GEO to disc&ss wages, tuition By SUE WARNER Clark said the membership will will be held at Rackham amphi- 'According to Clark, the motion Members of the Graduate Em- face two motions dealing with the theater. calls for a letterto the University loyes Organization (GEO) meets to- issue. The majority position going "We won't design strategies in any asking that it list the names of indi- ight to discuss the major issues into tonight's vote is that GEO should specific form, we just want to discuss viduals who are to receive the pay enfronting the group this school file an unfair labor practice (ULP) how people can fit into the organi- boost, pay interest on the 5.75 per ear. charge with the Michigan Employ- zation," Kozura stated. cent, establish a board of trustees for According to GEO president Mike m e n t R e 1 a t i o n s Commission Clark also said GEO will vote on a the fund and present a certificate of lark, the membership will vote on (MERC) protesting the changes in motion to take "appropriate action" deposit proving the funds have been 'hat action GEO will take on the wages and tuition rates. against the University concerning placed in escrow. niversity's recent decision to in- the establishment of the escrow fund. rease GEO wages by 5.75 per cent THE MINORITY position is to nd hike tuition for some Graduate accept the 5.75 per cent increase tudent Assistants (GSAs). without complaint. The University currently plans to UHC4asks Regents CLARK SAID the organization is place the increase in an escrow fund rotesting the changes because they until legal action determining wheth- - " ere not agreed on through collec- er GSAs are students or employes is to con sid er h o u s ve bargaining. completed. The University decided to grant "It will be a heavy, heavy decision SAs the same 5.75 per cent increase for a lot of people to make," said (Continued from Page 1) members to pursue the issue further. is offering all University employes. Clark of the vote. lounge space to dorm space, according UHC President Doug Steinberg said In addition, GSAs carrying more to the resolution. he doesn't know what affect the an nine credit hours will be MICHAEL KOZURA, GEO Execu- THE RESOLUTION urges the resolution will have on Regents' action barged an additional $60 for each "tive Committee member said yester- Regents to take action "to reverse the towards housing, but explained it is a xtra credit. Advanced GSAs will day that the membership will also continuing deterioration of the stand UHC "has to take." ave to pay $90 for each credit over discuss "general organizing strate- (University) housing situation." It also John Finn, acting associate director ine. gies" at the 8 p.m. meeting which requests the Regents meet with UHC of University housing, said he has "mixed emotions" about the concerns stated in the UHC resolution. S1-STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY "WE COULD USE additional housing, but how much I'm not sure," he said. "The Regents have a valid con- cern that in a few years there will be a decline in enrollment" and additional construction would be a waste of money. "I'm just not sure what should be done," he added. Finn said that two weeks ago people were saying the housing situation was "a mess." But he said that all dorm residents have now been placed in per- manent housing, made possible by the conversion of lounges to rooms. PRICES GOOD THRU SA TURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 177. MEJER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. indicted NEW YORK (AP) - The adminis- trative director of a legal defense S "l fund for FBI agents said yesterday he has been told by "the highest sources" that former CIA director R """ Richard Helms will soon be indicted. Marvin Liebman of the Ad Hoc Citi- zens' Legal Defense Fund for the FBI rson of made the comment in response to a ues by ASSORTED PLASTIC query about a statement former s. Pre- FLOWER POTS 5 treasury Secretary William Simon is- lenim of " By Artline T sued on behalf of the group yester- on/35% T*3''2"51" size day promising money for Helms' Sizes MEIJER ANTIFREEZE' e#312, #412, or #512 legal defense for his "possible indict- st * Anti-rust REG. 49-79 ment." $12.97 " Anti-boil formulo A SUBCOMMITTEE of the Senate 9 --4 7CRYSTAL GLASS POTS Foreign Relations Committee has " Model 977 recommended perjury charges, be filed against Helms for his 1973 testi- pr.Rgal, REG. $1.54 $V mony on CIA activities in Chile, pt. Auto Supply Dept. Moral Dept. e. have heard from the highest sources that the indictment of Helms, which had been pending, would be handed up," Liebman said. "We don't say anything about the legal thing. We just want these guys 3 9 to have the best defense possible." SIMON, IN A telephone interview, lb. denied being privy to secret informa- tion that a Helms indictment was forthcoming. But he said the ad hocj committee decided last Thursday "if U .AS3 bthat happeed that we would expand U..Vlb.4>GPR P GE - R our scope to cover that as well." In January 1975, in secret testi- mony, Helms admi ted he withheld from Senate commi tees some infor- mation about CIA work in Chile and withheld information about the Nixon administration's desire to have the - GRADE A"d Marxist government of Salvadore Allende overthrown. During the first hearings Helms de- nied - usually with simple yes or no ~ -answers - involvement in .the suc- cessful coup of Allende's govern- ment. However, at the 1975 hearings, ONSAHOA D I VE Helms said he thought he should have DEANS J uON DAIRY CHOCOLATE DRINK answered the earlier questions in a gallon much more extensive way." SC O O IFFIC Jug 7t IN THE AD HOC committee's release, Simon said the nation's law enforcement and intelligence-gather- TOP FROST FROZEN 3-13-112 ing agencies are being endangered PI UA H*"through legal harassment, judicial PEPPERONI. HAMBURG, SAUSAGE OR CHEESE O. wt 'weakness and a spate of congression- al investigations." PIZZA 6ae6The defense fund was founded last May by Simon, former New York - Republican Sen. James Buckley and Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce, principally to raise money for 25- year FBI veteran John Kearney. He was indicted earlier this year for 244 allegedly employing illegal surveil- CO NFOOD, CLUB lance techniques in pursuit of the CWPON EUER COUPONmuER COUPON Weather Underground, an offshoot of SUED OTEradical student groups of the 1960s.. Simon said $20,000 had been raised in W AMERICAN TAMPONS the last three months. 16 oz. wt. twin pack 30 count box - 20 Ot29 FREE OFF "ls MUMil N I U JW W VlrUI - -