Page 2-Wednesday, October 12, 1977-The Michigan Daily Four Arrow festivities: dance, music, and talks By LORI CARRUTHERS Ancient Aztec dances, Mayan marimba music, and speakers for social causes highlighted yesterday's day-long presentation by the coalition of.Native Americans-Four Arrows. Noon-time spectators in the Michigan Union Ballroom watched with rapt at-- teition as the Nahuat' dancers from Mixico performed many rhythmic spiritual dances. Dressed in gold- tronmed, feathered, and fringed costumes, the dancers stomped barefoot on the wooden ballroom floor to he steady rhythm of a drumbeat. BEFORE THE dancing began, a sppkesman for the group asked that there be no applause to interrupt the rijpg spiritual energy of the dancers. Appreciate them with your hearts, eyes and minds," he said. "They are human beings focusing energy in a beautiful and creative way and they would like to share some of thetr'beauty and culture with you," he ex ained: The quiet, expressionless dancers, shols rattling on their ankles, perfor- med for more than an hour as the aroma of burning incense wafted through the spectators. Mayan marimba music also was played by Guatemalan Indians in the Fishbowl between classes. Three men dressed in their native colorful garb plared the wooden instrument for a surprised but appreciative student audience. Tables were set up alongside the musicians, displaying colorful Guatemalan textiles. THROUGHOUT the day, various speakers from the coalition addressed classes and groups about various topics and social issues. Amalia Riveria, a official of the In- stituto Indigeniista Nacional of Guatemala, spoke to a small informal gathering of people in the Pendleton Room. With the occasional aid of an in- terpreter, she talked of the political turmoil within her country. Riveria repeatedly spoke of the "tragic history" of her country. She traced the tumultous history of Guatemala from the 1500s to the present for the small gathering, em- phasizing her points with vivid gestures. SITTING ON the fireplace hearth, she quietly spoke of political assassinations and disappearances of Indian revolutionaries, slipping from English to Spanish. Other speakers who addressed groups across campus yesterday in- cluded: Philip Deere, a Muskoge medicine man and a delegate of the In- ternational Treaty Conference to the United Nations; Rarihokwats, founder of Akwesasne Notes; Coyote, a Wylaki activist and environmentalist; and Adrian Chavez, a Quiche (Mayan) elder. FOUR ARROWS, or Las Cuatro Flechas, has been working for the last nine years to raise consciousness about the Native American Indians and the conditions of their life. The name of the group holds much symbolic meaning. Four is a sacred number, signifying perfection, the four directions, the four elements, four seasons and the duality of dualities. Arrow signifies pursuit, journey and purpose. The two words together signify strength in unity. a ol finds Detroit Citizens not orried about racial relations DETROIT (UPI) - Concern over since the nation's worst race riot bent Mayor Coleman Young. rae relations among city voters has broke out in Detroit, according to a THE SURVEY showed that., apparently declined in the decade survey of city voters published cent of the Browne voters y--city ter pubtished named race relatins s n nro Senators John Sparkman, (D-Ala. ), and Frank Church, (D-Idaho), listen to testimony during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Monday on the proposed Panama Canal treaty. Carter meets with key 21 per polled blem. senators on can '4 Order Your ,$ubscrip todn Today 764-0558 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION" PROGRAM learn to utilize the singlest form of owareness for more fruitful activity. U.G.L.I. (Multi-Purpose Room) WED. 7:30 In a 1969 poll, taken only two years after the 1967 disturbance,, Detroit voters ranked race relations second only to crime among the city's most important problems. IN THE MOST recent poll of 400 registered voters, taken from Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, crime still ranked first. However, race was ranked eighth after unemployment, schools, nar- cotics, housing, urban decay and such financial problems 'as high taxes and high food prices. Some 76 per cent of those polled called crime the worst problem while 10 per cent tagged , race as the problem. The survey also said that voters planning to support iayoral chal- lenger Ernest Browne, Jr. appeared more concerned about racial prob- lems than those who favored incum- L; 1 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 oo00 0 0 0 0 a ra a r WHY STUDY FOR YEARS - THERE'S AN EASIER WAY! Get your doctorate today! You name it - Philosophy, Divinity, Esoterica, etc. - we'll make it. Impress your friends, bewilder your professors. and make your mother proud. It's attractive, genuine looking, and ready to frame or hang as is. Ideal for the graduate, student, or flunky! O Okay, I want to be a doctor. Send me my Doctoral Certificate in - indicate choice here) I have enclosed $4.95 (including postage) Please allow 34 weeks for delivery Mail this coupon with check or money order payable to: Demise, Ltd. P.O. Box 5651 Balto., Md. 2121Q Name ._---__' - *Address - --- Ci - - - - S- ---State Zip If ordering as a gift. your! Nane ._.-_-_--- Address Add -- -- - - - - --l -. n d. Resident's Add 5% Sales Tax Not a Legal Document while six per cent of Young's followers called it a problem. The mayoral election, which will be Young's, first test as an incum- bent, is sjt for the first week in November' The .survey was conducted by Opinion Research, a Detroit-based firm, for the Detroit News. 'Pedal.e Just for the health of it. Get moving, America' March 1-7. 1977 is NatilP ysical Education and Sport Week TECH NOLOGY AND POLICY PROGRAM AT MIT The Massachusetts institute of Technology s now offering a Master of Sctence Program in Technoilogy and Policy. This program is de- signed for persons wanting to participate in leading the deveopment, use and control of technology and its products. Students apply systems approaches to such problems as the control of automotive emissions, energy con- servation policy, the use of automation in manufacturing, and the lite-cycle design of goods. The program may be particularly appropriate for professionals with practical experience. For information write to Prof. Richard de Neufville School of Engineering Room 1-138, MIT Cambridge, Mass. 02139 WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter, conferring with key senators on the Panama Canal treaty, acknowledged yesterday that the pact is in trouble but made no decision on how to rescue it in the Senate. Minority Leader Howard Baker (R- Tenn.) said the White House meeting, which Carter requested, resulted in a "consensus that the. treay' has problems in the Senate, where it must win a two- thirds vote to be ratified. HE SAID the meeting was "frank and candid" and Carter "is clearly concer- ned." But the President didn't try to change the minds of any of those present who have misgivings about the treaty, Baker said. "We were just comparing notes," he said, adding that suggestions ranged from "doing nothing to renegotiation .and everything in between." Meanwhile, the Senate F'oreign Relations Committee and its House counterpart continued hearings on the treaty. Witnesses included experts on international affairs, a State Depar- tment official and critics of Panama's leader, Gen. Omar Torrijos. THE MEETING at the White House underscored increasing Senate uncer- tainty about the treaty, which Carter and Torrijos signed in September. A growing number of senators have ex- pressed concern that the treaty does not adequately guarantee U.S. rights to defend the canal after it is turned over to Panama in the year 2000. Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), majority whip, said several weeks ago that enough senators were backing the treaty to ratify the pact, but that was before the. controversy over canal Reduced Rates* for y Billiards 0 * 2-6 PM every day I atthe UNION 0 * 0 defenses intensified.. . Baker said a weekend trip to Ten- nessee convinced him that as public understanding of the treaty increases, chances of its acceptance dimishes. Majority Leader Robert Byrd (D- W.Va.) disagreed, saying he believes "public support for the treaty has gained" in recent weeks. THE TWO party leaders' votes are seen as crucial when the treaty comes up for ratification early next year. Both have said the security aspects of the treaty must be clarified if the pact is to pass, and both men are judged to be leaning against ratification unless the security question is resolved 'to their satisfaction. In committee testimony, Harvard University Prof. Jorge Dominguez and Abraham Lowenthal of the Woodrow Wilson International Center urged the Senate not to tamper with the treaty's security provisions. They said the document as written was in the best U.S. jnterests. But Donald Dozer of the University of California called this "a vain Utopian dream." The House panel focused on alleged human rights abuses by the Torrijos regime, called by some critics one of Latin America's most repressive. DR. WINSTON ROBLES, spokesman for the Panamanian Committee for al pact Human Rights, said the country's citizens live in "constant fear" and are subject to arbitrary arrest, in- timidation by paid informers, and of- ficial spying. He said the treaty will mean U.S. en- dorsement of Torrijos' policies. But he added, "sooner or later the dictator will fall," and "all the resentment against4 the dictatorship will be reflected in the future relations, between Panama and the United States." William Stedman, a deputy assistant secretary of state for Inter-American Affairs, said the administration believes human rights under Torrijos have improved in the past year, and approval of the treaty would encourage an end to political tensions and human rights abuses in Panama. "Our view is that some tensions in Panama arise from the unsatisfactory treatyrelationship with the United States and we believe conclusion of this treaty would alleviate some tensions and ease the humanarights situation," he said afterward. Conceding to the committee thatthe view is not universally shared, Sted- man said the State Department's assessment is that "Panama is neither a model open society, a traditional liberal democracy, nor a repressive totalitarian government:I" State House panel okays college grants (Continued from Page 1) qualified for state programs and are now awaiting funding. It is these applicants, said Vaughn, who will profit from the 1,000 scholarships the bill will provide. The cost, he said, "won't break the state of Michigan, but will help lower- and middle- income students." Vaughn said he expects quick action on the bill, and hopes to get it through the house Appropriations Committee some time this week. I M~ I I eet wi0 I Daily Classifieds Get Results ".-- r ! .... 7"= pug ic '" 1 tC9 & 24 here r vqe S SENIORS Don't be left out of this year's Michiganensian Yearbook. c a fa ' a, ~k ,ie n~°U- -. e o , i e . id j ~C cC o rig Cuing liail~fi ess jO\ ie M' O cieOL i in' s is ,,o c - ~ n tc p.... a. 0 4.. Sign up for an appointment TODAY by calling 764-0561 from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Or stop by our office at 420 '4. 0001 e~dSF ,Of"ce,'r'"- eer 'is I