Join The Daily! Mass Meeting Sept. 19- 7 30 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING-420 Maynard Street NIGHT OWL , BUS I see Editorial Page IMPROVING See Today For Details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 16, 1977 Ten Cents 14 Pages ; ; Lance: 'Conscience as Senate hearing I WASHINGTON (AP) - Declaring that "my conscience is clear," Bert Lance mounted an item-by-item defense yesterday of his dealings as a Georgia banker and then underwent cross examination by senators. Members of the Senate Govern- mental Affairs Committee repeated- ly pressed the Carter administration budget director to explain the over- drafts he and his family once had on their accounts at the Calhoun, Ga., National Bank and the allegation that he once pledged the same collateral for two loans. WHILE LANCE was on Capitol Hill to tell his side of the story, President Carter said at the White House that he is keeping an open mind about his friend's future. The President said he has no reason to believe Lance is "dishon- est, incompetent, or that he has acted unethically." Lance, beginning what promised to be several days of intensive examin- ation, said repeatedly that the liberal overdraft'policy of the Calhoun bank was applied to all customers, not just the Lance. family. The practice was stopped after it was criticized by federal bank examiners. "SEN. CHARLES Percy, (R-Ill.), pressed Lance for his interpretation of a note he signed pledging stock in the National Bank of Georgia as collateral for a $2.6 million loan from Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. of New York. Lance_ subsequently pledged a 10 per cent dividend on that stock as collateral for a loan from Chemical Bank of New York. Percy touched off a dispute among committee mem- bers when he tried to introduce an af- fidavit from a lawyer for the bank. In the affidavit, the lawyer, George Balamut, said the note obligated Lance to turn over to Manufacturers Hanover any dividends on the stock already pledged as collateral. Sen. Lawton Chiles, (D-Fla.) ob- jected to Percy's attempt to intro- duce the Balamut affidavit while Lance was testifying. Percy eventu- ally succeeded in reading portions of it despite Chiles' objections.' LANCE RESPONDED that he and Manufacturers Hanover disagreed over the status of the hividend and that he resolved the matter by repaying the loan and getting back his collateral. Lance, saying that he intends to re- main on the job, asked the American people to be "the jury in this pro- ceeding," a hearing before the Sen- ate Governmental Affairs Commit- tee. Carter's comments, in a telephone question-and-answer session with the Radio-Television News Director As- sociation, said he will make a decision on the future of his budget chief after the hearings are com- pleted. "I am sure that the decision that I make along with Bert Lance at the conclusion of the hearings will be satisfactory to the American peo- ple," he said in long-distance com- ments to the broadcasters' conven- tion in San Francisco. clear )egin.s THE JUSTICE Department cur- rently is investigating Lance's use of bank-owned aircraft. Lance said he sold his personal plane to the National Bank of Georgia and con- tinued using it but primarily for bank business. He said he paid for per- sonal trips on the plane. Speaking slowly and looking directs ly at the senators, Lance said, "I have worked hard these past eight months in Washington, and I am proud of the job I have done in the Of- fice of Management and Budget." But he said it would be unfair to-be pushed out by unproven charges and that other businessmen would be discouraged from seeking govern- ment jobs. VA nurses sent away for 'testing'; defier sentence -AP Photo Budget Director Bert Lance addresses members of the Sen- ate Governmental Affairs Committee who are investigating his financial affairs. Lance told the committee yesterday he may have made some mistakes in running his Georgia bank but engaged in no wrongdoing and no cover-up. Stone: Carter is just another Nixon By KEITH RICHBURG Special to The Daily DETROIT-Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez were order- ed yesterday to surrender in seven days to the federal peni- tentiary for women at Alder- son, West Virginia, for "obser- vation and study." Federal district Judge Philip Pratt deferred Sentencing and continued the women's $75,000 bond. He told them they would be sentenced following their in- terim stay at the prison in Vir- ginia. NARCISO AND PEREZ, the Vet- erans Administration (VA) Hospital nurses convicted of poisoning patients at the facility in 1975, stood passively before Judge Pratt as he read his order. He allowed them to report to Alderson themselves, at their own expense, rather than be taken to the facility by U.S, marshals. The women's stay at Alderson, where they will undergo "behavioral observa- tion," cannot exceed 90 days. They will be under the custody of the United States attorney there for as long as the tests take. Both the defense and the prosecution told reporters that in Alderson; Narciso and Perez will be treated "just like regular prisoners." "IT'S AN OBSERVATION and study to find out more data," said assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Delonis at a news conference immediately following Judge Pratt's ruling. "This is complete- iy within the judge's discretion." Delonis said he was not disappointed with the ruling only because he had no say in the matter. "It wassa matter that the court advised us was going to be done." Delonis insisted that the order was not unusual in a criminal case. "The court still has the option of sentencing to any degree," he said. See SENTENCE, Page 9 By GREGG KRUPA "I sincerely believe that Carter is playing to the same crowd that Nixon did-the country club crowd, those who have made it," journalist I.F. Stone, told some 1,500 listeners last night. "They don't want to be bothered with the problems of the poor and the have- nots. That's a terrible attitude." The never-say-die liberal delivered a speech at Hill Auditorium that was an indictment of the domestic and foreign policies of the Carter Administration. The address was the first in a series of "Viewpoint" lectures that will be delivered on campus this fall. STONE PORTRAYED the Carter administration as a mere continuation of the past two Republican ad- ministrations. "Carter's message is the same message conservatives have given us for years," said Stone. "Cut down on hope, because hope is dangerous. Discourage high expectations and foster benign neglect, because your gover- nment cannot solve all of your problems. "This is not the first period of crisis in this country. But always before we have mustered the strength to solve the problems. We've received a heritage and reaped the benefits from the work of past generations. It is our right and our duty to carry on." of the staunchest supporters of the New Deal, one of the few journalists to sup- port the liberal president. His book, The Hidden History of the Korean War, was called "one of the most devastating indictments of Ugited States foreign policy," forewarning the See STONE, Page 8 Se rejects TV saccharin-, warnings WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate yesterday rejected a proposal to require a cancer warning to be included in television and radio advertisements of products contain- ing the artificial sweetener sacchar- in. The action came as the Senate moved toward expected approval of legislation delaying the Food and Drug Administration's proposed ban on saccharin in food products - such as diet sodas - for 18 months while additional studies are made to deter- mine whether saccharin causes can- cer in humans. SACCHARIN, the only artificial sugar substitute remaining on the market, has been linked with bladder cancer in laboratoryanimals. The Senate rejected the broadcast adver- tising warning by a 55-39 vote. The legislators also were consider- ing a proposal to require this warning on products containing saccharin: "Warning: This product contains saccharin which causes cancer in animals. Use of this product may increase your risk of developing can- cer." The warning, supported by the Carter administration, would have to be placed "in a conspicuous place" on vending machines selling prod- ucts cnntaining the suhtance and in A 2 News files suit against'U By JULIE ROVNER The Ann Arbor News filed suit Wednesday against the University Board of Regents, charging that the Regents have violated the Michigan Open Meetings Act in holding a num- ber of closed sessions in the past few months. On Sept. 30, a hearing will be held in Washtenaw County Circuit Court to decide whether or not a temporary injunction will be granted against the Regents. THE OPEN MEETINGS Act, which requires virtually all meetings of public bodies to be open to the public, took effect on April 1 of this year. The newspaper's suit charges that the Regents are using a provision of the Freedom of Information Act, another recent statute, to circumvent the spirit of the Open Meetings Act. It charges further that the provision, Section 13, is itself unconstitutional because it permits prior restraint, which is in direct violation of the first and fourteenth amendments. Section 13 of the Freedom of Information Act states in part that any material which would "consti- tute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy" can be withheld from the public. SECTION 8 of the Open Meetings Act contains wording which allows a meeting to be closed by a two-thirds vote to consider material exempt from disclosure under another law. Roderick Daane, the University counsel, contends the Regents can therefore close any meeting which Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG 'U' OFFICIALS confer at yesterday's first Regents meeting of the term. Topics ranged from faculty salaries to labor practices and South African investments. Pictured from left to right are Vice-President for University Relations and Development Michael Radock, Vice- President for Student Services Henry Johnson, James Brinkerhoff, vice-president and chief financial officer, and Regent Thomas Roach. First Regents i By BRIAN BLANCHARD It began like yesterday's dreary afternoon rain. But before the Regents wound up their first meeting of the semester, they were asked to stop the "erosion" of the faculty by paying it more, withdraw an appeal made by the University on an unfair labor practice ruling, and "live up to (their) own ideals" by giving up South African investments and questioning the presence . of a white professor from that country on campus. MEETING LATER in the evening, the Regents also heard plans for the use of St. Joseph Hospital if the Michigan legislature approves the $6 million price tag for the 11.5 acre property on the corner of Ingalls and meeting hectic aid were the principle topics. "The recession in Michigan and the recession in the nation have passed," according to Professor Bill Neenan, and the faculty needs more than this year's 5.75 per cent pay increase "to attract and keep scholars of the first rank." Neenan, representing the faculty's Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty before the Regents, noted that the cost of living index of the Detroit area rose 7.7 per cent last year. Tuition hikes and state funds are sufficient to keep up with inflation, he added. NEENAN ASKED the Regents for a salary increase of StoneffJ