i nc rvxa%.r iGAN DAILY Thursday, September 8 ,+ 1977 irivii~r~iiGAN DAILY Thu rsdoy, September 8, 1977 The Daily: More than a newspaper By BARBARA ZAHS One time a reporter went to cover a speech, only to discover that it was being given in Span- ish. Another time a photographer went ;to shoot an important as- signment-but forgot his cam- era.; .But somehow, in spite of these little setbacks, we man- age to publish the Daily six days a week (five days during spring and summer terms). It isn't always easy, though. There are times when it seems like the work won't possibly -get done, but somehow it always does. And each night, when the paper is "locked" and put to bed, we usually feel good, even if the going has been rough. Amidst the clatter of wire ma- chines, the ringing of the tele- phones and the grumbling of frustrated reporters upstairs at 420 Maynard Street, a lot of learning goes on. We pick up lots of useful journalistic jargon, like discovering that "spit" is a spe- cific typeface, not a gesture that you make behind an unkind edi- tor's back. We learn that a "pi- ca" is a width measurement ap- proximately equal to one-sixth of an inch, not a tiny rodent from Latin America. But the Daily is a lot more than an educational experi- ence. It's also a place to meet interesting people and develop a lot of close friendships, friendships often extend out- side the high - beamed city room. And it's a place to gain self- c o n f i d e nce (sometimes too much) and develop skills. It's a place to become better informed about local and national events, and become acquainted with the ins and outs of the University and the city government. Forgive us, if we gloat a bit. But we feel we've got reason to be proud. The Daily has been hailed among the top college pa- pers in the country. This spring, Daily reporters swept the top prizes - in the Detroit Press Club's college writing competi- tion. And in the past year alone, we've sent reporters and photo- graphers on assignment to the Inauguration, Rose Bowl and NCAA basketball playoffs, to name just a few. And we've done all of this without any financial assist- ance from the University. By supporting , it s e 1 f entirely through advertising and cir- culation revenues, the Daily is able to maintain complete edi- torial freedom. But we realize there's always room for improvement. We're eager to learn from our mis- takes. And fortunately, the Daily provides its staffers with the best on-the-job journalism train- ing available. EVEN IF YOU'RE not a jour- nalism major or if you're not in- terested in newspaper work as a career, the Daily may be just the place for you, too. You can -take your pick of news, sports, business or photo staff. Which- ever you choose, you'll have the opportunity to meet a lot of strange (but nice) people, sip ten cent cokes and find refuge from those dull biology and chemistry books. You'll even make a little bit of money after your first term of work. We'll be holding mass meet ings for prospective staffers early in the fall. Check the Daily for time and location. We hope our favorite publica- tion will soon become yours, too. Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY Members of the Daily business staff strike a more serious pose. COURSE LIST DIVERSE: Youmajor in what? Daily Photo by ALA No, it's not a Groucho Marx convention. The Daily news staff tries to put a little often tense, hectic business of putting out a newspaper. __ _ . i We're lolling 441nmliimlen' Bisone-fs in United State, how io escape, CEW fights for 'U' women By LINDA WILLCOX Barbara Murphy would tell in- quisitors that in the latest six years. the Commission for Wo- men has made considerable strides toward 'the equality of women on campus. But Murphy, the assistant chairwoman of the commission, would quickly qualify her state- ments: "It's good, but it's not good enough. ' "WHEN WE think we've dealt with a problem a'nd reached an equitable solution, we often find it comes up again liter under a different guise," she said, with an apparent note of frustration. In her office in the basement of the Administration Building, Murphy speaks about the roots and development of the Commis- sion. Back in late 1970, she says, a group of women known as PROBE charged the University with sex discrimination. Taking their complaints to the Depart- ment of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), which withheld $7 million from the University until the sex discrimination charges were solved, PROBE witnessed the formation of the Commission for Women on Janu- ary 7. 1971. THE UNIVERSITY was forced to form the commission because of Title IX of HEW's Education Act which calls for equality of education and services provided for both sexes in a public insti- tution. The 16 members of the Com- mission, appointed by the Uni- versity president upon the re- commendation of the Commis- sion, are students, faculty, pro- fessional - administrative a n d clerical persons at the Univer- sity. Their regular meetings are open to all interested parties. One of the initial endeavors of the commission was a salary equity program. By research and analysis, the commission performed file reviews of all jobs at the University. FROM BLATANT discrimina-. tion at the outset, Murphy now says, "By and large, men and women in the same job class are earning the same salary now." But the numbers of men and women are still disproportionate, especially in the more highly paid classes, she says. For instance, fewer than 16 per cent of the tenured profes- sors at the University are wo- men. There are no female deans outside the nursing department. There are no female vice-presi- dents, and only a token woman, Sarah Power, serves on the Board of Regents. POSTING SYSTEMS for job openings have improved, so wo- men now know about University job openings. Murphy says job openings were pretty much kept secret from women in earlier years. "That's not to say there still aren't people who prefer not to hire women," she says. The commission has also man- aged to affect University hiring policies, she says. But the day has yet to come when "they stop looking for women because they have to-I'd like to see a really open system." THE COMMISSION has also somewhat successfully formula- ted a maternity policy for preg- nant women under the employ of the University. Prior to the for- mation of the Commission, Uni- versity faculty anddstaff could not even take sick days for the delivery of the child. Members of the Commission were quick to establish sex dis- crimination grievance proce- dures for faculty and staff wo- men at the outset. "It wasn't until 1972 when Ti- tle IX was passed that it began to appear that students were co- vered" by laws forbidding sex discrimination, Murphy says. THEN, SHE says, "it wasn't illegal to discriminate against women students." But this group of women may not function much longer as a Commission to iron out sex dis- crimination practices at the Uni- versity. At the suggestion of University President Robben Fleming, the Commission and the Minority Commission were subordinated within; the auspices of the Affirmative Action Office, despite a study committee re- commendation to the contrary. The future of the Commission for Women would be at the dis- cretion of the director of the newly re-organized department. The Commission itself may prove to be subject to the same backpedaling prevalent among the issues it encompasses. By SUE W For those with knowledge beydnd three R's, the Un an incredible num and even concenti gree programs ce the most bizarre tellectual fulfillme The math depa ample, offers a Fourier Series on not to mention chanics, while G dents can elect e tion to Social Scie ogy or Applied C FACULTY MEM dents agree that may seem weird course catalog r tually be very i beneficial. "It's no trickt the expected," sa eron, Chairman o Clubs: Somehir By EILEEN DALEY Ever harbor a secret wish to be a juggler? Thought much about magic in King Arthur's days? Would you like to jump out of an air- plane? There's a place for people like you-as a member of one of the dozens of organizations and clubs on campus. Persons skilled at juggling, or t h o s e who, would like to learn how to juggle should keep an eye out for the Jumbling Bugglers. Bugglers frequently juggle Saturday mornings on the Diag, and since the club is very loosely organ- ized, the best way to become a member is to simply start juggling out there with them, or to ask one of them to show you how. THE TUNNELS and Trolls Club is for people who care to explore what life would have been like had magic truly existed in the time of King Arthur. Through role playing games, members also examine the effect of present day tech- nology upon the medieval world. % The Dragons and Dungeons Club would prob- ably be appealing to anyone interested in the Tunnels and Trolls Club. Dragons and Dungeons seeks to provide a vehicle for simulated me- dieval combat techniques and, via role playing games, explore the myths and mythological char- acters of that time. . Those with a fondness for parasites will want to latch onto the Friends of, Parasites Society. Friends of Parasites seek to promote interest ARNER Studies department, "but the Cameron also feels unusual a craving for purpose of education is to pre- classes and majors can do more the traditional pare you for the unexpected, and than just prepare students for the best way to do that is to jobs or continued schooling. niversity offers have as broad an educational "Students are interested in Clas- nber of classes base as possible." sical Studies because it's fun tration and de- The Classical Studies depart- and challenging." rtain to satisfy ment teaches various aspects of FOREIGN LANGUAGE pro- needs for in- Roman and Greek civilization grams at the University are also ent. and offers specialized classes tremendously diverse. Students rtment, for ex- such as Etruscan Art and Arch- can fulfill their language re- class in the eology in addition to Greek Bu- quirement in such ancient and ad Applications colic Poets. modern tongues as Marathi, Celestial Me- ACCORDING TO Cameron, Sanskrit and Serbo-Croatian. -eography stu- these courses may seem obs- However, if you've already ither Introduc- cure, but they provide the stu- completed the equivalent of four nce Epistemol- dent with a varied background years of high school Serbo-Cro- limatology. which can prove helpful in fu- atian, you can always opt for ture college or career situations. the Chinese department's Sirolo- [BERS and stu- He cited a case of one Classi- gical Tools and Methods. If classes which oal Studies major who was hired that's closed, there's always An- to the casual as a secretary for a top General alysis of Contemporary Spoken 'eader can ac- Motors executive. It seems the Russian along with scores of nteresting and employer was looking for some- other classes designed to en- one who was "interesting" and hance your knowledge of foreign to prepare for he thought the classical back- language and culture. tys H. D. Cam- ground would fill that require- "I encourage students to take f the Classical ment. as many different classes as possible," said Charles Judge, LSA Academic Counseling direc- tor, "and many find side advan- g tr everyones. Judge says classes which are a bit out of the ordinary offer and understanding of parasites. They recently smaller class size and more per- sponsored a presentation entitled "Guess Who's sonal attention from professors. Eating You for Dinner?" DESPITE THE large selection of intriguing-courses and diverse INTERESTED IN surrealism? Check out the degree programs, the University Society for Surrealistic,'Studies. This group is has found it can't please all of for students interested in the idea and idealism the people all of the time, so it of surrealism as a way of life. They also want offers what is known as the In- to appreciate their ability dividual Concentration Program to encourage students (eieter lt ICP). to reason and to appreciate life itself. This program allows students The Mad Hatter's Tea Party sponsors a good to devise their own field of study deal of fundraising activities for charity. They focusing on specific academic in- have sponsored art print sales with proceeds go- terests that don't fit into any ing to the Child Care Action Center and organ- other University program. ized a candidates night for the last Regents Students graduating through election. t h e Individual Concentration For those whose interests-are of a political Program receive either a B.A. nature, in addition to various student govern- or B.S. and must fulfill the stan- ments, there is also the Revolutionary Students' dard distribution and foreign Brigade, The Spartacus Youth League, The language requirements just like Young Socialists Alliance and the Young Work- The advantage of the pro- ers Liberation League. gram, according to Liina Wallin, The athletically inclined might want to inves- LSA academic counselor, "is tigate the University's skydiving, bicycling, sail- that you are able to study what ing, square dancing, international folk dancing you want to. You can mold your and table tennis clubs. education in the way you want it If these organizations aren't enough to keep to go."y you busy, there is also the Folklore Society, Arts Pr-ap atekinnser Chorale, the Stockmarket Club, the Chess Club, Infor-year epic trek in search of the Japan Club, the Polish Club, and the Naked take the strangest class you can 'Wrench Bike Co-op. If THAT'S not enough, may- think of. You may consider be you ought to study a little bit more. electing Philosophy 477-Theory of Knowledge, described in the J LSA Bulletin as "A philosophi- cal examination of problems sifiei sIbiconcerning the nature and pos- sibility (possibility?) of human knowledge . ." For a free booklet on how to stop smoking, call or write your local unit of the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY IN NNARBOR I _i { I i Use Daily Cb s * t. mm- PROJECT OU P t l UYV' l 1 " TILE1 tli1lI t 1111 Airm TREAC ~r~ rrfA 11 C t - --LI -4 1 -1-1I I [ALL 77-MAS MEIINb at HILL AUD., WtUWAY, September 14 at I:.u Psych 201 Ll University of Michigan Credit for Community Involvement i 0 II ;