nber 28, 1977-The Michigan Daily RO7NA$ICA A i NA 6BOMB A runner's lament By BRIAN BLANCHARD It's not that I don't jog. Some- time between the walk and the spring, just before the stride, I manage to get in a lot of jogging. It's relaxing and sometimes I can't summon the energy to stretch out into a run. . rNor do I look down on joggers. Waving at me with a grin from the other side of Geddes, they usually seem to be enjoying themselves. Best of all, joggers don't take themselves too seri- ously. BUT PLEASE, humor me, and call me a runner. It's probably a sign of insecuri- ty that I place so much stock in labels. I ought to act like the brown-haired LSA sophomore I am and stop looking for opportu- nities to set myself apart from the crowd. Not all runners are so sensitive. Many with running credentials far better than mine shrug off the semantics and disappear towards the horizon at a prodigious clip. BUT CONSIDER the word "jog." A jog is a halting, heavy motion - earthbound and grace- less. Would you ask a friend if he or she were going out for a trudge? an amble? When people drift slowly down the street, or glide 'carefully around the track before a race, the bump and gripd of the world is far behind them. They are try- ing to escape the jogs of the Diag at noon. - What's the difference then, be- tween a jogger and a runner? First, don't trust a quick glan- ce. Some of the best runners wear dark socks, tie-dyed sweat pants, and T-shirts held together by sweat and dirt. STYLE AND BUILD aren't much better indicators than dress. There are common denom- inators of form among the more serious, such as efficient strides and rhythms, but each body han- dles the stress best in its own way. And I've been fooled more than -I f11 l [[[iii rw Wt'Ae m r 16N ir& once by the short, solid mara- thoner who looks like he ought to be out trying to tackle Ricky Leach instead of sprinting past me in a race. Speed shouldn't be the deciding factor either, since you can't tell if the huffing, puffing runner is on the first or the fiftieth repetition of a hill climb. Besides, shouldn't some consideration be given to the devoted exertions that get some no further than the middle of the pack? In fact, since the difference is arbitrary at best, and certainly elitist, why not reserve "jog" for what you do to your memory or what an unpredictable road does? U IN ANY CASE, joggers and runners pursue the same joys: a chance to get away in solitude or with a running mate, to commune with nature, and to work out some of the bilge that clogs up the sedentary body. Exclude from this group the ex- treme case of the racers who make running a business. The tal- ented run for these same reasons, plus the dream of success in com- petition. I spent four years in ligh school lacing my Tigers tight and living for the daily race through snow or over falling leaves before realiz- ing that my talent didn't measure up to my exuberance. TO ME, THE SMELL of crush- ed leaves means a long run past barren trees the evening before a cross-country race. When I look across a rolling meadow, I don't recall a line from Wordsworth, but wonder how, it would be to pump up the hill and down the other side. I'm trying to tread the line be- tween running as a hobby and running as a lifestyle. So make my life easier. Call me anything but a jogger. Brian Blanchard is a Daily staff writer. . '01 Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ViII, No. 17 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan dol. .XXX et's keep calm on the Diag Ir k m Rf Rk *' ....r 3HE DIAG has always been an area .of campus where any viewpoint any conceivable topic can be freely pressed. Its location affords most idents the opportunity to listen in or express their opinions in a soapbox- :e atmosphere. The rhetoric is ways flying, and passers-by can stay participate or move on at their leis- e. The key to this successful forum s been an agreement by all involved tolerate everyone's thoughts, how-, er strange they may seem. The system. threatened to # break ;n last week when a group of Today's Staff :WS: Allison Daniels, George obsenz, Ken Parsigian, Martha letallick, Laura Rogoff, Judy Sosin, )ebbie Sun, Margaret Yao, 3arb Zahs )ITORIAL PAGE: Michael Beckman, Jim Tobin UTS: Alan Rubenfeld, Emily Ichreiber, Jeff Selbst, Anne Sharp, Austin Vance, Tim Yagle ORTS: Marietta Mackevich, Cub Schwartz, Jamie Turner oto technician: Alan Bilinsky evangelists, preaching faith in Jesus, ' were drawn into ugly shouting mat- ches with groups of heckling students. Tenasion mounted, and at times physical violence seemed at hand. For- tunately, events never got past the yelling stage. But they easily could have, and this is a bad sign for the future of Diag de- bates. Toleration of opinion is essential to maintain a calm atmosphere, and never should the discussions decay into violence. The Diag discourses provide a cer- tain character and spirit to the Uni- versity. They are a source of informa- tion' and entertainment as well. Let's not ruin a nice thing. 0be, trioun 1 a gi Heal1th Ser'vic By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION: What's this new Health Service fee that was on my tuition assessment form all about? Can you tell us how it happened? ANSWER: The Health Service fee came about by action of the University Budget Priorities Committee. For several years now, the state legislature has been encouraging the University to make all non- teachibg activities self-supporting. Since Health Service is a non- teaching facility, other sources of support needed to be developed. Consequently, a Health Service Funding Committee was established by the University executive offices to develop a plan for making our facility progressively self-supporting. Over the next five years, there- fore, as the University general fund monies are being reduced in a Letters to The Daily crime Handbook SPORTS STAFF KATHY HENNEGHAN .........Sports Editor TOM CAMERON......:...............Executive Sports Editor SCOTT LEWIS......................... Managing Sports Editor DON MacLACHLAN....................Associate Sports Editor JOHNTNIEMEYER .. Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Paul Campbell, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- hardt, Jeff Frank, Gary Kicinski, Rick Maddock, Brian Mar- tin, Bob Miller, Brian Miller, Dave Renbarger, Cub Schwartz, Errol Shifman and Jamie Turner. step-wise fashion, a gradually increasing student fee will replace it. It is important to realize that this student fee does not represent any new monies coming in to Health Service but rather a replacement of funds which were previously available but which no longer will be. This is not very different from the usual Health Service fee at most major Health Services, but we realize this is relatively new for the University of Michigan, and is of course being questioned: We have found, however, that graduate students coming from other Univer- sities realize the excellence of treatment available here at a very reasonable cost. Comparing the cost of medical care outside the Health Service makes one aware of the bargain one has here. Medical fees are higher from Ann Arbor physicians or at the clinics of either the University or St. Joseph's hospital. The Health Service fee entitled enrolled students to unlimited visits to the general medical clinic during regular visiting hours, 8 to 5 Mondays through Fridays and 8 to 12 on Saturdays. Just as was true before, lab tests, specialty clinics, X-rays, prescriptions and after- hour visits are on a fee for service basis. QUESTION: Are spouses of students eligible for care at the Health Service? ANSWER: They certainly are. As you probably already know, enrolled students, both undergrads and graduates, are entitled to use the Health Service. So are what we consider to be non-enrolled studen- ts - those who have been enrolled within the past 12 months. Since the fall of 1972, husbands and wives of all students, both en- rolled and non-enrolled are eligible for care here. However, as spouses and non-enrolled students have not paid a Health Service fee - which enrolled students are required to pay each semester - they must pay a fee for service on each visit to the Health Service. This fee will vary with the type of visit and service they receive. Please send all health questions to: The Health Educators U-M Health Service Division of Office of Student Services 207 Fletcher Ann Arbor, MI 48109 '14 lvwWAtL*4,- VWA LL ti 4 5 A ' I ( i 4 I IZ 4 or I'' 0 ,1 ki 'V I. rn I 4 34 M4 A y S'' t 66b ; a .. t O t I + r To The Daily: I found your recent series on "campus crime" (Sept. 23, 24) to be irresponsible and offensive. It is exactly this type of yellow jour- nalism which disgraced the pages of the New York City tab- loid papers during the "Son of Sam" crisis. The use of exag- geration and innuendo to play on people's fears and create a de- gree of paranois that is unrelated to the reality of the situation is a gross abuse of the power of the media. Many of those who are new to dorm life might get the impres- sion from reading your articles that without a padlock on their door and a shotgun at their hips, they will never get through the' year with their property and per- son intact. Yet, neither of those articles contains even one con- crete report of a crime commit- ted in a dormitory. Of course, no rational person could claim that theft here is non-existent, and no one can underestimate the trage- dy and terror inflicted upon the innocent women who were at- tacked last year. The point is, however, that The Daily is walk- ing on thin ice by printing "non- news" articles. There is no longer a rapist on the loose; there is no outbreak of thievery being re- nnrtwl What then .i the nurnose I THINK that we should ask, however, %Whether or not it truly serves the interests of students on campus to ask them to be con- stantly on guard, and to look upon any one unfamiliar with appre- hension. (What of the racial im- plications of such an atmo- sphere?) I think of the two wary eyes that were plastered on bul- letin boards all over campus last year, underlined with the bold caption: "Watch Out." Look for a moment through the eyes of a newcomer or a visitor to Ann Ar- bor. Is this the type of place you want to be, where everyone is "watching out" for everyone else? It is bad enough when the government plays 1984 with us; must we play it with each other? One would hope that every re- sponsible. individual will do what is necessary to avoid dangerous situations. Still, this is not front page material. I think it is detri- mental to focus on the dangers of living in the modern world, whether they be real or imag- ined. Fear and suspicion are not what should be first in people's thoughts, particularly not for those who intend to enjoy a satis- fying and productive school year. Consider: Even such a simple act as crossing a busy street can be potentially dangerous. For "Ii ..:.:i:::I:.x :': A .~ I * 14 I I