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October 14, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-14

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 14, 1977-Pages

1'~Ju SEE tfw HArPPR C&Ll.. DJ y
Come back ...
The University says its student ranks have thinned to a mere 35,954 at this
campus-a loss of 36 heads since last year. So that makes 22,111 undergrads
and 13,843 grads here to fight over football tickets with. LSA remains the
largest school with 16,337 enrolled and the College of Pharmacy is still the
smallest, with 483. As far as those 36 lost souls are concerned, to you they
may have been just 72 more elbows to bump into, but we miss them already.
Speechless? Never!
Who says Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey isn't in top form? Wed-
nesday he used 345 words to
tell the Senate he was left
speechless by its decision to
name a new Department of
Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW) office building
in his honor. "Incredible as it
may seem," the senator with a
reputation for long-
windedness began, "I am at a
loss for words. Frankly Iam.
overwhelmed that 99 Senate
colleagues would have banded
together in my absence to
sponsor and pass legislation to
which I probably would have
demurred but by which I'm
deeply honored." Humphrey is
undergoing chemotherapy
treatnent for bladder cancer,
IHumphrey and has an inoperable pelvic
tumor. Still, he warned his
colleagues not to waste time
thinking he's going to be
retired that easily.
... begin at noon today with a luncheon at Guild House on Monroe
St. Female Program Coordinator for the University Maureen
O'Rourke will speak on "Some of the Women's Concerns on Campus"
. . or you can go on a Mushroom Hunt with members of the Inter-
national Center. Meet in the center's lounge o E. Madison St. at 4
p.m.... Richard Clogg, professor of Byzantine and modern Greek
studies at King's College, the University of London, will give a lecture
at 4:10 in the East Lcture Room, 3rd floor of Rackham, entitled
"British Policy Towards Wartime Resistance in Greece, 1941-
1944"... attend a forum on the Bakke case and affirmative action,
sponsored by,the Young Worker's Liberation League and the
Women's Studies Program, at 7:30 in E. Quad's Greene Lounge.. . or
go to Canterbury House on the corner of Catherine and Division Sts as
it continues its natural healing series with Max.Heirich speaking on'
"A Perspective on American Medicine," at 8.
On the Outside. *.
... our sources say the sun will make an extended appearance in
the city today. Highs will reach 550, and tonight's low will be a chilly
33O:That same source tells us to expect clouds to roll in here sometime
tonight. No rain is expected today or Saturday.
Daily Official Bulletin
. . . .............. . . . . ..:..:.s.....:....:..... . .

Nobel to 3 Americans

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -
Three Americans, pioneers -in the
study of hormones and their effects
on the human body, won the 1977
Nobel prize for medicine yesterday.-
The award went to Drs. Rosalyn
Yalow, Roger Guillemin and Andrew

ly, arrived at similar results in
competitive studies of peptide hor-
mone production of the brain.
Their conclusions "laid the founda-
tions to modern hypothalamic re-
search," or research on the hypothal-
mus gland in the human body, the

body's "master gland." They did this
by showing conclusively that the
brain and central nervous system
secreted hormones that regulated the
The work of Dr. Yalow and her
associates, including her chief col-
laborator the late Solomon Berson,
on peptide hormones has led to "a
formidable development of their own
fields of research. . . they h a v e
opened new vistas within biological

and medical research far outside the
borders of their own spheres of inter-
est," the institute said.
Dr. Yalow worked more than 20
years with Berson to develop a"news
more precise way to measure hoW
much of various hormones were
present in the body. Berson died five
years ago, and Nobel prizes are given
only to living persons.
An early result of their technique
was the discovery that diabetics; who
had been thought to lack insulin alto-
gether,. actually had some insulin,
but were unable to use it because
their bodies resisted its action.
"The Place to be!"
1+405 HILL
next to the Ark
Saturday, Oct. 15-9 p.m.
$1.00 cover charge

Schally Guillemin

Y lol

$chally, and brought to five the
number of American prize winners in
this year's competition so far. The
prize for economics will be an-
nounced today.
Dr. Yalow, 56, of the Veterans
Administration Hospital in, the
Bronx, N.Y., is the second woman to
win the medicine prize, and the first
in three decades.
two children won half the $145,000
award for research in endocrinology,
the study of glands and the hormones
they produce, and for development of
radioimmunoassays of peptide hor-
"This was pioneering work of the
highest level. It had enormous im-
pact," said the awarding faculty, the
Royal Caroline Institute of Medicipe
in Stockholm.
"I will not be modest. I thinly radio-
immunioassay has been a very im-
portant discovery,".Dr. Yalow told a
news conference yesterday at the
Bronx hospital where she conducted
he.r research. Radioimmunbassay is
a technique for measuring various
substances in the body, including
hormones, viruses, vitamins and
THE OTHER half of the 1977 prize.
for medicine was shared by Guille-,
min, 53, dean of the Salk Institute in
San Diego, Calif., andSchally, 50, of
the Veterans Administration Hos-
pital in New Orleans, La.
In independent research over the
past two decadep, the French-born
Guillemin and the Polish-born Schal-

institute said.
PEPTIDES ARE the substances
built up by chains of amino acids.
Many hormones in the body belong to
this group, produced by 'the thyroid
gland, the parathyroid glands, the
hypophysis, the placenta, the gastro-
intestinal tract and other tissues.
Guillemin, reached at his home in
the San Diego suburb of La Jolla,
said he was "pleasantly surprised"
to win the award.
He said his research has "implica-
tions in the field of diabetes, popula-
tion control and infertility."
SCHALLY SAID he was "extreme-
ly happy and extremely gratified" by
the award. Contacted in New Or-
leans, he told reporters, "I feel very
deeply moved that the Nobel prize
committee felt my work was worthy
of this great honor, the greatest
honor that exists."
Between them, Schally and Guille-
min helped correct the long-held mis-
conception that the pituitary was the
A comedy, of sorts Starring: Humph-
rey Bogart. Robert Morley, Jennifer
Jones. Directed by John Huston.
Screenplay by Truman Capote.
Room 100 Hutchins Hall
7:00 & 9:00
Admission: $1.00
- Oft- - -

A scary, thrilling experience starring GREGORY PECK Rated R
Friday and' Saturday
Oct. 14-15,
* Natral Science Auditorium 7:30 and 9:30 $1.50

TON IGHTI the ann 1fboRi ncoopaiff Ve

October 14

(Mel Brooks, 1975) 7 & 9-MLB 3
An outrageous comic masterpiece and ingenious parody of the famed horror
tale from the mad master of mayhem, MEL BROOKS. GENE WILDER, who
wrote the screen play with Brooks, is hilarious as the new Dr. Frankenstein.
MAN. "There hasn't been this kind of craziness on the screen in years.
Mel Brooks can make you laugh helplessly."-Pauline Kail. Plus Short:
HAIR RAISING HARE (Chuck Jones, 1945). Bugs Bunny vs. a Peter Lorre-
mad scientist and his hairy orange monster in sneakers. Brilliant spoof.


DAYCALNDARies come to 3200 S.A.B. and read the original de-
Friday, October 14,1977 scriptions.
"WUOM: Alan Paton, U-M Flint, "The History of 3200ESAP-Phone 763411
South Africa to 1948," describes the racial, social, N320sAB-Prone763-4117
#nd political conflicts in South Africa, 10:08 a.m. Newsday, New York: Summer journalsm pro-
Guild House: Soup and Sandwich 5Wt luncheon, gram runs for ten weeks. Openings for students com-
Maureen O'Rourke, Women's Prog. Coord., "Some pleting junior year. Deadline for applications Dec.
f the Women's Concerns on Campus," 802 Monroe; 15.
poonh Central. Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C.:
Astronomy: Visitors' Night, Dr. G. Elste, "Hot and Summer intern program for graduate students.
Cold Stars," Aud. B., Angell,.8p.m. Deadline for receiving applications January 1.
Musical Society: Soviet Georgian Dancers, Choir, Washington Center for Learning Alternatives,
Hill Aud.,8:30p.m. Washington, D.C.: Offers December graduates a
Winterim '78 in journalism/broadcasting. Also, col-
. . c loquium for Political Science majors under Dr.
AREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT Stephen Wayne, George Washington University. Ap-
200 S.A.B. - Phone 764-7460 plication deadline November 15. Further details
NTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS: Mackinac Island State Park Commission, Michi-
Sct. 17: U.S. Public Health Service gan. Openings for guides, cashiers, hosts and host-
esses. No state civil service exam required. Applica-
ket. 18: American Natural Resources, Vestal tions available with further details. Applications ac-
Laboratories, Aetna Insurance (Group) cepted between Oct. 15 and Jan.
Cct. 19: The Wharton Sch. Bus., Detroit Diesel Cincinnati Bell, Cincinnati, Ohio: Summer work
Allison - program for 'students from the Cincinnati area.
20: The Procter & Gamble DistributingCOpenings available in the following depts., telephone
ct.2n Co., operations, clerical, motor messenger and supply,
Northwestern U. Grad Sch. of Mngt., service, technical, customer service, etc. Further
Michael Reese Hospital details available.


Oct. 21: Law Day
Advertising Women of New York, Inc. & Pace Uni
versity, in New York is sponsoring a Career Confer-
ence - Sat., Oct. 22 on Finding a Job in Communi-
Mademoiselle Magazine has announced the annual
College Board, Guest Editor Competition - dead-
line: Nov. 1.
Visiting Scholarship, Visinting Fellowship & Jun-
ior Fellowship-- offered by Di:mbarton Oaks, Trust-
ees for Harvard University to promote research in
the history of landscape architecture.
Acorn, has openings for community organizers in
ten states. Candidates interested in social change
apply to: Carolyn Carr. ACORN, 523 W. 15th St., Lit-
tle Rock, Arkansas 72202.
The Newspaper Fund, P.O. Box 300,, Princeton,
N.Y. 08540. Offers 60 summer newspaper internships
in editing and reporting. Request application forms
available at Career Planning & Placement, deadline
Nov. 1.
Graduating college srs., new grads. & grad stu-
dents are invited to apply for the "live-in" Pre-Pro-
fessional Resident Advisor/Counselor Traineeships
offered at Career House Unit, The Devereux Founda-
tion in suburban Philadelphia.
For complete information on the above opportuni-

TONIGHT: 8 p.m.
--Power Center

Doe to theme of this production,
The University of Michigan
Professional Theatre Program
Guest Artist Series 1977-78
For info, cli. (313) 764-0450 before 5 p.m.
(313) 763-3333, 6-8 p.m.
First University Showcase
Oct. 26-29 in Truebtood Theatre

Jr' FRANCOIS TDIIWAEUT'S ' 1041 .if'm.~ ~

i i i %4 %.a J ? , / %.r L, W 11 L+ i I -T 0

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