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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 5
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday. September 13, 1977
Ten Cents
10 Pages plus Supplement
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Students search intently for tasteful additions to their homes at an art print sale in the Fishbowl yesterday.
The sale runs through Friday.
Fishb owl art sale bringys out
fond memories with art classics
By PATTY MONTEMURRI picking out a poster at the week-long sale for the benefit of
the School of Education's Child Care Action Center is an
Rifling through a pile of prints, he passes the Rem- inexpensive way to decorate.
brandt by, sneers at the Escher, grins at the Breughel. But dishing out that $2.50 for Edgar Degas' "Dancing
Then, the usually mild-mannered engineering student Class," LSA junior Lynne Booher got more than just a
lights upon the painting that dispels thoughts of calculus nice picture to adorn her abode. Whirled back into days
equations and t-squares from his mind. gone by, when she once pirouetted in a white, flouncy tutu
He enters "The Dream" by Henry Rousseau, and his just like Degas' ballerinas, she reminisced wistfully,
gaze wanders through lush, green foilage, meets the "Yes, I was a dancer for a couple of years."
stares of steely-eyed tigers and traces the curvaceous out- Her eyes through the hues of blue and grey, brightened:
line of a nude female reclining in the midst of such abun- by the red and yellow sashes hugging the waists of the.
dance. dancers as they painstakingly perform for their dance-
"THE DREAM," engineering junior Eric Meyer master, a balding, cane-carrying, stern-faced old man.
growls, "brings out the animal in me." PRINTS BY M.C. ESCHER, a Dutch artist whose fla-
Clustered around tables in the Fishbowl and the Mich- vorful, intricate drawings are often confusing to the eye at.
igan Union lobby, most of the art critics leafing through first glance, were selling briskly. Escher is popular, es-
the works of Cezanne, Picasso, Dali and other great mas- pecially with students who are "getting into escapism,"
ters tell you they're just looking for something to dress up theorized Elliot Chikofsky, secretary-treasurer of Mad
a drab dorm room or apartment. Hatter's Tea Party, a student organization sponsoring the
.: They'll buy a print or two because, like Diane Sallade, sale.
a Literary College (LSA) junior, they "need something to But one art connoisseur begged to differ. "The man
cover our walls with." suffers from great overexposure," complained the frus-
AND FOR $2.50 per reproduction of creative genius, See CLASSICS, Page 10
Undecided voters key to
Kent State verdict
reversed; Rhodes
will face new trial
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered
a new trial yesterday for Gov. James
Rhodes, state officials and National
Guardsmen named in a $46 million
damage suit stemming from the 1970
shootings at Kent State University in
which four students were killed and
nine injured.
The appellate court, in a unani-
mous decision, overturned an earlier
ruling because at least one juror had
been "threatened and assaulted dur-
ing the trial by a person interested in
its outcome."
A SPOKESMAN for Rhodes said
the governor would have no imme-
diate comment on the ruling.
The defendants had been cleared of
financial liability in the earlier trial
in the U.S. District Court of Judge
Don Young.
The alleged harassment occurred
near the end of the 15-week trial on
damages sought by the wounded and
survivors of four students killed
during the antiwar demonstration
May 4, 1970. They claimed the
defendants failed'to take adequate
precautions to prevent injuries after,
armed and untrained Guardsmen
were ordered to the campus.
A JURY ALSO-cleared the presi-
dent of the university and Ohio
National Guard officers and enlisted
men of liability in the case.
It was reported to the district judge
that one juror had been threatened
three times and assaulted on one
occasion. But, the appellate court
noted, the judge did not question the
threatened juror to learn what effect
it had on him or whether he had
discussed the threats.
The court did not identify the juror.
The state attorney general's office
had no immediate comment yester-
day on whether a criminal investiga-
tion would be made.
"THE INTRUSION in this case
represents an attempt to pervert our
system at its very heart," the
appellate court said. "No litigant
should be required to accept the
verdict of a jury which has been
subjected to such an intrusion in the
absence of a hearing and determina-
tion that no probability exists that the
jury's deliberations or verdict would
be affected."
The appellate court took Young to
task for failing to determine how
much the threat had influenced the
other jurors.
"Instead, they, the jurors, were
merely told that efforts had been
made to influence one of their
number, with alarming references to
the extreme seriousness of the
See KENT, Page 7
Carter was unaware
of FBI file on Lance
WASHINGTON (AP) - Three top
White House aides read an FBI
report in early January detailing the
$450,000 in bank overdrafts by Bert
Lance and his family but decided not
to bring the report to President
Carter's attention, Press Secretary
Jody Powell said yesterday.
Meanwhile, a leading bank regula-
tor told a Senate panel that he kept
quiet about federal restrictions on
one of Lance's Georgia banks be-
cause they were confidential and he
was afraid of losing his job.
POWELL told reporters that he,
presidential aide Hamilton Jordan.
and Counsel Robert Lipschutz saw
the FBI report, dated Jan. 6, and
made the decision not to show it to
Detroit election
A. glut of undecided voters, which some estimate as
high as 27 per cent, will determine the challenger
candidate to incumbent Mayor Coleman Young; ac-
knowledged as a shoo-in in today's mayoral primary in
The three aspirants, Detroit Councilman Ernest
Browne Jr., Wayne State University Law Prof. John
Mogk and Southfield contractor Thomas Dailey, all
agree the race hinges on the undecided group in a
contest where the city's racial divisions are the biggest
THEY ALSO agree that Young will capture the ma-
jority of Detroit's black vote. However, Dailey's cam-
paign manager Joseph Cozzolino says, "Coleman will
have to get some white votes" and Browne's campaign
manager Ron Hammer adds, "He's gambling that
there are more black voters than white."
"He's a black bigot," Hammer adds.
But Young's campaign manager, Dennis Archer,
brushes off the charges, saying, "It's going to be a
personal attack on the mayor and not the issues." -
THE CONTENDERS do not agree on who will take
the challenger position in the primary. Naturally, all
are shouting hurrahs to themselves and predicting
the vote percentages.
As Young's only black opponent, Browne will get
"27 per cent or 30 per cent of tomorrow's primary
vote," Hammer predicted yesterday. "With that we
will finish second."
"We think we're going to come in second place,"
says Richard Walters, Mogk's campaign manager.
The Mogk people are just a little less confident than
the Browne supporters about the crucial second spot
in the non-pasrtisan primary, but they insist that
Mogk's lack of endorsements and his limited funds
"walking campaign" took him door-to-door and brought
him in an unexpected fourth from a crowded field.
Now the Mogk faction is hoping for nothing short of
second place, as today's two top vote-getters face off
in the conming general election this November.
ACCORDING to Dailey's latest poll, the undecided
voters stand at 27 per cent. The poll put Dailey six
points behind Browne for the number two spot.
"If the undecideds split three-to-one in our favor,
then we've surpassed him (Browne)," Cozzolino says.
"Ernie Browne is really our competition."
Says Hammer for Browne, "If we get our fair share
of the undecided vote we will finish ast least second in
the primary."
ANOTHER area where the contenders all agree is
that Coleman Young can indeed be beaten once a can-
didate makes it out of today's primary. "Coleman
Young is not the most popular human being in the
world," says Hammer.
Mogk is an expert on urban housing. A former aide
to Governor William Milliken, "Walking John" built up
a neighborhood base from his Jefferson-Chalmers area
residence in 1973 to emerge from virtual obscurity to
win both fourth place in the primary and the lucrative
endorsement of the Detroit Free Press that year.
NOW MOGK has been plagued by a lack of both
funds and momentum, and the lurking fear that a
white candidate cannot win in the Detroit electorate.
Browne, a two-term councilman, gave up-his seat on
the nine-member council to challenge Young after
bowing out in the '73 race. A former career municipal
employe, Browne has concentrated his efforts in white
neighborhoods and has sought to dethrone Young in the
incumbent's own domain-the black electorate.
Dailey, as his campaign workers readily admit,
Powell acknowledged that their
judgment is "open to some comment
at least." He added, "A lot of us have
spent a lot of time thinking about
what could have been done to avoid
On Capitol Hill, Deputy Comptrol-
ler of the Currency Robert Bloom
said he assumed Carter and the
Senate knew about the restrictions
when- Lance was nominated to run
the Office of Management and Bud-
BLOOM, who was acting comptrol-
ler at that time, described for the
Senate Governmental Affairs Com-
mittee the phone conversations he
had with Lance's attorney and
Carter's transition team about what
should be made public.
Sen. Charles Percy, (R-Ill.), de-
scribed the sequence as "a cover-up
by the comptroller's office."
From December 1975 until last
November, the comptroller had- a
"cease and desist agreement" in
effect With Lance's Calhoun First
National Bank to prevent Lance or
his family from making overdrafts.
Bloom admitted that he had hoped to
be appointed comptroller but said he
was worried, too, about keeping his
$48,000 a year job. "It was only
human on my part to worry about the
effects on my future," Bloom testi-
fied. "It's easier for people of more
independent means to be more
serious in that regard."
See CARTER, Page 7
LSA has,
one. third
attrition =
Nearly one of every three students.
entering the Literary College (LSA)
will drop out before graduating,
according to statistics reported at
yesterday's LSA faculty meeting, the
first of the school year.
Professors heard LSA Associate-
Dean for Student Academic Affairs
Charles Morris cite two recent
surveys 'of attrition among LSA
students, noting the rate - hovering
around 30 per cent - hasn't changed
significantly in the past eight years.