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October 15, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-15

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Page 4-Saturday, October 15, 1977--The Michigan Daily




Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 33

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University'of Michigan
Lowerin ot-f-taefees

will make '
A S ADMIRABLE as it is, a bill
now being considered by Lan-
sing legislators which would give
T Uiversity students from bordering
:s1ates a-break on their tuition fees
:Eiould not be passed.
If students from Ohio, Indiana,
:Wisconsin and the Canadian Province
:Ontario are able to attend the
state's public universities at in-state
tjition rates, Michigan residents are
likely to be the sufferers.
It has already been shown that
should the two fees be equalized, hor-
des of out-of-staters who normally go
elsewhere woild flow into Michigan,
eating an even greater overload in
Classrooms and dorms than is en-
;red now. In addition to this injus-
ce, the revenues which are lost by
"*scounting tuition for border state
residents cannot simply be forgotten.
'lition rates would almost certainly.
have to be raised to compensate for
lost revenue, and it is the resident
student who will inevitably bear the
As nice as the concept of saving
border-state students some money is,
it would never rise above being ar-
itrary and inequitable. As the
system now stands, only Michigan
residents pay taxes to support the
- ~ew chi ld o0
alses new le:
J'HE PAST YEAR has seen a bar-
1 rage of publicity about the prob-
;m of child pornography. The media
*ave covered extensively the explo-
ion of child porn, previously known
'only to frequenters of so-called
adult" bookstores and movie
The U.S. Senate, responding to the
attention and outrage the issue has
-enerated, recently passed a bill
=which would outlaw the use of chil'
ren under 16 in the production of
#2 obscene" magazines, films and
:;dther materials, as well as make it a
rime to sell or distribute such mate-
aial involving minors.
There are two serious flaws with
the Senate's approach to the child
pornography issue, and to the prob-
tm of sexual abuse of children which
underlies it.
First is the problem of defining
what is obscene. The meanderings of
the U.S. Supreme Court on the defini-
lion of obscenity has created a fog of
ambiguity which has enveloped
American courts for years. This has
fed to such absurdities as the prose-

costs soar
state's public institutions, and there-
fore, only they should be eligible for
lowered tuition fees.
If the state legislature were to re-
quire border state students to pay a
share of taxes equivalent to those
paid by state residents each year to
attend school here, the plan would be
more reasonable. But why extend this
privilege' just to students from areas
bordering Michigan? A truly
equitable system would offer lower
tuition rates to any out-of-state stu-
dent paying a share of taxes to Michi-
gan for their education. This is a com-
plex proposition, since the students do
not own property in this state, and
their own states-may be required to
give a proportionate sum of taxes to
Michigan, based on the values of
property owned by commuting
residents. Such a formula may not be
worth the effort it takes to devise it.
The view that students from On-
tario and bordering states must pay
higher tuition fees to attend school
here'should not be construed as being
against bringing out-of-state students
into the University. Rather, as tuition
.and other costs of higher education
soar, it is one of the few remaining
ways to save resident students from
needless sacrifice.

"A wave of Soviet tanks and armored
personnel carriers rolls across the north-
ern German plain. Unable to stem the
tide, NA TO generals request permission'
to use tactical nuclear weapons. Accord-
ing to an alliance agreement, the Presi-
dent of the U.S. must give his assentI
before battlefield nukes pan be fired. He
does. Scores of heavy artillery pieces are
aimed at the invaders. Nuclear devices,
each packing the equivalent of ten kilo-;
tons (10,000 tons worth of TNT), hat the
aggressors. But in the process, West Ger-
many's cities and factories are leveled,
and civilian casualties run, into the mil-
lions. An American military spokesman,
paraphrasing another from the Viet Nam
era explains, 'We had to destroy Germany
in order to save it.' "Time, July 25, 1977
At a time of dramatic shifts in American
arms policy, a long simmering debate over
the super-secret neutron bomb is exploding
into public view. Pentagon scientists have
been working on this weapon for more than 15
years, but it has just come into the open
because military planners are trying to move
it from the laboratory and add it to their field
The neutron bomb is not a full-fledged neu-
tron device. Instead, it is basically a small H-
Bomb with the explosive force of approxi-
L et ten
papyrus Aggie War H
To The Daily: the War Hy
Your article last Sunday on the the field.
renowned papyrologist Prof. Her- To us, this
bert Youtie has pleased us all. Al- examples of
though his work, world famous as have ever se
it is, may seem remote from the to expresso
concerns of most students, still it you. Thank
is true that his influence filters this courtes
down to the undergraduate class- to us.
room through his colleagues,
who have been instructed1
and inspired by his scholar-
ship and friendship. The fresh-
man students in my Classical El
Civilization lectures owe a great
deal to what I have learned from
Prof. Youtie over the years. rCa.
One point needs correction. Mr.
Youtie is not "the lone papyrolo-
gist in Ann Arbor." Indeed Will
through his efforts Ann Arbor is a
'veritable hot bed of papyrolo-
gists. You can hardly cross the
Diag without bumpirig into one.
They are to be found in every
nook and cranny. We even have
an Assistant Dean who is a
papyrologist. To The Daily
- H. D. Cameron I read in tl
Chairman, Department about Ms. S
of Clasical Studies student wh
" cuffed in c
thank you time in the c
To The Daily: to discloset
We are students at Texas A&M mayoral ele
University and we recently wat- alma mate,
ched the Aggie-Michigan game Times arti
on television, about "the
We were very surprised and ning a lot ofd
impressed that your band formed issues. Thus.
the state of Texas, with an A&M VanHattum'
is the middle, and played the No doubt

the neutron bomb
mately one kiloton (the neutron bomb is a tac- we have a nuclear weapon that doesn't blow-
tical nuclear weapon, so-called because it is up the world we are more likely to use it. Of
intended for battlefield use, and is strictly a course, the tactical warheads the new weapob
defensive weapon.) Our current tactical nu- would replace are already nuclear so it is
clear warheads have a destructive power of hard to see how they would change the likeli-
about 50 kilotons, three times that of the Hiro- hood of nuclear war. President Carter has
shima A-bomb. The explosion of such a tiny said that the decision to use nuclear weapons
H-Bomb would restrict blast and fire damage would be just as difficult with the neutron
to a small area, but the neutrons would radi- bomb as it would be with our existing arsenal
ate beyond that point to kill enemy soldiers of nuclear warheads.
without destroying buildings. Civilians who Rejection of clean, precise nuclear weap-
would be killed by the bigger nuclear bombs ons would be destabilizing for two reasons. On
would be spared, and because there would be one hand, the Soviets would doubt that the
little fallout, friendly forces could move into U.S. would use existing nuclear bombs, with
the blast area quickly. their devasting effect, while fighting on their
At this point the debate centers around our own soil.
military position in Western Europe. Our In Senator Nunn's (D-Ga.) words, "The
NATO posture has changed significantly in purpose of deterrence is to deter Soviet
the last ten years. The tactical and nuclear aggression, not to deter ourselves from
advantage we once enjoyed over the Warsaw responding to that aggression."
Pact has been reversed. Moreover, while the
Soviet Union has been building its nuclear On the other hand, if NATO forces are
threat, it has added heavily to its conven- equipped only with their currently imprecise
tional forces. weapons, they would be under pressure to use
If there was a sudden surprise attack, the them early, before superior Soviet conven-
Soviet Unionand Warsaw Pact armies could tional forces move into the heart of Western
substantially push back NATO's forces. Europe.
NATO has said it would have to use tactical The thrust of weapons' technology should
nuclear weapons to defend against such an be towards more discriminating weapons -
invasion. But firing our present warheads at ones that are tailored to military missions.
the invaders would be very destructive to the with less damage to innocent bystanders. Yet,
territory and people we are sworn to defend. the neutron bomb is only a short-term solution
In the neutron bomb, NATO would have at its to the problem of the imbalance of forces in
disposal a weapon that could be used within Europe. The long-term 'solution, and greater
its own territory, without the- fear of safety, lies in reviving the East-West talks on
devasting its own population. Mutual and Balanced Force Reducations.
Opponents of the bomb claim that deploy- Maybe one day we will be able to do away
ingthe weapon would increase the possibility with the need for tactical nuclear weapons al=
of a nuclear war. Here the argument is that if together.

rnography bil
gal questions
cution of such films as Carnal Knowl-
edge and Midnight Cowboy by over-
zealous local prosecutors.
Ultimately, the quest for such a
definition is useless and does violence
to the spirit of free expression and a
free press.
Second, this bill passed by the Sen-
ate is largely superfluous. Many
states have laws governing the sexual
abuse of children. These laws can be
used to attack the real problem be-
hind child pornography, which is the
sexual abuse of children.
Such abuse, which encompasses
much more than the production of
child pornography, is a serious
national issue which should be
aggressively attacked by law enfor-
cement and social welfare agencies.
If the debate on child pornography
succeeds in drawing attention to this
long-hidden problem, then it will have
served a useful purpose. But if that
debate merely produces one more
statute governing what the public
may view or read, then it serves no
purpose save fueling the re-election
drives of a few legislators.

:ymn. We also heara
mn as our team took
is one of the finest
sportsmanship we
en and we would like
our appreciation to
you very much for
y which you showed
J. J. Risch, '79
Michele Lengyel, '79
Margo Knight, '79
Susie Maas, '80
lizabeth Cantwell, '81
Cathy Maxwell, '80
Julie Jackson, '80
therine E. Cooper, '79
Helen Keller '79
Beth Beavero, '79
liam S. McCludon,'78
Charlotte Mead, '79
Lisa Read, '79
Cindy Akin, '79
KaryhiCurtino, '80
Debbie Meuse, '80
secret vote
the New York Times
Susan VanHattum, a
o was held hand-
ourt and may serve
ounty jail for failure
how she voted in a
ction. Students at my
r, according to the
cle, are concerned
economy" (i.e., ear-
dough) and not social
no protests over Ms.
s treatment.
Ms. VanHattum's

Contact your reps
Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washington,
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515
Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 Longworth House Office Bldg.,
Washington, D.C. 20515
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lan-
sing, MI 48933
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933

case is complex, but clearly the
judge is overreacting. And the
student body is underreacting.
All this concern about jobs?
Seems as if the Harvard of the
midwest is turning into the Har-
vard Business School of the mid-
west. Now there's nothing wrong
with a business school. But it
ain't a university.
P.S. I've not been to Ann Arbor
for a few years, but I'll bet I know
the most important question on
"Professor, is this going to be
on the final?"
- Robert Silverman, LSA '68
Kendall Park, N.J.
To The Daily:
Concerning the VanHattum
mayoral vote:-
While agreeing with almost
everything which Professor But-
trey and Mr. Stratton say, I
would point out that there is a
very simple "compromise,,
which will solve both the court's
problems and what is perceived
as a matter of privacy.
All that is necessary is that the
court conduct a secret ballot for
the twenty people who would then
"vote" for the same person as
they voted for in the general elec-
tion. This will provide the inor-
mation the court needs while re-
taining confidentiality of the in-
dividual vote.
-Thomas M. Dunn
To The Editor:
I was appalled to read in this
morning's New York Times of
your minimal support and gen-
era apathy of all the studentsat
the University of Michigan to-
ward Miss Susan R. VanHattun's
struggle to preserve our right to
freedom from invasion of pri-
Clearly this apathy and lack of
support demonstrated the funda-
mental difference between the
Big 10 and the Ivy League ..
where in the case of the former
emphasis is placed on stream-
lining the efficiency of the off-
tackle play, while in the case of
the latter, the emphasis is on pro-
tection of the individual's rights
in a society which is struggling to
determine whether its 200-year-
young form of government can
long survive.
As soon as this ugly incident is
fairly adjudicated and justice
prevails, we would strongly
suggest that Miss VanHattun
transfer at once to Dartmouth,
Harvard, Yale or Princeton. We
would warmly welcome her.
- Donald C. Goss
Dartmouth College
Class of '53
To The Daily:
I note a couple of letters to the
effect that since Ms. VanHat-
tum's votes cast were not valid
ones, since they have no right to
secrecy. Since the votes were ad-
mittedly cast in good faith, one
can hardly follow that logic. The
secret ballot was enacted to pre-
vent bribery and intimidation,
and an error on the part of an

The Daily

it is made to depend on the word
of a single voter; a word which in
the nature of the case can never
be disproved. The judge's deci-
sion, therefore, was not only obvi-
ously illegal and unconstitution-
al, but palpably absurd.
- Preston Slosson,
Professor Emeritus
To The Daily:
This letter is actually ad-
dressed to all the students on
campus who, at one time or
another have been pedestrians on
the Ann Arbor campus; in effect,
this letter is addressed to all stu-
I am a commuter. That is, I live
sufficiently close to campus and
am fool enough to try to drive my
car to clas4 every day. Recently,
several occurrences have promp-
ted me to want to share with you
some thoughts I have on commu-
ter-pedestrian relations.
I probably cannot relate to you
the unutterable joy one derives
from merely finding a vacant
parking place in time for a class.
I also cannot describe the un-
believable frustration of cruising
campus at 10:15, trying to park in
time for an hourly that began at
10:10. Most commuters park way
out at Crisler Arena and take a
bus to central campus because
it's less hassle. Nevertheless,
some of us do brave the streets in
a ceaseless battle with the most
desperate looking mass of
students Ann Arbor must have
ever spawned. Speaking as one
with the experience of many en-
counters with such individuals
behind her, I would like to offer.
Ann Arbor pedestrians the fol-
lowing tips:
First, pleasesrefrain from
physically assaulting the
vehicles, (an instance of which.
indirectly incited this letter.) I
fail to imagine what could so
provoke a student to senseless
violence of this nature. As long as
I am kind enough to stop for you
to pass, I see no need to retaliate
with physical aggression.
Please don't walk out in th
middle of a street and hold up
your hand like a displaced traffic
cop or assail me with such bril-
liant phrases as "Pedestrians
have the right of way." You can
all feel reasonably certain that as
long as a person stands before
me, I will not proceed. I don't,
want to damage my car.
Please use the crosswalks. Be-
lieve me, nobody goes for a pleas-
ure ride through the streets of
Ann Arbor. We are all people with
places we need to be, and we are
in just as much of a hurry as you
are. If you are willing to cross
only at crosswalks, I am willing
to drive only in the streets.
Please don't walk in front of a
crowded commuter bus. It's bad
enough to have to ride one, but to
have to wait while a lone student
waltzes indescriminately by is
enough to try the patience of one
more level-headed than I.
Finally, please realize that the

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