: '. Sic ga agi VoI.LXXXVI 10.o. 11 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 20, 1977 eld kam questions added Ten Cents housing Twelve Pages 0 . By RICHARD BERKE For years, student organizations have called for new construction to alleviate the University's housing crunch, while the Regents have said that funds for new facilities just don't exist. Caught in the middle of it all is former University Housing Director John Feldkamp, who thinks both arguments are valid. In a statement issued before leav- ing the University last week, Feld- kamp discussed a proposal to build a housing unit to accommodate 504 upperclass and graduate students. While he admitted more housing space is needed, he said a "major obstacle" to the project is a lack of funds. FELDKAMP said he doubts the high demand for University housing will diminish in the hear future, and- he acknowledges the low supply of University housing and high rents for off-campus housing in Ann Arbor. He said he anticipates "continued stu- dent and community pressure to construct additional (University housing)." The proposed new housing unit, which would be built on East Univer- sity opposite East Quad in therblock which contains Business Administra- tion facilities, would be the first studentahousing project built here in almost a decade. A proposal to construct the new unit was presented to the Regents two years ago, and rejected by a 4 to 4 tie vote. FELDKAMP said if new housing is built and demand for University housing is reduced, the financial risk would be "minimal." He said extra dorm space could be converted to other uses and close to 300 spaces could be eliminated "without signifi- cantly impacting the financial struc- ture of the present housing units." But Feldkamv does have some serious concerns about additional construction, especially in terms of sources of c a p i t a 1. Government grants and gifts for housing projects have become "virtually unavail- able" in recent years. And with rising construction costs, Feldkamp feels loans wouldn't be very wise. In addition, Feldkamp noted that of the University's twelve single student housing buildings, only four are debt- free. Though Feldkamp didn't take a solid stand in recommending wheth- er or not to build the new unit, he pointed out that University housing has implications beyond giving stu- dents a place to live. HE SAID higher education institu-. tions will have to compete more .andUHC says 'es' By RICHARD BERKE The University Housing Council (UHC) unanimously approved a resolu- tion Sunday night urging the Regents to make the University housing situa- tion a top priority. The resolution points out that additional housing is needed because while single student enrollment has increased by 4,325 since 1968, single student dorm capacity hasn't changed during that period. This has led to the conver- sion of single rooms to doubles, doubles to triples, triples to quads, and See UHC, Page 12 intensely for students in the 1980's. Since Ann Arbor is a residential cam- pus, the availability of adequate housing will be a major factor in determining whether students enroll here, he said, Feldkamp said he is also con- cerned with long-range demographic trends which indicate that the tradi- tional college-age population will be reduced by 20 to 25 per cent in the next decade. How this will affect housing demand is not known. Doug Steinberg, president of the University Housing Council (UHC) and member of the Housing Unit Committee (HUC), a group com- posed of both students and adminis- trators, said "everybody" in theUHC supports construction of a new facil- ity. "It would certainly help alleviate the crowding that takes place and take pressure off the fight for off- campus housing," Steinberg said. "It is important that it serve upper- classpersons because they are the ones who are always thrown the dorms," he added. IN TERMS of specific costs, Feld- kamp said the rents charged ten- ants of the housing unit would yield $138,000 per year to pay for a loan used for construction. That would finance about 40 per cent of a loan from the College Housing Program. The remaining 60 per cent would come from Other sources, including existing residence halls and family housing units. Feldkamp said this could result in a "shift of financial burdens to room and board revenue," meaning in- creases in room and board rates. Whether or not the project on East University will become a reality is still uncertain. In his final com- ments, Feldkamp expressed his gen- eral concerns in building the housing unit. "To add the expenses needed to fund additional student housing be- comes questionable in light of these probably financial developments." out of JUSTICE DEPT. HEDGES ON BAKKE CASE Carter pushes affirmative action Lampos t libi"do Not the most comfortable pose, but Gary Duckworth of Dallas, Texas says his style of lamppost leaning a la Em- met Kelly nets him more customers than other magnolia merchants. Duck- worth extends the floral armful to motorists who travel down the Dallas street, and does a little clowning around on the side. .WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter administration urged the Supreme Court yesterday to rule that blacks and other minorities may be given special treatment by a state medical school's admissions program. The Justice Department said, how- ever, that the high court should put off any decision on whether Allan Bakke was denied admission to the University of California at Davis Medical School solely because he is white. Bakke had brought suit charging ,everse discrimination. IN A 74-PAGE legal brief signed by Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell and other top Justice Department officials, the ad- ministration endorsed in sweeping and general terms affirmative action pro- grams that take race into account in or- der to overcome effects of'past discrim- ination. But while endorsing the use of "rea- sonably selected numerical targets" by such programs, the government brief said "rigid exclusionary quotas" could not pass constitutional tests. "In making the difficult admissions decisions, reasonably selected numerical targets for minority admis- sions can be useful as a gauge of the program's effectiveness," the Justice Department brief said. It later drew a distinction, not fully explained, between such "reasonable goals and targets" and quotas. THAT ARGUMENT did not go as far as some civil rights attorneys had hoped. Those attorneys argue that even. quotas - rigidly reserved slots formi- nority applicants - should be ruled legal because they meet a "compelling state interest" in providing needed mi- nority doctors and other professionals. The argument probably will not draw rave reviews from opponents to af- firmative action programs who see any use of racial criteria to help minorities as a type of reverse discrimination. The government. brief said the legal record in Bakke's case is not complete enough to be the basis of a Supreme Court decision that could determine the future of all affirmative action pro- grams in education and business and profoundly affect race relations. BAKKE, A WHITE civil engineer, from Sunnyvale, Calif., argued success- fully before the California Supreme Court that the medical school's special See CARTER, Page 9 CITY HIRES WHITE TO FILL POSITION: Black.accuses city of violating pact By GREGG KRUPA James Blake, one the plaintiffs in a recent civil rights controversy in- volving the City Planning Department, claims the city is violating one of the provisions of an agreement reached on the matter with , the Michigan Civil Rights Commission (MCRC). The agreement was ironed out in negoitations between City Ad- ministrator Sylvester Murray, Assistant City Attorney Melvin Muskovitz and representatives of the MCRC after an investigation by the commission revealed "evidence of unlawful discrimination against the claimant (Blake) and fellow black em- ployes." THE INVESTIGATION was under- taken after three department em- ployes, Blake, John Morton and E. L. Weathers, filed complaints with the MCRC claiming they were the objects of racial discrimination. The agreement was initially rejected by Weathers and Morton, but accepted by Blake. But Blake now says one of the provisions of the agreement, that the city "reaffirm its policy of equal em- ployment opportunity for all em- ployes," was violated last week when the city hired a white man to fill an assistant planner's position. BLAKE, A PLANNING technician, " v filled pending the resolution of the racial discrimination complaints. But the assistant planner's position was filled nonetheless. According to one planning department employe, "It was apparently done under the table." IN ADDITION, two sources in the Planning Department told the Daily that CETA originally wanted to fill the assistant planner's position with James Blake, but Martin Overhiser, director of the Planning Department, refused, saying Blake was not qualified. The qualifications for the assistant planner's position are a high school education, some planning-related cour- ses and some planning experience. Blake has a bachelor's degree and several years of experience in the city Planning Department. MEMBERS OF the local CETA office have refused comment on the hiring of a white CETA employe for the position. Harold Turner, office director, is not working because of a serious illness. However, Joseph Monroe, assistant director of the Planning Department, said it was his understanding of CETA positions that not everyone is eligible to fill job vacancies. "I don't think Blake is eligible because he is already employed," Monroe said. IN A RELATED development, Jean. King, a local attorney representing the three claimants, sent a letter to City Administrator Sylvester Murray on September 14 asking that the city rein- state John Morton, a former nine-year employe of the Planning Department. In the letter, King said the agreement with the MCRC recommends the rein- statement of Morton, and "a settlement for Morton for harassment and lost wages." Murray, in a written reply, said he considered the matter "settled." In the settlement negotiated by Murray and Muskovitz with the MCRC, the city agreed to give John Morton some back pay and good recommen- dations to future employers. However, John Morton rejected that settlement. Asked if she was considering filing suit to get her client rehired, King said, "A lawsuit is always a possibility, but it isthelast thing we want to do." NEW YORK (AP) - Rep. Edward Koch won a Democratic mayoral primary runoff yesterday and was all but assured of election in November. With 60 per cent of 4,763 election districts reported, the tall, balding bachelor congressman held a steady 53 per cent of the vote, to 47 per cent for Secretary of State Mario Cuomo, 45, a Roman Catholic father of five. wins in slender, bespectacled with reddish brown hair, defeated veteran, white- maned Paul O'Dwyer, 70, the incum- bent City Council president. While the post is largely ceremonial, the council president is next in line of succession should a vacancy occur in the office of mayor. A turnout of 750,000 to 800,000 voters had been predicted by election sured of a line oln the mayoralty ballot in November as the choice of the Liberal party, a fallback nomina- tion engineered by Carey. With something in the neighborhood of 250,000 votes, the Liberals are not deemed capable of electing a candi-' date without considerable outside aid. The party is confined mainly to New York City. yoral primary The two had been at swords' points over the mayor's handling of the city's fiscal crisis, the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Opposing the Democrat and Liber- al choices in the Nov. 8 election will be Republican nominee State Sen. Roy Goodman, 47, a finance adminis- trator under former Mayor John T ;... ..."I , n l. Ah,%tit stn (nn ,,M'cfi in runoff was all but assured of election to succeed Beame, the city's first chief executive to be thumbed out of office by the voters since Robert Wagner defeated Vincent Impellht- teri in1953. Koch and Cuomo won their way into the runoff when they finished one-two in a field of seven aspirants