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October 06, 1977 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-06

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 6, 1977-Page ,

L ove for Sale
DETROIT - A 33-year-old love letter
from Ernest Hemingway is the prize
jexhibit at an upcoming Detroit auction
of rare bocks and literary memorabilia.
9 Hemingway wrote the four-page
,missive to his fourth wife, Mary, by
9flashlight from a battlefield in northern
'France on July 31, 1944. He told her
about a Mercedes staff car that had
ibeen captured and the recovery of a
4good supply of cognac. "Hey, Small
'Friend,"'he wrote, "I wash I could talk
tto you preferably in bed ..."
Appraised at $4,000 to $5,000, the let-
ter was a gift from the writer's widow
rafter the president of the Friends of the
betroit Public Library wrote Mrs.
Hemingway requesting something for
the auction. Other Hemingway items-to
be auctioned Oct. 28 are a cut glass
punch bowl, ladle, and 34 cups used at a
party to welcome him home from the
,ar -- valued at $400 to $600 - and a
*group of letters from famous writers
praising his The Old Man and the Sea.


... a weekly roundup

V- f

told this week he must leave by Oct. 5.
Urin was active in the "young guard"
poetry group of officially recognized
young poets at the end of World War II
and later wrote for leading newspapers
and journals. The peper Literaturnaya
Rossiya published his letter in verse to
then President Lyndon B. Johnson
when an American nuclear bomb was
reported lost in Greenland.
Urin began in recent years to demand
that more Soviet poets should be per-
mitted to travel overseas, and early
this year wrote a poem dedicated to the
American Bicentennial.
He said he hopes to live in the United
The Soviet Union has permitted a
series of political dissidents and cultur-
al figures disenchanted with the Soviet
regime to leave the country in recent
Hot times in Stockholm
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Swed-
ish Academy of Letters announced it
will award the annual Nobel prize for
literature today to start off eight days
of Nobel honors also covering science,
peace and economics.
Writers mentioned in speculation on
the literature award included Turkish
author Yasar Kemal, English novelist
Doris Lessing and Guenther Grass of
West Germany.
Kemal, a 55-year-old epic writer and
an often jailed active Marxist, was un-
officially reported to have been the
chief alternative to American author
Saul Bellow as last year's winner. Ke-
mal spent several months living in
Sweden this year.
Others said to be in line for the prize
included such standbys as Graham
Greene of Britain or France's Simona
de Beauvoir. Also mentioned were
Belgian Flemish writer Luis Paul Boon
and V.S. Naipaul of Trinidad.
If a woman receives the award, worth
$145,000 this year, it will be the first
time in a decade. The last woman win-
ner was Nelly Sachs, a Swedish poet
who shared the prize in 1966.
s -
Soviets flip-flop on play
MOSCOW - Yuri Lyubimov, one of
the Soviet Union's most innovative di-
rectors, has received an award for his
staging of a play that just four months
ago drew official criticism.
Lyubimov, director of the Taganka
Theater, received the Red Banner of
Labor award on his 60th birthday
Thursday and "for his services in the
development of Soviet theatrical art"
,the officialTass news agency reported.
It cited his work on four plays, in-
cluding "The Master and Margarita," a
production that had been attacked by
the Communist Party newspaper Prav-
The play, based on Russian writer
Mikhail Bulgakov' once-banned 1938
novel, satirized Soviet life, used religi-
ous symbolism and even brought a nude
on stage. But it was the hit of the 1977
theater season.
When the play was not closed, Soviet
theatergoers began predicting more ex-
perimental dama in Moscow.
Totie roti
NEW YORK - It was the first time
that women were in the audience and
that the Friars Club ever "roasted" a
woman - Totie Fields - who fought
back from a leg amputation to resume
her career.
Some of the country's best-known
comics gathered at the luncheon here
Wednesday to pay tribute to the
comedy and the courage of Miss Fields
and to zing her with one-liners on an in-
frequent topic for humor, amputation.
Noting that the roasters had to tone
down their ribald humor because of the

Kurosawa's brilliant and original
version of Macbeth set in the 16th
century Japan and enhanced by the
exhuberant performance of Toshiro
Mifune, star of RASHOMON and
TONIGHT AT 7:00 &-9:05

women in attendance, toastmaster Jan
Murray said, "And if that wasn't
enough, we'll get a woman with one leg
- now let's see how funny these clowns
"That's what I like, a woman who can
stand on her own foot," said Milton
.Berle. "This bionic yenta, this Short
John Silver, I love you," he told the
laughing comedienne. "Just watch the
Comic Pat Henry told the crowd,
"They love her in Las Vegas. She could
do anything there. She could run for
mayor - well, maybe hop."

the show's theme music no longer fea-
tured the plaintive cry, "Mary Hart-
man! Mary Hartman!"
But producer Lear's split-level vision
of daily soap opera - comic and cosmic
- remains happily intact, as gently
surreal as ever. And it's mighty good to
see everyone back, at least for a 26-
week trial run.
Ol' Red-fangs is back
NEW YORK - With a slick bit of
hocus-pocus here and a campy laugh
there, The Passion of Dracula turns old

lia Pagano with apt winsome pallor un-
til finally safe in the arms of her jour-
nalistic beau, portrayed by Samuel
Also on the commendation list are
Elliot Vileen, a local looney with an ap-
petite for flies; and K. Lype O'Dell, who
has a tricky task as the scientist-ex-
orcist who must keep audience disbelief
suspended although encombered with a
ridiculous accent.
Jailhouse Rock
AMARILLO, Tex. - Inspired by a
harvest moon and mild Panhandle
nights, members of the T. Cullen Davis
jury have formed a three-piece band
with vocals to enliven their sequestra-
tion in Texas' longest murder trial.
In a downtown hotel, two blocks from
the Potter County jail where the 44-
year-old Fort Worth millionaire is held,
as many as seven jurors gather before
dusk to improvise the half-forgotten
words of hymns, ballads and Western
The repertory of the Fourth Floor
Balcony Band, like the freedom of its
members, is limited. Its enthusiasm,
however, is unbounded.
Designer dies
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - A funeral
for Robert Luthardt, one of Hollywood's
most prolific art directors who earned

an Academy Award nomination for The
Fortune Cookie, will be held Thursday
at the church of religious Science.
Luthardt, 60, was killed Saturday in a
four-car accident in San Diego along
with his daughter, Marjorie, 30, and a
friend, Adelaide Clyman, 55. A womqu
in another car was also killed.
Luthardt was art director for Carn'ar%;
Knowledge, The April Foods, Hearts of
the West, Funny Girl, and Lipstick. *
Arts Arcade was compiled throug
the wires of AP, UPI, and by arts
staffers Wendy Goodman, Dobilas
Matulionis, Mark Johansson, Auf-
tin Vance, Renee Shilcusky, an d
Jeff Selbst.
reduced icef on itcberr of beer
fe'om 3p.m -6P.m.

-AP Photo*
Michael Tilson Thomas, music director of the Buffalo Symphony Or-
chestra, acts as bartender during a benefit party for that orchestra. He ap-
pears to be having a good time.

Fern wood last night
LOS ANGELES - When last seen,
Mary Hartman had run off with Police
St. Dennis Foley. Then Barth Gimble
came from Miami to Fernwood to host
a 13-week summer talk show, Fern-
wood 2-Night. Tuesday, Barth held a
telethon to buy furniture for' his show
and raise legal defense funds. He then
split for Miami to face vague charges,
sonething about young girls.
Last night, life in tiny Fernwood re-
turned to abnormal as Forever Fern-
wood, Normen Lear's syndicated
sequel to Mary Hartman, Mary Hart-
man began seeking its place in Ameri-
can' tube history.
True, 'Louise Lasser, who played'
Mary for 325 episodes, was gone. And

vampire melodrama into bewitching
off-Broadway lark.
The play, which opened one week ago
gonight at the Cherry Lane Theater, is
an adaptation by Bob Hall and David
Richmond of Brain Stoker's classic
chiller, although that credit has inex-
plicably been omitted from the pro-
With a nice assist from Director
Peter Bennett and a mostly satisfac-
tory cast, the yarn balances archly
between hokum spoof and midnight
Christopher Bernau, clad in caped
black splendor and rigid leer, stalks
quite convincingly as the incarnation of
the Evil Undead, come to an English
manse to claim another bride-victim.
The imperilled lady is played by Giu-

t et hnn arbor tirm cooperative .
(Jack Arnold, 1954) 7,8:40, 10:15-AUD. A
There ore some things humankind was never meant to know-among them, this merman from the . ~
43 upper reaches of the Amazon whose peace is interrupted by a scientific expedition. One of the mile.
stone sci-fi movies, this film made a sensation in drive-ins nationwide and is as much a part of the )
sensibility of the fifties as Marilyn Monroe, tail fins, and Chuck Berry. To take you back, we present
a special 3-0 print (green/red cellophane-cardboard spectacles provided). Defy your optometist ,
Sseeee itt''!
- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -
Thursday - No cover

Al Capp, 68, for years a nationally-
reknowned cartoonist and author of the
famous Li'l Abner strip, will retire next
week with the publication of his last
strip. Above Capp's picture is a self-
The Queen sells big
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - A de-
luxe edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy
Lord of the Rings, with illustrations by
;.the Queen of Denmark, has sold out, the
book's publisher said Tuesday.
The 37-year-old queen, Margrethe
Alexandrine Thorhildur Ingrid, belongs
.o the worldwide following of Tolkien,
the late Oxford professor who created a
.cult with his tales of medieval myths
and legends. He is best known as the
creator of The Hobbit.
The queen, using the pssudonym
Ingahild Grathmer, drew 80 black and
b white illustrations for the 1,500 num-
bered copies of the special edition that
sells for $165, the Forum Publishing
Iouse said.
A spokesman insisted that the true
identity of the artist was leaked acci-
,dentally but he did not deny that the
queen's link to the book helped boost
prepublication sales.
. Sources said the queen did the draw-
ings "just for the fun of it" before as-
cending to the throne in 1972. She
mailed them privately to Tolkien, with
whom she corresponded until his death
n 1973.
Poet splits
y MOSCOW - Viktor Urin, author of
-,more than 15 collections of poetry and
creator of an experimental "poet's the-
ater" in Moscow in the 1960s has re-
ceived permission to leave the Soviet
Jnion, he told reporters today.
Urin said he applied to leave the
country about six months ago and was

an original adaptation of the classic Italian folktale
directed by TONY MONTANARO
TRUEBLOOD AUD. U-M Campus, State & Huron
SUNDAY, OCT. 9 2:00 & 7:30 p.m.
TICKETS: 1.50 children, 2.50 adults
Advanced Sales alt Logos
Fri. Oct. 7 7 and 9:45
"The Damned," by Italian director Luchino Viscontis, probes
the soul of Germany on the eve of Nazi Power.
Sat. Oct. 8 7:30 and 9:30
Pure entertainment with Sherlock Holmes.
Natural Science Auditorium $1.50


4 1?p

I AC SOPH SHOW 1977 announces I

Directed by NAFE KATTER
Guest Artists in Residence
Wed.-Sat.,Oct.12-15, 8pm.
Sun., Oct.16, 2pm. only
Power Center

- E s

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