Beaux Arts players do Ives with grace Beaux Arts Trio Rackham Auditorium October 12,1977 Beethoven..... .......Trio in E-flat major, Op. 1, No.1 Ives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trio Schubert .. .......... Trio in B-flat major, Op.99 By RENEE SHILCVSKY Wednesday night marked the first concert of the Chamber Arts Series. The Beaux Arts Trio performed to an anxious and appreciative audience, and they succeeded in defining the meaning of chamber music. The program was well-balanced, accurate, and careful to detail without being academic or stuffy. The artists, Manahem Pressler, piano, Isidore Cohen, violin, and Ber- nard Greenhouse, cello, were a superb-ensemble-their subtly blended tones and sensitive understanding of the perfect delicacy of each piece made the Beaux Arts Trio very exciting to listen to. The first piece of the evening, Beethoven's Trio in E flat major did well to illustrate the ensemble's virtuosity. The piano solos by Pressler were played so delicately, so expressively that the audience experienced the piece totally and one could not tell where listening and watching were separate. The third movement, Scherzo: Allegro assai was dynamic-cello, violin and piano became one, expertly co-ordinated yet, throughtout the movement, each instrument sang with perfect clarity and preciseness. The absolute joyfulness of the music and the performers own excitement for the piece ad- ded immensely to the audience's delight. The second piece, Ives' Trio, was a surprise, and a happy one. Few chamber concerts feature the work of Charles Ives, as he is a difficult, yet, fascinating composer. The Beaux Arts Trio mastered Ives' use of polytony, dissonance and toneclusters and brought amazing insight to the piece. We heard the sounds of Ives' childhood, the parades, patriotic ballads-and in the second movement, TSIAJ-presto, which is whimsically derived by using the first letters of 'This Scherzo Is A Joke" the diffuse harmonies came together so perfectly blended, creating a single personality for the en- semble. Schubert's Trio in B-flat major showed all the finesse of a well-polished performance. The piece proved not only the individual musicians under- standing of the music, but what is also the entire idea of chamber music; the Beaux Arts Trio has it-virtuosity and the style of the music, a perfectly balanced tone, and a dynamic rappor with their audience. While Schubert was arranging the publication of the Trio in B-flat major, he wrote, "This work will not be dedicated to any special person, but rather to all who find pleasurein it. PTP By JEFFREY SELBST -The Professional Theater Pro- gram's new production of Equus opened Wednesday night at Power Center to tumultuous applause and the by now de rigeur standing ovation at the finish. Not that this isn't a god show, because it is, it is. And a very good production. But it has a few minor problems; ovations on-the- hoof ought to be reserved for those once-in-a-decade delights. Oh, well. Equus by itself, the actual play, is a marvel of theater - taut, well- constructed, and thoroughly absorb- ing. The underlying philosophy is glib and slick, and at the base, nonsense. But this objection is brushed away by the marvel of sheer histrionic spec- tacle. PTP's production, too, was well- constructed and absorbing. The pro- duction values - set, costuming, 'Equu5 props - were all of the finest quality. The acting, however, was rather uneven. The show concerns a young boy, Alan Strang (Tony Burdick), tor- mented by both a religious obsession transmitted by a neurotogenic moth- er (Edna M. Williams) and a love of horses. He is further racked with am- bivalence toward his stern, hypocriti- cal father (Leo McNamara), and emerging sexual feelings for a beauti- beautiful co-worker named Jill (Si- mone Davis). The many-stranded psychosis re- sults in an act of (seeming) senseless violence: Alan blinds six horses in the stable where he works. At which time he is brought to the attention of magistrate Hesther Salo- mon (Patricia Kihn), who commends him into the hands of Dr. Martin "a a The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 14, 1977-Page 7 whinner .1 TVT ii Ph itharm onia opens season with promise Equus Power Center By Peter Shaffer Martin Dysart ................. William Leach Alan Strang...................Tony Burdick Hesther Salomon................. Patricia Kihn Frank Strang ................Leo McNamara Dora Strang .................... Edna M. Williams Nugget ................................ John W ojda, Jill Mason......... ........... Simone Davis Nafe Katter, Director Lighting, Michael Brill; Settings, Alan Billings; Costumes, Henry van Kuiken Produced by Professional Theater Program Dysart, (William Leach); a relent- lessly self-questioning psychiatrist. Ultimately Dysart is not unique in his profession - this was my imme- diate impression - he is a game- player, and a manipulator, but cares terribly about and for his patients, and about the progress of Alan Strang in particular. Mixed in with all this are his own doubts about his marriage, his effec- tiveness, and the presumption of a doctor to "cure" a patient. What is a "cure", then? asks Dysart. To bring him out of madness and into a "nor- mal" existence that resembles noth- ing quite so much as Kraft processed cheese food? This is supremely irrelevant to psychiatry, the play, and Alan. More- over, it smacks of simpleminded Laing (do not pity the poor psychot- ic; envy him - he is wise beyond b4' ways). Not even that; Dysart recog- nizes that insanity is painful to Alain -but asks if he can take away his pain, the only thing he can call hs own. Bill Leach, as Martin Dysart, was superb. A well-modulated joy to watch, to hear - irony, wit, all ranges of emotion - these are his strong points. I saw Leach two years ago as Gutman in Camino Real. He has (if this is possible!) improvedI - what an actor! His understanding magistrate friend Hesther, however, was pretty stiff. Patricia Kihn's idea of gesture is to throw both arms down the length of her body with a violent snap; he.r idea of vocal modulation is shouting or sounding exasperated. Even her, "nice" lines sounded unconcerned.- But the parents, particularly the father, were simply terrific. For an essentially one-dimensional part,- McNamara plays the father with' admirable depth. Ditto Williams, who somehow must try to make the simpy mother believable. She does so, too. Alan Strang (Tony Burdick) W . emotionally correct. But he began the show at a fever pitch; there was nothing to which to build, and he ended up shouting more often than necessary, and making too ma'ny' athletic leaps. He had a strained voice by the show's end; this comes, as no surprise. The production values did have one noticeable flaw: the lighting was off:. Yes, two or three feet off - every focus, every spot, except the one-on' the horses' head far upstage. I felt rather wrung out at the end even aware as I was that I could'j agree with the message, I was moved. It was in all a really good piece of work, though nothing' deserving of an on-the-hoof bit. of clap. But then, what is? .' CivicT 'Waltz' By NANCY BENT The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre opened its forty-eighth season Wednesday night with Jean Anouilh's comedy the Waltz of the Toreadors. The competent acting and direction, as well as the handsomely designed set, entertained an approving audi- ence in Lydia Me'ndelssohn Theatre while three hours glided effortlessly, by. The performance was a success. As one watches the plot develop, the waltz structure of the play, as suggested by the title, comes to life in the actions of the characters. Bas- ically, the ploy follows the mayhem that develops when an old general's woild-be lover of seventeen years arrives on the scene to collect on St. Pe's promises of marriage. One problem: his invalid wife must be dealt with first. The action moves up -and down like the frustrated old man's blood pressure, or like chil- dren growing and rejected lovers leaping from windows. It moves backwards as General St. Pe spends all his time writing his memoirs. The action moves forward as his boyish secretary passes into manhood. It moves in circles like a spin around the garden. Ultimately the action stays in one place like the paralyzed beater's a treat Waltz of the Toreadors Lydia Mendelssohn Theater By Jean Anouilh Mme. St. Pe...................... Sandra Hudson General St. Pe..............Charles Stallman Gaston ..................... .. David Marshall Sidonia ...................... ...... Heidi Cowing Estelle............................ Chris McMullen Dr. Bonfant............... ...... William J. Cross Mile. de Ste-Euverte............Susan Morris Mine. Dupont-Fredaine........... Lenore Ferber a Hilary Cohen, Director Produced by Ann Arbor Civic Theatre wife. On the surface, the elements of this play seem zany, but underneath the comic plot they come together to make a point about the necessity of reckoning with the present momeRnt, not past moments of glory and not future promises of fulfillment. "At once!" cries young Gaston in refer- ence to General St. Pe's bemusing counsel:'"That's all I'll keep of his advice." The audience does best to, keep this admonition as the best part of Anouilh's advice, too. See CIVIC, Page 5 By KERRY THOMPSON After our experiences listening to the University Philharmonia last year, when they did such things as at- tempting Tchaikovsky with sixteen violins, I was a bit hesitant about reviewing this year's first concert. The orchestra, however, is much im- proved, and gave a concert more in keeping with their former standards. The opening piece, Dvorak's Sym- phony No. 8, was performed ade- quately, but it was not particularly inspiring. Osmond was not able to bring across the broad, sweeping scope of some of the sections, and the tenderness of others, and the piece ended up sounding a bit mechanical and strained. The celli were most impressive in this piece, playing with good inton- ation and a 0 warm sound. The trumpets also played well in their big spot at the beginning of the fourth movement. They were in tune, and played forcefully without blaring. In some spots such as the really frantic section of the finale, the entire or- chestra played with energy, and conviction, and the ending was quite stirring. However, the overall im- pression was of unevenness and in- sensitivity. The high point of the evening for this reviewer was the Bach Sinfonia. It is refreshing to hear some music of the classical period other than Mo- zart and Haydn. A purist could complain that the orchestra was too large to be authentic -and he would. be right. The size of the group also was the cause of some muddiness in the lower and middle parts. The fact is, that the University Philharmonia is not a professional orchestra,but a student group. The. students are paying a good deal of money for their education, and it would be a shame to deprive even the last chair fiddler of the opportunity to perform a work University Philharmonia Concert Hill Auditorium October 11, 1977 - Antonin.......Symphony No.8 th G Major, Op. 88 Johann Christian Bach .................. Sinfonia Carl Ruggles..............Menand Mountains Stephen Osmond, Director like this,,.or any work performed by his orchestra. Our congratulations to Osmond for a progressive attitude. The violins played better in tune on this Sinfonia than before. The real congratulations, however. go to the horns for the professional aplomb with which they handled that can- tankerous maze of plumbing. The Bach was one of the most difficult things they will do all year, and they played flawlessly. The final piece was a bit more difficult to listen to, although it is certainly worth an occasional airing. One is not tempted to rank Ruggles with his more noteworthy contem- poraries such as Stravinsky and Ives, but if we only listen to the music of the great masters, we would serious- ly limit ourselves. The Ruggles piece is an interesting atonal piece that explores some pos- sible organizing of sound outside the traditional tonal methods. The open- ing movement, Men, begins impres- sively with bombastic brasses, and ends impressively with ringing brass and percussion, with a bombastic center section. (One might say that it lacks variety). The second move- ment, Lilacs, is mdre contemplative with shifting tone colors. ---2 - -~l "\ e Get ahead with your sweetheart Don't forget SWEETEST DAY V.THE °i. CHEAPO" 1RANT vro 1202 PACKARD (next door to Ann Arbor Pet Supply) 994-4842 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 FREE PARKING John Wayne, Honorary Crusade Chairman CROSS C 1UY l 4> We have 7 quality packages from Skilom, Rossignol, and Trak at pre-season sale prices. 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