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October 08, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-08

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Page 10-Saturday, October 8, 1977-The Michigan Daily
House: Did Park
~of ay Tip's renlt?
WASHINGTON (AP)-The House ethics committee'is investigating an
allegation that South Korean rice dealer Tongsun Park may have paid some
of Speaker Thomas O'Neill's rent, O'Neill's office said yesterday.
Calling the allegation ridiculous, the speaker's administrative aide,
Gary Hymel, said O'Neill is gathering canceled rent checks to prove the
allegation is incorrect.
HYMEL SAID Rep. John Flynt (D-Ga.), chairman of the House ethics
committee, told him the panel is issuing subpoenaes for O'Neill's rent recor-
ds to investigate the allegation.-
Hymel quoted the speaker, who was out of town, as saying, "it is
"I've been subject to a lot of calls and crackpot statements. I live my life
in a goldfish bowl," Hymel quoted O'Neill as saying.
"In this case Eddie and I paid the rent."
O'NEILL AND REP. Edward P. Boland (D-Mass. shared an apartment
for 10 years before Mrs. O'Neill moved to Washington when her husband'
became speaker.
A federal grand jury has indicted Park on criminal charges of bribery
and trying to buy influence in Congress for the South Korean government
with cash and favors.
O'Neill has said his only involvement with Park was attending a birth-
day party Park gave for him at the lavish Georgetown Club.

Biko brain damaged at death

immanuel Velikovsky, one
of the greatest scientists of ,
our time, gives startling $
geological evidence to i'
support his revolution- s'
ary theory that the dis-
asterous cataclysms *
which rocked our planet
and destroyed entire civil-
izations were brought about
by incredible forces outside
the world itself..

(AP) - A newspaper quoting physic-
ians who examined Steve Biko in his
final days said yesterday the black
leader apparently suffered brain dam-
age and bruises before his death in pri-
son last month.
An independent research institute re-
ported, meanwhile, that a record 662
persons are being detained without trial
in South Africa. Biko was being held
under laws allowing indefinite deten-
tion when he died under mysterious cir-
cumstances in a prison cell in the
capital city of Pretoria Sept. 12.
HIS DEATH provoked an inter-
national outcry and has become the
focus of anti-government protest by
blacks and white liberals in this white
minority-ruled country.
w ei
(Continued from Page 1)
of the minimum was defeated 77 to 14.
The Senate rejected by a vote of 74 to
24 an amendment to totally exempt
youths 16 to 19 years old from the
minimum wage requirement.
It then turned back by a 55 to 38 vote a
proposal to allow teenagers to be hired
at 85 percent of the minimum wage for
an indefinite period; defeated 55 to 38 a
rider to permit initial youth em-
ployment for six months at 75 percent of
the minimum; and defeated by a vote of
49 to 44 a provision to set a sub-
minimum wage for teenagers at 85 per-
cent of the adult floor for their first six
months of employment.
SPONSORS of the amendments con-
tended that the "youth opportunity dif-
ferential" would provide an incentive to
small business to hire some of the two
million teenagers in the labor force who
are unable to find jobs.
Sen. Harrison Williams (D-N.J.),
chairman of the Senate Human
Resources Committee, led the ap-
position, asserting that a lower
minimum wage for youth would com-
pound the unemployment problem and
see youths taking jobs that otherwise
would be filled by adults with families
to support.
Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd
(D-W.Va.) said the subminimum wage
would pit 14- to 19-year-olds against 20-
to 24-year-olds, including many unem-
ployed Vietnam veterans, and be a
divisive influence in American society.
"IT IS A VERY risky business,"
Byrd said. "We should not create a
discriminatory two-tiered system."

Biko, 30, was generally considered
the founder of the "black conscious-
ness"movement inSouth Africa.
The liberal Rand Daily Mail said in
its front-page report that doctors who
examined Biko in the week before his
death' found symptoms of apparent
brain damage, including red blood cells
in a spinal tap.
THE DOCTORS would not comment,
however, on whether they believed the
apparent brain injuries were caused by

physical assault.
The doctors also said they found no
evidence that Biko was on a hunger
strike, the Mail reported. Authorities
said after his death that the 30-year-old
black activist had been refusing food
for a week.
The M+ail said three doctors who ex-
amined the 6-foot-2 Biko in detention
that week found he was overweight.
THE NEWSPAPER said security po-
lice and doctors were deeply concerned
about Biko's deteriorating condition,

Two push Huron Tow

(Continued from Page 1)
cent are of mixed ages and occupations.
Joseph Hargett of Reaume & Dodds
said he has seen publicity for turning
Huron Towers to a co-op, but doesn't
"really know what they have in mind."
He said his company has "no intention"
of bidding for the building, and thus
isn't overly-concerned about who
assumes ownership.
RESIDENTS of the 20-year-old com-
plex seem supportive of the co-op idea,
but are a little wary of how it would in-
volve them.
"It's probably a good idea," said
Charles Held, an architect. "But it will
ineed a lot of support from tenants and

I don't know if the support exists
because most of the people here are
Schoolteacher Rosalie Wotila said a
co-op should be formed so "we can be
sure we can protect ourselves." }
MIKE JOHNSTON, a local factory
worker, said he's worried that for-
mation of a co-op would lead to more
building damage. "I've never lived in a
co-op and I don't know what happens in
them," he said. "The building is in poor
shape now ... I just hope a co-op won't
cause even more vandalism."
According to HUD's Day, two similar
instances have occurred in Detroit over

the past two years when residents have
attempted to purchase buildings from
HUD for conversion to co-ops. Both
groups. were turned down. because HUD.
decided such conversions weren't ad-
Klein said much of the outcome
depends on turnout at tomorrow's
meeting. "Tom (Stitt) and I aren't
going to knock on every door of Huron
Towers. .people are going to have to
speak out in support of a co-op conver-
sion," he said.

Scarcity no cause of

'U' bldg.
proj eet

but none of the doctors thought him
near death.
Asked whether he thought Biko had
been beaten, one of the physicians, Dr.
Colin Hersch, said, "I cannot tell you
anything about whether he was
manhandled or not. What I would like
most of all is to find out the truth of this
matter ... what happened and why he
Authorities have ordered an in-
vestigation of possible foul play in
Biko's death.

world hunger-expert endorsed


(Continued from Page 1)
"Quantity of land has a lot less to do
with hunger than who controls that
land," she said.
LAPPE CITED other paradoxes in
the system. Using New Mexico as an
example, the author told of land irri-
gated at publictexpense on which
grapes were cultivated for brandy,
while obviously hungry people had to
farm the scrap of land between the
grapes and the road. Lappe blamed this
paradox on an "orientation toward the
export and luxury" market.
Another myth dissolved by Lappe is
the old standby "Bigger is Better." She
mentioned evidence of small land
holdings in Asia and Latin America
which were agriculturally more
productive than larger farms.
"A family that depends on that
production (the smaller farm) will put
more into it," she said.
TURNING BACK to the problem of
exports, Lappe noted the fallacy of
"trade justice," in which export ear-
nings by underdeveloped countries
benefited the "luxuries for the elite,"
rather than being channeled into the
nation's development.,
"If trade is a hinge on which under-
developed countries hang," warned
Lappe, "they'll be constantly

AS AMERICANS, Lappe said we
must ascertain how our tax money is
being used. She mentioned U.S. support
in the form of foreign aid to such places
as the Philippines, where a dictatorship
does not control food production to the
best needs of the people.
Additionally, Lappe urged con-
sideration of worker-managed farms
and land reform.
"We have to tell people there is
enough," she said. "Only be loosening
up will we solve the problem and have
people work together."

(Continued from Page l)
The laboratory and general class-
room building proposed for the Flint
Campus would cost an estimated
$13.5 million. It would provide about
176,000 square feet of floor space,
according to Bob Wilson, assistant to
the chancellor for campus develop-
Other area projects included on
Milliken's list are a music building at
Eastern Michigan University in Yp-
silanti and housing at the new wo-
men's correctional institution in
Pittsfield Township.

Limited steel imports
could up U.S. prices

$1.95 81064
Now in paperback from

The final myth she discounted is one
which states that the advance of poor
people is a hindrance to the rich.
"WE ARE ALL victims 'of tie same
forces. . . their (the poor's) liberation is
our liberation," she said.
After writing Diet For A Small Planet
in 1971, Lappe said~she realized that she
had better take her work more
"Government officials and
laboratory experts aren't going to solve_
the problem," she said. The solution,
she said, will only come by "changes
that you and I alone can incite."

(Continued from Page 1)
recommendations on what should be
done is expected to be completed in
about six weeks.
More than 13,000 workers were laid
off in the industry during August and
another 6,000 layoffs have' been
announced. President Carter is to
meet Thursday at the White House
with company officials, union lead-
ers, environmentalists and consumer
representatives to discuss the indus-
try's problems.
CARTER AND other administra-
tion officials already have made
public their opposition to import
quotas even though the industry con-
tinues to push for them.
The American Iron and Steel Insti-
tute said that steel imports in August
were at a 32-month high of 1.8 million
tons, equal to about one of every five
tons consumed in the U.S. market.
The council said imports probably
will account for about 18 per cent of
consumption this year, up from about
16 per cent last year.
IT SAID THE recent price hikes by

U.S. steel producers, which totaled
9.4 per cent alone in the 12-month
period ending in August, have con-
tributed to the surge in imports.
The report quoted one study as
indicating that if U.S. prices were 10
per cent less, imports would be down
11 per cent and U.S. production and
employment would increase by seven
per cent.
But the study also appeared sym-
pathetic to the profit performance in
the industry, which it said amounted
to just 3.6 per cent of sales last year
- "substantially below" the average
for all nanufacturing industries.
Profits were 6.4 per cent of sales in
THE REPORT said the raw mater-
ials used by theindustry are up sharp-
ly in cost, led by coal prices, 138 per
cent; iron ore, up 76 per cent, and
steel scrap, up 133 per cent. Labor
costs also have risen sharply, and the
steel industry compensation, which
was 40 per cent higher than other
manufacturing industries in 1973,
now is about 60 per cent higher.
The 1977 steel contract settlement
will raise hourly compensation by 30
per cent over three years, or about
9.3 per cent each year.
Demand for steelin this country
and throughout the world likely will
remain below production, the report
said. This spells additional trouble
for the U.S. industry, which already
is operating at only about 80 per cent
of capacity.
(AP) - There were 1,117 man-
made objects in space at the end of
1976, according to the North Ameri-
can Air Defense Command.
The number of satellites and pieces
of debris from fragmented rocket
bodies is up from the 1975 record of
929 objects.



You don't like the shape America's in?
O.K. change it.

~EQf $
NATIVE FILM FESTIVAL-Multi-Purpose Room, the UGLI, 9.4
- Fishbowl, all day
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES-Coyete-Nat. Resources, 4 p.m.
PHILLIP DEERE, A Muskoge medicine man, spiritual advisor to the
American Indian Movement, and a delegate of the International Treaty
Conference to the U.N. hearing in Geneva.
ADRIAN CHAVEZ, a Quiche (Mayan) elder and man of knowledge.
COYOTE, A Wylaki activist, speaks on spiritual values relating to
ecology, natural life-styles, and community.
RARIHOKWATS, founder of Akwesasne Notes, speaks on current
dining room 5-7:30

America's got too many poor
people, right? And there's plenty of
other problems too. Take our cities.
The shape of some of them is
enough to make you cry. And waste.
and ignorance, the cycle of poverty
that traps one generation after
another because they're too busy
just holding on to get ahead. The
ravages of hunger and disease.
l ; +# i t'sE silet r m1 r ci itti+ cor

O.K. now's the time for action.. .
join VISTA: Volunteers in Service
to America. If you're eighteen or
eighty-great, we want you. 'We
want you to organize in your com-
munity, or someone else's. Helping
miners in Appalachia learn a new -
skill. Or migrant farm workers'
children to read. We want you to
organize a clinic in Watts. Or fight
roverty around the corner. We don't

home about either. But there's one
thing we can promise you, there
will be plenty to write home about.
About the things you've
learned while working with others.
And the progress you've made. And
that feeling deep inside you, know-
ing that you've returned the favor
Ame rica gave you. 0. K. you know
what's wrong, right? Now go ahead,
change it. In VISTA. Call VISTA toll

- ii u n~

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