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September 21, 1977 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 21, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Ara at:

BEIRUT, LebanonĀ¢ (AP) - Pales-
tinian guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat
said yesterday that Israeli forces
were k'massively involved" in help-
ing right-wing Christian Lebanese
who claimed they had captured four
villages in southern Lebanon.
Arafat, in a telegram to Arab
heads of state, issued an urgent
appeal for help.
ISRAEL HAS repeatedly denied
any cross-border operations by its
troops, but it has acknowledged
giving the Lebanese Christian mili-
tiamen military supplies. ,
The Israeli state radio said Prime
Minister Menahem Begin's govern-
.ment warned Syria again, through,
U.S. diplomats, to stay out of the
fighting in southern Lebanon that
i pits the Lebanese Christians against
Moslem Lebanese leftists and their
Palestinian allies.
Begin's warning to Syria and his
call for a cease-fire along the border
area came 24 hours after Israeli
armed forces went on "heightened
SYRIA PROVIDES the bulk of the
30,000-man Arab league peace force
that halted the 19-month civil war in
the rest of Lebanon last November.
There was no evidence the Syrians
were moving into the deep south
beyond the Litani River, which
generally is regarded as the limit
designated by Israel.
At United Nations headquarters in
New York, Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim issued a report from U.N.
military observers stationed near the
Lebanon-Israel border. It said that in
four days through Monday, the
See ISRAEL, Page 7

Reactors survive
appropriation cut;
President may veto

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY


yesterday rejected President Carter's
request to junk the nation's breeder nu-
clear reactor program, raising the
possibility of veto.
By a vote of 246 to 162, the House de-
feated a White House-backed move by
Rep. George Brown Jr. (D-Calif.) to cut
authorized spending on the reactor to
$33 million, enough only to phase out the
THEN THE HOUSE rejected a com-
promise by Rep. Christopher Dodd (D-
Conn.) to keep the project alive but on a
delayed schedule by authorizing spend-
ing of $75 million. But Dodd lost by an
even greater margin, 277 to 129.
That left the bill as it was drafted in
committee - $15 million to keep the
project on schedule with preliminary
work at the Clinch River, Tenn., site to
begin by this time next year.
The chief manager of the bill, Rep.
Olin Teague, (D-Tex.) said he has been
told Carter would veto his bill. "He does
what he must do, and we do what we
must do,"' Teague remarked.
THE SENATE has authorized, some
$75 million, so the difference will have
to be worked out in conference. Earlier,
administration sources had said Carter
was considering a veto of any plan that
failed to kill the project.
The President advocated killing the
project on grounds there is ample time
to develop other alternatives, including
other nuclear power generating
methods, to meet national energy

Also, Carter said U.S. development of
the breeder would encourage other na-
tions to work on their own breeders,
presenting a danger of nuclear arms
THE BREEDER produces weapons-
grade plutonium which can be con-
verted into nuclear explosives within
days. International safeguards against
plutonium theft or covert development
of weapons are inadequate, the admin-
istration says.
Backers of the breeder viewed the
breeder project as a national energy in-
surance policy. The project at Clinch
River, Tenn., is experimental and
would be developed only on a commer-
cial basis if the breeder is needed.
The breeder produces more plutoni-
um fuel than it consumes while making
steam to produce electricity. With

breeders producing fuel as well as pow-
er, the nation would not have to face
importing uranium to drive the light
water reactors used by utilities today,
the opponents said.
ON CARTER'S other arguments, ad-
vocates of the breeder said a com-
prehensive set of controls could be ne-
gotiated internationally. And several
countries, including Russia, are at
work already on their own breeders and
they are unlikely to follow a U.S. ex-
ample of junking the technology, advo-
cates say.
Funding for the breeder reactor
project at Clinch River, Tenn., was con-
tained in legislation authorizing $6.7
billion for research programs of the
Energy Research and Development

Ugandan exile tells
of Amin'mystique'
Some 200 Pilot Program students jammed into Alice Lloyd's Blue Carpet
Lounge last night to hear political science professor Ali Mazuri speak on the
"phenomenon" of Idi Amin.
Mazuri, who headed the political science depasrtment at Uganda's.
Makerere University until his self-exile in 1973, said Amin is a paradox
because he is "viewed as evil by some and heroic by others."
MAZURI HIMSELF was a temporary favorite of Amin in his early years
as leader, until the professor began to speak out against him.'
Mazuri said when Amin reached high position, he gained respect in the
third world as a man of power.
"Amin came on as a third world figure rebelling forces stronger than
him," Mazuri said. "That society has paid very heavily for that."
See UGANDAN, Page 10

Attorneys move
for VA retrial

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Senate unit kills
gas-guzzler bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
Finance Committee dealt another
blow to President Carter's energy pro-
gram yesterday, rejecting his call for a
heavy tax on fuel-inefficient cars.
The committee eliminated the tax
from a House-passed energy bill on a
vote of 11 to five after one critic called
the levy a way for the wealthy to buy
their way out of the energy problem.
SOME MEMBERS said they voted
against the tax because the full Senate
already has passed a separate bill ban-
ning the manufacture of gas-hungry
cars after 1980.
It will be up to the Senate - and pos-
sibly a Senate-House conference com-
mittee - to decide next month whether.
the tax or the ban will be used. It is vir-
tually certain that one of the devices
will be approved by Congress.
The committee also rejected another
House decision and voted to retain the
existing federal income-tax deduction
for state and local gasoline taxes. The
House and President Carter urged,
repeal on grounds the deduction is an
incentive to waste gasoline.
MEANWHILE, Sen. Russell Long,
chairman of the committee, told report-
ers he is not ready to assume that the
panel will kill Carter's proposed crude-
oil tax, aimed at raising prices and
forcing conservation. But even if it

does, he said, the committee will vote
some type of tax to finance whatever
energy proposals it approves.
"No mind is fertile enough to think of
all the ways we could tax if something
needs to be done," he said.
Long interpreted the committee's
votes as indicating how strongly the
panel feels about making sure the na-
tion's energy program is balanced be-
tween conservation and production in-
AND HE SAID he- feels sure the Car-
ter administration is ready to endorse
some type of federal aid to help energy
companies develop new energy sour-
ces. Long advocates a multibillion-dol-
lar loan fund, such as proposed by for-
mer Vice President Nelson Rocke-
It is generally understood that Car-
ter's proposed crude-oil tax, which
would raise the price of gasoline by as
much as eight cents a gallon, is in trou-
ble in the finance committee. And some
members say there is no chance an-
other Carter tax, aimed at forcing fac-
tories to switch to coal from oil and gas,
will be approved.
Another major piece of the Carter
energy plan - retention of federal price
controls on natural gas - is being de-
bated by the Senate and faces what is

Defense attorneys in the Veterans
Administration (VA) hospital case
blasted a federal prosecutor in
motions filed late Monday requesting
a verdict of acquittal, a mistrial, and
a new trial for convicted nurses
Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez.
The brief, filed in Detroit, accuses
assistant U.S. Attorney'Richard Yan-
ko of unfair trial practices and' of
'having "stated publicly that regard-
less of the conclusion a jury may
reach, he knew the defendants were
THAT CHARGE in the motion
refers to an interview Yanko gave to
the Detroit Free Press and the
Detroit News midway through the
trial. Yanko said then he thought
Narciso and Perez were guilty, "but*
whether they will be found guilty or
not is another question."
After the prosecutor's statements
appeared in print, Federal District
Judge Philip Pratt, who presided
over the trial, asked the assembled
sixteen-member jury if any of them
had hear.d or reaq anything regard-
ing the case.
None of the jurors said they had.
IN THE NEW motion, however, the
defense lawyers charge-Judge Pratt
with judicial error for not asking
each juror individually.
The brief also reveals forathe first
time what *was said in a closed
conference in the judge's chambers
following the Yanko interview. Ac-
cording to the brief, Judge Pratt
called Yanko's interview remarks
"reprehensible," and grounds for
disciplinary action under; the bar
association standard of fair trial.
Yanko said yesterday he had read
the defense charges in full, but that
he would make no comment what-
THE LAW providfes that a defend-
ant in a criminal case in innocent
until a jury returns a guilty verdict:
The prosecutor must remain un-

biased, seeking justice as opposed to
a conviction.
The defense lawyers and support-
ers of Narciso and Perez have
charged many times throughout the
trial that the government had al-
ready prejudged the women guilty
and had spent over $1 million to build
a case.
The defense motion filed Monday
also accuses 'Yanko 'of unfair trial
tactics. In his rebuttal closing re-
marks, when Yanko was responding
to a defense lawyer's insinuation that
the government might have coached
See LAWYERS, Page 10
to Kent
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) met last night, and amidst a
circus-like atmosphere, voted not to
allocate funds for the rental of a bus
to transport students to the National
Rally at Kent State Sept. 24.
The request for funds; was made
under the auspices of the Revolution-
ary Student Brigade, although the
money was earmarked for use by the
May 4 Coalition.
THE COALITION is a national
organization formed to generate
support to prevent construction of a
gymnasium on the site where four
students were killed in an anti-war
rally in 1970. This movement has
been active for the past year.
MSA voted to express support of
the efforts of the Coalition, but
stopped short of allocating the funds
for a bus.
A series of motions and counter-
motions were made and withdrawn
one after another, causing confusion
among MSA members. Members
raised questions concerning the
strength of student-sympathy here
for the K'ent State efforts and the
presence of non-students on the bus.
Some doubts were heard as to the
safety of the bused participants.
A SPOKESPERSON for the May 4
Coalition assured the assembly that
precautions would be taken to allow
only students to use the bus. The
Coalition, a spokesDerson said. would'

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY

See SENATE, Page 7

Poet, ex-prof thrives in

hills of NH

"And why does Gratt teach
English? Why, because
A law school felt he could not
learn the laws.
'Hamlet,' he tells his students,
'you will find,
Concerns a man who can't
make up his mind.. .

If the political scientist never quite
loses sight of Washington, and the
economist always has one foot on
Wall Street-where goes the Ameri.
can poet with the freedom to make up
his mind?
Far from Ann Arbor in the hills of
New Hampshire, Donald Hall, for-
mer professor and resident bard, has
chosen to found his Walden. And, at
the expense of the throngs of students

a few months that possibly I could
live on my writing," Hall recalled in
a phone interview. With this financial
freedom, he and his wife, Jane, also a
writer and a former student, sank
their roots and now they "love it
The two writers are working on
"all sorts of things" in their house
near Danbury, New Hampshire.
Picking the Leaves, composed pri-
marily during 1975. his last year in

Robert Frost and Ezra Pound.
"I DON'T MUCH miss it," Hall said
of the University, although he admit-
ted hesitantly that he misses football
games, Ann Arbor style.
"I went to a Dartmouth-Harvard
game, but it just wasn't the same,"
he chuckled with a hint of a blush.
Hall added that since he gets "lots
of letters and quite a few visits," he
retains many of the friendships he

explained Hornback. "He will be
missed as a poet and a teacher and
not just a teacher of poetry."
Among Hall's more visible accom-
plishments at the University was the
composition textbood, Writing Well,
"used by practically everybody in
the country," according to Horn-
"He was so generous with his
time," said Hilda Bonham, director
of the Hnnwnod Ronm While Hall

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