GEORGE ROMNEY See Editorial Page V' L 1P rF u4 i g LETDOWN See Today, Page 3 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 24, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement Prof's eulogy for black African t leader Biko draws Diag crowd & By MICHAEL YELLIN Ann Arborites opposing apartheid, South Africa's separatist system of government, gathered on the, Diag yesterday to mourn the death of Steven Biko, the youthful father of the student-led black consciousness movement in/ that racially torn country. Biko was 30 years old when he died in police custody September 12. His death has brought cries of fury from members of the international com- munity who suspect he was killed by the South African police. ADDRESSING A crowd of about 150 people yesterday, Reverend An- drew Foster of the Campus Ministry said, "This memorial is a symbolic expression of grief, outrage. and soli- darity with those thousands who mourn Biko's death. Their grief is shared, let us join in prayer, remem- brance and the cry of outrage!" Biko is to be buried Monday in the black township of Ginsburg. More than 200,000 blacks are expected to attend memorial services for the dead leader on Sunday. Standing on the Diag behind 20 crosses and makeshift headstones made in memory of the 20 blacks who have died in police detention since the Soweto riots last June, University Prof. of political science Ali Mazrui delivered the eulogy to the crowd yesterday. "BIKO HAS BEEN compared with Martin Luther King - killed prema- turely, committed to a dream," Mazrui said, "But Biko was of a different generation. He combined King's moral fervor with the militancy of a warrior. He combined King's univer- salism with the singlemindedness of a nationalist," Mazrui continued. Many blacks and liberal whites in South Africa considered Biko possib- ly the last hope for a peaceful settlement that would permit both black and white to live together and minimize the violence as the black majority comes to power. The black leaders who will take Biko's place may be more prone to violence and less understanding of whites, liber- al newspapers in South Africa report- ed last week. "WHO KILLED Steve Biko?" Maz- rui asked, "Those outside who have enabled the system to survive, through investment, through trade, through cultural contacts and by turning a blind eye," he answered emotionally. "Who killed Steve Biko?" Maybe the University of Michigan, for its shares in firms that strengthen South Africa, for giving hospitality to members of the power elite in South Africa. In May, The Daily reported the University has some $40 million linked to South Africa through cor- porate investments. Severall: groups on campus have asked the Regents to sell this stock and also cut all aca- demic ties to institutions in South Africa. President Robben Fleming has established a committee to look into the University's investments and their ties with apartheid in South Africa. An open forum olr teach-in on this issue is expected sometime this year. Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX UNIVERSITY PROF. ALI MAZRUI eulogizes dead South African black leader Steven Biko in front of a mid-day Diag crowd yesterday. Vance says U.S., closer to SALT USSR accord WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei G r o m y k o wound up two days of talks yesterday and reported progress toward a pew strategic arms limitation (SALT) agreement. After seven hours of talks at the White House and the State Depart- ment, Gromyko told reporters, "The position of the two sides has drawn somewhat closer together." VANCE SAID he agreed with that assessment. Gromyko emphasized there is still no agreement to replace the 1972 arms limitation accord, which ex- pires Oct. 3. "We will do all in our power to ensure a successful outcome of the talks," Gromyko said through his interpreter. The foreign minister added that the possibility of a summit meeting between President Carter and Soviet President Leonid Breznev also was discussed, but he gave no details. EARLIER, the State Department said it had decided not to seek a formal extension of the expiring arms agreement in order to pressure the Soviet Union into negotiating a more ambitious arms pact. The President took a personal hand in the arms talks yesterday when he met with Gromyko for three hours. Gromyko's visit,, which b e g a n Thursday, is the third time this year the two sides have held high level talks aimed at reaching a new SALT agreement. IN AN UNUSUAL diplomatic ar- rangement, the United States plans to issue a formal statement pledging 'continued adherence to SALT I provided the Soviet Union exercises similar restraint. Gromyko has been noncommital when asked about So- viet intentions. The administration has gone to great lengths to avoid the impression that a bilateral agreement has been reached on extending the 1972 agree- ment. "Any statement issued by the United States concerning the interim agreement SALT I will be non-bind- ing and non-obligatory," State De- partment spokesman Hodding Carter III told newsmen. "NO AGREEMENT limiting stra- tegic offensive arms will be in effect after Oct. 3." The administration tactic is a way of circumventing a congressional requirement that Congress approve any international agreement that limits U.S. armaments. But Sen. Henry Jackson (D - Wash.), has indicated he plans to challenge this strategy and will summon administration witnesses before his Senate arms control subcommittee. SPOKESMAN CARTER said the chief purpose of avoiding a formal extension of SALT I is "to keep up the pressure" on the Soviet Union to reach a new arms agreement. He said a formal extension would prolong the disparities in the two countries' weapons systems that were written into the expiring agree- ment. Under SALT I, the Soviet Union is permitted higher levels than the United States in intercontinental land - launched and submarine - launched ballistic missiles. THE NIXON administration ac- cepted Soviet superiority in these categories because no limits were placed on American superiority in strategic bombers and missiles with multiple warheads. "To formally extend the agree- ment would formally recognize the disparities in the interim agree- ment," the spokesman said. He also noted that a 1972 congres- sional amendment "urges and re- quests" the administration "to seek a future treaty that would not limit the United States to levels of intercontin- ental strategic forces inferior to the limits provided for the S o v i e t Union." FORMER AFSCME PRESIDENT REINSTATED Uni'on: 'U' took Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX STEVE AULIE contemplates navels at the Packard Food Co-op. The Co-op must move to a new location November 1. Coop to lose home By BOB ROSENBAUM Representatives for campus serv- ice workers have filed a grievance against the University, charging it with unjustifiably removing union lit- erature from union billboards. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) has an- nounced its intention to also file an unfair labor practice charge (ULP) stemming from the same incident. MEANWHILE, in an unrelated" decision, the University has reinstat- ed former AFSCME local president Joel Block, who was suspended last March following a 26-day strike by service workers. In the latest grievance, the union maintains that Grace Willis, of hospi- tal staff and union relations, violated the AFSCME labor contract when she removed a union leaflet dated Sept. 16 from employe billboards in the hospital. "Sour Grapes Award." September's award went to University Hospital. Director Jeptha Dalston. "In his masterful re-shuffling of as- sistant directors and associate direc- tors," the column states, "Mr. Dalston managed to totally disregard promotion of minorities."-I After removing the newsletters, Willis explained to Anderson and AFSCME President Dwight Newman that the "Grapevine" column was "totally inappropriate." THE UNION CONTENDS, how- ever, that the appropriateness of the column could not be used as a basis to tear down the leaflets. AFSCME leaders point out that according to union contracts, litera- ture cannot be removed by Univer- sity officials unless its contents are "derogatory or inflammatory." An- derson maintains that the leaflet con- tained no such material: Willis could not be reached for comment last night. .eafle s A SECOND newsletter, posted yesterday, criticized the removal of the first, and announced the filing of a grievance and a ULP. The leaflet also informed union members that because the, "Grapevine" column "has proven so popular with the Med- ical Center personnel," AFSCME will initiate a weekly edition. The "dry humor" of the newsletter in part goes back to the hospital's re- fusal to let AFSCME representatives speak before a meeting of its execu- tive board about University sub-con- tracting. The hospital is seeking non-union labor for housekeeping duties, and AFSCME officials feel they should have some influence on which company the University hires. But University attorney William Lemmer argues that AFSCME has no legal right to participate in the sub-contracting decision. "No labor contract in the world" would allow a union to influence such activities, Lemmer said. See UNION, Page 5 By JANET KLEIN Anyone who is used to buying peanut butter and produce at the People's Food Coop on Packard is in for a big disappointment come November. The lease for the Coop, located at 722 Packard St., will run out November 1-and the landlord, who has wanted to sell the building for a few months, has received a bid from a jeweler for the space which the Coop people say will come through. A NEW HOME has not yet been found for the displaced store Launched in 1971 in an effort to control skyrocketing food prices in Ann Arbor, the Coop came to its present location a year later. The non-profit, collectively run group, run by five paid coordinators, sells what it refers to as "healthy foods." BRONWEN ESTERBROOK, a regular customer, said she would, seek the Coop at its new location "if it stays within this area," since a bicycle is her only transportation. " The location is still up in the air, See FOOD, Page 5 'Temporary' lounge Dorm rape occurs rarely residents 1 By JULIE ROVNER Remember the very beginning of the year? Remember the people in tents on the lawn of the SAB protesting the overcrowding situa- tion in 'the dorms? Remember all those freshwomen who were put in lounges "temporarily" until regular spaces could be found for them? Well, the tents are gone, but the people are still in the lounges. Per- manently. to stay put. people, they are priced as regular triples. They will, however, be" pro-rated to compensate for the room and board charges the people were paying while in temporary accom- modations. "It's a case of having said yes to too many people," said acting Hous- ing Director Robert Hughes. "We tried to project too close and it didn't work." YESTERDAY, Hughes visited some of the converted lounges and By M. EILEEN DALEY Second of a two-part series on campus crime Although Ann Arbor has been plagued by a' series of violent rapes in the past year, female students here are reasonably safe in their dormitory surroundings, according to University Security Department statistics. In fact, says Housing Security Manager David Foulke, not afraid and embarrassed to tell the authorities. So assaults do happen, although they are hard to pinpoint; and dorms have their share of "peepers in showers and ex- posers" as well, according to Foulke. AS IN THE CASE with dorm theft, it is non-residents coming into the dorms who cause most of the problems. For example, Security recently dealt with a man who Anderson 117.11- .. .. .. .... a:.,. ,. t- A "Od'rRK" I-_-