Page 4-,-Wednesday, September 14, 1977-The Michigan Daily 1 li e Lihigan Ioalg Are cops too so t Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXV1II, No. 6 News Phone: 764-0552 IEdited and managed by students at the University of MichiganI Lace Mustgo, ow! .on' By RONNIE LOVLER and GEORGE ANDERSON ie beaters? B e failu Y CONTINUING to allow Bert Lance to remain as head of the large am Office of Management and Budget ' failu (OMB), President Carter is doing great the Senat damage to the credibility of his admin- E D istration. And he is reneging on his promise to the American people that his me federal appointees would set the highest cence of ethical standards in history. For the is for the good of the country, Lance must resign, lows the and Carter must force him to if Lance even the refuses. over Lan The facts are not all in on Bert Lan- tolerate ce. His actions during his tenure as chief sposii executive officer of the National Bank of sponsibili Y Georgia, in Atlanta and prior to that as The bl chief executive officer of the Calhoun Carter. F First National Bank are still under in- ating hig I office, an vestigation. But what has been disclosed Lance s 4 so far seems to us to be more than enough to impair his ability to function cronyism administr as a member of a presidential cabinet. But a] Among the illicit activities of which shared b Lance is allegedly guilty are: " bank overdrafts by Lance from commtt Calhoun during his chairmanship there , for which he was charged no interest, Lance s " which he used to finance his abortive they did campaign for governor of Georgia. his qe ca e using a corporate plane of the na- The c tional bank for personal trips and de- one for ducting it from the bank's income as a perately business expense. hone.y failure to place all of his assets in people t trust before taking office. ties with * overdrawing his personal accounts tarnished for personal gain too late t if Lance i .O LT ° v' " -- __ _.. O tv2P2 t0 Th I * -I' re to disclose personal loans of ounts. re to disclose information to e confirmation committee. O NOT presume to pass judg- nt on Lance's guilt or inno- these and other charges. That courts to decide, if Carter al- case to proceed that far. But charges cast a severe shadow ce's integrity, and we cannot a man of questionable integrity ion of such importance and re- ity. ame for this fiasco falls first on 3e broke his promise of nomin- hly ethical men for appointive id his nomination of old buddy macks of the Washington that has characterized past rations. large part of the blame must be by the Senate confirmation ee. We find it difficult to fathom could have missed many of iscal irregularities - that is if any kind of a careful check on ications for office. ase of Bert Lance is a very bad an administration trying des- to establish a reputation for with a cynical American 3y refusing thus far to cut his Lance, Carter has severely d his Administration. It's not o remedy the situation, but only s removed now. IVST A LEFAT! When police broke into the New York apart- ment, they had to pry the husband's hands from around his wife's throat. The neighbors who had heard the screams were shouting: "Arrest him. He'll kill her." The officers, however, limited themselves to advising the parties to "keep cool." But the wife did not keep cool. She eventu- ally joined 58 other battered wives in a class action suit - not against their husbands, but against New York City police officials and family court personnel. The women charge that the authorities denied them assistance either by refusal to arrest their husbands or to permit themaccess to a judge for a protection order. NOW THAT THE problem of battered wives is coming out of the closet - estimates range widely from one million victims a year to as high as one out of every three married women - abused women and feminist sup- port organizations are contending that police and judicial leniency is a contributing factor to wife beating. The authorities, the women claim, are re- luctant to interfere in what the officials often consider strictly domestic squabbles. Feminist support groups currently are fo- cusing national attention on the case of Rox- anne Gay, a 25-year-old Clementon, N.J., student nurse who recently pleaded "not guil- ty" to the slaying of her husband whom she says repeatedly beat her. According to her attorneys, Gay often had called police when her husband, a burly pro- fessional football player, brutally attacked her. The lawyers contend the police only made the husband leave the house to "cool off" - after which he would return and beat her again. IN MINNEAPOLIS, the Harriet Tubman Shelter for Battered Women reports that a 19- year-old wife came in with 17 stitches in her upper lip after her husband beat her and threatened her mother. Although she filed charges against her husband, no action had yet been taken when she showed up at the shelter the next afternoon. And in Chicago, a woman told a task force on battered wives that she was denied help by police even after her husband gave her a beat- ing so bad she had to be hospitalized for a week. The police respond In New York, the accused police officers and family court staffers deny the charges made against them by the battered wives. Joseph Halpern, attorney for the accused, de- scribed them as "sympathetic to women in these cases." On the West Coast, Lt. Patrick Boyle of the Richmond, Ca., Police Department says that in his 20 years of experience responding to do- mestic fights, "If anything, we take the wom- an's part." The problem, Boyle explains, is that the wife usually drops the charges after the husband has been hauled off to jail. One high-ranking police official, however, maintains that most police officers approach the problem not with sympathy but with a set of preconceptions prejudicial to the wife. In a speech before the American Bar Association, James Bannon, commander of the Detroit Police Department, said that police officers, most of whom are males, have been "socialized to regard females in general as subordinate." AS A RESULT, those who respond to do- mestic disturbance calls are liable to arrive with a mind-set of the husband as the right- fully dominant partner. Emily Goodman, a New York attorney who has handled battered wives cases, contends that some police officers actively discourage the pressing of charges by posing such ques- tions as: Who will support you? What did you do to make him hit you in the first place? Do you realize what he may do to you the next time if you make trouble now? Support groups such as the New Jersey Women's Resource Center maintain that the problem of domestic violence is exacerbated by "selective law enforcement." They con- tend that home violence could be sharply re- duced if the community demanded that police devote more manpower, training and auxili- ary services to domestic disturbances. A JANUARY NBC News poll indicated that 60 per cent of all police calls are responses to domestic disturbances. The women's organizations also maintain that domestic homicides - such as the Gay case - could be prevented in many cases if police took more decisive action. The women underline the implication of a 1971 study made in Kansas City, Mo. The in- vestigation found that in 85 per cent of all domestic homicides within the city, police had been called in at least once beforehand; in 50 per cent of the murders police had been called five or more times previously. Prejudice from the bench Women's organizations are also accusing judges of prejudicial conduct and excessive leniency toward husbands. A Montgomery County, Md., task force cites the case of a woman whose husband knocked out four of her teeth with a radio when she woke him for work. The Judge who, heard the case ruled that the husband had been "provoked" and therefore that his con- duct did not constitute assault. Even when a man is found guilty, it is unusual for a judge to send him to jail. IN NEW YORK STATE, for example, where 80 per cent of the 7,000 cases in the. family court in 1975 were assault charges filed by wives against their husbands, only 34 resulted in conviction, usually with suspended sentences. In one Washington, D.C.-area case, a retired army colonel repeatedly struck his wife and then threw her down a flight of stairs in front of two onlookers. This attack had been preceded by six others during the previous year, including an attempt at strangulation. The judge handed down a $500 fine and a 30- day suspended sentence. The wife in this instance had witnesses -- rare in such cases since beatings ordinarily take place in the privacy of the home and at night. NO NATIONWIDE statistics for wife beat- ing arrests or convictions exist, and local sta- tistics are rare. The U.S. Justice Depart- ment's research division explains that police departments and district attorney offices gen- erally lump such cases with overall felony assault and misdemeanor battery totals - another indication, women charge, of official insensitivity to the problem. A San Diego judge, however, has won the plaudits of women's groups. In what local of- ficers of the National Organitation for Women call a landmark, Superior Court Judge Norbert Ehrenfreund says he will tgry to discourage domestic violence by awarding immediate temporary restraining orders to victims. THE MOVE WOULD eliminate the need for San Diego County victims to file for divorce or criminal charges of assault and battery, cur- rently a necessary precondition for securing such an order. "The focus is as much on children," Ehren- freund said, explaining his plan that would as- sign county conciliators to the couple after the order is granted. "I'm worried about the ef- fect these fights and beatings have on chil- dren." Promoted principally by feminist support groups, some dozen shelters for battered women have now opened up across the U.S. The demand for their services - housing, le- gal aid and counseling - far exceeds the fa- cilities available. And state legislatures are beginning to act. In Brooklyn, the Center for the Elimination of Violence in the Family received $200,000 from the state government. Ten bills related to bat- tered women are currently pending in New York with four others under consideration in New Jersey. The efforts are "just a beginning," as one woman put it; "but at least now we're on our way. Ronnie Lovler is a New York-based freelance writer. George Anderson, a Je- suit priest who does chaplaincy work at New York City'v Rykers Island house of detention, writes regularly for America magazine on social justice issues. fit ID Health Service Handbook QUESTION: My boyfriend and I have an active sex life but he also masturbates sometimes. I feel bad about that because I think it means that I don't satisfy him but he says it's just another sexual outlet which he enjoys and it has nothing to do with our sex life together. Is that true or is he snowing me? ANSWER: In our culture mas- turbation has been fraught with complex mythology for centur- ies. Although there are some signs of change, females are taught much less about self- pleasuring than males and thus are given less permission to become comfortable with mas- turbation. As a result, myths per- taining to self-pleasuring during a relationship are permitted to flourish. Females often believe themselves to be unappealing if their partners masturbate or worry that they are sexually in- adequate women. Males also re- act in a shocked, ego-deflated manner if they find their mates engaging in manual stimulation because they feel that inter- course with them should certain- ly be sufficient to satisfy a fe- male. All of these myths derive from miseducation and lack of edu- cation in our society about male and female sexuality. With more research being done and more openness about the subject re- cently, we are becoming more and more aware that human be- ings, like other animals, are sus- ceptible to numerous sexual stim- uli. Masturbation is only one of many, and so your boyfriend is right - it is just another sexual outlet when your sex life together is satisfactory. Masters and Johnson found that the most intense orgasms are achieved through masturba- tion but that the greatest emo- tional satisfaction is derived from sexual interaction with a partner. Recently, for women who find it difficult to experience orgasm, programs in masturba- tory techniques have been used to teach both self-pleasuring and as a means of communicating to a partner what their sexual needs are. Legitimizing both self and mutual masturbation can really enhance a sexual encounter be- tween two people by providing not only variety but an increased probability of orgasm, particu- larly for the female. It can also act as a satisfying sexual outlet for people who are not yet on a birth control method. Sexuality can be enjoyed without neces- sarily engaging in intromission. In some cultures, young males are taught by the elders how to use masturbation to delay ejacu- lation, making them top notch experts at withdrawal. One of the main reasons why withdrawal as a birth control method is so negated in our society is that males are not taught control. QUESTION: Do you know of any programs for cigarette smokers who would like to break the habit? ANSWER: You're in luck. On Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 p.m., the Ann Arbor Smoking Withdrawal Clinic, which is join- tly sponsored by the University Health Service and the Michigan Lung Association, will hold a public meeting in the basement conference room (Room No. 5) at Health Service. The primary pur- pose of the meeting is to explain what will be involved if you wish to join our upcoming program which will begin on September 19th and last for 4-weeks (12 ses- sions). The public meeting is free of charge and all interested com- munity members are invited to attend. So note the evening of September 15th. Come and find out what the program will consist of,' what costs may be involved, who the leaders will be, and other important facts about smoking withdrawal. -...,, co=A- 7 _____.. ,ate ... . - - =- "r u ~ t 7 I TCACN N+c + w r w sMUarwer, e+err 9 I aAH Nor NOT T WRTE T TCPCH HON TOALP A? r( XIS TOQ X~ m L~I4 [ I ' s 1 FCH TH AO I.Ltt R O A Iv SE )s o,~e I,,IJ