esday, September 27, 1977-The Michigan Daily Eighty Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 17 Lirbigan 194t,*1V y-Eight Years ofEditorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Dorm safety:Locked doors and a sorry sense of loss I T IS ALWAYS with a sense of as- tonishment that the University freshperson realizes that this is not an especially safe place to attend college. At orientation, one hears the warn- ings to be cautious, the recommenda- tions to lock one's dormitory door, even when just popping down the hall for a moment to see a friend. But the warnings seem to strong to take seri- ously. The dorm corridors seem like home, and who gets ripped off in their own home? Then the clock-radio is gone. Or the silver necklace. What's the problem? According to University security officials, non-stun dents are strolling into the large dorms near the Diag and grabbing stuff at their leisure, even from behind the, backs of students sitting at desks in their rooms. More ominous are the ru- mors of unreported rapes in dorms. Young women, afraid to tell police, are keeping such tragedies to themselves. The Daily is not in the business of security. Few safety measures come to mind which have not already been thought of by the administration. Yes, we urge additional security patrols. But the problem seems to call more for prevention than for cure. There are dorms which do not suf- fer such problems '- Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry, for instance. These are small residence halls in which nearly everyone knows everyone else, where the' unfamiliar Fce stands out. Guests are escorted to d from rooms. hstdormshave thael @ TD X'STAF~ F':- NEWS: Ann Marie Lipinski, Patty Montemurri, Mike Norton, Keith Richburg, Bob Rosenbaum EDITORIAL: Jim Tobin ARTS: Jeff Selbst, Renee Shilcusky SPORTS: Paul Campbell, Henry Englehardt Photo Technician: Brad Benjamin flavor of a private boarding house. Compare them for a moment to hos- pital-sized giants such as South Quad and Markley. In these places it is the familiar face that jumps out of the crowd. Is there a solution? How can there be when the essence of the problem is the University's great size and imper- sonality? If we all knew each other here on campus, we could rest easier in the midst of friends. We may lock our doors every moment of the day and night. But only when the doors may stay unlocked are we really safe, and that time seems lost. 7 he 01t xga E 1 EDITORIAL STAFF ANN MARIE LIPINSKI JIM TOBIN Editors-in-Chief' LOIS JOSIMOVICH... ................. Managing Editor GEORGE LOBSENZ.........Managing Editor STU McCONNELL ..........%............. Managing Editor JENIFER MILLER. . .. . . Managing Editor MIKE NORTON Managing Editor KEN PARSIGIAN...... ........... Managing Editor BOB ROSENBAUM.. Managing Editor MARGARET YAO ..................... Managing Editor SUSAN ADES ............ Magazine Editor JAY LEVIN .............................. Magazine Editor ELAINE FLETCHER............Associate Magazine Editor JEFFREY SELBST. .......................Arts Editor Weather Forecasters: MARK ANDREWS and MIKE GILFORD STAFF WRITERS: Susan Barry, Rick Berke, Brian Blanchard, Michael Beckman, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Daley, Ron DeKett, Lisa Fisher, Denise Fox, David Goodman, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Janet Klein, Garth Kriewall, Gregg Krupa, Doblilas Matunonis, Patti Montemurri, Tom O'Connell, Karen Paul, Stephen .Pickover, Kim Potter, Martha Retal- lick, Keith Richburg, Julie Rovner, Dennis Sabo, Annmarie Schiavi, Paul Shapiro, Elizabeth Slowik, Mike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Sue Warner, Linda Willcox, Shelley Wolson, Mike Yellin, and Barb Zahs SPORTS STAFF "v THY E G k(H >N.w ,,. .Spot E OTT LEW S.. ..... ..Managing Sports ng Spor( 'jtor NIGHT EDITORS: Paul Campbell, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- hardt, Jeff Frank. Gary Kicinski, Rick Maddock, Brian Mar- tin, Bob Miller, Brian Miller, Dave Renbarger, Cub Schwartz, Errol Shifman and Jamie Turner. BUSINESS STAFF, DEBORAH DREYFUsS......................Business Manager COLLEEN HOGAN ........-........... Operations Manager ROD KOSA1.... ......... Sales Manager NANCY GRAe .. . ........... . Display Manager ROBERT CARPENTER,.................. Finance Manager PETE PETERSEN......................Advertising Co-ordinator Whyi By CHRIS GOODALL The good democrat, of whatever ideology, admires the openness of American' politics. Its emphasis on ethical purity, hard work, and public responsibility is of con- siderable value. What is intensely disturbing to an outsider is the apparent lack of interest in major national issues. Perhaps this is the inevitable result of the political catharsis that catapulted Jimmy Carterin- to office without ever forcing him to clarify his fundamental politi- cal beliefs. If Carter the moralist and political conservative hadn't existed, the American voter may well have been compelled to in- vent him. WHETHER THIS CYNICAL view has any truth or not, Car- ter's Presidency seems to repre- sent the symbolic attempt to take politics out of government. The. idea was to set up a President who seemed removed from the cant and uncleanliness of politics and hope that his moral fervor would overcome the truculence of a Congress obsessed by political trivia. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have worked that way. That same force which brought an evangelical President also brought a considerable diminu- tion of his executive power. The new, self-confident Congress de- mands to be treated as equal and is unmoved by the reformist spirit which Carter is said to rep- resent. What happens when two equal and opposite forces meet? Nothing; and, largely unnoticed by the press, the President's leg- islative program has been torn up, page by page, till virtually nothing remains. Thus far, Carter's presidency is no more than a symbol, and a symbol whose meaning goes un- recognized'by the other branches of government. Indeed, this is hardly surprising; the press con- tinues to reflect only the popular interest in financial imprudence and other scurrilous tidbits that emanate from the White House. If Carter was elected to stop politics from filling the television screen, he may have failed in the case of Bert Lance, but he has succeeded admirably with most of his major policy programs. gx,;FACE WITH the fact that he was an outsider (and elected as such) and yet had to deal with a Congress which remained a hive of bickering politicians, Carter had to pursue one campaign promise above all others. The failure to keep this promise must cast continuing doubt over his ability to push an executive pro- gram through. All that he had to do was to pick a cabinet that could take care of the politics for him. To achieve this he had to choose people re- spected by the political establish- ment but who didn't owe a nickel to conventional powerbroking. To the consternation of many,. Car- ter's cabinet didn't look any dif- ferent than those 'of past Presi- dents. Along with the political cr editors came the well- intentioned technocrats and the Congressional stalwarts who had accumulated enough influence to merit a job. Most importantly, nobody was recruited who had the faintest idea of how to deal, with major administrative de- is this man'smiling? . -. .4 * - - - -- F; '.4 ...4. -4 partments and their 'relations pushing legislation through a ever made of his competency for with Congress. Most of those ap- very truculent Congress. Without the job. How did running a bank pointed had served in some people capable of fighting issues or a small state highway de- capacity in past administrations; on their own, public opinion will partment qualify Bert Lance for none of them had ever really suc- continue to ignore the major do- one of the most taxing jobs in the ceeded. As one columnist wrote mestic issues that should concern country? at the time, "The last laugh is on us at the moment. Reports of cab-, It is of the first importance to those who thought Carter might inet meetings that reach us public policy that a committee, have the nerve or the political through even sympathetic' leaks like the Senate ethics committee, vision to break cleanly from the stress the lack of dialogue and the , crted; n order to weed. out past., Instead he has, revived it." .:absence "of anyone able to, con- the poitia rdtr n h structively criticize the Presi- plain submissive from presiden- HAMILTON JORDAN, then dent's plans. Of course, this is no tial appointees. At the very least, Carter's campaign manager, different from past admini- this would focus popular opinion made these comments before the strations, but the difference to- on an issue that is at present election: "If Cyrus Vance were day is that the President faces a virtually ignored. At best, it named Secretary of State and considerably more powerful op- would ensure that a President Zbig Brzezinski head of National position on the Hill which is de- like Jimmy Carter won't fail Security, then I would say we'd termined to show that it is impos- simply because his own appoint- failed and I'd quit. But that's not sible for an outsider to govern ef- ees are not capable of doing the going to happen." fectively., Having gained power job demanded of them. Senate The rest of the appointments without the aid of a political es- opprobrium' may .not make him were little better. Michael Blu- tablishment, Carter has yet to change his mind on a particular menthal, while notably liberal prove that he can delegate the choice, but it would make him and a successful manager, still work of law-making to those who, very much more careful in the lacks any major government ex- unlike him, have worked the gov- future. More cabinet government perience. Desperate efforts were erment machine successfully is what Jimmy Carter promised. made to, provide a quota of before. It is very much in his own inter- women and blacks for the cab- ests that we get it. inet. In itself, this is a highly GOOD GOVERNMENT questionable way of finding the demands not only honest people most capable people for the task, but also people who are political- " Carter then compounded the er- ly adept. There are still a few Chris Goodall looks at ror by choosing as Attorney Gen- people around who possess these America through the eyes of a eral a man whose record on race qualities in combination. It is of foreigner. He graduated from is distinctly dubious. the greatest surprise to a fore- There is nobody in the present igner to hear that although the England's Cambridge Univer- cabinet who can provide the Senate confirmation hearings in- sity last spring, and now is 2- President either with a straight quire exhaustively into an ap- Rackham student in political answer or substantial help in pointee's morals, no mention is science. D WASMIt4GTCA4 --BHIND' CLOSED DOORS .4 R r f " S4 "a C r v f* Letters to TheE bucks To The Daily: Your paper could have spared us another dreary anti-commercial diatribe. (Daily, Sep- tember 18) I refer in this case to Tregembo's "Star-Bucks!" article with its "trendy," "sumptuously ffaunted" sophomoric cynicism. Reading it, my initial reaction was "so what?" So various businesses are profiting (horrors!) on a highly successful film ven- ture. Why is that newsworthy? After trying to, decide what would motivate a person to write such a piece, it occurred to me that I have read many such articles before in one form or another and it says a lot about the left-liberal mentality. At the root of this article is a suspicion, resentment, or even hatred of success which the movie "Star Wars" irl its content and prof- itability amply demonstrated. Whether it be McDonald's hamburgers or Michigan foot- ball, it's all the same. You once printed an ar- ticle denouncing the football program as "dehumanizing" as if striving for and achiev- ing excellence in some endeavor was not as _e.+ _.^ a cia._ $_ ie , _2 ._"-+ _e4U , , i to achieve their goals, succeeding gloriously in this case. Unlike so many other movies today, Star Wars did not show anti-heroes struggling with their depraved, neuroses, helpless victims of fate in a system that does not automatically grant them their every de=R sire - the collectivist image of reality. Is it so strange that this exciting portrayal of the human spirit is so successful when Hollywood has for so long forgotten to nurture it? A'nd isn't it understandable that a collectivist who understands only misery, suffering, sacrifice, and failure had to pettily carp about the "grandiose style of American capitalism, the selling of Star Wars, Qne, two, three." It happens that I bought a Star Wars poster. It is a happy reminder of Aristotle's definition of art as a portrayal of things as they ought to be and a means to teach my son that his life is his to shape in a universe of pos- sibilitiesIf people are getting rich by selling such things, I say, "more power to 'em!" Gerry Wolke September 20 transfers )aily should have been written for transfers. Michigan's rule states that transfer stu- dents must have twenty-five approved credit hours (three English composition hours iii- cluded) to be eligible for acceptance. Thls means that all transfer students have a claps ranking of sophomore or higher. Then why do sophomore transfer students become fresh- men when football coupons are given out? The unfortunate transfer student will still fie sitting in the end zone with freshmen when )e or she has reached senior priority. ANOTHER INSTANCE of neglect concer- ns drop-add procedures. Everyone knows tie red-tape at CRISP is endless and unbbarabl . To add to the confusion, all freshmen ard transfer students in LSA must have a coui- selor's signature before passing go, before selecting new courses. Other normal sopho- more, juniors, and seniors need not bother with a counselor unless they desire one. Just an extra annoyance to add to the University's policies. A third attraction in the unwritten rLe book are the housing policies. In tips category, transfer students finally receite 0 i", x 0