idoy, September 16, 1977--The Michigan Daily Is It True that President :Nixon Is Not Guilty of Plan ning the , Wa.terga te Robbery? REPORTERS ASK GORDON LIDDY Would you do it again? His answer was in French. They say it means he was asked by the top, This proves he is afraid to say who it is-a part of the agreement that he does not talk? Strings tied to reduction of his sentence, like the Hoffa pardonr I think Gordon Liddy is agood American and surely does not want to destroy our form of government. Was the indi- yidual, group, or the political economic or religious in- terest that made the break in any one or group of interests opposed to President Nixon's stopping our involvement in the war in Vietnam and getting our soldiers out of prisons that had been caught killing the Vietnamese people and stopping our from kidnapping our best young men and forcing them to commit murder or shoot themselves like our government did shoot and kill the boy from Detroit and absolutely refuse to pay his wife for killing him. The question when God is honest and loving, what does He think of such people? Let's not have an atomic war. We need the forgiveness of God for our mistakes, but how will God forgive us for anything unless we see and admit when we cre wrong? Let's save our country. Paid for by Floyd Molkemus NIXON NOT GUILTY OF" PLANNING WATERGATE. BREAK-IN-GORDON LIDDY DOESN'T CLAIM HE IS. Death toll rises to 23 in Kansas City flood KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - The death toll in flash flooding along Brush Creek rose to 23 yesterday as a body was found in a wrecked car pulled from the normally placid stream which burst its banks after torrential rains earlier this week. Officials said an estimated $50 million in damage was caused by the raging waters, which left 1,200 per- sons homeless. AUTHORITIES have confirmed the deaths of 23 persons in the Kansas City area and one person at Leaven- worth, Kan., 35 miles to the north- west. Several cars surfaced as Brush Creek subsided, and the latest body recovered was found in one of them. Police still listed two persons as missing after the flooding through Kansas City's renowned Country Club Plaza. c HOUSE OF " rinal Rgs" ewelsy - Sheepskin Coats " Pipes " Tapestries 320E. LIBERTY 769-8555 Recovery efforts moved down- stream on yesterday as debris and backwaters of the receding flood were searched. Officials said that of total damage estimated, about $4 million was in vehicular loss and $8 million in dam- age to schools, streets and other pub- lic property. WILLIAM S. KENNELL, an insur- ance underwriters spokesman, said only about $2 million worth of dam- age, excluding that to vehicles and mobile homes, is to insured property. "There are only 1,358 flood insur- ance policies in the Kansas City area," he said. "We have yet to write the first flood insurance policy in the Country Club Plaza.' Flood water was pumped from an underground parking lot and the basement of an apartment complex on the plaza Thurso1r, uncovering many submerged cars. More than 500 new vehicles were covered with six feet of water in a storage lot at a General Motors plant. Undamaged shops, stores, restau- rants and theaters in the Country Club Plaza resumed business Thurs- day as cleanup efforts continued and main streets into the exclusive shop- ping area were reopened. The federal coordinating office for flood recovery established a head- quarters following President Car- ter's declaration of a disaster area in five metropolitan counties; The de- claration makes homeowners, small businesses and local governments eligible for low-cost federalloans- and grants. Stone: Carter is just another Nixon (Continued from Page 1 American people of involvement in con- flicts like Vietnam. It showed, words, "how severely we were washed by our own propaganda. in bra e- Art 4 199 Eurythmy Tapestry Weaving Painting Sculpture SELF DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE ARTS Classes at Rudolf Steiner House 23 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor Sheila Howard Weds. 7:30.9:00PM Heather LogsdonMondoys 7:30-9:30 PM Robert Logsdon Mondays 7:30-9:30 PM STONE SAID Carter is the victim some degree, of an inflation of hope. "Carter said during the campaign that he would never lie to the American people. But if he would have simply come out and said, 'Look, I'm a smgll- time businessman. I'm essentially c" servative. I'm disposed to black', although I took no part in the civil rights movement. And I believe first and foremost in a balanced budget,' then he wouldn't have inflated hopes and he wouldn't have been in the trouble I believe he is in." "A president can provide two kinds$f leadership; one can mobilize the worst in people, the other can bring out the best," said Stone. "No one has ever shown a greater gift for stroking the erogenous zones of the American people than Jimmy Carte. But he backs away from the tough ones. RUDRANANDA ASHRAM is offeringtthhues i begin- ning fiedltatIen'Qcnd kundoline yoga. A4r Mandy-Wdnesdy 5 P.M. 40 Oxford 995-5483 I Michael Howard Thurs., Goethe's Color StudieS Robert Logsdon Weds. 7:30-9:30 PM 7:30-9:30 PM All courses begin the week of September 19, 1977 and continue for ten weeks FEES: Goethe's Color Studies $35.00 All other courses $40.00 For further information the Howards at 665-6451 or the Logsdons at 475-7155, Sponsoredby the Rudolf Steiner institute of the Great LakesArea i U V V -w THE NEWEST GENERATION IN CALCULATORS I ......TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SR 56 & SR 59 Featuring Plug-in, Solid State Libraries - with up to 5000 Pre-Programmed Steps SR 58 ....with up to 480 Steps OR 60 Memories..... List Price $125 SR 59 .....with up to 960 Steps OR 100 Memories WITH 160 Steps BlankMagnetic Cards to record custom designed programs... University Cellar Price $96.66, Lift Price $299.95 a a 0 m m a qw PC-10A Operating Characteristics* C alculaut, Model Print Lst Trae Alpha Plot Prompt SR-52 " *. 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