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September 08, 1977 - Image 32

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-08

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.Thursday, Septembwr 8, 1977

FEMCIA AL hrdy etme ,17


I APL I. i ,f moft


Focus on art

t seen nothing By SHARON BONANNI I
u haven't got- .r One Thursday afternoon, a
al taste of Uni- Zen-inspired Episcopalian priest,
li f e during calling himself The Fool, sat in
h r e e, days of the hearth of its Baronial fire-
chaos known ~:place and persuaded his audi-i
Chao nown i;&ence to ',think creatively, out
entatiotl. W e of grooves."
ou should know Cleveland Amory once jam-
to realistically med over 200 people in for a
once you arrive poetry klatch.
ni p u:s, popcorn
inand. ,DANCERS H A V E skimmed
in hand.' across its slate floor.
University Rich brass has echoed off the1
pretty pictures walls.
ooklets it sends And many a cast picture has
ncoming fresh- been shot in the sunlight reflect-
but life at the ed from its bay windows.
lot all that it's "IT'S EASIER to -think of
i up to be + - groups that don't use the. Room,"
metimes it's a says Shirley Smith, co-ordinator
lot m-o r e than of the Pendleton Arts Informa-
rained for. We tion Center, or Pendleton Room
retend to know r as it's more frequently called.
ling, bu t w e Located on the second floor of
li cn help you the Michigan Union, the Pendle-
'e can help you ton Room is a free-thinking,
ome of the pit- E free-moving place where little is,
f o 11 e g e life stationary, except the open
enjoying some hearth.
rne Anyone desiring information
on the Ann Arbor art scene need
-The Editors venture no farther. Islands of in-
formation pervade the large
the facts of the matter.
omething as important as your future being discussed,
y urgent that you get and understand all the facts. Air i
ROTC can be an important part of your future, and we'd
take this opportunity to outline some of the main facts of
atter and invite you to look further into the subject.
.S. Air Force needs highly qualified dedicated officers.
-nen and women, and we need people in all kinds of E
tional disciplines. Air Force ROTC offers 4-year, 3-year
year scholarships with $100 monthly tax-free allowance,
ontrary to what some people think, there is no military
tion during-the first two years of the Air Force ROTC.
college graduation you'll receive a commission in the
ir Force and the opportunity to compete for a challeng-
b with advanced educational opportunities.
get together and discuss Air Force ROTC further. We'll
ou all the facts and clear up the fictions. It could be one
most Important talks you've ever had with anyone.
Air Force ROTC, North Noll, 764-2403
AirForce ROTC

room devoted to various inter-
ests in the art world: architec-
ture, theatre, film, dance, mu-
sic, books and lectures.
THE ROOM'S distinguished
visitors have included poet Rob-
ert Bly, the entire Hair troupe
and the Fisher Theatre's koad-
side Attractions, not to mention
every conceivable art genre in
Ann Arbor.
Previously used by University
students as a study pit, the 22-
foot high room was re-incorpo-
rated into an arts center two
years ago. The wife of Edward
Waldo Pendleton, one of the Uni-
versity's noted alumni, wanted
to bequeath a library to her hus-
band's alma mater. From that
desire, the Pendleton Room
People have definite reactions
to the room, according to Smith.
I It exudes such overwhelming
grandeur and wealth that only
the most insensitive would emit
no response. Walnut paneling
and five bay windows tinted in
hues of blue enclose the area.
The limestone fireplace is sur-
rounded by cushions for the Pen-
dleton's "Open Hearth" series.
THE ROOM'S refractions of
light and sound are so pro-
nounced that 'they caused one

artist to ecstatically exclaim:
"Ah, Fountain Blue!"
Everything is in such a con-
stant state of movement that
the Pendleton Room holds only
three r e g u l.a r l y scheduled
events. The "Open Hearth" ser-
ies every Thursday at noon is a
sharing of groups in the arts.
"We're so multi-media sharing,
that the 'hearth' provides a time
for live, warm-body sharing,"
explains Smith. Speakers-some
unconventional like The Fool,
musical performers and crafts-
people are all invited to share
theirhwisdom during the brown
bag hour.
"Music at Mid-Day" happens
every Tuesday. Students from.
the University's School of Music
offer mini-courses, often with
exotic instruments like the Swiss
Alp horn.
Department sponsors p o e t r y
readings on the first Tuesday of
each month.
These regular events don't ac-
count for all the Pendleton
Room's activities. Other spora-
dic users are the Future Worldsj
lecturers, Eclipse J a z z work-
shops and University Artists
and Craftsmen G u i l d craft
courses. Arts people just call

Smith to reserve a day and
THP, ANNUAL Ann Arbor Art
Fair triggers special happenings
in the Pendleton Room. The ob-
scure poetry "press" displays
small magazines and photo es-
says. The University's Chamber
Music groups perform three con-
certs. And every mid-August
prominent Music School faculty
members perform there with
leading professionals.
University classes regularly
avail themselves of the Pendle-
ton Room facilities. The Women
Studies classes close out the
term with a "Women in the
AI-ts" presentation. Members of
the Residential College music-
program and TV directing class-
es have found their way to the
Pendleton. Recently, the cam-
pus radio station, WUOM, in-
stalled a phone link-up with the
MUSKET, Gilbert and Sulli-
van, Ars Musica . . . the list of
groups who have occupied the
Pendleton Room is endless.
And if this isn't enough to
guide the most avid culture-
seeker through a lifetime of arts,
Smith reports that Ann Arbor
senior citizens plan to invade
Pendleton this fall with their
Gerontology Festival.

Poet Lawrence Lieberman was only one of many writers, performers and artists to utilize the
Pendleton Room during the last year.

"According to the University.ofMichigan's Survey Research
Center, although consumers have become increasingly aware of.
the sluggish performance of the economy, their expectations for
an improved business outlook have not diminished."
Every week, facts like these filter through the news media--
the economy is good, the economy is bad, the public' feels this1
way or that-and many times these revelations originate here
from the University's own Institute for Social Research (ISR),
particularly from its Survey Research Center (SRC) division.,
ISR IS THE largest university-based social research center
ip the world. Established in 1946, ISR is the University's center
for interdisciplinary research in the social science field.
ISR was developed to promote freedom in research by not
having its employees required to report to specific departments
or schools.
For the most part, ISR is economically self-sustaining. Most
funds for its research come from outside contracts and grants.
In 1976, ISR's budget was close to $9 million, with only $1 million
contributed by the University. I
SRC IS THE largest research department within ISR. Former
SRC, director Jay Schmiedeskampf describes the purpose of the
research done in SRC as "studies of a broad range of social phe-
nomena, documenting the characteristics and activities of people
in a variety of social settings. Such investigations build under-
standing, slowly assembling basic descriptive data, tracking so-





cial change and eventually gaining deeper insights into the nature
of human relationships, structures and processes."
SRC is the most respected pollster of consumer sentiment in
the country. In the 1950's, the center began undertaking quarterly
surveys which have consistently received national media coverage
because they are viewed as a significant indicator of the nation's
economic health.
The power the quarterly report wields was evidence by a
recent example. Last October, an SRC consumer sentiment poll,
was released, stating consumer confidence had substantially im-
proved in the latter part of 1976. The Wall Street Journal was

volatile but trendless course during 1976. Although consumers
have become increasingly aware of the sluggish performance of
the economy, their expectations for an improved business outlook
have not diminished. Thus, even in the face of the so-called eco-
nomic pause, consumers have remained cautiously optimistic."
One of SRC's most recent surveys was for the City of Ann
Arbor. City Council hired SRC to conduct a study of housing con-
ditions in the city. The study, which cost $30,000, is currently
being considered by the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Commission on
Housing. Eventually the findings wil be used to bring about pome
changes in the housing situation in the city.


quick to pick up the report and jump on this news as a hopeful SRC has also recently completed a report to Congress for the
sign in a sagging economy. The Dow Jones Industrial average that Commission on the Review of National Policy Toward Gambling.
day-largely responding to the University's cheerful revelations-
shot up nearly 16 points. THIS REPORT concluded that white males from 18 to 44, with
A TYPICAL SRC report on the survey of consumer attitudes some degree of college education and income of more than $10,000
reads similarly to Jan. 1977's, "Consumer sentiment, although a year who live in the northeastern or north central parts of the
much improved over the 1975 low point, exhibited a somewhat country are most likely to be customers of illegal bookies.

Making A2

seem like home


The proliferation of back
packs, down jackets and paint-
er's pants may seem a little
strange at first to the foreign
student, but the people at the
International Center try to make
Ann Arbor seem a bit more like
The Center helps orient incom-1
ing foreign students and cut the
red tape which they may en-


counter when coming to the Uni-
versity from their native lands.
try to separate foreign and Am-
erican students. Instead, they
try to bring the two groups to-
gether in various cultural ex-
change programs.
"Foreign students would like
to meet more Americans, 'but
they are looking for informal
settings, not situations where
someone comes into ,the Cen-
ter saying, 'I would like to meet
a Malaysian, I'm going to Ma-
laysia," explained Ellen Kovo-
los, program director.
Last summer, the Center fea-
tured a variety of outings, in-
cluding canoe trips, picnics and
gooseberry and mushroom pick-
"THESE MAY SEEM like fun
and games," Kovolos said, 'but
there is tremendous interest by

the foreign students. Some of
the students live where mangos
grow in their backyards, but
have never picked mushrooms.
"We certainly would like Am-
ericans to go on these outings,
too. Regular Americans are wel-
come around the International
Center," she added.
One of the major functions of
the Center is providing informa-
tion for American students plan-
ning overseas travel or careers.
The Center's library contains a
wealth of materials, and the
well-travelled staff can answer
almost any questions students
may have.
THE CENTER also helps stu-
dents who take advantage of
University program which al-
lows students to spend their jun-
ior year abroad. But Kovolos
stresses the importance of ear-
ly planning.
"Too many times students
come in at the end of their

sophomore year to plan their
junior year abroad," Kovolos
She advises students to come
to the International Center in
their freshman year to care-
fully choose schedules with the
advice of the center's staffers.
Planning may mean the differ-
ence between graduating.in the
usual four years instead of five.
Occasionally, certain credits
earned abroad may not be trans-
THE CENTER'S Overseas Op-
portunity Office houses infor-
mation concerning foreign study
programs and work and travel
"Persons interested in any as-
pect of travel abroad - rec-
reation or work - can usually
find out what they need to know
here," said vIarcia Shelton, In-
ternational Opportunity advisor.
"We have files on areas of
study at other universities,
books on scholarships and a
how-to-travel section," she add-
In fact, the International Cen-
ter seems prepared to Ihandle
questions on- any aspect of in-
ternational living.
S *



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