Smoking can hurt fetus YOU SEE CIF 4S T N 14 ZDAIY BOSTON(Al)-Women who smoke during regnancy are nearly twice as liable as nonsmokers to lose their babies through spontaneous abortion, a study says. The researchers recommended that women give up smoking to increase their chances of having full pregnan- cies with normal childbirth. This study, conducted at New York's Columbia University, adds another argument to the growing case against smoking during pregnancy. A SPONTANEOUS abortion-as op- posed to one that is induced ar- tificially-is defined as one in which a woman naturally loses a fetus less than about 20 weeks old. The researchers did not distinguish between a spontaneous abortion and a miscarriage, which is generally defined as loss of the embryo or fetus during the first three months. The researchers were not sure why women who smoke have more spon- taneous abortions, but they said there are two main theories. One is that smoking women sat less than non- smokers. The other is that fetuses of smoking women do not get enough oxygen. The Michigan Daily-Thursdgy, October 13, 1977--Pa the too arbor flmxcooperatve TONIGHTI Thursday, October 13 PIEEROT LE FOU (PIERROT THE MAD) (Jean-Luc Godard, 1965) 7 ONLY-AUD. A Made in the same year as ALPHAVILLE, this film stars Jean-Paul Belmor do and Anna Karina as a burned-out couple who become involved with gun-runners. A fascinating mix of cheap thriller and A SEASON IN HELL. "I summoned the executioners so as to die gnawing the butts of their guns. I summoned the scrouges so as to bury myself in sand and blood."-Rimbaud. One of the few films that redefined the movies, from one of the great originals. Cinemascope. MASCULINE FEMININE (Jean-Luc Godard, 1966) 9 ONLY-AUD. A Basing his script on a story by de Mouspassant, Godorci presents the search for love among "the children of Marx and Coca-Cola." Jeone-Pierre Leoud (THE 400 BLOWS, LAST TANGO IN PARIS) is a pop revolutionary in an affair with Chontal Goyo as a would-be ye-ye singer. With great sympathy and great perception, Godard explores the world of European youth whose strongest roots are in American Hucksterism. A Modern Masterpiece. "MASCULINE FEMININE .. shows the most dazzling inventive and audacious artist in movies today at anew peak."-Pauline Koel. SINGLE ADMISSION $1.50 DOUBLE FEA TURE $2.50 Fin -icky Last week dorm residents were complaining about the elimination of paper towels in bathrooms. While that wet controversy drips on, dorm dwellers have their hooks into another issue-tuna fish. They're asking why yellow fin tuna is being served in dorm cafeterias even though residents passed a referendum last spring to serve only the higher quality albacore this year. But, there's an explanation. The University ordered a large supply of yellow fin before the referendum was voted upon. It won't be until mid-November when the yellow fins run out and residents will get albacore. Once this fishy issue is resolved, students can turn their full attention back to paper towels. Happ enings .. the hare who lost the race to the tortoise, get off to a late start.. . at noon, catch Peter "Mudcat" Ruth's harmonica ex- travaganza in the Union's Piendleton Center ... stimulate your sen- sory perception with a lecture on "Brainstorm Behavorial Systems" by Ohio State's Gary Berntson in room 1057 of the Mental Health Research Institute at 3:45... the geologists and mineralogists over in room 4001 C.C. Little want to serve you coffee at 3:30 before Dr. Charles Swithinbank talks on "Recent Developments in Antarctic Research at 4:00 ... over in Rackham's East Lecture Room at 4:00, the Department of Anthropology presents "Cultural Analysis: Methods and Motives' "... and at 4:10 in Rackham's East Conference Room, University of London Professor Richard Clogg will talk on "Elite and Popular Culture in Greece under Turkish Rule"... eat your dinner and then pick out something to do for the evening . . . beginning at 7:15 when the Christian Science Organization, 4304 Michigan Union, holds a meeting for interested souls... political repression in Uruguay is the topic of -amnesty In- ternational representative Karen Brown's talk at 7:30 in Alice Lloyd's Blue Carpet Lounge ... at the same time, gay Catholics will meet in the Newman Room at the Father Richard Center on Thompson St..... over on Monroe St., at the Guild House, John ALCOCK AND John Reinhart will read some of their poetry at 7:30 ... also at 7:30, psychic healer Stern Morgan will teach you how to meditate at the Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Division.. . Fortran fans may be interested inthe Computer Club's open meeting at 7:30 in 4108 Michigan Union ... speaking on "Carter and Human Rights in Latin America," Hugo Blanco, the exiled Peruvian peasant leader, will be in the Union's Pendleton Room at 7:30 ... the Washington Intern Program Minority lass Meeting will be held in Markley's Angela Davis Lounge at, what else, 7:30... moving to 8:00, choose between a free concert of art songs by black female composers, presented by the Eva Jessye Afro-American Music Collection in Rackham Auditorium ...and another free conchrt at the School of Music Recital Hall featuring "Chamber Music of the Baroque" ... good day. Canary gold When her pet-bird died last spring, an elderly Salt Lake City woman resourcefully sprinkled some leftover birdseed in her garden. But when the little green sprouts came up they didn't look like anything she'd ever seen in Utah before. However, Salt Lake City cops had little trouble recognizing it. They wasted no time in harvesting a neat crop of cannabis. Any one for birdseed brownies? On the outside,..,. The thermometer is finally finding its way up to a respectable level. Today the high will hit 550 before dipping down to 40° when night falls. Cloudy skies should clear up during the day while light and variable winds gently buffet you. Our weather forecasters say "it's leaning toward being nice" for the weekend. Daily Official Bulletin .....n" ......I51 ...............5151... 154 gal 111114995411511511 RUt 11114 1111811111 11111 lag + f --s :.. EVERYTHING_ r' . x ,, . VIM YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN APPLIANCE STORE. Thursday, October 13, 1977 DAY CALENDAR WUOM: National Press Club, Gaston Thorn, Prime Minister, Luxembourg, one of Europe's most prominent statesman, served as president, General Assembly, United Nations, will discuss the economic and defense ties in western Europe, 10:05 a.m. Physics: R. Cahn, "Polarized electron-nuclear Scattering in Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions," 2038 Randall, 4 p.m. Guild House: Poetry reading, John Rienhard, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m. Music School: Faculty Chamber Music Recital, SM Recital Hall; "Art Songs by Black Female Com- posers," Rackham Aud., 8p.m.' CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 S.A.B. - Phone 764-7460 ' INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS: Oct. 17: U.S. Public Health Service Oct. 18: American Natural Resources,'Vestal Laboratories, Aetna Insurance (Group) Oct. 19: The Wharton Sch. Bus., Detroit Diesel Allison Oct. 20: The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co., Northwestern U. Grad Sch. of Mngt., Michael Reese Hospital Oct.21: Law Day Advertising Women of New York, Inc. & Pace Uni versity, in New York is sponsoring a Career Confer- ence - Sat., Oct. 22 on Finding a Job in Communi- cations. Mademoiselle Magazine has announced the annual College Board, Guest Editor Competition - dead- line: Nov. ., visiting Scholarship, Visinting Fellowship & Jun- ior Fellowship - offered by Dumbarton Oaks, Trust- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVIII, No.31 Thursday.October 13,1977 is edited and managed'by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. ees for Harvard University to promote research in the history of landscape architecture. Acorn, has openings for community organizers in ten states. Candidates interested in social change apply to: Carolyn C rr, ACORN, 523 W. 15th St., Lit- tie Rock, Arkansas 72202 The Newspaper Fund, P.O. Box 300, Princeton, N.Y. 08540. Offers 60 summer newspaper internships in editing and reporting. Request application forms available at Career Planning & Placemept, deadline Nov. 1. Graduating college srs., new grads. & grad stu- dents are invited to apply for the "live-in" Pre-Pro- fessional Resident Advisor/Counselor Traineeships offered at Career House Unit, The Devereux Founda- tion in suburban Philadelphia. For complete information on the above opportuni- ties come to 3200 S.A.B. and read the original de- scriptions. SUMMER PLACEMENT Newsday, New York: Summer journalism, pro- 'gram runs for ten weeks. Openings for students com- pleting junior year. Deadline for applications Dec. 15. Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C.: Summer intern program for graduate students. Deadline for receiving applications Januarys1. ROBERT ALTMAN'S 1973 THIEVES LIKE US KEITH CARRADINE, SHELLY DUVALL and COCA-COLA star in this tale set in Mississippi during the depression. Two young lovers emerge out the ramblings of a bumbling gang of bank robbers. In rich but foreboding on-location color. Fri. JULES AND JIM CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT at 7 & 9:05 OLD ARCH. AUD. $1.50 _Mediatriesx .B ff. WEL..UW EU minE. U ruSE0 DU