Armbands donned to
protest Kent St. gym
(Continued from Page 1)
more than 100 campuses across the
country. It's one step in trying to build
the action."
John Ellison, a native Ohioan, de-
scribed the feelings in his home state
over construction of the gym. "It's
really a big deal there," he said. "I
can't believe that Ohio Governor James
Rhodes sent the National Guard in way
back then and that he's still in office."
BUT HE NOTED, "It's so apathetic
around here (Ann Arbor). I'm wearing
this more for an example."
Rodney Hunt took a long look at the
yellow strip of paper midway up his
arm and philosophized a bit. "There is
NEW YORK (AP)-Door bells,
flashlight batteries and the Verrazano-
Narrows Bridge, the world's largest
suspension bridge, all have something
in common. They owe their existence to ,
Andrew Wittman.
Wittman, a surveyor, is believed to
be the first Ameican to have made zinc
metal. In 1845, he produced two ounces
from ore discovered on a farm four
miles south of Bethlehem, Pa. Now a
mine, owned by Gulf & Western's New
Jersey Zinc Company, the "farm"
produces 2,000 tons of zinc ore each day.
Door bells and* battery casings are
made of rolled zinc, smelted from the
nine. And the Verrazano-Narrows
Bridge cables, which span New York
Harbor, are protected against rust by
2,316 tons of zinc galvanizing.,
a hell of a lot of injustice in this society
and if people continue to ignore it, it
may well continue.
"I guess that's why I'm wearing it,"
he said. "I support the cause."
Kovari -explained her reasons for don-
ning the armband with a bit of histori-
cal perspective. "I think that if they can
memorialize the dead from World War
I, the dead from World War II and the
Korean War, it is certainly justified to
memorialize the dead in the cause of
"I was pretty young whep it hap-
pened," she added. "It wasn't an issue
for me as a high school student. Now
it's become important. Students now
are afraid to take a stand and that's a
copout to me. I want to take a stand.
I'm tired of ambiguity."
Bret Eynon also looked back at the
past in explaining his support of the
Kent State action. "I'm wearing this
armband because I support the people
and what they're doing. It's important
to maintain a sense of history. You need
to have an idea of the past. In wiping
out our history, they are wiping out our
"PUTTING UP THE GYM is a gross
attempt to bury the past," insisted
Dave Swan. "All of us would be trying
to forget our memories.. People are
trying to gloss it over now. If students
were-fully aware, there'd be more sup-
Buy now and avoid
skyrocketing airfares
(Continued from Page 1)
books reservations two weeks in ad-
vance of a trip. Excursion-takers must
remain for at least one week at their
destination, but can stay no longer than
30 days if the discount is to remain in ef-
fect. The 20 per cent discount can be
used for travel to almost anywhere in
the U.S. Beginning Dec. 18, however,
flights to Florida will offer only a 15 per
cent decreasein cost.
"No frills" is the newest addition to
the savings scene. The major airlines
have such flights from Chicago to the
west coast, excluding San Diego and
San Francisco, for $99. Without an in-
flight meal, the cost is reduced to $89.
No advance bookings are taken for the'
OTHER "ECONOMY" measures in
air fare are the special package trips.
According to Sherene Kokelaar, agent
for Great Places Travel on S. Fourth
St., package excursions are always
being organized. For example, agen-
cies will offer Rose Bowl trips from
here to California, s'hould the need arise
this fall.
These specially-priced offerings usu-
ally contain a minimum of cost require-
ments, and are used frequently by stu-
journeys, airline travel can become
quite expensive. A flight from Detroit t
,Chicago - a distance of about 250 mile
- costs $82, round trip. Flying fro
Detroit to New York City costs $132
round trip. According to travel agents
no price decrease is in sight.
"Prices will never go down," note
Phibbs. The government must approve
all cost increases, she said, art
although the increases seem slight,
they add up very quickly.
Phibbs, who has a computer at her
fingertips to provide any travel infor-
mation she hasn't accumulated from
experience, says that travellers ar:
definitely affected by high prices.
"Students come in and ask, 'What's
the cheapest way to go?" comments
one of Phibbs' co-workers.."All we'can
do is suggest other modes of transporta-
A 2 amnesty workere
'share' in Nobel Prize
(Continued from Page 1)
FRANSISCO,' coordinator for the
urgent action group, said Amnesty In-
ternational sends her approximately
three emergency cases per week. Her
workers are then instructed to send
telegrams or aerograms to the
prisoners' local and national gover-
nment in addition to the U.S. gover-
nment and State Department.
, Ann Arbor's Amnesty chapter
primarily concentrates on liberating
prisoners in Latin American countries.
According to Fransisco, this is
because the group was originally for-
med by locals concerned with "ex-
pressing moral outrage against
atrocities in Latin America."
"WE'RE CONCERNED with' the par-
ticularly large number of U.S.-
supported right-wing dictatorships in
Latin America," Fransisco added.
Bob Hauert, of the University's
Ethics and Religion office and member
of the local amnesty movement, said he
is not sure exactly how much influence
the organization has on foreign gover
"Our only encouragement is tha
Amnesty International tells us pressur.
does help prote1t political prisoners,"
Hauert commented. "They say gover
nments tend to be more careful if a
large number of people apply
HOWEVER, Hauert said he per-
sonally knows a former Brazilian
prisoner who was freed largely because
of Amnesty International's efforts.
"Needless to say, area amnesty ac-
tivists were pleased with .this year's
Nobel peace prize selection.
"I think it's going to increase our ef-
fectiveness by extending awareness of
our group," stated Stewart. "On a per-
sonal level, I'm really proud to think
I'm a partial winner of the Nobel prize,
even though I won't get any of the
Fransisco said the timing of the
award presentation was "very for:
tuitous" since Amnesty International
field representatives Josh Rubenstein
will appear on campus Tuesday.
Rubenstein will speak as part of
University Activities Center's (UAC)
Viewpoint lecture series.
I Work in Washington, D.C. This Summer I