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October 14, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-14

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Vol. LXXXVIIl, No. 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 14, 1977 Ten Cents Tn Pages

Carter warns of

fuel industry

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter plans to move quickly and per-
sonally to protect his embattled energy
program from an oil and gas industry
he compares to potential war prof-
- In a nationally broadcast news con-
ference yesterday, Carter said he fears
industry efforts to end federal controls
that regulate fuel prices could turn into
"The biggest ripoff in history."
Because of a major assault in the
Senate against his top-priority energy

legislation, "I am going to devote most
of my time the next few weeks ... trying
to make sure we have a fair and ade-
quate energy package."
THE ARGUMENT centers on the
President's attempts to maintain price
controls on natural gas and crude oil
and place a tax on crude oil to dampen
The House has passed those center-
pieces of Carter's proposal, but the Sen-
ate - amid intense lobbying from the
oil and gas industries - voted to de-

regulate natural gas prices and is
moving toward dropping the crude oil
Referring to his statement last April
that the energy challenge is the "moral
equivalent of war," Carter said at a
news conference "As in the case of war,
there is potential war profiteering."
HE ALSO SAID the end of govern-
ment controls could lead to "the biggest
ripoff in history." In addition, he again
raised the possibility of trying to break
up the big oil companies, although he

added, "I'm not trying to threaten
anyone or use a club."
Two high administration officials, in-
terviewed after the news conference,
said Carter intends to:
9 Emphasize to House members,
who have approved an energy bill close
to his specifications, that the admini-
stration will "hang tough" in support-
ing the House approach against the
Senate's proposals.
* Try to salvage what he can in the
Senate, with particular stress on urging,
that the ultimate Senate version, even if

watered down, contains at
shadow of the House-approved
That would give administrati
ers "something to hang theirI
in seeking an acceptable com
during Senate-House conferen
mittee deliberations on a final p
* Mount a public relations c<
to enlist public support for
position. The President plans t
energy during a five-state t
week and other officials are
undertake similar travels.

least a An additional Carter trip seems un-
sections. likely, but serious thought is being
on back- given to a presidential address to the'
hats on" nation.
ipromise Word that Carter planned to take his
ice com- case to the public in what one aide re-
product. ferred to as "a blitz," drew a mixed re-
ampaign action from senators.
o talk up "I DON'T THINK the blitz will make
our next any difference," said Senate Republi-
likely to can Leader Howard Baker of Tennes-
See CARTER, Page 10

' offers to
release 5.75%
pay hike to GEO

The University, in an effort to
' thwart a possible unfair labor prac-
tice charge, has agreed to award the
Graduate Employe Organization
(GEO) a 5.75 per cent pay increase
instead of placing the salary hike in
escrow, as originally planned.
If GEO accepts the University's
offer, it must agree to do so in
~. writing, implicitly agreeing not to
file an unfair labor practice charge
H_ against the University for unilateral-
ly granting the pay hike instead of
reaching agreement with the union
through collective bargaining.
The union has not yet answered the
offer which came yesterday in the
form of a letter from chief University
bargainer Joseph Katulic.
"We're pleased with the decision,"
"'M;aGEO vice-president Marty Bombyk
said. "However, the 5.75 per cent
(hike) does not keep up with inflation
and we'd rather return to bargain-
, ing.
University negotiators, however,
are unwilling to return to the table
until legal action has been taken on
an appeal they have filed. The appeal
charges that GSAs are students, not
yemployes, and therefore are not
entitled to contract bargaining.
Commission (MERC) judge ruled in
August that the University must
y recognize GSAs as employes entitled
to enter into contract negotiations.
The ruling came as a result of the
unfair labor practice charge filed by
GEO last November. The University
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN is appealing the MERC judge's
O e *"" University attorney William Lem-
Football player Jim Kozlowski (right) grimaces with the exertion of his weight-lifting exercises. Roger Gaudette (left) mer said he expects a decision on the
looks on. appeal in December.

University negotiators made the
5.75 per cent pay hike offer last.year,
and announced in August the money
would be placed in escrow until the
legal battle was resolved. Fear of an
unfair labor practice charge, how-
ever, as well as indications from
some GSAs that they wanted to
receive the pay hike now, prompted
the University to shift its strategy.
"It's a way of doing something now
until we know whether we'll be
required to bargain or not," said
According to Bombyk, however,
the University's decision to offer the
pay raise now was the result of
"large numbers" of GSAs calling
University officials demanding infor-
mation about the escrow fund.
"Obviously, it was effective,"

said Bombyk.
Union leaders had urged members
to call University administrators and
ask who would be eligible for the
increase, whether GSAs would re-
ceive interest on the money, when the
funds would be released, and if a
board of trustees had been estab-
lished for the escrow account.
But Lemmer refutes Bombyk's
claim, reiterating that indications
from some GSAs prompted the offer.
"It came to our attention that many
of them (GSAs) would like to be paid
after their last meeting," Lemmer
Lemmer was referring to GEO's
Sept. 20 meeting, which resulted in
an almost even split on the pay hike
See 'U', Page 10

Bakke trial: Tedium,
grandeur' in D. Co

It is a cramped, high ceilinged court-
room with marble walls. As marshalls
parade silently back and forth, taking'
pencils and papersfrom the non-press,
nine robed judges solemnly stride from
behind a dark velvet curtain, taking
their places at a long wooden bench.
The proceedings begin. A veteran
lawyer, described as "grand, imperial,
princely, and full of Yankee aloofness,"
squares off against a newcomer'from
San Francisco, said to act like "he had
seen too many Perry Mason flicks." It
is all part of the most influential and
important court case of recent years:
the University of Calif.-Davis v. Allen
For University law professor Peter
Westen, these were some of many vivid
images collected on a trip to the
nation's capitol Tuesday.
"It was interesting, because the case
represents to what extent is one group
to be given special privileges, and the
courtroom itself reflected constant
granting of special privilege.
"I waited in a special admissions line
because I am a member of the Supreme,
Court Bar, and there were others that
got in even before me, like Sen. Robert
Griffin (R-Mich.), Judge Damon Keith
and Sen. Tom Eagleton (D-Mo.)."
Another Ann Arborite, however, had.
quite a different experience. Jean King,
an outspoken lawyer who has handled
many local discrimination cases, went
to Washington hoping to see a portion of
the trial.

However, many hours and two tired
feet later, she left without a glimpse of
the trial. She couldn't get her hands on
a ticket.
""You don't get in line at four in the
morning because you don't have
anything else to do. But outside of being
tired, I don't regret it a bit.
"I would estimate that one-third 1to
one-half of the people in the line were
black, because it's no mystery to
everybody on the grapevine what this
means-it means no opportunity for
black kids."
For Westen, Tuesday's proceedings
were full of striking incongruencies:
the rich, hob-nobbing lawyers on one
side, the general public on the other;
the streamlined Bakke prosecution
versus the elaborate University of
California defense, and most of all, the
basic differences between the two
"The lawyers weren't as good as they
should have been, but especially.
Bakke's. . . Bakke hired a trial lawyer
(Reynold Colvin), that's all he could af-
ford . . . But he was corny and
melodramatic . . . he was out of his
element . . . He would stroll up and
down the courtroom, until the Chief
Justice asked him to stop pacing and
address the court into the microphone."
The contrast between the unpolished
Colvin approach and that of the Univer-
sity's attorney, the renowned Archibald
Cox, was obvious, said Westen.

Blanco kits

"We do not trust Mr. Carter's
feelings for human rights in Latin
America but we are confident of the
feelirig for human rights in the
United States for the Latin American
people," was the message exiled'
Peruvian peasant leader Hugo Blan-
co brought to the University last
Blanco discussed "Carter and hu-
man rights in Latin America" to a
packed house in the Union's Pendel-
ton Room. Blanco has been granted a
six-month visa for a speaking tour in
this country after waiting for six
DEFINING the History of Latin
America as one of colonization, first
by the Spanish, and most recently, by
the United States, Blanco said,
"Because of this, the rebellion has
been a permanent one in our contin-
ent. The USA tells the governments
to maintain a stable situation, a
proper climate for investments. The

only way to achieve th
Speaking through an
Blanco gave an account
oppression found in La
country by country."
have disappearances,
you have assassinat
Uruguay you have very
Concentrating on th
situation in Uruguay,
"Many live in fear (o

hum an rights
is is through ment) and have to report to the police human ri
every week, others every two weeks, "Patri
n interpreter, to present an oral or written report as the U.S.S
of the type of to where they've been and who human r
atin America, they've talked to. that repr
'In Chile you "The population, instead of grow- tina, in
in Argentina frig, is decreasing. Some people who efforts. T
ions and ii have visited Uruguay say it's a rights, i
y bad repres- country of children and old people." militaryc
After outlining the repressive sit- "Follo
e repressive uation which exists in the Latin Blanco c
Blanco said, American countries, Blanco attacked
f the govern- the Carter administration through its

ights policy.
cia Dorian (Coordinator of
State Department's group on
ights) has reported to Carter
ression continues in Argen-
spite of the government's
Therefore, to defend human
t's best to work with the
wing that line of logic,"
concluded, "we should have

See BLANCO, Page 2

See BAKKE, Page 2

No romps through
the A rb for Jasper

Jasper is a beautiful, healthy
six-month-old Labrador retriever
given to tail-wagging and lovable
hi-jinx. Within'a month, he will
probably be dead.
Formerly a fraternity mascot,
Jasper is one of nearly 18,000
animals brought each year to the
Hurhn Vallev Hiumiane gSoietv

week. But there is an option to
euthanization, the say - specif-
ically, better educated pet owners.
INSIDE THE HVHS building on
Cherry Hill Road, the visitor
delivering or retrieving an animal
is met by a chaotic din. Amid the
maze of narrow cement aisles

a ..

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