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September 21, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-21

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The Michigan Doily-Wednesday, September 21, 1977-Page

Biko's death stirs grief, shame


Know thyself
Remember way back in your grade school days when you yearned to
know the forbidden-your IQ quotient? Well, at long last you may be
able to satisfy that curiosity to some degree. The folks over at the
Learning Evaluation Center are offering free individual assessmens
of intellectual ability along with suggestions on how to improve your
performance in school-related activities. Along with an initial
evaluation session, an interview is scheduled so you can discuss the
results with a staff member. The service is especially extended to
parents or pre-school and school-aged children who suspect their tot
may be exceptional or have special learning problems. Who knows, a
potential Einstein may be hiding behind a bib at your dinner table.
... as usual, are a potpourri... Students interested in Project
Outreach can drop by 554 Thompson from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
p.m... .Registration for youngster "Story Times" at the Ann 'arbor,
public library is 2 p.m., 343 Fifth Ave.... Grade School English
Lessons at Pound House Children Center, 1024 Hill, begin at 4 ... At-
tend the workshop "Sexuality and Education and Counseling for
Professionals", from 6:30 to 10 at the Ed School ... Beth and Bob
Duman, regional representatives of the North Amrican Wildlife Park
Foundation, present a program entitled "Wolves", 7:30 at the Univer-
sity Botanical Gardens ... Also at 7:30 hear a lecture on the Fortran
IV Programming Language I, whatever that is, in the Natural Scien-
ces Aud. . Admiral Gene LaRocque will speak on "How Much
Defense is Enough?" 7:30 at the Wesleyan Foundation, attached to the
north end of the First United Methdist Church, State and
Huron ... Physics Prof. Ernst Katz speaks on "Thinking as an Ap-
proach to Spiritual .Reality" in Markley's Concourse Lounge at
8 ... and a reminder-there is still time to sign up for Project Com-
munity, which is offering two to four credits for work in the com-
munity. Interested? Rm. 2204 Michigan Union's the place, or call 763-
3448 ... Have a nice Wednesday!
What would Elvis say?
Ted Nugent needs gobs of sweet chocolate. Joe Cocker requires two
cases of $30-a-bottle Dom Perignon. Bruce Springsteen asks only for a
dozen Hostess Twinkies. Big-time rock 'n rollers seems to have a run-
ning contest these days over who can outdo the other in making
bizarre demands on concert promoters. Of course special requests are
nothing new on' the egocentric music business, but never until now
have they gotten so extravagant. For example, one promoter
estimates it would cost $2,000 to meet all the food and beverage
requirements of Paul McCartney and Wings. There was a time when
promoters would pick up the tab for such posh dining. They aren't so
anxious anymore. Still, if the act is big enough, even the oddest tastes
are catered to. Nouveau-rock idol Iggy Pop showed up for a gig in
Philadelphia and informed the promoters he would not go on unless an
ambulance was parked just outside the stage door. "I get so excited
sometimes that i want to hurt myself," he explained.
On the Outside...
Our weather elves tell us Mother Nature has had yesterday xeroxed
and is trying to foist it off on us today. We'll have another installment
in our currtent series of dreary days. Skies will be monotonously
cloudy today with temperatures raching up to a high of 71. And lest you
form wild fantasies about Thursday being a nice day, be informed that
it ought to be pouring by tomorrow afternoon.
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Daily Official Bulletin
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(AP) - Shame, sorrow, embarrass-
ment and fear have enveloped racial-
ly-divided South Africa as a result of
the death on detention of black leader
Steve Biko.
White liberals - often given as
rough a ride as government conserv-
atives by Biko's Black Consciousness
Movement - have joined with black
leaders, newspaper columnists and
churchmen in assessing the life and
death of the 30-year-old Biko as
something special.
OPPOSITION newspapers, which
have long protested the govern-
ment's wide-ranging powers of de-
tention without trial and demanded
judicial inquiries into previous
deaths, are pressing harder than,
ever for repeals and probes.
Many white South Africans winced
with embarrassment at the laughter
that broke out at a provincial

congress of the ruling National Party
when James T. Kruger, the minis-
ter of justice, police and prisons, said
of Biko's death Sept. 12 that it was a
person's democratic right to starve
himself to death.
Biko had been on a hunger strike
but the cause of his death is under in-
vestigation and has not been an-
THE DEATH, seen at home and
abroad as a national loss for people of
all races, shapes up as a public
relations disaster for South Africa's
widely condemned white-minority
Those who knew him speak of the
awe with which Biko was regarded
by young black, militants, of his lack
of bitterness, breadth of vision,
moderation and intellectual stature.
The conception of Biko as a martyr
has been enhanced by his death in the
hands of the security police and by

the comment of Kruger at the time
that it "leaves me cold." But even
without that comment by the now
embarrassed Kruger and the grave
suspicions surrounding deaths in
detention, Biko's career stands out in
a country that has no shortage of
aspiring political liberators.
HE WAS born one of four children
of poor Xhosa parents in Ginsberg, a
segregated black township outside
King William's Town on the east
Apart from five years of university
study in Natal, he lived there most of
his life. Expelled from the university
halfway through medical 'school,
Biko was working on a law degree by
correspondence at the time of his
Under a restriction order imposed
in 1973, Biko was confined to King
William's Town, and a banning
order, still in force even after his
death,'bars publication of a quotation
by him in the South African press.
AT AGE 22 Biko, disenchanted
with the liberal, white-led National
Union of South African Students,
founded the South African Students
Organization (SASO) embracing all
students who are not white -
Africans, Indians and coloreds, as
those of mixed race are officially
called. Each group attends segregat-
ed universities across the country.
The breakaway of the non-whites
was, a blow to left-leaning white
student leaders, some of whom paid

for their political beliefs and activi-
ties with bannings, restriction or-
ders, and withheld passports.
But Biko denied charges of black
raism, as he did in founding the
Black People's Convention f o u r
years later.
HE ARGUED that the barriers
erected by whites are based on a
belief that "black is inferior and
bad," and South African blacks must
assert their own values, culture, and
pride in blackness to find psychologi-
cal liberation from centuries of white
domination., He saw a strong black
solidarity as the antitheses to "white
"Out of these two situations we can
therefore hope to teach some kind of
balance - a true humanity where
power politics will have no place,"
Biko wrote.
Expounding the black conscious-
ness theme in one essay, Biko
rejected integration sought by white
liberals as based on "exploitive
values in a society in, which the
whites have already cuxt out their
position somewhere at the top of the

Voieeprint evidence
banned in state trials

LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan
Supreme Court ruled yesterday that
voiceprints may not be used as eviden-
ce in criminal trials unless their scien-
tific validity as an identification tool is
clearly established.
In a unanimous opinion, the high
court reversed the Washtenaw County
Circuit Court conviction of Bradley
Lynn Tobey on charges of illegal sale of
heroin. Voiceprints had been admitted
into evidence in Tobey's trial.
THE STATE COURT of Appeals had
ruled the voiceprints inadmissable, and
the Supreme Court affirmed that ruling
- but made it clear it applied only in
this particular case.
"We conclude that the people have
failed to demonstrate that voiceprint
evidence has achieved general scien-
tific acceptance as a reliable identifi-
cation device, and therefore the trial
court erred in admitting the voiceprint
evidence," the Supreme Court said.
We echo the statement of the Cali-
fornia Supreme Court that this
'decision is not intended in any way'to
foreclose the introduction of voiceprint
evidence in future cases ... where there
is demonstrated solid and scientific ap-
proval and support of this new method'
of identification," the court said.
ACCORDING TO the high court's
rendition .,the facts of the case, an un-
dercover police officer recorded three
telephone calls to Tobey in connection
with a heroin purchase.
The telephone conversations were
subjected to voiceprint analysis and
compared with recordings of the voice
of the accused.
Prosecutors sought to establish the
admissibility of voice-print evidence
through the testimony of two experts in
the field.
ever, that general scientific recognition
cannot be established unless it is cor-
Frederic March, Myrna Loy
and Dana Andrews in the
Oscar-Winning Clssic about
3 WW 11 Veterans returning
home to post-war U.S.
7:00 & 10:00

roborated by "disinterested scientists,
whose livelihood was 'not intimately
connected" with the new technique.
The court also ruled that Tobey was
entitled to separate trials on each of two
charges of selling heroin to an under-
cover officer. The trial court had joined
the two charges on grounds they were
similar in character, even though they
had allegedly occurred 12 days apart.
"While Tobey's conduct in selling
heroin on different days to the same
person is substantially similar conduct,
it is not the same conduct or act," the
high court said.
Simon Willard, clockmaker extraor-
dinaire, requested a patent for "an
improvement in time pieces" in 1802
and the Banjo Clock was born. A
UNIQUELY American timepiece, the
Banjo clock has become a very desir-
able item among antique collectors.
Several examples of the Banjo clock by
Simon Willard and his brother Aaron
are on exhibit in Greenfield Village and
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich-

The first patent for a roll film camera
was issued September 4, 1888 to George
Eastman. The camera weighed 22 ounces,
took circular pictures 2 inches in dia-
meter and held 100 feet of film. East-
man 's early cameras and other photo-
graphic apparatus are on exhibit in
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich-

MON. thru SAT. 10 A.M. til 1:3b P.M. SUN. & HOLS.12 Noon til 1:30 P.M


Wednesday, September 21, 177
WUOM: National Town Meeting, "Disarmament.
Sincerity or Illusion?" Live coverage-from Washing-
ton, D.C., guests Morton Halperin, Dir. Project on
National Security an4 Civil Li es, & Adm. Elmo'
Zwmwalt, moderator Charles (wddry, Baltimore
Sun, 10:30 a.m.
Statistics: Dr. Fred Bookstein, "Linear Machinery
for Morphological Distortion," 3227 Angell, 4 p.m.
Volumfe LxxXvIII, No.12
Wednesday, September 21,1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. 'News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pub-
lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dur-
ing the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

The Daily Official Bulletin is.an official publication
of the University of.Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson,
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by
2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items ap-
pear only,once. Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more information.
phone 764-9270.
is looking for energetic
people with a strong in-
terest in movies.
Stop by one of our
showings for details


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head back to campus with the component-quality stereo
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and headphone jacks. Three-way speaker pair. $299
Cassette-AM/FM stereo system with auto-changer. $450
8-track AM/FM stereo svstem with auto-changer. $450

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