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October 11, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-11

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Vo. LXXXVIII, No. 29 Ann Arbr, Michigan2-Tuesday, October 11, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

ntebllum oldies ma bump to
" * By BRIAN BLANCHARD In the first copyright statute change But, he said, the composers and
h" fPsince the Roriginal law of 9ans9 - __ --


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If worse comes to worst, says
Marching Band Director George
Cavender "we can play Tchaikovsky
with a rock beat or disco.'
IMusic Dean Allen Britton is thank-
ful for the basics: "Beethoven is free,
Mozart is free."
'THE REASON for this sudden shift
to classics is that antebellum music
- for the most part - public
domain, and therefore qncopyright-
After Jan. 1, music composers and
publishers will crack down on pre-
yiously royalty-free performances on
campuses around the country. Cav-
ender and Britton, along with all
other musicians. fi'em cellists to folk
singers, will be forced to reconsider'
using current hits in their repertoire.
Although universities have never
been exempt from copyright laws in
music, John Kettlehut of the Univer-
s.ity's General Counsel's office said,
"A lot of people have assumed that
universities don't have to comply."

congress voted last year not to
exempt universities from the law.
ON THE FIRST of the year - and'
more importantly for Director Cav-
ender, before the Rose Bowl Parade
- universities will begin to pay for
the use of music written after the
Civil War.
In Washington, the American
Council on Education and a supbort-
ing group, the Professional Theatri-
,;cal Programs, are negotiating with
two groups representing composers
and publishers to work out a rate and.
system for payment.
Because so much cultural life is
now on the campuses, composers are
trying to tap a rich source, said
Britton. "I imagine they'll want to
sign a large increase in fee," he said.
BRITTON explained that the
American Council on Education
would argue for low or no rates since
universities hold concerts for the
students and faculty, not for profit.

publishers might argue that "the
university has to pay for electricfty
even though it's non-profit."
Attorney Kettlehut said he doesn't
'see any quick easy solution" to the
problem. "In fact," he predicted, '"I
expect to see some litigation" be-
tween the two sides before it is
resolved Kettlehut said the fee may
be "something like 20 cents per
head" for each performance. Anoth-
er possibility is a flat fee from the
University for all performances each
University Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff doesn't have "the
foggiest (idea) at this stage of the
game" how the University will pay
for the use of music and manuscripts,
but said free performances will
probably be exempt from any
But Cavender is anxious to find out.
"We've got to know right now," he
He's right. You can't get away with
Brahms in Pasadena.

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screeches to


Nobel Peace Prize winners Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan (left) chat with Britain's Queen Elizab
reception earlier this year. The two women were awa ded the 1976 prize for organizing peaceful interfaithi
in troubled North Ireland, despite extremist threats.

The Michigan Court of Appeals in
Lansing yesterday granted a stay of
proceedings which will temporarily
halt the trial over last April's disputed
Ann Arbor mayoral election.
Attorneys for Mayor Albert Wheeler
and Councilman Louis Belcher predic-
ted it will be at least a week before the
court makes a decision whether or not
to hear an appeal concerning the
legality of asking someone to reveal his
-AP Photo or her vote.
'eth at a
marches BELCHER IS SUING Wheeler on the
grounds that the mayor is holding his
post illegally because of voting irregu-
larities which occurred in the election.
Faulty maps were used during the regi-
stration process and a number of town-
ship residents were accidentally regi-
stered to vote in the April contest,
which Wheeler won by one vote.
The stay was granted after Wheeler's
attorney, Robert Grace, filed an appli-
Scation asking for immediate considera-
tion of the matter.
Even as Grace was presenting his re-
tional for 16 quest, attorneys for two of the 20 town-
reedom for ship voters who have been subpeonaed
" and abol- to tell how they voted were also in Lan-
th penalty. sing filing a motion to quash the sub-
etary, Mar- peonas and to reverse a contempt order
ndon news against one woman who refused to re-*
c.t veal her vote.

the continuation of the proceedings revealing their vote or going to
could violate someone's rights. said Jonathon Rose, VanHattum'
"If this line of questioning is ruled torney.
improper;" said Grace, "then there's Rose, along with the two ACLU
no way to get the genie back into the yers representing., Lazinsky, cl
bottle."Kelley's order is unconstitutiona

LAST TUESDAY, Monroe County.
Circuit Court Judge James Kelley ruled
that the 20 voters would have to reveal
whom they voted for.
When two University women - junior
Susan VanHattum and grad student
Diane Lazinsky - refused to tell,
Kelley threatened them with contempt
charges and possibly jail. VanHattum
was actually taken into custody,
charged, and handcuffed. She was
released after a few hours.
"We want them to rule that a voter
can never be made to choose between

cause it violates the rights of his client
by denying her the secrecy of her vote.
tially the same thing, also asserts that
Belcher's lawyers are using unfair trial
"At the beginning, they said they
were going to prove only that a number
of people voted illegally. When the
judge refused to grant a summary
judgment, they changed their tactics.
The way in which these people voted
presents a whole new strategy that we
See ELECTION, Page 12

's at-
al be-

Amnest Int'1 Irish
ytt OSH

pacifists Win peace
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Two wo- movement to end eight years of pri
men antiwar activists in Northern fighting in their homeland between yea
Ireland and Amnesty International, Protestant and Catholic extremists. "pr


the London-based organization that
works on behalf of political prison-
ers, won Nobel peace prizes yester-
The Nobel committee of the Nor-
wegian parliament awarded the 1976
prize to Betty Williams, 33, and
Mairead Corrigan, 32, for organizing
a j broad-based "Peace People's"

THE WOMEN launched the cam-
paign more than six months after the
Feb. 1 deadline for peace prize nom-
inations last year, when . all 50
candidates were rejected and no
award was given. Soviet dissident
Andrei Sakharov won it in 1975.
The committee awarded the 1977


ze to Amnesty Internal
ars of efforts to win f
isoners of conscience
torture and the dea
mnesty's general secr
Ennals, told a Lo
ference the prize recc
nk between peace and
ntal human rights tha

olice investigating
breathing failure.at

ognizeuu le
the funda-
at Amnesty
'age 9

APPEALS USUALLY occur after a
decision has been reached, but excep-
tions are made if the court deems that

Sky-scop ing:t
HBMeavens lower
on AngellHall1

Dearborn Police are interviewing
employes of the Oakland Hospital, and
have issued a composite sketch of an
unidentified man who reportedly gave
one Oakland patient an injection last
week, causing the patient to stop
The police entered the case after a
laboratory report from the Michigan
Cancer Foundation found an "uniden-
tifiable foreign or organic substance"
in the patient's blood. Michigan State
Police, however, reported they found no
foreign substances when testing the
blood sample.
THE PATIENT, whose name is being
withheld, reported a week ago Saturday
that a man dressed in hospital green en-
tered his room, gave him an injection
and fled. Moments later the patient suf-
fered a breathing failure.
The patient's roommate
corroborated the story, however; the
two gave totally different descriptions
of the mysterious "man in green."
"I know that there are two composite
sketches," said hospital spokeswoman
May Ann Meysenberg. "One from the
patient's description and one from his
roommate's description. And the two
are totally dissimilar."
James Hughes, head of the Oakwood
invesitgation, confirmed that the two

hospital. Over 50 patients stopped
breathing during July and August of
that year, but the breathing failures
ended abruptly on August 15, 1975, when
the FBI entered the hospital.
Two VA nurse, Filipina Narciso and
Leonora Perez, were tried and convic-
ted of poisoning five patients at the Ann
Arbor VA hospital in 1975. The women,
both Philippine citizens, are currently
serving an interim sentence of "obser-
vation and testing" at the Womens
Penitentiary in Alderson, West
Meanwhile, lawyers for Narciso and
Perez are planning the lengthy appeals
process. Federal Judge Philip Pratt,
who presided over the case, has
scheduled Wednesday, November 11 to
hear arguments over defense motions
for a mistrial, a new trial and/or a
directed verdict of aquittal.
IN BOTH the VA case and the Oak-
wood -incident, patients suffered
breathing failures after receiving injec-
tions. The VA patients ,were found to
have Pavulon, a powerful muscle-
relaxant used during surgery, in their
blood and liver bile. There is no report
yet whether Pavulon is the "foreign'
substance" that caused the Oakwood
breathing failure.
In both instances, a man in a hospital
green scrub suit was seen at the scene

It is evening. The sky is spread thick with stars.
Perched on the roof of Angell Hall, six students are gathered
around a still figure hunched over a telescope. All is quiet as they wait
expectantly for his next move.
This group' is taking part in a "star-hopping" astronomy lab,
anxiously awaiting its first sighting. Tonight, perhaps, they'll be able
to see the four-star system of Mizar and Alcor in the Big Dipper - or
the Andromeda Galaxy, two million light years away.
IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED, there are two domes atop


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