iDaily ~o WI~J6 A Eight Vol. LXXXV II, No. 20 ty-Eight Years of EditorialI 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48 Freedom 109 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I~l4/ R)FAI( ~UFu 'r 1KR1 IS VUFAR.r !S OQ.FAIR. V Cl F OQ AKl W V ? i.,-: ( ait 106 ) M RS )NA : ," Risk and regulation S 60T IAk-f __ Fc~ TH~A. AFTER YEARS of debate and wor- m ry, the form of DNA research which entails certain risks, will begin in University laboratories within weeks. There is little doubt that the testing is one of the most controversial topics Tto stir the campus in years. It deals t'with the most basic elements of life: the tiny strands of genetic information Tell that to he next Wolverine you see: WHEN MICHIGAN Stadium roars at the sight of a hundred maize- and-blue clad footballers, the applause will be for the Wolverines. No bunch of politicians is going to change our minds about that. The Michigan House of Representa- tives voted this week to make the (cringe) white-tailed deer the state's official animal. If the Senate passes the measure, it will be law. We have nothing against the white- tailed deer. Certainly the creature out- numbers the hunted-out wolverine overwhelmingly. As a state animal, the gentle, beautiful deer may indeed, be a fine choice. But don't tell that to Michigan's front line. They'll chew you alive. Let's put it this way. White-tailed deer are terrific. But we'll match any one of Bo's Wolverines against'any ten of the House of Representatives' white- tailed deer. which combine to form and determine the nature of living cells. Obviously, such a scientific inquiry is of the most fundamental importance to the field of genetics. Scientists at several academic and government institutions throughout the nation have said that the research may lead to a basic un- derstanding of many diseases, in- cluding cancer, as well as explore in depth. a mysterious frontier: the human cell. But critics of the research have aroused fears that the research might make possible some sort of biological engineering, or that it could produce dangerous contaminants. Many have made the research the focus of a de- bate over whether scientific research should be pursued when risk is in- volved. Regardless of these arguments,,and they were debated heartily by Univer- sity committees for months here on, campus, the research will begin soon. What now must be considered are the precautions with which the experi- ments will be performed. The experiments to be launched in the Medical Science II building and the Natural Science Building have been la- belled "moderate risk" research. A more dangerous level of experiment will not be conducted on campus. The "moderate risk" research will be safe- guarded by guidelines set by the Na- tional Institutes of Health, but critics have called for tighter rules. We are not geneticists at The Daily. But the various review committees' re- ports make one point clear even to the layman: DNA research -is not to be dealt with carelessly. Just the mystery of the thing should ensure that it is treated with scrutiny and caution. The University should spare no expense or seeming inconvenience to make sure the research is safe. L- 1 Fs. How. far can thepssg? The celebration continues over the resignation of Bert Lance in many media circles. The piranhas of the press have picked his carcass clean, delighting in their thoroughness and eagerly anticipating another victim. Lance's political castration by the media clearly illustrates the resurgence of the press as a powerful factor in public policy, and of the serious danger to both individuals and the entire nation when that power is abused. THE LAST ten yeIrs have seen the reemergence of investigative reporting as a major journalistic function. The work of people like Jack Anderson, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein has skyrock- eted journalism once again into the forefront of political life, as more than simply an observer and commentator. Not since the muckraking days of the early 1900s, when Ida Tar- bell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sin- clair and their peers exposed trust manipulations, municipal corruption and unsanitary labor conditions has the press been so effective as instigator of change. And this is as it should be. Such investigations can nudge the government into taking construc- tive action. This is more or less what oc- curred at the start of the Lance affair, until the press turned it in- to a vendetta. Reporters began uncovering apparently shady fi- nancial misdeeds committed by Lance during his tenure as a Georgia bank executive. The re- porting was excellent; digging deeper and deeper, the journal- ists found more and more pos- sibly illegal actions, as well as Lance's attempts to cover them up. THE MEDIA gave ample coverage to the investigation, and showed that the Senate committee that confirmed Lance did not do a very thorough job of checking up on him, and proved that ample cause for a new gov- ernment investigation existed. Up to that point, the press per- formed its function admirably. Then the piranhas scented that the prey was wounded and charged in for the kill. Lance was smeared daily over the front pages of every newspaper. Al- legations about his banking prac- tices were bandied about the net- work newscasts, and in all the major news periodicals. This campaign hindered and perverted the government inves- tigations. The media put tremen- MICHAEL E dous pressure on the government and wasn't overly concerned with propriety. Furthermore, it put the Carter Administration se- verely on the defensive. To this day, none of the alle- gations about Bert Lance's pri- vate or public banking record have been proven true in a con- gressional hearing or in a court of law. Yet the press chose to ignore the legal process and put Lance and Carter through trial of its own. THE HUNT failed to turn up a shred of solid proof of Lance's guilt. Despite this, the press de- clared him guilty and called for his resignation well before the Senate had completed its legally sanctioned investigation. The investigations by the press and subsequent inquiries in Con-, gress and the Justice Depar- tment have shown there is justi- fication for suspicion that Lan- ce's banking activities were ille- gal or at least unethical,. Under these circumstances, it was wise for Lance to resign, for it would not be feasible for a person un- der suspicion of crime to work in a Cabinet office. But the way the man was virtu- ally railroaded out of office, un- der the most humiliating of cir- 3EC K MAN cumstances, was inexcusable. It provides reason to consider curb- ing the press' new found power. How far Whould an investiga- tive journalist go in his pursuit of exposure? To the limit, some say. Richard Reeves, a respected po- litical journalist on the "Tonight Show" the evening of Lance's resignation, was asked whether he thought the press had over- stepped its bounds during the Lance affair. Reeves said he thought the press handled it well. A function of the press is to dig in- to the backgrounds of public of- ficials, he went on to say, to be a watch dog for the people. OTHERS AGREE the press has a responsibility to act as a watchdog up to a certain point, but not to the extent of continu- ously crusading against any and all public figures, as if infatuated with its power. Still others are convinced that the press, by misusing its influ- ence, has shown that restraints on its freedom are necessary. The battle over the First Amendment is coming to a head, and the press is rapidly placing itself in an untenable position. This summer, it added to its woes with yellow, sensationalist cov- erage of the "Son of Sam" man- hunt in New York. Now, with its role in Lance's demise under at- tack, the press is running a course towards self-destruction: THE PRESS has assumed ex- traordinary powers of persuasion in the last decade. Not since the days of William Randolph Hearst has it exhibited the power to break a major political figure as it has with Lance and Nixon. A strong press is of incalcula- ble importance in a free society. But it must be a responsible press. It cannot continue to act like a school of predatory pi- ranhas, wantonly seeking to de- stroy people's reputations and ca- reers. Perhaps the allegations made in print will turn out to be correct,. For the sake of freedom of the press, one hopes they do. Be- cause if they don't, the press could be put on trial for its ex- istence. And it is doubtful wheth- er any media coverage would be much help in that case. " Michael Beckman is an LSA junior. NJP #5 i)u*AIR. AA HErA- I WEX, MR. ARAFAr WE DO "AVE SOME OE \M FOM PAEST IMAN LEATES TO TE CaENEVA PEACE 1A AS? * I NCLIM TA"L'/ You AREN'T A MjERp ALKE . C. ARE ou A ~~~- - ------ BUSINESS STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF DEBORAH DREYFUSS.. .................... Business Manager ANN MARIE LIPINSKI JIM TOBIN COLLEEN HOGAN ..................Operations Manager Editors-in-Chief ROD KOSAI 4 ............................ Sales Manager LOIS JOSIMOVICH.... Managing Editor NANCY GR ................. ..........Display Manager >GEORGE LOBSENZ Managing Editor ROBERT CARPENTER .. Finance Manager ~STU McCONNELL..,.. .......... Managing Editor PETE PETERSEN ... ..... Advertising Co-ordinator JENIFER MILLER Managing Editor MIKE NORTON .. Managing Editor SPORTS STAFF -KEN PARSIGIAN ............. Managing Editor SO T T F BOBROSENBAUM Managing Editor KATHY HENNEGHAN ......... ... Sports Editor MARGARET YAO. Managing Editor TOM CAMERON ........................ Executive Sports Editor SUSAN ADES ..... Magazine Editor SCOTT LEWIS. .......... ........Managing Sports Editor ~.JAY LEVIN................... Magazine Editor Don MacLACHLAN .................. Associate Sports Editor ELAINE FLETCHER Associate Magazine Editor JOHN NIEMEYER..............Contributing Sports Editor .JEFFREY SELBST. ....................Arts Editor Weather Forecasters: NIGHT EDITORS: Paul Campbell. Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- MARK ANDREWS and MIKE GILFORD hardt, Jeff Frank, Gary Kicinski, Brian Martin.Bob Miller, STAFF WRITERS: Susan Barry, Rick Berke, Brian Blanchard, Brian Miller, Dave Renbarger, Errol Shifman and Jamie Michael Beckman, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Daley, Turner Rton DeKett, Lisa Fisher, Denise Fox, David GoodmanP O O R PH T F Michael Jones, LnA Jordan, Janet Klein, Garth Kriewall,Geg PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF c Krupa, Doblilas Matunonis, Patti Montemurri, Tom O'Connell, ALAN BILINSKY....................Chief Photographer Karen Paul; Stephen Pickover, Kim Potter, Martha Retal- ANDY FREEBERG.............Chief Photographer lick, Keith Richburg, Julie Rovner, Dennis Sabo,* Annmarie BRAD BENJAMIN............... Staff Photographer Schiavi, Paul Shapiro, Elizabeth Slowik, Mike Taylor, Pauline JOHN KNOX ..Staff Photographer Toole, Sue Warner, Linda Willcox, Shelley Wolson, Mike Yellin, CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER Staff Photographer e and Barb Zahs V.:.,........', .......:..:.aa:a ::: ::..:::.:.::::...::::. -S. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .::. . TENANTS RISING:. Sky- high rates at A Woods By STEPHEN HERSH Last month, the rent for the apartment where Herbert and Susan Hames live went up by $50 a month. That raised the monthly cost of their two-bedroom apartment on the out- skirts of the city to $260. "This town is notori- ous for rent," Herb said. "But $50 a month!" The sudden and steep rent increase was an outrage, the Hameses felt. But if the couple suffered an outrage, at least they had com- pany. Rents have shot up all over the city as new leases have gone into effect in the past few weeks. And the Hameses don't have to look far to find other tenants who share their rental woes - throughout the Ann Arbor Woods housing complex where they live, ren- ts have just taken an enormous leap. SHARP RENT increases hardly qualify as news in this city any more. They certainly are painful, but tenants who live in Ann Arbor for any length of time grow to expect them. The cost of local rents inflated by 300 per cent between 1950 and 1976, while the general rate of national inflation during those years was only 133.2 per cent. Ann Arbor's median rent is now about 72 per cent higher than the na- tional median. The Ann Arbor Woods apartments are lo- cated on Medford Road, on the south side of the city. The complex of small, beige brick buildings is modern-looking, and, if not homey, at least comfortable. The grassy grounds surrounding the buildings are pleas- ant, though not expansive. The quality of the apartments is better than that of most rental housing in town. Steve Slavik, of the Slavik Company which, runs Ann Arbor Woods, told this writer that his company was reluctant to raise the rents last month at the apartment complex. "We're sympathetic," he said in a telephone inter- view "We're trvin0 tn hnld the line." Rut he noted, "The FHA (Federal Housing Admini- stration) recognizes six to eight per cent in- flation nationwide. During the last five years there should have been a 30 per cent increase in everything." But rents at Ann Arbor Woods have, for many people, increased more than 30 per cent over the past five years. When the Hameses moved in to their apartment two and a half years ago, they paid $185 per month in rent. Last month's increase'was the third hike for them, and with their rent now at $260, their rent has gone up 45 per cent since they moved in. For Ann Arbor Woods resident Marvin Ber- man, rent went up last month by $55, bringing his monthly total up to $275. The previous year his rent increased by $29, so over the past two years, Berman has seen his rent rise by 44 per cent. ONE WOMAN, who asked not to be identi- fied for fear of retaliation by the realty com- pany - call her Ms. X, - said that rent for her and her husband rose by $40 last month to $220. Two years ago, she and her husband were paying $150 a month, so their rent rose by 47 per cent over the past three years. Steve Slavik's reaction? "I'm not going to spend time making excuses for why I raise rents." The Ann Arbor Woods rent hikes exceed the bounds of fairness, even as Steve Slavik describes them in terms of the inflation rate recognized by the FHA. But should rents go up even as fast as the general rate of in- flation? SOme of a landlord's operating ex- penses do go up with inflation - for example, costs of labor, maintenance materials, and energy. But a landlord also has fixed costs which remain unaffected by inflation - such as mortgage payments. Mortgage costs usually make up between one-third and one- half nf a landlord's monthly exnenses. and gan forking over the extra cash. Tenants say that the rental company has made some ef= fort to cool resentment about the hike among Ann Arbor Woods residents. Says Hames, "He (Slavik) says he's charg- ing the going rate - but the going rate is an outrage." The cost of rent is not the only problem the Ann Arbor Woods tenants face. There are maintenance difficulties at the complex as well. Says the anonymous tenant Ms. X, "We all have screens that don't fit. There are bal- conies that are rotting, and in some cases they're a hazard. For three or four years there was a problem with hot water - but that was cleared up six months ago." Hames described the case of a former ten- ant whose apartment ceilings leaked so much and so persistently that "she used eight or nine buckets to collect the leaking water." AND LAST YEAR the Slavik Company or- dered the Ann Arbor Woods residents to com- ply with a new policy requiring that tenants pay a $25 cleaning fee on moving out of their apartments, over and above the $50 cleaning fee they must pay on moving in to the com- plex. The tenants organized and refused to pay the extra fee. The rental company then reduced the $25 fee to five dollars. Some tenants believe that the new rent hikes may be related to the battle over the cleaning fees. Says Hames, "I think people felt, after we won the reduced cleaning fees, that the rent increases were a retaliation." The rent hikes seem to be the main source of gripes at Ann Arbor Woods. "It's too bad," Hames lamented. "Its a really nice place to live, otherwise." Editorial positions represent n c rnkons. of 1