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September 20, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-09-20

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r 20, 1977-The Michigan Daily

Varhurst changes
By DAVE RENBARGER IN ASSESSING the ability of this year's veteran d
team, 'Warhurst's words were punctuated with
Although November 5 may seem like a long way superlatives. a
Michigan cross country coachRon Warhurst's "We've got three or four people up front that can
ns for the day are already firmly set. challenge anyone's top two -anywhere," he stated.
With the Big Ten's cross country championship "We could place three guys in the top four or five in
et slated for November 5, Warhurst fully ex- the Big Ten meet.",
:ts to take tpp conference honors for the fourth The primary focus of Warhurst's optimism re- t
aight year. He then plans to move on to bigger volves around an experiencesi quartet of distance e
I better things, namely the NCAA districts and runners.
ionals. Two of them, Billy Donakowski and Mike Mc- k
Guire, are returning All-Americans. Although
IGORNING THE COMMON coaching policy of Donakowski has had his share of early-season prob-
looking too far ahead on the schedule, the lems, McGuire has paced the team in both of their p
rrier boss eliminated the first two meets of the pre-season, intro-squad races.
ar in a move designed to keep his runners at their Juniors Steve Elliot and Doug Sweazey have also v
aks for the all-important season ending races. been running very well of late, and both figure u
"The last few years, we've really been ready to prominently in Warhurst's long-range plans.g
for the Big Tens, but the week after (in the dis-
cts) we got a little sluggish," explained War- JOINING THIS well-seasoned corps of runners
rst. "I think that by not racing so early, we will this year are three rookies with promising futures.
rive at more of an extended peak near the end. Freshmen Bill Weidenbach, Gary Parenteau and 1
"I'm not concerned about winning or losing at Gary Carter have all impressed their coach during
beginning of the season anyway, because in the workouts thus far,
ss country it's not your overall record that coun- Due to the schedule shuffling, the harrier's fir-
It's just how well you do on one particular day." st actual meet won't come until this Sunday, when
thav --ntp n herinahank n - onn in -

tactics, expects title

Ion, Ont.
In the meantime, the conditioning and endur-
ance drills continue on the practice course.
"We're doing a lot more distance work early this
year than in previous years," said Warhurst. "Last
'ear we were doing too much quality (speed) work
oo early, but now we're saving our quality for the
nd of the season."
AFTER COMPLETING two full weeks of this
kind of training, which often includes workouts of 12*
o 14 miles, Warhurst is satisfied with his team's
"So far we've accomplished just what we've
wanted to do," he said. "I set up the training sched-
ule in early August so I'm pretty sure of what we're
going to be doing right up until the Big Ten meet."
Taking aim at another Big Ten title this year,
Warhurst's confidence is seemingly unlimited. But
he hastens to add one minor pre-requisite.
"Barring injury and illness through the season,
we've in good shape," he noted. "But I always look
at things optimisticly, anyways."
That fact, Mr. Warhurst, is undeniable.

Lney campece in cne springpanx noaa traces to Lon

Soccer club overhauls offense

soccer is growing rapidly over the
tire nation and Michigan's own
:cer club is no exception.
The Blue Booters' schedule has
en expanded to 13 games and it
itures national soccer p o w e r
ring Arbor.
Last year Michigan's Club posted a
ediocre 3-8-1 record which included
umiliating 2-0 loss to U of M Dear;
rn. Most of the losses could be
iced to the offense [or lack of it,
it is.] It scored just eight goals all
ison and were shut out four times.
rhe booters have a new look
ense this year, which uses three
lbacks, three halfbacks, one for-
rd sweeper, and three forwards or
3-3-1-3. They played a basic 3-3-4
t year. Using the 3-3-1-3 should
lp to create more scoring chances.
'Not enough balls were pushed
'ough quick enough last year, but
ng a forward sweeper should
.... ............. .00.......
every day to 6:00 P.M.

help," said forward David "Nobby"
Sutton. Sutton, who paced the Wol-
verine attack last year with three
goals, is a candidate for the forward
sweeper position.
"Using a 3-3-1-3 will at least re-
duce the number of times we'll be
offsides," commented senior co-
captain Steve Olson who is coming
off an injury that forced him to miss
most of last season.
The booters were strong on de-
fense last year and should be again

with Bob Zack, Onoifrio Mistretta,
and Ian Cath all returning as starting
fullbacks. Gone is hard tackling
fullback Mike Moritz who trans-
ferred to rival Michigan State to
play. He will be missed.
Goalkeeping should also be strong
with keepers Richard Mathews and
Jeff Boudin both returning. Mathews
and Boudin shared the position
evenly last year.
Returning halfbacks or midfielders
are Brian White, Dean Sher, and

Olson. The halfbacks are the most
important players on the field be-
cause they play both offense and de-
fense. They control the tempo of the
Dave Ritchie, an All-American in
high school, returns to the forward
line after a year's absence and
should give the booters more offen-
sive punch. Ralph Schwagner, Paul
Saam and Sutton are the other
returning strikers.

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
FOLLOWING IN THE footsteps of Wilverine junior Steve Elliot (left) is fresh-
man Gary Parenteau, as the two make their rounds of the University Golf
Course. Last-year, Elliot took sixth place in the Big Ten cross country cham-
pionships, while Parenteau toiled for Swartz Creek at the prep level.
The Department of Recreational Sports has only a few general announce-
ments to make this week.
First, for the intramural sports:
" Entries are due for Graduate and Independent Bowling on September
. Women's, Men's, All-Campus and Faculty/Staff Paddleball entries
are due September 22.
" Track entries are due September 23 for the Women's, Residence
Hall, Independent, Graduate and Fraternity divisions.
Entry forms are available at the Intramural Building, Hoover and State
Streets, and are taken in the main office of that building between 9 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m.
- And secondly, these club sportsiannouncements:
. The Soccer Club will have a game against Eastern Michigan on
Eastern's field, Wednesday, September 21 at 4:30 p.m.
" The Soccer Club will also hold a Graduate-Undergraduate game on
September 24, at 7:30 p.m. on the Ferry Field Tartan Turf.

Blue golfers twelfth in opener

In its varsity debut last weekend,
the Michigan Women's Golf Team
placed 12th out of 20 teams at the
Illinois State Invitational.
Coach Tom Simon is excited about
the potential of his young team,
which improved nine strokes over the
two-day competition, combining Fri-
day's 380 total with a 371 score on
"WE WERE in 12th position after
Friday's play and then improved
nine strokes," said Simon. "Although
I thought we'd move up, I was still
encouraged by their play."
Though the second round was
played in a torrential rain, three of
Michigan's p 1 a y e r s managed to

carve out lower numbers on the
soaked golf course.
Senior captain Betsy Richart's
rounds of 89-83 led the Wolverines,
followed by Mary Jane Anderson
with 95-93, Allison Smith at 99-90 and
Amy Conlin with 97-108.
ANDERSON, Smith and Conlin are
all freshwomen, a fact not lost on

"This is our first year and as young
as we are, I'm really optimistic about
the future," he said.
Michigan State topped the field,
followed by Stephens College, Pur-
due and Northern Illinois.
"Michigan State is the team we're
aiming to pass in a few years," added
Simon. "They have been playing for
nine years and are the strongest
northern team we'll see."


. .t .I

Lanier pockets a cool $2 millon

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By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Bob'Lanier of the De-
troit Pistons signed what was described
as a five-year, $2 million contract yes-
The 29-year-old Lanier, in his eighth
season with the NBA club, said the con-
tract includes an option for a sixth year
at the same salary he is to .get for his
fifth year.
Oscar Feldman, former Pistons gen-
eral manager and a part-owner of the
team, said, "If ever there was one play-
er who earned the accolades and mone-
tary consideration due to a superstar, it
is Bob Lanier."
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Lanier said, "I am extremely pleased
with the contract. I have peace of mind
Lanier's signing came a day before
the 18-player squad was to begin train-
ing today at Crisler Arena.
The Pistons also said yesterday that

veteran forward Don Adams will be lost
for the season after undergoing surgery
for a torn Achilles tendon.
Also missing, are forwards Howard
Porter, who is still suffering the effects
of pneumonia, and Marvin Barnes, who



Jack Katosh, a gimpy-kneed softballer, says he just picked
the team that was geographically closer to a point'85 miles east and 210
miles due south of Dowajac, Nebraska.
George W. Stover II says Jimmy the Greek appeared in his sleep and
inspired his choices.
Whatever their methods, each has been awarded a small two-item pizza
from Pizza Bob's on the basis of their 16-4 records in the Daily's Gridde
Picks. .
You too can chow down if you are the most prolific prognosticator of
this week's Gridde Picks. Turn in your choices at the Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard, by midnight Friday.


Navy at MICHIGAN (pick score)
Illinois at Stanford
Miami (O) at Indiana
Arizona at Iowa
Wyoming at Michigan State
UCLA at Minnesota

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Tulane at Southern Methodist
California at Missouri
Texas A&M at Texas Tech
Maryland at Penn State
Clemson at Georgia Tech
Baylor at Nebraska
DAILY LIBELS at Cleary Col.

won't be released from a Rhode Island
prison until Oct. 14. He is serving time
for a parole violation.
* * *
Birds nab Briles
BALTIMORE - The Baltimore Ori-
oles acquired veteran right-handed pit-
cher Nelson Briles on waivers from the
Texas Rangers yesterday.
Briles, 34, who has been in the major
leagues 13 seasons, signed through 1979.
This year with Texas he compiled a 6-
4 record in 28 games with a 4.07 earned
run average.
Briles started 15 games, completed
two, threw one shutout. and was
credited with one save.
The Dorris, Calif., native has a life-
time mark of 125-108.
The Orioles obtained Briles for the
$20,000 waiver price.
* * *
Iowans honored
CHICAGO - Linebackers Tom Rusk
and Dean Moore of Iowa were selected
to share The Associated Press' Big Ten
defensive Player of the Week award for,
their efforts in a 12-10 victory over Iowa
State last Saturday.
Rusk, a junior from Dubuque, made
eight solo tackles, assisted-on two oth'
ers and threw a player for a three-yard>
Moore, a senior from Akron, Ohio,
was in on 11 tackles including seven -
solos and one for a five-yard loss. He
also caused two fumbles with his
It was defense which won the game
for Iowa and Coach Bob Commings said
"This is the greatest defensive per-
formance I've ever been connected
Iowa head Iowa State to a total of 72-
net yards until the final play of th-
game whens Iowa State completed a 24-
yard pass to up its total to 96 yards. A
Others nominated for the award in-
cluded Joe Norman of Indiana, Br'uce-
Tbnnf. f - nn n~a m C'nlr, n 1 ..

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