The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 11, 1977-Page 5 RUMENTAL: SURGING MAIL VOLUM Mail rate hik EINST WASHINGTON (AP) -,The Postal, Service, experiencing an unexpected rise in mail volume, is predicting a surplus in fiscal 1979 for the first time since the deficit-plagued agency was formed in 1971. As a result, officials say postal rates will not have to be increased as fast as previously thought. THE FAVORABLE predictions are in a report by Senior Assistant Post- master General Francis Biglin to the service's ruling board. The report says the volume of mail reached nearly 92 billion pieces in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, an increase of two billion over the previous year. A fiveiyear forecast in the report predicts volume will continue rising to almost 100 billion by fiscal 1981. The changed outlook for mail volume has a major effect on the financial picture for the agency and on what it must charge the public in postal rates. With many of the agency's costs virtually the same regardless of volume, more mail means more revenue for the Postal Service and thus less need to raise rates. THE NEW predictions of mail volume contrast sharply with a series of gloomy predictions issued previously. Postmaster Benjamin Bailar, speaking on March 8, 1976, in Detroit, said, "Our mail volume for 1976, slightly over 90 billion pieces, will probably stand forever as our peak, for we project that over the next five years volume will slump to 83 or 84 e postponed billion --and never recover." The report shows a deficit of $40 Bailar has said repeatedly the million in the fiscal year that ended outlook for volume is a major reason last month and predicts $554 million for a bleak financial outlook for the in red ink during the new fiscal year. mail agency. The Commission on BUT A RATE increase is expected Postal Service, a study group created to take effect next summer, and a by Congress, agreed in a report last surplus of $282 is expected in fiscal April with Bailar's assessment of 1979. It would be the first surplus" future volume. since the Postal Service was formed in 1971. BUT THE report by Biglin, the The next rate increase will not agency's top financial officer, said affect rates for private letter- present indications squarely contra- writers. That rate would stay at 13 dict the Postal Service's former cents per letter under a new "citizen predictions of declining mail volume, rate" while businesses and other "The flattening of volume in the organizations have to pay 16 cents mid-1970s resulted from the reces- per letter. sion," he said. "The increase of two If the rates remain in effect, there' billion pieces in 1977 over 1976 is a would be deficits of $391 million in very healthy condition for the Postal fiscal 1980 and $1.4 billion in fiscal Service, its employes and its custom 1981, the report said. ers. Biglin said the rates would have to be raised by then to avoid such deficits, but the increases would not dneed to be as steep as were expected At the end 'of 1981 we will obviously need a first class stamp price quite a bit less than the 22 or 23 Scents predicted a month to 18 months ii r i ago," he said. v Cosmonauts hea after unsuecessfi _ _, Name this famous Italian bowler and win a trip to America. Dust discovers t his Columbus MOSCOW (AP)-Two Soviet cosmo- nauts headed home yesterday after failing to link pp with an orbiting space laboratory inla disappointing start to Russia's third decade in space. Soyuz-25 commander Lt. Col. Vladimir Kovalenok and flight engineer Valery Ryumin, both first-time space travelers, were lofted into orbit with some fanfare Sunday. Their flight came 20 years after the-Soviets inaugurated the space age with the October 1957 launch of Sputnik, the first manmade earth satellite. THE SOVIET news agency Tass said the spacecraft closed to within 393 feet of the Salyut-6 orbiting space station yesterday. But, said Tass, "because of some, deviations from a planned docking regime the linkup was can- celled." The report gave no further details. Western space experts here suggested two possible reasons for the failure, the latest problem in the troubje-plagued Soviet space program. The experts said the docking mechanism on either spacecraft might have malfunctioned, or more likely the cosmonauts may have overshot the space lab, orbited Sept. 29, and not had enough fuel for a second pass at the target. THIS WAS what apparently hap- pened in April 1975 when a Soyus cap- sUle failed to link up with the Salyut-4 space station. Another mission was aborted in Oc- tober 1976 after Soyus-23 failed to make a scheduled docking with Salyut-5, but there was no clear indication of what caused the Soviets to abort the mission. The Russians succeeded last February in linking Soyus-25 with Salyut-5 in a 19-day mission. WESTERN OBSERVERS say problems in the decade-old Soyus- Salyut program point up a basic shor- tcoming in the Soviet rocketry. They say the Russians do not have a booster powerful enough to put more than a seven-ton payload into orbit. - - E ---is it real or is It Memorex? WASHINGTON (AP) - After decorating the East Front of the Capitol for :114 years, a marble Christopher Columbus lies in exile 12 miles away, unwept and unsung. And 19 years after the controversial statue of the famous exjlorer was re- moved from the East Front steps, the government still hasn't decided what to do with it. EX(ECUTED by Luigi P&rico, "The Discovery" portrays Columbus holding aloft a symbolic globe, somewhat like a bowler poised to heave one down the alley. A scantily clad Indian maiden, says an official description, "cowers with surprise and awe" at his feet. The statue caused a furor when it was unveiled in 1844. "Is Columbus getting ready to play a gaipe of ninepins?" demanded Sen. Charles Sumner. AA h.!# WTiU V13TVA1 ani'hU ra fnr,., 11 A roused from the earth on which she had been reposing by the appearance of a being so strange and wonderful, and would fly if admiration did not hold her back." As for Columbus, "The attitude of the great navigator is grand, noble and spirited. His form is lofty, imposing and almost animated; his countenance noble and~manly. ... In 1850, Congress passed a resolution to shift the statue to "a suitable place in some one of the public squares." Nothing came of it, however, and the' statue remained. It was part of the scene at presidential inaugurations from John Tyler's to Dwight Eisenhow- er's. TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY PROGRAM AT MIT The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is now offering a Master of Science Program in Technology and Policy. This program is de- signed for persons wanting to participate in leading the development, use and control of technology and its products. Students apply systems approaches to such problems as the control of automotive emissions, energy con- ervation policy, the use of automationin manufacturing, and the lite-cycle design of goods. The program may be particularly appropriate for professionals with practical experience. For information write to Package of 3---60 buy two, et one