4-Sunday, October 2, 1977-The Michigan Daily 4urray save By GREGG KRUPA The city has recently passed through a period .of crisis unrivaled by any trauma in recent memory. On Tuesday, Septemiber 13, members of the higher echelons of city hall were informed that the city was on the brink of losing bet- ween $800,000 and $1.4 million, thanks to unauthorized investments of questionable legal propriety. Although City, Administrator Sylvester Murray shouldered much of the blame for .the debacle, clearly it was precipitated by other officials in city hall. In fact, Murray can be credited with extricating the city from the mess within 72 hours after he was informed of the investments. IF THE CITY finally emerges from' the crisis with its' bond and credit ratings unscathed, it will be bec- ause of Murray's talents as a per- suasive negotiator. The city entered into unauthorized transactions with the brokerage firm of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith in January of this year. In an ar- bitrage investment the investor, in this case the city, borrows a United States[ treasury note from a brokerage firm, and then sells the note for cash. The money is then used to buy another treasury note which the investor hopes will be more profitable than the borrowed security. The city thought things were going well, until it discovered that a Merrill Lynch counselor, who has since been fired, had been fabricating the figures that indicated how well the note was doing on the mari-ket. WHEN MICHAEL CARROLL, the investment counselor, was confronted by City Accountant Marc Levin, he agreed to return the money the city had invested, and "make the city whole." The money was returned to the city on June 30. On July 1 the City Con- troller's office promptly re-entered the arbitrage agreement with the firm. The value of the note again declined. On September 13, Levin and City Controller Lauren Jedele informed ac- ting City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw of the unauthorized investment. This kicked off an entire week of meetings before the matter was finally resolved on Sept. 16 when Merrill Lynch agreed once again to return the money. On September 21, City Administrator Sylvester Murray issued a report on the arbitrage investments which was of- fered as a "full disclosure" of the events leading up to the crisis. BUT MURRAY'S report did not fully explain the cause of the near catastrophe, Why did Jedele and City Accountant Marc Levin make an investment that was clearly outside the guidelines established by Murray in 1975, especially an investment that is of questionable legality under state laws? Murray's report offers no answer. Are the men in charge of investigating Ann Arbor's taxpayer's money unfamiliar with inter-departmental policy and state law? The only other possibility is even more ominous-that Levin and Jedele were aware of the sanctions against the investment manuver, and decided to ener the arbitrage anyway, in the hope that it would f~akemoney for the city. With only Murray's inadequate report to guide us, any an- swer is possible. JEDELE AND LEVIN also exhibited irresponsible judgement after the original decision to make the questionable investment. Sometime in late May or early June, Levin realized that an investment counselor from Merrill Lynch had fabricated the figures that indicated how the note was doing on the market. The counselor, Michael Carroll ut stil initiated a transaction on June 30 that closed and confirmed the arbitrage with no loss to the city. THE CITY HAD been relieved of a great loss of revenue and Jedele and Levin were breathing easier. But on the very next day, City Controller Jedele's office gave the money right back to Merrill Lynch. Why, after testing the iron with a moist finger, and getting burned the first time, did the Con- troller's office reapply their entire hand to the scalding metal? Once again the note began to lose value on the market quite rapidly. But the Controller's office did not inform the proper city-Acting Attorney R. Bruce Laidlaw and Administrator Murray until September 13. When Murray was asked if any city officials would receive disciplinary ac- tion, he said he was still trying to find out who knew what and when. For the sake of the city's taxpayers we hope the investment proves fruitful. IN HIS REPORT, Murray placed much of the responsibility on his own shoulders. This is typical Sylvester Murray style. Murray, who makes in excess of $37,000, more than three times what Mayor Albert Wheeler's salary, runs the city of Ann Arbor. One has the feeling that Murray is in total control. Although Murray has been accused by several members of the city bureaucracy of being "anti-people" no one accuses him of being an inept ad- ministrator. At City Council meetings the administrator pours out infor- mation on past and present affairs as if he has a microfilm library stored in his head. The city has experienced tremendous growth since Murray became the ad- ministrator in 1973. His plan for the reorganization of city hall, submitted to Council this week suggests the ad- ministrator's job has become too cum- bersome for one person to handle. AS COUNCILMAN Ronald Trowbridge (R-Fourth Ward) said, "We can't assume that Sy is om- nipresent." A city member once said that pigeons don't walk on the roof of City Hall without consulting Sylvester Murray first. But how can Murray be faulted for not knowing about the bad investments, gets blame when the officials directly involved did not tell him things had gone awry? Once Murray became aware of the situation, the city acted with incredible speed. Within 72 hours after Murray was told, Merrill Lynch areed to rein- burse the city's losses, with interest, and the crisis was over. MURRAY IS NOW acting to insure the city will not be disciplined by the state treasurer or lose its bond rating with Chicago and New York investment houses. The city uses idle cash from 19 In- dividual accounts which are pooled into one investment fund. The interest ear- ned from the pool is prorated and returned to the individual accounts"in proportion to the idle cash the account contributed to the pool. Mayor Wheeler said that a system of checks and balances has been set up to make sure that the city does not become involved in another investment crisis. The Mayor has been quoted as saying he thought "we were going ',t hell in a wastebasket. Thanks to Sylvester Murray the path of the wastebasket has been altered. IIE £idclit3an augil LO0OKING BACK Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII No. 22 I News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Grade deflation: Needed L SA DEAN Billy Frye said last. 'Week that the grade inflation holi- day is over, and we think it's about time. "Faculty attitudes about grading are toughening," Frye warned. "It was a long, long time agowhen a 'C' was a respectable,, even honorable, "grade ... Enough of us changed our standards to let grades float up." Now, apparently, professors are drawing the line against the near-auto- matic 'B' that has become as expected as Michigan losses in the Rose Bowl. A 3.0 was once a commendable grade point average; now it is a sign, in many departments, that its bearer barely opened a book all term. Parents who watch grades as a stock broker watch- es dividends, wail over the 'B' average thes days. Frye is correct in detecting a iening up among professors, we . it a very healthy thing. ano elected us Puritans for the day? Well, no one, but it is all too easy for all of us to sigh a silent prayer of thanks for the wonders of grade infla- tion when the report cards come out each term. We swear each term to do better, but many departments simply make sluffing off too easy to pass up. RADES WERE LESS inflated twenty and thirty. years ago, when an 'A' was something more than slightly out of the ordinary. But it is ironic that our parents needed college preparation less tharl this generation, In an increasingly caplex-and specia- lized world, grade in£IJtion is making a substantial contribution to an academic environment woefully inadequate to the needs of today's col- lege graduates. If a university education is to mean anything, if anyone is to learn and be creative, the institution must be demanding. That means that professors must, in the classic phrase, "grade tough." BUSINESS STAFF DEBORAH DREYFUSS.......................Business Manager COLLEEN HOGAN..................Operations Manager ROD KOSAUW.............................. Sales Manager NANCY G t ..............Display Manager ROBERTGCARPENTER...... Finance Manager PETE PETERSEN........ .........Advertising Co-ordinator PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF ALAN BILINSKY ....:..................:Chief Photographer ANDY FREEBERG..................... Chief Photographer BRAD BENJAMIN...s............ Staff Photographer' JOHN KNOX............ .......... .Staff Photographer CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER................ Staff Photographer '1 GIMME A WTfE! Q -p GIMME A MALE! GIMME ANNER, WHITE ! 1 Energy tug of war r"lHE U.S. Senate and Presi- . dent Carter were busy tuss- ling over a long, meandering, twisted and sometimes frayed length of rope this week - the en- ergy program. After days of liter- ally exhausting debate and fili- bustering, the concern no longer seems to be over who will be vic- torious in the political tug of war. The question now is: Where is the tangled rope going to snap? And what will the resulting energy policy mean to the average American pocketbooks? The two sides line up like this: The President has asked for continued regulation of oil and gas prices in his energy program, along with new "incentives" for oil companies to increase produc- tion of domestic oil. Under the Carter plan, the industry would be allowed a margin of profit small enough to force the com- panies to find new fuel reserves, yet large enough to pay for costs of discovering such reserves. "I do not support complete deregu- lation of natural gas prices which would provide windfall profits without significantly increasing supplies," the President said at a news conference Thursday. His program would give oil produc- ers the equivalent of the world price.on oil, but only for newly discovered supplies. Also con- tained in the President's plan are national conservation measures, including a "gas guzzler tax" on Senators seemed more likely to" compromise on price regulation rather than eliminate govern- ment controls altogether. A par- tial deregulation, along with in- creased prices for newly discov- ered oil would also have the effect of discouraging consumption. The Senate and Carter still basically disagree on the gas guzzler tax. The Senate Finance Committee has eliminated the tax, at least for the time being, from the Senate version of the en- ergy plan. President Carter seemed op-, timistic Thursday that the Senate, like House had done before it, would "realize that this is a major domestic legislative product." The House has already gone over the 'President's pro- gram and despite several weeks of "disappointments" for Carter, resolved to leave the energy plan intact. Carter emphasized that no final action had been taken by the Senate in regard to the plan, and much work has yet to be done. The tussling over the energy "rope" will in the meantime con- tinue to be quite a show. DNA revisited D EOXYRIBONUCLEIC acid, that elusive substance which is crammed into our body cells and is better known as DNA, got some more attention on cam- pus this week. The Biological Re- search Review Committee - University. With the formation of the nine-member Committee C last year, a process for certifying the safety of faculty DNA pro- jects was initiated. THE FIVE experiments ap- proved for the year will not require extraordinary lab pre- cautions. But for future; more cautious, activities, the Commit- tee announced that two Univer- sity laboratories, renovated for "moderate risk" DNA research, will be federally certified for use in a matter of weeks. The labs include specigl air ventiliation and filtering systems, special safety cabinets, and an air exhaust system that prevents the contaminated lab air from mixing with any other building air. Despite the low risk status given to the five newly approved projects, Committee C voiced its concern this week for safeguard- ing lab facilities and insuring that medical personnel are adequate- ly trained and monitored in their work this year. , * * * Grade inflation FOR ALL YOU pre-profes- sional types and those ex- pecting to further academic careers with a glamourous stint in graduate school, be warned: LSA Dean Billy Frye warned Thursday that Grade Point Aver- ages, (GPA), for the terms be- ginning in late 1976 were on the to Poppa -;all the officialsseem. to think that grades will fall about as slowly as they have risen -, and it's been more than a ten-. year trend. ** * No doe O NCE UPON a time there was this state legislature in- Lansing which made overtures to changing the official state animal from a wolverine into a white- tailed deer. It's no fairy tale. In fact it's pretty grizzly. The Michigan: House voted Tuesday to alter the state animal. With Senate ap- proval, the Michigan Wolverines could very well be twitching; furry little hind ends in the face ofx their gridiron opponents, rather, than baring tooth and nail. It would be a remarkablej change, wouldn't it? Somehow we gather that before the Univer-0 sity dumps the wolverine, capital city legislators will have grown, their own little fluffy white tailsd to wag between their legs. 44 IT IS PROBABLY a fact that' there were more neck cramps- in Ann Arbor this past week than' during any other week this year. And if chiropractors and orthepe- dic surgeons were scurrying about the city trying to figure out what was going on, they needed to look no farther than up. The Blimp. Clumps of pedestrians 61MME ANOTHER MALE J I GIMME ANOER WHITE! GIMME EITHER A BLACK ORAFEMALE, OR,. -1k.a m