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September 27, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-27

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1~ Wig

.High: 70
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 27, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages



ile go
"The ashtrays were put out in the
name of safety," said Murray. "The
clerk noticed that people were going to
smoke anyway, and they were just
d~~nn hi aic -+^C--- .


Two large printed cardboard signs
are hanging in full view - big as.
anything -in the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil chambers. Their message is un-'
mistakeable: DO NOT SMOKE.
Sometimes, though, it seems as if
somebody forgot to tell the City Coun-
AT 9:15 LAST NIGHT, for instance,
the Council was engaged in a long and
emotional public hearing concerning a
site plan for a cluster home complex. It
wasn't long before Mayor Albert Wheel-
er took out a nonfilter Camel' and began
puffing on it.
Within seconds, the sound of scratch-
ing matches was heard on both sides of
the room. City Administrator Sylvester
Murray and Councilman Lou Senunas
(R-3rd Ward) had also become law-
Well, maybe not lawbreakers. More,
like resolution-breakers.
Two years ago, then Councilwoman,
Liz Keogh introduced a 'Clean Air'
resolution banning smoking during

regular council sessions in the cham-
"I SMOKE like a chimney," she said,
"but it is an annoyance and a discom-
fort to those who don't like it. That's
why we have a workroom."
The resolution passed nearly unami-
ously because, as Keogh said, "It looks
neat and cool to vote for something
called Clean Air. It's like going to chur-
ch on Sunday."
With the departure from Council of
Keogh and Colleen McGee reported to
have cried, fainted, and even *omited
at Council to get .smokers to curb their
habit, the resolution has been, increas-
ingly ignored.
A WOMAN in the audience at last
night's meeting, who declined to be
identified, said "I used to abide by it
(the resolution) until most of the signs
came down and the Councilpeople start-
ed smoking again.
Even the city clerk accepts the fact
the Council members are going to
smoke; at every meeting a number of
ashtrays are made available for the
Council members.

Actually, seven of the eleven votes on
Council belong to smokers, which
means - theoretically - they could
repeal the resolution.Y

in smoke

in the closest election in the city's
INSTEAD, LATTA has vowed to

ign in my lungs. Ands besides - that
chamber isn't the bestVentilated room
in the world."


uoppuing ei1r asheson the foor, so he bring a water gun with, him to the next STATE LAW already prohibits smok
started putting them out. "WE JUST HAVEN'T had the Council meeting. "I'd just like to see ing in grocery stores, and a new statute
courage to rescind it yet," said Coun- them charge me with assault if I use that went into effect this year provides
A F(IRM BIT of Council etiquette, cilman Robert Bertoia (R-3rd Ward). it," he said - only half jokingly. for eating places to divide into smoking
however, dictates that no one smoke "I was going to sue," said Council- "We should either abide by it or and non-smoking sections. It is also
until the mayor lights up. man Ken Latta, (D-ist Ward) one of the repeal it," said Councilman Lou Bel- possible that Michigan will follow the
"It looks neat and cool to Sunday."

vote for something called Clean -former Councilwoman
Air. It's like going to church on Liz Keogh
5:::5::::::::::5:::::::9:::::5:5:5:::::s::::::s::::::::::::5::::5::::::::::5:::::::5:$:: ::::::::::::::::.:::::::. .:::.:.::::::::::::::.. .:::~:::3:~~:ii~~~::. .... .:::::5-....::: :g


"We just all watch for the mayor to
light up; we let him break the law fir-
st," said Council member Gerald Bell
(R-5th Ward).
"We all just follow the leader, and our
leader happens to like to smoke,"
Murray said.

non-smokers, "But I decided not to,
since the mayor already has one suit
pending against him." (Wheeler is
being sued by Councilman Belcher fol-
lowing Wheeler's one-vote win in last
spring's mayoral election. Belcher is
charging that he lost due to voter fraud

cher (R-5th Ward). "How can we ex-
pect citizens to abide by the law if we
break it?"
"I wish they would abide by the
rules," said Councilman- Earl Greene
(D-2nd Ward), "because I don't smoke
and I have an aversion to anything fore-

lead of a number of other states and
pass legislation to ban smoling in all
public places.
."I think that I'll just have to go to
Lansing and lobby against that," said
Wheeler. And he lit up another cigar-
ette, just to show how serious he was.


_ ,,.. .

S. African
ekishes kill
rtwo more
Africa (AP)-Police killed two blacks
in separate clashes yesterday, raising
the death toll to four since the weekend
funeral of black leader Steve Biko.
Biko died two weeks ago while in
police detention. His funeral Sunday
was attended by some 20,000 mourners.
Violence erupted yesterday in this
small town near the eastern Cape coast
where Biko was born and was buried.
POLICE SAID 17year-old Wiseman
Tyakuma, a student, was killed when
police opened fire after rioting youths
set fire to the office of the local Bantu
African administration board, overtur-
ned a police vehicle and shattered fac-
tory windows..
Earlier, police reported a black ur-
ban guerrilla armed with a machine
gun was killed and two white security
policemen wounded in a gun battle in
Soweto, the black township outside
Johannesburg,*450umiles north of here.
Police officials said a quantity of ar-
mswere seized after the gunfight.
SUNDAY NIGHT black rioters, ram-
paging through a township near East
London, 30 miles from here, stoned to
death two black policemen.
In an unrelated development, Moki
Cekisani, a political detainee and
divisional head of Biko's Black People's
Convention (BPO), was taken to a
hospital Monday in the coastal city of
Port Elizabeth, 125 miles to the south-
The eastern Cape police chief, Col.
P.J. Goosen, said Cekisani "is an
epileptic suffererand,kaccording to
doctors, he is receiving normal medical
treatment for epilepsy."

Carter energyabill
sla)shed by Senate
threat to veto any bill that deregu- was engineered by Senate
WASHINGTON (AP)- The Senate lates natural gas prices. cans and oil-state Democrat


dealt major new blows to President
Carter's energy program yesterday,
prompting a counterattack from the
President against the oil industry
and an appeal to senators to stop dis-
mantling his plan.
Accusing big oil of trying to
"jeopardize^ our energy future,"
Carter urged . the Senate to reject
"narrow special interest attacks on
all segments" of his national energy
The President spoke in th, White
House press room after the Senate
Finance Committee, rejecting the
heart of his energy plan, defeated his
proposal to force conservation by
taxing U.S. crude oil.
BUT EVEN AS Carter was speak-
ing the full Senate rejected in a new
test vote his plan to keep federal
controls on natural gas prices.
The 53-39 vote, following action to
halt a filibuster of an industry-
Supported - deregulation measure,
was the second time a majority of the
Senate has gone on record against
Carter's gas-pricing plan.:
And it came despite the President's

THE VOTE KILLED an effort by
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.),
and other administration allies to
revive the Carter plan. The move

Last week, the Senate voted by a
six-vote margin to continue debating
the industry proposal to lift price
controls from natural gas as an alter-
See SENATE, Page 9.

AFS CME local.
toB consult with
union leadership

Officials of the American Federa-
tion of State, County and Municipal
Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583),
will meet with national AFSCME
officials in Washington, D.C., today
to. discuss the University's sub-
contracting of housekeeping person-
Local 1583 President Dwight New-

man, Bargaining Chairman Art An-
derson and Secretary-Treasurer Tim
Seguin will seek the national office's
advice on how to deal with the labor
issue which is currently embroiling
the University Hospital.
LAST FRIDAY, Anderson said the
union was "at war with the Univer-
See 'U', Page 9

Brunt and fbear it
Scott Reit (with look of determination in the rear), Warren Thornwaite
(squnited eyes, open mouth in center), Pete Kretzchmar (digging his body
into the right side of the photo) and others found out "they just don't make
ropes like they used to." In the first annual Field Day between Alice Lloyd
and Mosher-Jordan residents the rope snapped, both teams piled up, and a
draw was called. Better ropes next year, guys!


Vance defends Panama
treaty before Senate

WASHINGTON(AP )-+Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance said yesterday that
Senate refusal to ratify the new
Panama Canal treaty would increase
the likelihood that Panama would one
day seize control of the waterway.
Seeking to counter conservative
critics who say that Panama might be
ecnouraged to repudiate ; the new
agreement, Vance said if the Senate
aspproves the treaty, "We will be much
better off than we were in the past."

VANCI~ AND the two treaty
negotiators, Sol Linowitz and Ellsworth
Bunker, received a generally friendly
reception from the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, which opened
three weeks of hearings on the canal
Committee members focused most
heavily on a treaty provision which
Vance said gives the United States
unlimited right to intervene militarily if
the neutrality of the waterway is

threatened, even after Panama is given
control in the year 2000.
"This is really the gut issue that
bothers me and my colleagues," said
Sen. Claiborne Bell (D-R.I.).
LINOWITZ SAID the Panamanian
negotiators understood when the treaty
was signed that the United States can
decide on its own when to protect its in-
terests in the canal.
In no -way, he said, "does the treaty,
li itour ability to act."
On the issue of allowing U.S. war-
ships to pass through the canal,
Linowitz said after -the Panamanians
have taken over in 2000, American
vessels are guaranteed priority treat-
"U.S. SHIPS GO to head of the line
even if other ships are waiting to get in-
to the canal," he said.

Federal funds split

RITA CLANCY, far right, explores the University of Califor- after ch'arging the university with discrimination 'against
nia- Davis campus with friends on her long-awaited first day non-minority applicants.
of classes. Clancy won admission to the UC-D medical school
Classes begin foronetim
of 'reverse discrimination'

AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)-The lines were
drawn closely yesterday by the gover-
nors of New York, Illinois and
Oklahoma over the distribution of
federal dollars between Snowbelt and

he has examined several studies of
state-by-state distribution of federal
spending, and added, "For the state of
Illinois, the bottom line is disastrous."
Gov. David Boren of Oklahoma

DAVIS, Calif. (AP) - A "very nervous" Rita Clancy at-
tended her first class at the University of California medical

press and very afraid of what student reaction would be," he
said. "I think the first two weeks are going to be extremely

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