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September 16, 1977 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-09-16

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Page 14-Friday, September 16, 1977-The Michigan Daily



The minute you walk into
a Tech Hifi soundroom,
you'll know you're in for a
nice experience.
Our soundrooms are fur-
nished like living rooms, with
soft sofas and carpeting, be-
cause that's the kind of
listening environment most
people have at home.
i '4
.Studio +.
Lining the walls of a
Tech Hifi soundroom, you'll
see 70 of the best brands of
stereo components. And
unlike other stores, at Tech'
Hifi we encourage you to
play our equipment, not just
look at it.

between any 26 two-way
two compo- .acoustic
nents, or even suspension
complete sys- speakers, and a
tems, just by dependable BSR
pressing a 2260B automatic
button. 1turntable equipped
If you decide to buy any- with a base, dustcover and
thing at Tech Hifi, you'll an ADC induced-magnetic
have a whole week to play cartridge. At this price, you
the equipment at home. If just can't find a better-
you're dissatisfied for any sounding system.
reason you can return the
components within seven
days for a full refund. No
questions asked. :......:.

You'll also be glad to know
that. we guarantee you the
lowest price at Tech Hifi. If
any authorized dealer ad-
vertises a lower price than
you paid at Tech Hifi within
30 days, we'll refund the
That's how confident we
are about our low prices.-


For examp
$229 syst(

We've even equipped our n suUIrI70
soundrooms with special
"A-B" Comparison (.
Units. So you can switch /
b ack and
forth r.
Cone pl7a.

le, come play
em in a Tech
m. It features
a well-designed
KLH 71
am/fm stereo
receiver, Studio

Or, come play our $329
system with a high-perform-
ance Pioneer SX-450 am/fm
stereo receiver, famous
KLH 100 speakers, and a
fully-equipped BSR 2260B
automatic turntable. We
think you'll like what you
liear. But don't take our
word for it.
Come play it in our sound-
room, and judge for yourself.
tech h]i]fi
Soundroomns you can play in.

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