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September 22, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-09-22

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Tennies grab

foothold in market
manager of Athlete's Foot, agrees. "Adidas marketing con- There are three basic types of gym shoes on the market today, leather, nylon
the says. and canvas.
lemand for the shoes. They give products to the proper people Leather shoes will form to the foot. As the foot swells during activity, the
e. People see the three stripes on T.V.," Cameron explains, leather should expand also.
iitioriof the three stripes sellsshoes.WHILE LEATHER SHOES are probably the most comfortable, they are
Y HAS created a demand. The Athlete's Foot store bases definitely the most expensive. Leather for basketball is $30 and up. Leather for
ng that brand of gym shoes. This is not to say, however, that tennis starts around $20.
Nylon shoes, though they don't breath like leather, have some advantages:
Adidas fields 70 types of shoes, ranging from football and Nylon is lightweight and will dry faster also, good for any-weather-joggers.
fencing, weightlifting and field events. Adidas come for any They are also cheaper than leather, costing from $18 to $25 or so.
pea, sizes-just about anything to satiate the mind if not the 'he third material is canvas. Canvas is washable and cheap. Adidas canvas
basketball shoes sell for under $ 5.
A NEW MAN-MADE material on the market is Cangoren. This is a synthetic
leather that is lightweight, strong and supposedly breathes like leather.
If price is the object (more specifically, low price), K-Mart markets their own
shoe: Trax. Trax runs as low as $3.97 for canvas (Adidas laces could run that
much), up to $12.97 for their top of the line nylon with a suede toe.
University sophomore Kevyn Orr has another way to beat high prices. "I don't
- George Scott snapped a 2-2 tie with his 33rd home run with buy new shoes,' he says. "I just get the old ones resoled.
nning, then turned in a spectacular double play at first base COLLEGE SHOE REPAIR will resole any gym shoe for $11 including the side
e Boston Red Sox edged the New York Yankees 3-2 last night. stripping and a general cleanup. Students' Shoe Repair will put a new sole on for
the fron runn ng Yanseep in the Ameseries Leagumoe to $10.Students seem indifferent to all the different kinds of shoes and all the athletes'
trk by just two games in the loss column with 11 games endorsements. The reason most given as to why one wears gym shoes is comfort.
Freshperson Theresa Hughes does not wear her gyms every day, but she says,
"I have track shoes solely for jogging and they're really comfortable, but I like
es pulled into a 2-2 tie on Lou Piniella's two-out single in the going barefoot better."
his first homer since Sept. 8 against New York starter Mike
rive into the right-center field bleachers. DAVID BENNETT WEARS Converse because "they're comfortable. They
have a very good arch," he explains. "I do own other street shoes but gyms are
more comfortable."
sampbell took over in the seventh and checked the Yankees "They're comfortable," reasons Jim Campbell, "but they're also part of the
Est of the way. Willoughby; was credited with his sixth win cretmd fdes lne hrjasadgm.
sampellpostd hs 2th svetop in he L.current mode of dress : flannel shirt, jeans and gyms."
;ampbell posted his 28th save, tops in the AL. "I'm from Hawaii and I never wore shoes," says sophomore Toshi Shibata, "I
can't handle other shoes."
Not one person said they wore gyms to run faster or jump higher.

Johnny Rob released'
resurgent Lakers
John Robinson, eo-captain of last set a school record for career field
year's Michigan basketball team, goal percentage.
has been cut by the Los Angeles . The Lakers tapped "Johnny Rob"
Lakers of the National. Basketball in the fifth round of last June's NBA
Association.adraft. He spent the latter part of the
Robinson was a three-year starter summer competing in the Southern
at power forward for Michigan and California Professional League.

Training camps around the league
opened this past week, but Rob was
not asked to try out for the Lakers.
"Bill Sharman (Laker, general
manager) told me they'd let me know
who they wanted back," said Robin-
son from 'his mother's home in
Chicago. "I got a letter three or four
weeks ago saying they wouldn't need
Robinson said he still has from 10
to 15 hours inr1Yt'!rplete course work
at Michigan. "I might come up fora
day or two sometime next=week to
straighten those out, so I can get my
degree," he said.
As for future plans, Rob may take a
shot at the pros again next year.
"I haven't played for a little while
though," he said. "I'll probably try to
get a job with the railroads or in the
steel mills in Chicago,"

1. Navy at MICHIGAN (pick score) 4. Arizona at Ioa
2. Illinois at Stanford 5. Wyoming at MSU
3. Miami (O) at Indiana 6. UCLA at Minnesota
7. N. Carolina at Northwestern
8. Oklahoma at Ohio State
9. Notre Dame at Purdue
thwrz doy 10. Wisconsin at Oregon
I1. Georgia at South Carolina
r h 4 g 12. West Virginia at Kentucky
reduced icex on itcher of beer 13. Auburn at Tennessee
14. Tulane at SMU
15. California at Missouri
16. Texas A&M at Texas Tech
friday 17. Maryland at Penn State
N1 HOT DOGS 18.Clemson at Georgia Tech
19. Baylor at Nebraska
from 3 p.m - 5p.m. 20. DAILY LIBELS at Cleary College
Reduced Rate for League-504
Regular Rate-654
1 P.M., SAT. & SUN.
a mi E E- A u *

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