- tries did not live up to the terms they agreed to in the settlement which ended the war. And they TheL got away with that, after each of the four wars, because they were able to play off the Great Powers - U.S., Russia, England, and France - against one another. This is enlighteningly pointed out by a former adviser on foreign af- fairs to our presidents, Mr. Eu- gene Rostow, in his article "The American Stake in Israel in the April 1977 issue of Commentary magazine. The philosophical basis for this faithlessness in living up to agreements is deeply rooted in the bible of the Islamic religion, the Koran. Any crime - includ- ing pillage and murder - is legal, says the Koran, as long as it is committed against those persons who do not accept Islam as their religious faith. This is brilliantly disclosed in another American magazine article, the one on "Chimera in the Middle East," by R. E. Tyrrell Jr. in the No- vember 1976 issue of Harper's magazine. )aii Now that the Arabs are import ant to the Great Powers becaus of their oil, they can play off the Great Powers, against one another, as much as they please. It is therefore inevitable that the Arabs will not live up to an commitments they make now or in the near future. As long as Israel's Arab neigh- bors do not live up to their agree- ments, putting an Arab state in the center of Israel, to give the Palestinians a homeland, will merely be putting a dagger at Israel's heart, to be plunged intq it by the Arabs when they choose to do so. And no amount of elec tronic devices to sound the alairn of invading Arab armies will giv Israel defensive borders. The Carter policy is therefore not a sound basis for peace in the Middle East. It is merely the modern version of Munich, to achieve what Chamberlain called "peace in our time." R - Hyman Olken L. . - -- 1 r' V -I '-mm..r LOOKING BACK THE WEEK IN REVIEW _P Y - a w ro 4 9 r s Bakke A LL ALLEN BAKKE has to do now is sit back and wait in anticipation for the Supreme Court to rule on a land- mark civil rights case he instigated. Oral arguments of thewease were heard in the Court on Wednesday. Bakke, twice rejected from the medi- cal school at the Davis Campus of the University of California, contends the admission of less statistically qualified minority students barred his admission into that school. The Regents of the University of Cali- e- . psdzko s thn acm hich nni this position, the defense countered that. racial minorities are entitled to special treatment to offset past discrimination. Now that the arguments are in, all the briefs are filed, and the justices have retired to their chambers, followers of the case say they really don't expect a decision before next July. Investments THE CITY got some good news Thursday, when Moody's Investor Services reinstated Ann Arbor's. "A-1" bond rating. A week ago the Investment 4.. a. erw a tn ..,lchnA rfs e. bitrage transactions. Jedele is planning to retire. The city's "A-1" rating is the third highest rating used in the state and helps determine how much interest a municipality will be charged when it borrows money. Moody's informed the City Administrator that the rating had been reinstated after it was determined the city's problems were bureaucratic, not economic. Despite the restoration of its bond rating, an addit, conducted by the Ann Arbor firm of Icerman, Johnson and Hoffman and presented to City Council $100,000 or risking the possible illegali- ties that would accompany carrying through the agreement and buying back the security. The city opted to carry out the agree- ment. In buying back the security, the city will lose the use of the $2 million un- til the security matures in 1980, thus putting a dent in the city's revenue flow. Prizes THIS WEEK Stockholm and Oslo were abuzz with the usual antici- Amnesty International, the 10th organi zation to be so awarded. In medicine, the prize went to Dr Rosalyn Yalow, Dr. Roger Guillermin and Dr. Andrew Schally, for their wor in endocrinology. Yalow won for th development of radioimmunoassays o peptide hormones, while Guillermi and Schally were awarded the prize fo conclusions that "laid the foundation to modern hypothalamic research." The economics prize went to Cam bridge professor James Meade, 70, an Beertil Ohlin, 78, of Sweden, for theii "nathbreaking contributions to ths rlmq