GO BUCKS? See Editorial Page 71 1.4P SirP aug1 DRIPPY High: 66* See TODAY for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 30, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages The jig s up-profs get tough on grades By KEITH RICHBURG If you have been basking in that realm of intelligentsia just this side of 4.0, prepare for a shock. A new hard- line faculty attitude toward grades, which have been artificially high since the early 1970's, will be forcing your GPA back down to earth. "Faculty attitudes about grading are toughening," LSA Dean Billy Frye warned yesterday. "Enough of us changed our standards to let the grades float up," he said. "It was a long, long time ago when a 'C' was a respectable--even honorable- grade." ACCORDING TO Frye, there is a "drift in attitude" about the grading scale, 'and we will come to think of 'C' as more and more respectable." "It seems a shame to have all the grades clustered," Frye said. "To distinguish between students, you need the broader spectrum.'' Although students can expect professors to take a tougher stance on grades this year, the war against grade inflation has been on since 1974. Last year, for example, the cumulat4ve GPA for LSA was 3.05, down from 3.11 for winter term, 1976. THE TREND toward lower grades isn't restricted to LSA, however. In fact, the only school that hasn't shown a grade point decrease in the past year is the School of Music. That department holds the University's highest grade point average-3.24, up from 3.21 in 1976. But if Music School grades are in- It was a long, long time ago when a 'C' was a respectable- even honorable - grade ... Enough of us changed' our stan- flated, Dean Allen Britton isn't worried about it. "It has never been a problem here because our grades never suffered from the inflation, so they won't suffer from the deflation," he said. According to Britton, "The grades in Music represent the high admission standards." The Music School selects only one out of ten applicants. "MUSIC GRADES have always been high compared to the Lit school," Brit- ton said. "We don't grade on a curve. We grade on ability, and ability here is excellent." Another §chool that's never been hasmpered by grade inflation is Engineering. "I don't think engineering got involved in grade inflation as much as the other schools," said Associate Dean Robert Hoisington. The Engineering School, however, won't be exempt once grades start to drop. "Approximately two-thirds of our freshmen and one-third of our sophomores are taught by Lit school profs," said Hoisington. "If they put the lid down there, that will, of course, have an effect on our students." GRADES ACROSS campus and around the country, began to rise in the late 1960's. In the peak year, 1974, the LSA GPA was 3.22, just behind the Music School, 3.31-a University. record. Then came the gradual decline. By 1977, the GPA for the School of Education had dropped from 3.01 to Sese PROFS, Page 2 dards to let grades float up.' -LSA Dean Billy Frye . . _> dJF 8ci F . Police nab20 in mass drug bust, In a string of drug raids that began early yesterday morning and contin- ued through the night, state and local police arrested more than 20 persons In Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti on drug- related charges. The arrests, nine of which were in Ann Arbor, were a joint effort of the ::washtenaw Area Narcotics Team :(WANT), the Washtenaw County kSheriff's Department, and Ann Arbor -and Ypsilanti police. THE RAID WAS the result of a six-month investigation conducted by undercover police and WANT offi- cers. County Prosecuting Attorney William Delhey issued warrants for the arrest of 31 persons who have allegedly sold narcotics to the under- cover agents. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny said police nabbed no "king pins", and described those arrested as "middle management pushers". Despite the number of arrests, only small amounts of heroin, cocaine, speed and marijuana were"confiscat- ed during the raids. Police als6 found a few firearms. Those arrested in Ann Arbor were Frank Walker, Leon Crawford, Na- mon Wright, Frank Wells, Ricky Cole, Gloria Patterson, Robert Cof- fer, Jerry Bennett and Robert Web- ster. Coffer, Wells, Luckett and Cole will be tried under the Career Criminal Act, which was initiated Monday. Under the act, repeated law breakers are tried quickly and given stiffer sentences. Carter chides Senate for delay of energy plan _ Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG Multitudes of students queued up in the Old Architecture and Design building yesterday, the last day to drop and add classes. CRISP workers estimated that nearly 1,800 students passed through the computer terminals. TIMES ITPD rop add closes, WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter, chiding the Senate for dis- mantling his energy program and delaying a final vote, warned yester- day that "with every passing day our energy problems become more se- vere." "The American people are expect- ing the Congress to pass a national energy plan," Carter said in a news conference statementsaimed at the Senate as much as at his national television audience. WHILE THE Senate continued its battle over deregulation of natural gas prices, Carter reiterated his opposition to removing the price controls and said, "no interest group or organization can be satisfied with every part of our plan." He said the Senate has been under "tremendous pressure" from lobby- ists and "has its own reputation to protect". in passing strong energy legislation. The President also said "reason- able progress has been - made" toward a new Strategic Arms Limita- tion Treaty, but "an immediate agreement is not in prospect." HE SAID Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev has a "standing invitation" to visit the United States and that in the rotation of U.S.-Soviet summits, it is the United States' turn to play host. The Bert Lance case, on which Carter spoke exclusively at his news conference following Lance's resig- nation as budget director eight days ago, was the subject of only one question. The President said he never knew in 1976 that the Justice Department was investigating Lance's bank over- draft problems. But he said it would have made no difference in his decision to appoint Lance to-direct the Office of Management and Bud- get. ON OTHER matters, the President said: *Arabs and Israelis "are making some progress" in their search for a Middle East peace and the United States would be ready to begin discussions with the Palestine Liber- ation Organization only if and when the group accepts the right of Israel to exist. *The blame for layoffs in the steel industry cannot be placed on im- ports. He said the industry was having problems meeting environ- mental standards and that "wvhen the growth rate drops to six per cent, therejust aren't as many orders for By PAULINE TOOLE For those who waited until the last minute to drop or add a class, procrastination yielded unpleasant results-a line which wound through several halls, down a flight of stairs, and out to the entrance of the Old Architecture and Design building. Fred Parnes, only one of many who postponed the visit to CRISP as long as possible, was slightly upset by the len- thy wait. "I THINK it's a disgrace,"he said. "They should extend this deadline until tomorrow so all these people could get appointments. "At least they should have a special line for me," he ad- ded. Many of those in the seemingly endless queue were ex- slowpokespaic perienced procrastinators-upperclasspersons who had stood in line on the last day before and in all probablility will do so again. "I'M NOT ADDING a class, just a section," LSA senior Sheila Manderville said smiling. "I guess I just procrastinate." Margi Strong, another senior, echoed Manderville's feeling. "I just didn't get around to it earlier. I always save the best for last-after all, lines are fun." CRISP employes expressed no sympathy for those in line. "If people want to avoid this, there's plenty of time to Carter *He has not consulted with Attor- ney General Griffin Bell on the possible prosecution of Richard Helms, former director of the CIA on perjury charges. *Republicans have helped him in some areas more than his own party, and singled out GOP support for his opposition to statutory restrictions on the independence of the World Bank. See DROP, Page 2 JEWISH AUT HOR SPEAKS: Wiesel urges By MICHAEL ARKUSH Elie Wiesel, Jewish author and historian, last night urged his audience to develop a spark of enthusiasm in dealing with people in today's society during a speech at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "You must find the fire in your lives," he told the crowd with stern brevity. WIESEL, A survivor of the Nazi con centration camps of World War II which claimed the lives of nearly sip million Jews, warned his audience of the danger of the world forgetting that holocaust. "We live in extraordinary times, ex- traordinary days and we must not forget the Holocaust," Wiesel said, referring to a trend by Western fervor' European writers to change the image of the concentration camps. He claimed that recent books portray Adoph Hitler as a decent human being, unaware of the tragedies inflicted by Nazi Ger- many upon the Jews. "Some people have begun to deny the event that destroyed mankind," he said. "The world must remember or we, the Jewish people, will be ashamed forever." WIESEL ALSO emphasized his feeling of comeradery with Jews in Israel and the struggle of Soviet Jewry. "We live in the present, we treat events of the past as though they happened to us and not our ancestors." He repeatedly illustrated the type of fervor he hoped the crowd would develop, by telling several Hasidic stories including one which dealt with an old Jewish man who felt he had no fervor in his belief in God. The old man visited a rabbi in his study to tell him T hings " go better with bricks By DAVID GOODMAN Bricks look, a lot better than concrete. At least that's what Bill DeBrooke thought. So when he heard that the city planned to pave over a section of Detroit Street between Fourth Ave- nue and Catherine Street with con- crete to build a sculpture plaza, he got mad. DeBrooke, who owns the residen- tial Downtown Club on, N. Fourth Avenue, got together with other area property and business owners to convince the city to restore, the original brick surface of the street. THE CITY was unmoved by their pleas. Officials claimed the project would be too costly, and prepared to Wiesel: 'We live in extra-, ordinary times, extraordi- nary days and we must not forget the Holocaust.' ~IJ 3-3 I-i r E R