MOMMI .~&... ... Vast network of once used by Vi had commanded the Cu Chi Libera- EDITOR'S NOTE - Associated tion Battalion during 1966. Press Pulitzer Prize winning pho- tographer-writer Horst Faas, who THAT WAS THE unit the Ameri- covered the Vietnam war for 12 can colonel's "Black Lion" battalion years, recently made a return visit to had opposed. The slightly-built, 45- yyear-old Capt. Linh looked quizzical- that country. Here is the report of a ly as I pursued my questioning. Yes, trip to a former Vietnam battlefield. he said, intelligence reports had in- formed him at the time that the By HORST FAAS opposing American battalion com- Associated Press Writer mander had been killed. CU CHI, Vietnam (AP) - As Lt. As he recalled those days for our. Col. George Eyster lay dying from tourist group, the horror of a war I Viet Cong sniper bullet wounds on a had witnessed from only one side jungle trail, he said to me, "Before I became vividly real. go I'd like to talk to the guy who The battleground we were taken to controls those incredible men in the lay beneath our feet, at one, two and tunnels." three levels underground: It was a Eleven years later I met that man twisting octopus of tunnels and and he showed me the inside of the caverns stretching from Cu Chi fantastic tunnel octopus that took 30 towards Saigon and the surrounding years to dig and stretched 150 miles, provincial capitals. The tunnels were with tentacles sometimes winding marked in black lines on a 12 by right under the chairs of U.S. 12-foot map hanging from a briefing commanders as they sat in their room wall, and my first reaction was headquarters. that it looked like a map of the New York or London subway system, with EYSTER, A TALLWest Pointer dots not for stations but for fighting from Cocoa Beach, Fla., died in a positions and secret entrances and field hospital while his battalion, the exits. Second of the 28th Regiment, First Infantry Division, was trying to fight THE SLIPPERY, humid corridors, its way out of the vast underground about two feet wide and two feet high, complex 20 miles northwest of Sai- blocked with wooden trapdoors at gon. underground intersections, spanned The ,now peaceful tunnels were on the history of the whole Vietnam war, the itinerary of a German tourist starting from the days when Com- group I traveled with on a rare munist agents hid from the French two-week trip to Vietnam. police. But it was during the Ameri- One of the briefing officers at can phase of the war, Linh said, that district headquarters was Capt. Ngu- the system was truly tested. yen Thanh Linh. Dressed in an olive "As more and more American drab North Vietnamese uniform and soldiers arrived to occupy the sur- Ho Chi Minh rubber tire sandals, he face above, the more we extended said in answer to a question that he our system below," said a senior /unnels et Cong officer at the briefing, Col. Duong Long Sang. "At the end we had a three-tier tunnel system and every- thing was underground - the toilets, the hospitals, all our soldiers, many civilians and even water buffalo." The colonel continued, "We literal- ly dug for 30 years, usually in the dark, squatting down. We carved out about a meter every eight hours, and women distributed the earth on the surface, hiding it under fallen leaves." THE TUNNELS crept under some U.S.positions. "Several times we knew that American field command- ers would sit like this on their metal chairs directly above us;" said Linh with a grin. Eventually the Americans figured out the counterattack. First they used hunting dogs "and we battled them underground with rifle butts, mines and knives," said Linh. Then somebody had the idea to use American toilet soap and the Vietnamese started smelling the same as the GIs. "That stopped the dogs," Linh said. NEXT CAME the "tunnel rats - small, tough Americans, like -us," Linh said. "They crawled into the tunnels with explosives and gas to blast us out. We installed more escape routes, more tiers, but some- times we were cornered and we tried to kill them with bayonets so as not to give our positions away. "Many Americans died in the tunnels. They wasted much time pulling their dead back. That gave us time to regroup. The more we killed the fewer problems we had," said Linh. __ Carter signs urban WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter winner among the big cities, boosting million Urba dministration's first new urban its share of federal community devel- spurring ec rogram was signed into law yester- opment dollars from $28.3 million the nation's av. promising billions for ravaged this year to $65.7 million in 1980. an on mo 'There is nation a ern sta other st loses un Everyon housing bill Action Grant fund for CARTER SAID his visit to the omic development in South Bronx revealed slums that are ost troubled cities. The "A disgrace to our great country." In fact, ghetto-marked cities like ::::::::::::::::::: Detroit, New York, and Baltimore will receive millions of dollars more under the Carter housing bill than no discrimi-M they were to receive under the expiring legislation. gainst South- "There is no discrimination against Southern states or any other tes or any states," declared Sen. Edward Brooke (R-Mass). "No one loses ates. No one under this bill. Everyone gains." New York-gets a boost from $151 der this bill, million to $255 million, while cities such as Atlanta and Oklahoma City t gains.' are held relatively constant in receiv- ing about $14 million and $8 million Sen. Edward respectively. The housing and community devel- Brooke opment bill, product of a two-month conference between the House and Senate, extends the community de- .::::::::::.:.:: :..:::.. velopment program for revitalizing cities for three years and funds it with a total $10.9 billion, a $2.4 billion formula that drastical; increase. d in Included in the housing bill is $1.2 ederal aid to citiesin billion in rent subsidies for low- and the Midwest but income families, as well as a variety a trickle more money of subsidies for homeowners and the .ties of the South and housing industry. Carter aides expect the neasure to spur private investment in distressed urban areas, again where the need is @@0L? the greatest. The bill also increases mortgage irvice insurance and lowers down payment, : requirements under the Federal Housing Administration. titution. "It will help a lot of big bill includes a f thern cities, but also the inner- ly increases fe g suburbs and more than a few the Northeast belt cities." also providesa ew elements in the community for growing ci elopment program include a $400- West. GOING TO LAW SCH Law School Counseling Ss provides at low cost -personalized attention to individu -help in coping with the admission -vital information on special progr -numerous other services. For free brochure, send name and adc LSCS; Box 181; Cambridge, MA., 0 jai needs. s process. ams. dress to: 2138 1 What is Carter's "human rights" campaigntrw b really about? Come hear what a veteran of Latin American jails has to say. The "revolutionary's revolutionary," as the VILLAGE VOICE called him in 1971, Hugo Blanco led thousands of poor Indian tenant farmers in their fight for land and freedom. Acclaimed by Che Guevara, Blanco was imprisoned and exiled time and time again. Now living GET MOVING, AMERICA! TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY PROGRAM AT MIT The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is now offering a Master of Science Program in Technology and Policy. This program is de" signed for persons wanting to participate in leading the development, use and control of techn'ology and its products. Students apply