fuesday, S'etember 27, 1977-The Michigan Daily THE FOLKS EXPECT YOU TO WRITE HOME ONCE IN A WHILE . Israeli forces leave Lebanon as new cease-fire takes effect 0. Af ef ai ~y/Vv f A~A HERE'S AN EASIER WAY BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli armor rumbled back southward across, the border and the artillery barrages that pounded embattled south Lebanon for-weeks died down yesterday as a U.S.-mediated cease-fire took effect.° But the future of the truce remained uncertain. The truce took hold after a night of heavy Israeli shelling of Khiam and other guerrilla strongholds along the 18- mile border battlefront, and after a salvo of Communist-made Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon fell on two northern Israeli towns, wounding eight persons. Yasir Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) issued a statement late yesterday saying Israel was "con- tinuing to aggression" Lebanon. spread its circle of and was shelling south BUT THE CHARGE could not be immediately verified because report- ers left the battle area in midafternoon. Earlier, Associated Press Correspon- dent Alex Efty reported from the Pales- tinian-held Lebanese border village of Khiam, a key target of the Israeli= Lebanese Christian offensive, that the big guns fell silent after the cease-fire went into effect at 104a.m. But he said there was no sign of guer- rilla preparations to pull out in accord- ance with announced provisions of the agreement for mutual Israeli- Palestinian pullbacks. "I HAVE HAD only instructions to observe a cease-fire and that I will do," said Khiam's guerrilla commander. At the nearby village of Mari, four Israeli tanks were observed crossing back into Israel. But Efty reported that two other Israeli tanks remained in position between Khiam and Mar- jayeun, one mile to the north, which was held by Israeli-backed Christians. A PLO spokesman here said earlier yesterday that final details of the cease- fire agreement were still being worked out. A small radical guerrilla group, Dr. George Habash's Popular Front for the -Liberation of Palestine, vowed not to abide by it. In Israel, officials said the cease-fire had taken effect and invited reporters at the border town of Metulla to watch as tanks and armored personnel carriers that provided support for the Christians in Lebanon returned to Israel. Women's Commission now ready, set to go After a long summer of reorgani- zation, the University Women's Com- mission is once again ready for action, according to Ann Schlitt, program asso- ciate for women's concerns. The University's maternity leave pol- icy should be one of the first topics ad- dressed by the commission at its organ- (fre izational meeting on Wednesday, Schlitt said.