7 :} . 4 .,,
Carter OKs 'Skyt
Professor passes away
Norman Maier, University professor emeritus of psychology, died
Saturday at the age of 76. Maier- taught at the University since 1931. In
1938 he was the recipient of the Henry Russel award, given annually by
the University in recognition of faculty achievement in research and
teaching. Maier authored 19 books, as well as hundreds of articles in
scholarly journals. His writings were translated into nine landuages.
Maier is survived by his wife, Ayesha, and his three sons.
... are nothing to sniff at today ... first, to CGo Club kicks off an
afternoon meeting at 2 p.m. in room 2050 of the Frieze Building... the
International Center holds a 3:30 p.m. meeting for all interested volun-
teers ... spend the rest of the afternoon weaving romantic tales in the
Arb... at 7 p.m. Women in Communications Inc. holds a meeting for
members and interested women in the South Quad Lounge. Refresh-
ments will be served ... also at 7 p.m. the NAACP will hold its first
fall meeting at the Trotter House .on Washtenaw. The group will
outline plans for the coming year... if you can manage to be in three
places at one time, why not attend the Undergraduate Political Scien-
ce Association ,meetingĀ° at 7 p.m. in room 2003 Angell Hall?,...-the
Ministry of Natural Law and Order of the Ann Arbor Capital of the Age
of Enlightenment will hold a symposium entitled "Consciousness; the
seat of natural law and order" at 7:30 p.m. in the Law Club Central
Lounge. . . Washtenaw Friends of the Earth is holding a mass
meeting in the Union Kuenzel Room at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be
offered.., also at 7:30 Jan Clausing from Disabled Students' Services
will speak on disabled students and rights of th disabled in the Alice
Lloyd Blue Carpet Lounge .-the Capital of the Age of Enlightenment
will also sponsor a lecture on "Transcendental meditaton-all
possibilities" in the Ann Arbor Public Library at 7:30 p.m... . Pianist
Maria Meirelles will offer the sixth installment in her performance of
the complete Beethoven piano sonatas at 8 p.m. in Rackham
Auditorium. The presentation is free .. the Anthroposophical
Student Association presents Rev. Rosemarie Bergmann :speaking on
"Feeling and the reality of love" at 8 p.m. in the Mosher-Jordan
Lounge.. . Rambling Jack Elliot does his thing tonight, 8:30 p.m., st
the Ark ... finally, the Capital of the Age of Enlightenment holds its
third event of the day, this one entitled "Mediators' full moon walk and
talk" at 9 p.m. at Huron River islands on Fuller, Road and Huron
Parkway ... Don't tell us there's nothing to do today.
On the outside"...
If this is September it must be fall, but someone up there is treating
us to a little Indian Summer. Yqu can look forward to sunny skies
today, scarred only by a few scatterted clouds. The high will be
traveling west at about 10-20 miles an hour. Tomorrow, more of the
glorious same.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Yesterday's
introduction of a bargain-basement,
$236 round-trip air fare between New
York and London gives travelers al-
most a dozen basic fares to choose from
and makes the job of figuring out which
one is best even more difficult.
Just as consumers were getting used
to a new schedule of fares, President
Carter announced that he. had over-
ruled a Civil Aeronautics Board recom-
mendation and approved a $256 "budg-
et fare" and a $290 advance purchase
excursion APEX fare.
THE FIRST Laker Airways Skytrain
flight from London to New York took off
yesterday, about five minutes later
than scheduled, with a little more than
one-fifth of its 345 seats empty. The first
New York to London flight departed
last night from New York's Kennedy
Airport. Similar flights will leave daily
from now on.
The difference between the bottom -
$236 no meals, movies or beverages in-
cluded - and the top - $1,312 for first-
class luxury - is $1,076. The most ex-
pensive New York-London round-trip
fare is more than 5 1 times or 456 per
cent higher than the cheapest.
The Laker fare is a standby arrange-
ment. You go to a special travel center,
take a number and wait for the tickets
to go on sale six hours before departure
time. When you're coming back, you do
the same thing in London.
ESTABLISHED air giants such as
British Airways, Pan Americanand
Trans World Airlines, are offering
"standby "tickets only $8.70 more than
Skytrain's fare. This was their competi-
tive response to Laker's move, and
Laker predicted that by April the air-
lines will have endedtheir reduced fare
Pan Am sold 34 of 35 standby seats
allocated for the first of yesterday's
flights and TWA carries an average of
68 standby passengers daily.
British Airways reported it had 65
standby passengers on flights leaving
up to midday yesterday.
While there are no guaranteed spaces
for standby passengers on these flights,
they do get full economy service once
they get aboard.
Laker passengers must pay for their
New York - London
Round-Trip Fares
Laker Skytrain $ 236
Standby 5,256
Budget $ 280
(Advance purchase excursion
APEX fare. buy ticket 45 days In S 350
advance, stay 14.45 days;
GiT [Group Inclusive Tour; S382
7.10 days ___ __
CIT (Sroup Inclusive Tour: $424
14.21 days
22.45 days
Youth fare (Ages 12.21 $473
14.21 days$54
Relular Economy $62
(Seed up ti ln er) _________, _
1st Class mIi aptisen Yw $1,312,
The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 27, 1977-Page ;
meals or take along their own food. advance purchase excursion fare which ,
The major airlines also have a s- the CAB had rejected. The existin:
called budget fare, allowing travelers APEX fare had been $350
to select the week, but not the day they Other fares include two excursio
fly. The airlines had applied to the CAB fare r6ands$541 dtwo exup sin
for a $256 round-trip budget fare, but fares $467 and $541, two groups - inclu
were turned down. Carter overruled the sive tour fares, $382 and $424, and $62%
board yesterday and approved the $256 regular economic fares. And, if you'r'
charge between 12 and 22, there are $473 yout f
Carter also approved a $290 APEX or
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A lot mor
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havedrie u.
So hve teirfiels. ut tey on'tnee
yourtear. Thy ned yu inthe eac
Corp. Bea Pace orpsvolntee, sothe
a~nc a al hoe foa fuPre
V 71 4: h e C~ s w i at , a d w ll . all01 t ll re e 86 -4 2 -8 5 8 . O w r t e h e e ac
Corp, Bo A, ashngto, D.C. 2525
A PulicServce f Tis Nwspper8 Th AdertsingCoucil
( %'
TUESDAY, September 27,US12NNoon
Professor James Brinkerhoff -
International Center, 603 E. Madison
* The Tuesday Lunch-Discussions are held weekly during fol and winter terms, and dre sponsored by the *
" Ecumenical Campus Center and the International Center. Lunch is provided for $1.00 and is served by "
Church Women United in Ann Arbor.
00400.........9...-..-.*.S.S.---.---------- --s---.------"
Breakfast All Day
3 Eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.35
Ham or Bacon or Sausage
with 3 Eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & .Jeliy-...15
3 Eggs, Rib Eye Steak,
-.Hash Browns, Toast &
1tg Rolls
yL JIt
z I &
Home-made Soups, Beef
Barley, Clam, Chowder, etc.
Home-made Chlil
Vegetable Tempuro
{served after 2 pm)
Hamburger Steak Dinner
Fresh Sauteed Vegetables
with Brown Rice
Baked Flounder Dinnier
Delicious Korean Bar-b-q Beef
(Bul-ko-gee) on Kaiser Roll
Fried Fresh Bean Sprouts
1313-So. University
National correspondent
Nancy Dickerson reports on the
benefits of home insulation and.
how Detroit Edison's Home
Insulation Finance Plan can help
you insulate or increase the
insulation in your home.
"eres how t
save UP to 30%o'
every0 tie1o
-turnon thehet
The colder it gets, the more money
you can burn trying to keep your
home comfortable.
Because if your home was built
before-1940, it may have no insulation
at all. Even if your home is new,
it may not have enough insulation to
meet today's energy-saving standards
and save)you the maximum amount
on heating costs.
Fortunately, there's an easy solution
-improved insulation. Attic.
insulation that meets minimum
recommended standards can reduce
the amount of energy you use for
heating by as much as 17%. Complete
home insulation can save you as
much as 30% on your present fuel
bill. If you have air conditioning,
you'll save on summer air-
conditioning costs, too.
And there's an easy way to get the
job done-with Detroit Edison's
Home Insulation Finance Plan.
Under the plan,
Detroit Edison
can help you
select licensed
insulation contractor who will examine
your home and provide you with
a free cost estimate. Second, you can
arrange for convenient financing.
If yo& are a Detroit Edison
residential customer, holding legal
title to your home and if your electric
service has not been discontinued for
non-payment of an undisputed bill
within the last 12 months, you can
take advantage of Detroit Edison s
Home Insulation Finance Plan.
Call or stop in at any Detroit
Edison customer office and get the
details, so you can get your home
properly insulated and start saving
money when you turn on the heat.
Detroit Edison is a concerned
participant in America's crusade for
conservation. The wise use of energy
plays one of the most important
roles in that effort. But it requires a
working partnership between those'
who supply energy and those who
use it. Having your home properly
insulated is one of the ways you can
help. You'll also save money on your
heating bills.
Pick up a free copy of
"Detroit Edison's Home Insulation Finance Plan"
at any customer office.
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Conserve for all it's worth.
The power is in your hands.