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October 16, 1977 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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See Today, Page 3

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 16, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Supplement

Ethnics, politicos get

no office space

No ethnic groups and few political organi-
zations will get office space in the Michigan
Union because "they don't reach enough
students," according to students who helped
made that decision.
"We want to stay away from ethnic and
political organizations because there have been
problems in the past,"' said Michele
Sprayregen, chairperson of the Student
Organizations Board. That board makes all
recommendations of groups to get office space
to the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
"We feel that we've tried to clean up the of-
fices and make them more responsive to the
students,"she said.
MSA USUALLY ratifies all Board recom-
mendations, according to Chris Batchelder,

MSA vice president.
Jasper DiGuiseppe, vice-president of the
board, said the number of students affected by
the individual organization, the past record and
future aims of the group, and the orientation of
the group were all criteria in the decisions.
"It's certainly discriminatory against
political and ethnic groups. We plan to form a
coalition (of all such groups) to fight it," said
Debbie Benjamin, member of the Young
Socialists' Alliance (YSA).
RICHARD GARLAND, formerly the Black
Advocate for the University, said, "There's no
reason to deny ethnic groups space on the basis
of how many students they reach. You can't
reach people if you don't have an office space to
work out of."
"MSA is supposed to represent. all

organizations. If in fact they are going to
allocate space for some organizations, but not
for all organizations, they are not representing
the students," he said.
Sprayregen said office space is limited on the
fourth floor of the Union. Consequently, any
MSA-recognized organization can apply for the
space, but nobody is guaranteed anything, she
SHE ALSO said publicity for the applications
and deadlines was limited to the MSA office.
Fifty to 60 applications were filed for less than
half that many offices, she said.
"The thing about the whole thing is that it's
been so arbitrary," Benjamin said. She said
although the YSA, the Revolutionary Student
Brigade and the Farmworkers' Support Group
have all lost space, the'Ann Arbor Committee

for Human Rights in Latin America and
Washtenaw Friends of the Earth groups both
gQt offices.
Most of the ethnic groups are foreign
organizations, said DiGuiseppe.
SPRAYREGEN said American ethnic
groups would have been likewise rejected, but
none applied for office space.
Still, Russ Smith, president of the University
chapter of the National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People (NAACP) called
the move racist.
"I don't care how they say they do it
(distribute the space)," he said. "It's racist.
"I guess that just shows the whole way the
University would be going soon, if the students
are doing it first."
CHARLES HAGWOOD doesn't feel quite the

same way. As chairperson for the Christian
Students' Union, a group which got office space
for the first time this year, he said, "We prayed
that God would give us office space. If He sees
fit for us to have office space and He didn't give
other people office space, I can't see it in my
mind to question it," he said.
Don Alexander, a member of the
Revolutionary Student Brigade, a group which
lost its office, said, "We're planning n raising
hell about it. As a student organization, we've
got every right to be there."
Sprayregen said, "It's always been in the
past that whoever has an office one year gets it
the next year." For that reason, she
speculated, several groups with offices didn't
fill in the extra details on the application which
they might have if they had "really" wanted to
keep the office another year.

Blue crunches



A showdown battle at Michigan
Stadium yesterday, turned into no
more than a confirmation that "Big
Two and Little Eight" aptly portrays
the Big Ten in 1977.
Previously undefeated and 14th-
ranked Wisconsin, perched atop the
conference standings, was forced to
face reality by a devastating Michi-
gan team, and became the victim of a
56-0 thrashing.
THE SCORE definitely indicated
the relative strengths of the two
teams yesterday. Michigan contin-
ually pounded away at the relatively
powerless Badgers with a balanced
offensive attack, and a stingy de-
fense. Wisconsin's highly-touted of-
fense did not get into Wolverine terri-
tory until but 2:43 remained in the
"They'd been leading -the Big Ten
in a lot of categories, and we just
wanted to show them the type of
football that we could play," said
Michigan quarterback Rick Leach,
who has been disproving his critics

For the second time in three weeks,
Michigan's passing game, counter-#
acting a defense geared toward the
run, helped by converting many key
third downs and blew the game wide
LEACH AND his mates converted
16 of 21 third down situations into
either first downs or touchdowns with
a mixture of pin-point passes and
straight-ahead running plays.
"We played the option well and we
forced them to throw," said Wiscon-
sin coach John Jardine. "But they
tore us up on third down with the pass
and the draw. They took the steam
out of us.
"We played a great football team
today. They embarrassed us. We got
beat by a hell of a team," he added.
THE SWEETNESS of the victory
was further enhanced by the play of.
backup tailback Roosevelt Smith.
Starting in place of Harlan Huckleby,
who sat the game out with a pulled
leg muscle, Smith tallied 157 yards on
25 carries, and grabbed two third-
down passes on Michigan's first

drive of the game.
"Rose did a good job in his first
start," prased Schembechler. "He
came in here and got hurt as a fresh-
man last year and didn't play, but
he's done a great job. He started
fourth team this year and worked his
way up. It's great to see a young guy
like that come through when the
pressure is on."
The Wolverines virtually put the
game away in the first half. The 21-0
locker room lead, though impressive,
still did not reflect the Wolverines'
total dominance over the Badgers in
the first half.
ALTHOUGH THE Michigan of-
fense marched within Wisconsin's
30-yard line on each of its six posses-
sions of the half, only three of those
resulted in scores.
After taking the opening kickoff,
Michigan took less than six minutes
in marching to the game's winning
The offense seemed in control the
whole drive, but it took a desperation
fling into the end zone by a scram-
bling Leach to get the points.
Making a leaping catch, over the
outstretched hands of the-Wisconsin
defender, in the end zone was sopho-
more tight end Doug Marsh.
THE NEXT two Michigan posses-
sions resulted in no scoring after
deep penetrations into Badger terri-
tory. Gregg Willner missed a 45-yard
field goal attempt, then Dennis
Stejskal intercepted a Leach pass in
the Wisconsin end zone on the next
Michigan drove 62 yards in nine
See BATTLE, Page 8


Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY

Tight end Gene Johnson tiptoes through the Badgers for an early score.

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U.S.-Panama statement will aid
passage of Canal treaty: Byrd

Panamanian reaffirmation of the
American right to defend the Pan-
ama Canal will help President Carter
win support for his proposed canal
treaty, Senate Majority Leader Rob-
ert Byrd said yesterday.
Byrd, at a Capitol news confer-
ence, said he remains personally
uncommitted on the treaty issue. But
he added that without the assurances
that emerged from Friday's meeting
between President Carter and Pan-
ama's Gen. Omar Torrijos, the canal
treaty could not win Senate ratifi-
& gm m
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP)-Joan Little,
whose trial on charges of killing her
jailer made international headlines,
has escaped from prison, the North
Carolina Correction Center for Women
said late last night.
"We discovered she was gone about
6:30 p.m.," said Sgt. G. G. Barber. "I
don't know how she left here."
Little was acquitted more than a year
ago of charges of murdering a Beaufort
County jailer. She testified the jailer
had attempted to rape her and that she
stabbed him with an ice pick in self
Following her acquittal, Little was
returned to prison to serve a sentence
for breaking and entering. She had been

Republican opponents have not
changed their minds and will con-
tinue to fight ratification of the pact,
a GOP spokesman said.
After their White House meeting,
Carter and Torrijos issued a "state-
ment of understanding," clarifying
two disputed points about the treaty,
which ends U.S. control of the canal
in the year 2000.
Carter recently had admitted the
treaty was in trouble in the Senate
and White House officials said after
Friday's meeting that the adminis-
tration was counting on the clarifica-
tion of the agreement to move some
support to the treaty.
But Sen. Paul Laxalt, whom Re-
publican opponents of the treaty have
designated as their spokesman, said
Friday's statement "will satisfy no
one. It doesn't reach the basic issue

of why we should give up the canal at
"In addition, those who want the
entire agreement within the four
corners of the treaty won't feel bound
by a verbal understanding of two
leaders who are both in serious politi-
cal trouble in their own countries on
this issue," he added in a telephone
IN PANAMA, the issue is whether
the treaty gives the United States a
right to interfere in Panamanian af-
fairs. A plebiscite on the issue is
scheduled there for Oct. 23.
Meanwhile, Sen. Bob Dole (R-
Kan.), issued a statement saying he
will introduce amendments seeking
to incorporate the Friday agreement
into the treaty. Dole described the
Carter-Torrijos statement as "a step
in the right direction."

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
While some protesters burned their utility bills and marched along the
streets of Detroit sporting placards denouncing the construction of nuclear
power plants, others protested the protesters by defiantly sleeping through
the whole thing.
AnLi-nuk ers march


R--- .,,..,- ....- . .

Calling nuclear power "danger-
ous, expensive, immoral and un-
necessary," approximately 100
persons burned their Detroit Edi-
son utility bills yesterday after-
noon at a Kennedy Square rally
sponsored by the Detroit Safe
Energvalitnimon- (I.Om Wavh-

troit Edison wants to raise our
rates" to a few curious on-lookers.
"THE RALLY and bill burning
was held to symbolize our opposi-
tion to using public money for
technologies hazardous to the
public safety," explained Sandy
Knoll, a SECO coordinator. "We
an hn n M h nain o nda mnua_


Christian group skirts 'U' policy
By MARK PARRENT Crisler, Hill Auditorium and the charge of renting Crisler, gave
and SUE WARNER Power Center for popular entertain- HVYFC authority to stage the event
Huron Valley Youth for Christ ment unless UAC handles the produc- when they were told it would be a re-
[VYFC) managed to pull off a tion. ligious revival, not a pop concert.

concert featuring singer B. J. Thom-
as in Crisler Arena last night, but left
some local events planners with the
feeling that God was not on the side of
the religious group.
F o l l o w i n g the performance

The University enacted the policy
last year because of technical, mana-
gerial and security problems it says
accompanies pop concerts.
"THEY MISLED US. said Young

CUTHBERTSON said the show
was a mixture of popular and gospel
musical selections interspersed with
religious testimony.
However- som e neeonrsRaid


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