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October 12, 1977 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-12

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Page 8-Wednesday, October 12, 1977-The Michigan Daily

Both poll
AP Top Twenty
Team Points
1. MICHIGAN (44)........5-0n1,180
2. Texas (15) ............ 4-0 1,100
3. Colorado (1) ....... 5-0 775.
3. DAILY LIBELS (tie).. 5-0 775
4. Alabama (1) .......... 4-1 762
5. Ohio State (1)........4-1 735
6. Southern Cal..........4-1 659
7. Oklahoma ............. 4-1 657
8. Arkansas ............. 4-0 457
9. Nebraska...........4-1 471
10. Penn State...........4-1 304
1. Notre Dame .........3-1 219
12. Kentucky ............. 4-1 184
13. Texas A&M ........... 3-1 169
14. Wisconsin ............. 5-0 144
1A. Texas Tech............ 4-1 95
16. Louisiana State.......3-1 93
17. Pitt ................. 3-1-1 77
18. Florida ........... 2-1-1 23,
19. Houston ............... 3-1 20
0. California ............. 4-1 18

!s agree... Michigan
M ICHIGAN IS number one.. . again.
Thanks to Texas and Alabama, the Wolverines are back on top of
the college football world for the first time in three weeks.
Michigan was number one, but less than satisfying victories over Duke
and Navy dropped the Maize and Blue to third in one poll and second in the
But it was nearly unanimous after last Saturday that the nation s
coaches and sportwriters believe the Wolverines deserve a second chance.
But, to get back on top, Michigan needed a helping hand from the Crim-
son Tide who nipped Southern Cal, 21-20, putting an end to USC's 15 game
winning streak, the longest in the country.
Also doing their part were the Texas Longhorns.
By defeating Oklahoma, 13-6, Texas jumped from fourth to second in
both polls.
In fact, the AP and the UPI almost totally agreed on the top 10. The AP
opted to place USC ahead of the Sooners while the-UPI put Oklahoma 6th,
and USC 7th.
A couple interesting notes about the top twenty is that four of the five un-
beaten teams will square off this weekend.
The 14th ranked (or 15th depending on who you talk to) Wisconsin
Badgers put their perfect record and Big Ten lead up for grabs when they
meet Michigan, and 8th ranked Arkansas hosts Texas.


No. 1

J hat's

aee, 9he, wrote

UPI Top Twenty
Tea m Points
1. MICHIGAN (31) ....... 5-0 397
2. Texas (10) ..........4-0 363
3. (tie) Colorado........5-0 269
3. (tie) DAILY LIBELS.. 5-0 269
4. Alabama .............. 4-1 230
5. Ohio State ............. 4-1 219
6. Oklahoma ........... 4-1 198
7. Southern Cal.........4-1 194
8. Arkansas.......... 4-0 145
9. Nebraska..........4-1 134
10. Penn State.........4-1 26
11. Louisiana State......3-1 14
12. (tie) Pittsburgh.....3-1-1 11
12. (tie) Notre Dame.....3-1 11
14. Texas A&M.........3-1 9
15. (tie) Texas Tech.....4-1 6
15. (tie) Wisconsin......5-0 6
17. Houston...........3-1 4
18. (tie) No. Texas St....5-1 3
18. (tie) Brigham Young.. 3-1 3
20. North Carolina State ... 5-1 2

Cithrottle Blueer3-0

;--Facing a nationally top-ranked
yam is usually a difficult thing to do,
4' Afact which the women's field
totkey team attested to yesterday as
was beaten by the Central Michi-
n Chippewas, the number five
inked team in the country, by a
$re of 3-0.
+ I was disappointed that we didn't
4ogre in the game," commented head
dgch Phyllis Ocker. "Central is a
dod team, but I feel it could have
;qne either way."
tFOLLOWING A rather lackluster
art, with mediocre passing and
c4ion on both teams; the excitement
uilt as the Michigan Clubbers put
pressure on the Chips' goal.
'ntral's defense was tight, how-
er, and prevented Michigan's four
Pots on goal from crossing the goal
Although the clubbers continued to
dominate the action during the first
half, they failed to score and Central
capitalized on the situation. their
strong passing moved them into M
territory, and by drawing Michigan
goalie Laura Pieri out of the goal, the
Chippewas put themselves on the
hoard with a score.
THE PACE of the game continued.
to increase as each team began to
move more effectively on the slip-
pery field. Both teams had many
good chances to score. Central finally
succeeded near the end of the first
half to make it 2-0..
' The second half was a repeat in
enthusiasm and excitement. The

clubbers held their own against the
top-ranked Chips who beat them
twice last year and knocked them out
of the state tournament.
But the Wolverines failed to score
on several impressive drives down
field and unsuccessful scrambles
directly in front of the Central goal.
Instead, the Chips patiently waited
until the last few minutes of the game
to put the pressure on Michigan and
slip in one last goal to account for the
final score.
TWO KEY PLAYERS for the Blue .

were Pat Cohen, a senior defense-
woman and Kathi Dennis, a senior
back who was forced to leave the
game with four minutes remaining
due to a leg injury.
The clubbers play at Bowling
Green this Saturday. Their next bout
on their home turf is on October 27
when they host Kalamazoo College.
,* * *
Linksters outclassed
Michigan's varsity women's golf
team participated last weekend in

the Indiana Invitational Tourna-
ment, finishing 17th in a field of 21.
Minnesota took first place in the
tournament, with Michigan State and
Ohio State finishing second and third,
Coach Tom Simon seemed very
satisfied with the tournament re-
sults, saying that the team was
"doing super" despite the low finish.
The golfers travel to Huntington,
West Virginia for the Midwest Re-
gional Championships this weekend.

'M' fans won '( go away

T HE Michigan basketball program has been highly successful for
the past couple of years. So successful, in fact, that one cage
coach routinely claims that Michigan is the finest athletic and
academic institution in the country. There's just one catch - the
"student athletes" in the basketball program don't seem to be
graduating anymore.
Wayman Britt, Rickey Green, Steve Grote and John Robinson all left
Michigan without degrees. Michigan is no different in this respect than
any number of other schools with big time basketball programs, but
that is no less reason for concern.
Britt is 12 hours short of his degree, and has no plans to come back.
As for last year's seniors, a coach responded last summer: "If Grote
hasn't picked up his diploma, he's right there. Rob just has to
straighten out a couple of incompletes and Rickey is extremely close."
In other words, when you get right down to it, all left without their
degrees. [Robinson said he would visit Ann Arbor in the near future to
tie up loose ends].
The problem may be inherent in the hypocrisy of -a system which
rewards winning above all else but insists upon a facade of academic
excellence and non-professionalism. But steps can be taken to
counteract it.
One can argue that there is only so much that can be done to make
sure an athlete is working towards a degree.
But, on the other hand, is the basketball program doing enough? To
me, it seems implicit in the bargain that if an athlete signs a tender to
play four years for Michigan, then Michigan in return must do
everything in its power to give that athlete a college education.
Of course, Rickey Green can do nicely without a college degree.
Besides having a good chance of starting for Golden State, how many
first-year Michigan grads can claim they are making around 90,000 a
Michigan coaches point to the success of such former players
when they recruit. While it can be justifiably said that Michigan-gave
Green, Britt, Grote and Robinson opportunities they might not have
had otherwise, what did they do for Michigan?
-Their careers spanned a time when the basketball program
came into national prominence and their performances helped Johnny
Orr receive a Coach of the Year award by his colleagues, leading to
lucrative speaking engagements.
-Exposure through a national magazine and television contracts
which bring in a lot of profits. Michigan will be on national TV at least
two times this season.
The coaches sign athletes knowing full-well that some come from
inferior inner city high schools and are ill-prepared for college. Not
only is it unrealistic to expect them to fit right in, but basketball
involves mid-week road trips, practices and assorted other demands
which would tax any student.
The athletic department has access to tutors and >a full-time
counselor, and the basketball coaches claim to check the players'
progress in school every two to three weeks. In some cases, they are
extremely persistent. But given the recent track record, is enough
being done?
The football program seems to have a better setup. Freshman
football players are urged to attend a study hall Sunday through
Thursday, 8-10 p.m., in the classrooms adjacent to the practice field.
Upperclassmen take advantage of the arrangement as well.
"The first thing Bo tells you when he recruits you," said Michigan
co-captain Dwight Hicks, "is that you come to school to graduate first.
Footballis an extra activity."
The basketball program could profit by adopting some of the same
attitudes. While the coaches are by no means entirely to blame,
neither are they entirely blameless - if for no other reason than that
they indulge in the same hypocrisy so often found in the matter._ .
"We'have four simple rules for our kids," said one coach. "Number
one, give 100 per cent. Two, be on time for all basketball'related
activities; Three, go to class, and four, no drugs or alcohol. i think
those rules are part of the reason for our success."
While the first three items are somewhat realistic, the fourth has
no bearing whatsoever on reality. If the coaches believe it (which I
sincerely doubt) they're kidding themselves.
The same coach stated, "We make it a point to recruit
Oh? It wouldn't seem that way. When it comes to recruiting a scout
team, yes - there are some good students to be found on the bench,
and Sports Information releases often mention their grade points.
But as far as "players" are concerned, any scholastic ability
appears to be a happy coincidence. Michigan's starters were -not
recruited because of their academic ability, although some are good
Consider the fact that Rickey Green could not come directly to
Michigan because of poor high school grades. Only after two years of
junior college could he play for the Wolverines.
John Robinson flunked his first semester in Ann Arbor and was
academically ineligible for the bulk of the season. To his credit, he
stuck it out and was ready to play the next fall.
-Backup center Tom Bergen came to Michigan by way of Utah. It
seems Utah altered his high school transcript without his knowledge
and was caught red-handed. m.TnA A

If you wanted tickets for last
week's game at Michigan State but
couldn't find any, there were about
1000 of them just waiting for stu-
dents to grab them - last April.
According to Big Ten rules, a
minimum of 1500 tickets must be
given to the visiting school for away
football games.,
About 500 tickets are gobbled up by
the players, coaches, and the Univer-
sity administration, who in turn
dispense them among the Regents,
the President's Office, the Alumni
Office, and, the President's Club.
So what happens to the remaining,
1000 tickets?

"Apparently the
seem to want to
games]," Michigan
Al Renfrew said.

students don't
go [to away
ticket manager

Tickets for away games are made
available for student purchase for a
two-week period beginning April 15,
but the low response leads Renfrew
to believe that students are disinter-
ested. "Students don't want to buy
tickets in April," Renfrew added.
"Students always want tickets for
MSU and Ohio State," Renfrew said.
"But we can't put away 500 tickets
for those games or we'd have a mob
scene down here. "

served for Michigan alumni groups
in those cities so that they could
cheer for their beloved school in
person instead of the sports pages.
"It became apparent last year that
this was an unfair practice," Ren-
frew said. Renfrew also added that
any change in ticket distribution
would be administered by the stu-
dents and not the ticket office.
"Because of the large season sale
here, we can only give visiting
schools the minimum 1500 tick s,
and they in turn only give us the 1500
when we travel to their field. We
have to accommodate our ticket
holders first," Renfrew said.

In years past,

tickets were re-

Big Ten Standings

An evening of music
with local musicians
at Canterbury House on
Saturday, October 15, 1977
beginning at 9 p.m.
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all invited

Wisconsin ....... 3
MICHIGAN ..... 2
Ohio State ....... 2
Iowa ...........2
Michigan State.. 1
Purdue .........0
Minnesota ..... 0
Illinois .......... 0
Northwestern ... 0

L T Pts. OP
0 0 75 21
0 0 61 23
0 0 84 7
0 0 42 6
1 0 42 33
1 0 33 38
2 0 14 65
2 0 13 56
2 0 9 63
2 0 10 71

All Games








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Te NUAA aowed him to transti
,to Michigan and play immediately.
The Big Ten faculty representatives,
however, voted that he must sit out a
year. The whole fiasco was no fault of
Bergen's, but the Michigan coaches
would be hard-pressed to prove that
he was a "student-athlete" when
they fought so hard to have him on
the team that year.
-Perhaps most ironic is the fact
that a player considered by most out-
siders to be "the smartest"' on the
team was worried that he might be
ineligible last year due to a number
of incompletes.
All of this makes Michigan no
better and no worse than any other
school recruiting for a winning
basketball program, but why the
pretense? Why not admit the prob-
lem and take steps to deal with it?

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