I" Y1USEE OWS APP. CLZDALY Parlez-vous FOR TRAN? The whirling tapes ground to a halt and the speakers fell silent for two hours yesterday morning at the language lab in the Modern Languages Building when the all-important computer decided to take some time off. The industrious crowd that shows up early every mor- ning to listen to German Diktats and French dialogues was locked out in the corridor while technicians struggled with the stubborn machine. What happened? They were trying to "load the bootstrap" (whatever * the hell that means), according to Lab Director Erwin Hanson. The computer probably just wanted to be. asked nicely. In Russian. " Oops! - An item in yesterday's Health Service Handbook column listed the number of the appointments desk at the University School of Dentistry incorrectly. The correct number is 764-1516. Enjoy yourself. Happenings .. . begin briskly at 10 a.m., if you're in a playful frame of mind. The first tournament of the Michigan League of Academic Games will be held at Clague Middle School, 2616 Nixon Rd. until noon ... things are fairly quiet for the afternoon, but at 7:30 p.m. there will be a meeting for advanced meditators in Anderson Rm. A of the Union... then at 8 o'clock, the University Folklore Society will hold a country dance session with live entertainment in the basement of Xanadu Co- op, 1811 Washtenaw ... or you might wander over to the Ark, where Michael Cooney will be playing and singing at 8:30 ... a women's dance will be held at the same time at Canterbury House, 218 N. Division St., sponsored by the Lesbian Advocate Office. Refreshments and child care will be furnished. SSanta's little saboteur The villagers of West Wylam, England, are opening their Christ- mas presents this week - four years late. Hundreds of Christmas car- ds, money orders, parcels and special delivery letters were dis- covered in the bathroom and an outbuilding of village Postmistress "Aunt Betty" Castle, who died last week at the age of 55. The mail ,should have been delivered in 1973. "I don't know why she did this, but it wasn't for gain," said Betty's brother Alex, who found the un- delivered mail. "None of the letters was opened." Well, Merry Christ- mas, folks. Hope you don't mind moldy cookies. Million-dollar maidenhead This New Morality business ain't what it's cracked up to be, .it seems. A Mount Clemens woman, Anna Ruffino, is suing her husband Salvatore for $1 million because he allegedly told friends and relatives that she was not a virgin when he married her. The suit, filed this week in Macomb County Circuit Court, claims Salvatore made "scandalous, malicious statements" about his wife that spread as far as her old home in Santa Clara, Calif. and the family headquarters in Terracini, Sicily, where she was born. Anna's lawyer says he has a letter from a physician proving she was indeed a virgin, and claims her husband accused her because he really didn't want to get married in the first place. Apparently, this is a very serious business among Sicilians, for whom deflowered women are fairly low on the social ladder. "She will have a difficult time marrying again," said the attorney. One might wonder whether Salvatore was a virgin, of course. " The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 24, 1977-Page 3 Palestinians shell Israeli villages TEL AVIV (AP) - After almost a year of relative quiet, the shriek of in-' coming rockets returned to northern Is- rael this week as Palestinian gunners in southern Lebanon turned their sights on Israel's Galilee villages. Russian-designed Katyusha rockets fell on three Israeli towns within 48 hours, inflicting four minor injuries and some light damage and forcingschool-' children in Qiryat Shmonah to spend yesterday morning in bomb shelters. "PEOPLE ARE not going out much today," a Qiryat Shmonah municipal employe said in a telephone interview after a dozen rockets fell in the border town early yesterday. "When they do go out, they don't stay out long." The military command said Israeli artillerymen fired into Lebanon to silence the Katyusha batteries. Defense Minister Ezer Weizman vis- ited the town later yesterday and THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVIII, No. 15 Saturday, September 24,1977 is edited and managed by students at the University- r A Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pub- lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dur- ing the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. \.,/ praised the residents' fortitude under the shelling. "The highest priority will be given to guaranteeing the people's well-being," the state radio quoted him as saying. THE PEOPLE of Qiryat Shmonah, where two minor injuries were report- ed, told one another of near-misses that could have meant more serious casu- alties. An Israeli journalist who visited the town said one round landed just one foot from a woman but did not explode, and a 6-month-old baby was unscathed even though his crib was showered with glass splinters when a window shat- tered. The rocketing could be retaliation by the Palestinian guerrillas for Israel's support of right-wing Lebanese Chris- tian militias trying to drive the Pales- tinians and Moslem leftists from south- ern Lebanon's border region. The Israelis have acknowledged giv- ing artillery and other tactical support to the Christians but deny guerrillas' allegations that they are fighting along- side the Christians. The guerrillas claimed yesterday they ambushed and killed "many" Israeli soldiers just nor- th of the border. ON WEDNESDAY rockets struck in the Israeli village of Safad, slightly in- juring two persons and damaging several houses and cars, and in Ramat Almah, where no damage was report- ed. Safad is eight miles from the border and Ramat Almah three miles from the border, and Qiryat Shmonah nestles at the base of a 2,000-foot-high escarpment that forms the frontier. The last apparently deliberate rocketing of an Israeli town occurred last Nov. 21, when a rocket crashes down on Nahariya, on the Meditery ranean coast. AGE TO QUIT WOULD BE 70: ..,: * House approves retir WASHINGTON (AP) - A bill that could revolutionize American retirement policy by abolishing 65 as the magic age to quit working was over- whelmingly approved by the House yes- terday. The legislation, which now goes to the Senate, would ban mandatory retirement at any age in the federal government, while raising the man- datory retirement age for most persons Carter to visit Africa in upcoming journey employed in the private sector from 65 to70. THE VOTE WAS 359 to 4. A Senate committee has scheduled a session next week to begin its work on, the measure. Thy bill would not force people to keep working after age 65 but would re- quire employers to give them the op- tion. Workers still could begin collect- ing their maximum Social Security benefits at age 65 if they wanted to re- tire then. THE LEGISLATION would apply to all private sector workers whose em- ployer has 20 or more persons on the payroll. That covers about 70 per cent of the labor force. These people are presently protected against age discrimination in hiring, job retention, pay and other work condi- tions only to age 65. The new plan ement bill1 knocks out that ceiling. Backers of the bill also say it doesn't change the current law that says I company cannot force a worker to work past the age of 65 in order to qualify fog full retirement benefits. AN AMENDMENT offered by Reps Gladys Spellman,.(D-Md.), and adopt ed by voice vote exempts foreign ser' vice personnel and other various civi service categories such as air traffic controllers, firefighters and some law enforcement personnel from the bill. It also continues special CIA retirement provisions. She said most of the exempted posi' tions are under "liberalized retirement programs.''b The legislation is expected to ease thd financial pressure on the Social Security system since at least somq persons who would have been forced td retire at 65 would be able to keep work! ing. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter will embark on a 24,000-mile, four-continent journey in late Novem- ber that will make him the first Ameri- can president to visit black Africa since 1943. Carter will travel to South America, Africa, Asia and Europe, visiting eight countries in 11 days, White House offic- ials announced yesterday. IN GEOGRAPHICAL terms, it will be the most diversified trip ever under- taken by a U.S. President, bringing Carter face to face with traditional al- lies, new friends and onetime adversar- ies. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the White House for~eign policy assistant who announced the marathon journey on Carter's be- half, said the trip will underline the President's commitment to the promo- tion of "constructive change" in world affairs. Carter and his wife Rosalynn will visit Venezuela; Brazel, Nigeria, India, Iran, France, Poland and Belgium. The trip will begin Nov. 22, the 14th anni- versary of the assassination of Presi- dent John Kennedy, and concludes Dec. 2. WHITE HOUSE Press Secretary Jody Powell said one reason for the trip was to "take advantage of the im- provement in our relations with the de- veloping nations of Latin America and Africa." Asked if Carter might be trying to get away from domestic problems, Powell grinned and replied, "The trip was planned before we knew we had quite so many domestic problems." Powell reported that Carter told him last spring that he wanted to undertake such a journey late this year or in 1978. Franklin Roosevelt was the only previous incumbent President to go to black Africa. He visited Liberia in Jan- uary 1943 during a trip that featured a World War II strategy conference in Casablanca, North Africa, with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. On the outside Well, the Wolverines will have to play it by ear today as far as the weather's concerned. It's apparently going to be uncooperative and cloudy, with a 70 per cent chance of rain showers off and on throughout I I the day. Highs will be around 70, lows tonight around 60°. The winds should be switching to the south, and ... here's the good news ... we may see some sunshine by Monday. Leaders discuss SALT WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter took a personal hand in U.S.- Soviet Arms Limitation Talks yester- day as he met for three hours with Soviet Foreign Minister Andreit Gro- myko at the White House. The meeting occurred just 10 days be- fore the expiration of the initial SALT agreement and State Department spokesman Hodding Carter confirmed that the accord will not be extended. "NO AGREEMENT limiting strateg- ic offensive arms will be in force after Oct. 3," the spokesman said. But Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said in a letter to Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee Chairman John Sparkman, (D-Ala.), that the United states will continue to honor the terms of SALT I if the Soviets exercise similar restraint. -Spokesman Carter said any formal * P90 ... statement issued by the United States concerning SALT I "will be non-binding and non-obligatory." HE SAID the United States wants to avoid a formal extension of the agree- ment in order to keep pressure on the Soviet Union to negotiate a new and more ambitious arms limitation agree- ment. Gromyko, breaking with his usual manner, spoke with reporters as he left the White House. When a reporter pointed out that the formal agreement expires in eight days, he commented, "I have to have some secrets up my sleeve." OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 1 A.M. Bowling, Billiards, & Pinball AT THE UNION ...t 9,1 F1 afu da . fsLe " ti:: _: : <> :