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September 18, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-18

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The Daily!

Mass Meeting Sept

. 19-





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14 al

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 10

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 18, 1977

Ten Cents

10 Pages

Box office receipts aside, Star
Wars and its cast of planetary
players have sparked the greatest
gaggle of galactic groupies this town
has ever seen.
Like everyplace else,,theater-goers
continue to cram local cinemas for a
two-hour trip into the make-believe
wporld of Luke Skywalker and his
friends - a world where good and
evil are easily discerned, and the
good guys always win.
BUT THE GOOD guys aren't the
only folks who come out ahead in the
swirling success of Star Wars -
"The Year's Best Movie" according
to the discriminating critics at Time
Magazine. The flick's popularity has
brought a windfall for the merchants
who have capitalized on a universe of
Star War trinkets - everything from

The selling o f 'Star Wars'

Glenn Berry, a clerkat Recordland
in Briarwood, said, "Being next door
to the movies, our 'Star Wars'
records sell quite well." Other mer-
chants in the area reported similar
profit-taking, although the futuristic
fairy tale of a film has been playing
in town for more than three months.
BERRY SAIy he sells 25 to 30
recordings of the original soundtrack
each week. He said another record
has muscled in on the business. Ap-
propriately enough, it is a disco ver-
sion entitled, "Star Wars and other
Galactic Funk."
Then there's the illustrated book of
sheet music at the Music Mart. That
store reported business for the book
has been brisk :it has sold out at least
once), even among non-musicians.
"One guy bought it because he
See STAR, Page 5

sheet music to tinny little robots to
posters from Burger King.
It is, in the most grandiose style of
American capitalism, the selling of
Star Wars, one, two, three.
Nowhere do the galactic green-
backs turn over more furiously than
at Briarwood Mall - where students
and families alike can watch the
movie in sparkling, box-like theaters

and later peruse the Star Warslpara-
phernalia sumptuously flaunted by a
number of trendy, dollar-wise shops.
JIM CLOSE, a ticket seller at "The
Movies" in Briarwood, where the
film is showing simultaneously in two
of four theaters, said some people
have seen Star Wars there four
times. One devout fanatic, he noted,

has bought tickets on forty occasions.
"It's a good clean movie that
anyone can go and see," said Close.
"It appeals to everybody."
"The Movies" began to show Star
Wars last June 15 in one theater, but
later opened a second because of the
overwhelming response, according
to manager Lori Heilman.

HEILMAN has lost count of the
enthusiasts who have filed through
the turnstiles, but said the recent
one-week sale of 5,260 tickets is about
average. Business has only now
started to slacken, she said.
Just after the futuristic fairy tale of
a movie debuted nationally, trinkets,
T-shirts, and recordings of the theme
song glutted the market.


Blue sty
Fans spread
cheers in A42
A second year. medical student, who admits he is usually mild
mannered, threw all lab mannerisms aside yesterday afternoon.
Joining the other 100 thousand beer guzzling, hand-clapping
Michigan patriots, Fred Vanalstine hooted, howled, and hollered the
Wolverines on to victory in their first home game.
BETWEEN CHEERS OR SHOUTS, such as "Duke recruits their
players from Huron High," Vanalstine explained, "I come to football
games for fun. They give people a chance to be juvenile. There's a lot of
old kids here."
Marty Mager, a recent University graduate explained, "I came 270
miles from Charlevoix to see the game. I'll continue to come as long as
I can afford it." Mager's friend, Randy Hoffman, a senior in aerospace
engineering added parenthetically, "His middle name is spectator."
Then there are those who come for more nostalgic reasons, such as
Gerald Barjer, a graduate of the class of '36.
"This is the first game I've been back for in 40 years and I'm really
excited about it," Barjer'said. "I saw them in the Rose Bowl last year,
but it's not the same as watching Michigan in Michigan stadium."
BARJER REMINISCED about his student days. "When I went here
we didn't get 100,000 fans for the whole season, now you get that many in
one game;" he said.
On the other end of the spectrum were those setting foot in Michigan
Stadium for the first time. "I've been looking forward to it all year,"
said freshman Dave Pront. "We're going to win'by a thousand."
And then there are always those who never quite manage to stay
alert during the game.
Tom Geralt, sporting a pint of Scotch, said, "The way I figure it is
I'll be conscious enough to pay attention for the first quarter or so, and
by then we'll Pe so far ahead it won't matter."
AND AS INCREDIBLE as it might seem, there are those who don't
look forward to home football games. One such person, Patty Leland,
hates football, but happens to live close to the stadium.
"For people like me, who despise football, this is a real pain,"
Leland said. All day long I've got to put up with thousands of people
walking past my house making all that noise, then I can hear them
announcing the game on the loudspeakers, then everybody comes out
and there's that noise again. Usually it drives me right out of the





finds Duke
All week long Bo Schembecher
contended that his squad had to get
better. He feels the same way this
morning after watching his Wol-
verines slide past Duke 2i-9 yester-
day before 104,072 fans in Michigan
"Most people have a great miscon-
ception of our team because of that
score at Illinois (37-9) last week,"
Schembechler said. "We have not
played that well and we still aren't a
very good team. That is strange, but
"UNFORTUNATELY I don't think
'We have not played that
well and we still aren't a
very good team. That is
strange, but true."
-Bo Schembechler
we improved and when you don't get
better you get worse," Schembechler
added. "We have the potential but we
aren't as good as we ought to be."
A solid second quarter gave the
Wolverines a 14-0 halftime lead, but
Duke responded with a tough third
period of its own and the Wolverines
held on to secure their second win of
the young season.
"OUR PLAYERS were loose and
played with a style that it would take
to beat a great team like Michigan,"
said Duke coach Mike McGee. "But
we made too many mistakes."
Penalties, untimely turnovers and
mental mistakes plagued the Wol-
verines all afternoon. The opening
kickoff may have set the trend for
what was to follow: a day when
Michigan was its own worst enemy.
Harlan Huckleby took the opening
boot in the end zone and advanced
two steps before deciding he wanted
a touchback. However, the junior
speedster had already crossed the
goal line and stood there until a Blue
Devil touched him on the one-yard
Two penalties and three plays later
Michigan surrendered the ball to
Duke on its own 33-yard line. The
defense held and Scott Wolcott
missed a 49-yard field goal attempt.
The Wolverines punted on the next
sequence and Duke threatened

Russell rolls on! Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG

MICHIGAN'S HARD RUNNING fullback Russell Davis
breaks away from Duke defensive back Tom Knotts
(16) during yesterday's 21-9 victory over the Blue Devils.
Guard Mark Donahue (60) and quarterback Rich Leach

(7) look on. Davis ran for 95 yards on the day, including
82 in the first half when the Wolverines built up a 14-0
haftime cushion.


protests continue at third

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Bert Lance in-
sisted yesterday there was nothing
improper or unethical about the
handling of his political debts by the
Calhoun, Ga., bank he headed but
conceded that, in retrospect, he
would handle things differently.
"Given my druthers, given my
choices, I would make sure it was
even more of an arms-length trans-
action," the Carter administration
budged director told a Senate com-
mittee investigating his activities as
a Georgia banker.
TESTIMONY AT the morning
session dealt principally with the
handling of the Lance campaign
While the nation watches Lance de-
fend himself against Senate charges
of unethical practices, for the Office
of Management and Budget, it's

stand up in court, but Sen. Jacob
Javits, (R-N.Y.), maintained the
Lance, allegations include "big things
... involving violations of law."
Nunn's lawyerly defense and Jav-
its' sharp questioning highlighted the
third day of Lance's testimony before
the Senate Governmental Operations
THE UNUSUAL Saturday hearing
before a full-house public gallery ran
on well into the afternoon. It ap-
peared likely the panel would have to
summon the budget director for
more testimony Monday.
"If this were a court of law and I
were the attorney for the defense .. .
then I would make a motion for
dismissal of charges based on the
evidence so far before this commit-
tee," Nunn, Lance's staunches de-
fender on the panel, said near the
close of the morning session.
In a 16-minute, point-by-point sum-

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