THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdov: Sentemher R_ 1977 THE MCH.GAN DALY Thirr'von v, 5' 107 r 'orm residents cope with crowding nued from Page one) of receiving housing leases, p e o p 1 e are being assigned. last month that she would only es until September 16. they were sent a letter explain- "None of us are happy with it, find temporary housing when p said he thought the ing that when they arrived they bzi it's something we have to she arrived. But she still isf ancellations and no- would be put in temporary work with." I eager to get permanently set-! ould allow permanent /housing at two dollars per night SHARON JORDAN, the ad- tied. 't of the students who and would have to. buy their ministrative RD at Mosher- "I just want to know where; g with staff or in con- meals individually until a per- Jordan, said everyone seemed I can put all my stuff away and oms by that time. But manent room could be found to be taking it pretty well, al- get unpacked. I really wishedr arn that some of the for them. though there have been "some I could have done it before myt nversions may have to "I think the staff is really do- irate parents and teary kids." mother had to leave." permanent. ing very well," said Leroy Wil- Benita Hill, a freshwoman SINCE THE RA rooms in AFFECTED freshper- liams, building d i r e c t o r at from Portsmouth, Va., who is Markley are officially listed as those who applied for Markley, one of the "Hill" living with an RA in Markley's doubles, they became primes after June 7. Instead dorms where most of the extra Butler, House, said she learned targets for the unpiaced stu- dents. __ . .I s . S Nurses face sentencing (Continued from Page 1) much of its case on the testi- sister and landlord, took the ciso or Perez th floor wing of the facility, and mony of experts, including Pa-$stand.-Also testifying for the de- Late in te after a million dollars, 200 vulon specialist Dr. Francis fense was William Loesch, one Isad in the agents and ten months, the in- Foldes, who said the drug would of the men the two were accused stand in their c vestigation began to focus on have had to have been adminis- of poisoning. two nurses told nurse Filipina Narciso, following tered some 30 seconds to five LOESCH TOLD the jury he agInst them,u one victim's incriminating state- minutes before each breathing was cer ain of the innocence of denr gsc ever ments. failure. There was no way, the the two women. The ex-Marine who told her to John McCrer, a 46-year-old numerous experts agreed, that then testified to waking up just fo hrlf (in the Pavulon could have been in- before- his breathing failure to herself (in auto body repair shop owner, jected into an IV bag early, then see a man in a green scrub suit her life would said he remembered Narciso released hours later like a "time standing over him to Perez said one giving him an injection into his rlaehosltrliea"mesanngovrhm tugging at* yu'lnee bomb." The real killer would!the IV line by his bed.ggo"'ll never intravenous (IV) feeding line have had to have been ii the again. just before he suffered a breath- room only minutes before each: was across the hall from one of After three ii ing failure, respiratory arrest - in some th udr itmmodoase uny, 100 w~itnf Nurse uLeonora Perez also be- rsprthye rmuaye nv rrvictims, told of see- ,1-rv came a suspect in the case. The been at the atient's bedside. me n ing anotier man in green -a small, 90-pound, Philippine-bornp woman became- so tired of being During the defense stage of; pajamas - stroking the victims found Narciso a interviewed by the FBI that she the trial, some twelve character, IV lines. That witness, William: of poisoning fivE complained of harassment and witnesses, including Narciso's Miller, said he never saw Nar- 1 conspiracy. eventually moved from Ann Ar- bor to Evanston, Illinois, trans-C " ferring to the VA fl ility thp P WA AM% t Amfi t0 at night. trial, taking the own defense, the Iof FBI threats while repeatedly hisoning anyone. if an FBI agent o light a candle church) because be over with, agent told her see your son months of testi- esses, and 6,000 rasrp, ajury and three men and Perez guilty e patients a n d -i I was kind of bummed out CUttfing the st rings Is uimci hnIhadta a V C11a hroommate," said RA David Howell, "but fortunately he's a' (Continued from.Page one) As Richard, toted carts and; Quad was the end of an odyssey, nice guy and it's only tempo- To to Wayne State'." crates into hi; room at West Denise is her fourth and last rary." "That's right," said Damm, of Quad, aided by his father Dale, daughter to leave home for col- "It's really too bad for them. t. Clair Shores. "My last words Helen tossed out one last word lege, and Merkovitz said the (the unplaced students) because+ >f advice to her will be, 'Re- of advice.. September trek to Ann Ar'bor is, they can't get settled or un-; nember, Chris ,Wayne is just "You have a good time, hon- by now, a comfortable one. packed before classes start,"' round the corner' " ey . . y. but don't forget those "But I can't promise I won't s= id RA Gina Smith, who has a "But after dinner, she's on her Thursday night calls home." cry," she added. "This is my temporary roommate from Hong wn," said Marjorie "We're tak The first time Betsy Russell baby, after all. I can say Kong. ig her to Jim's Bicycle." ; left Birmingham for college, it though, that moving a daughter IT'S NOT ONLY the unplacedj For Helen Snyder, snipping' was on a plane headed for Lewis into a dorm is a lot easier than students and their temporary he apron strings was a breez'e. and Clark College. Comparing moving one inta an apartment. roommates who will be incon-1 f her son Richard was able to that three-year-old goodbye to One year, three of my daughters venienced, however. Usually,+ void corruption until now, she th one at Helen Newberry Tues- were moving into apartments when the 'room freeze thaws- easoned, his third year here day, mother Marcia breathed a and they took everything in the this y e a r on September 26- vill be a cinch. sigh of relief. house that wasn't tied down." spaces appear because of no- "H i s freshman roommate "This is easier; she's a lot A soft, glassy look fell over shows or cancellations. But the{ moked marijuana, drank 'vod- closer to home," said Russell. the mother's eyes as she re- unplaced students are moving' a, and brought girls in the "The only advice I have for her counted a cool day in April when into these6 spaces as they open! ooni at two in the morning," this time is, Take your ID to two of her daughters graduated up. nyder snipped, raising her eye- Dooley's'." together, and proudly told of the The lack of spaces, even after rows above her sunglasses. "That's what she says when daughter that just entered law thehroom freeze, is going to 'That boy tried to be a bad in- you're here," laughed Betsy. school, make dorm-to-dorm, or even, luence on Richard but it didn't For Lorraine Merkovitz, drop- "Yes, I just might cry," she room-to-room changes difficult, ping daughter Denise off at West sighed. "I feel that twinge." if not impossible., _- * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + w -- _ i I 1 i fttt 4 t 1 i Sr rc S b 4: u ng to Le vmacit ynere. BOTH WOMEN retained Ann Arbor lawyer Thomas O'Brien to represent them. Throughout the next two years, the women would both entrust the young, boyish attorney with their con- fidence-and their lives. On June 19, 1976, Narcisco and Perez were indicted and charg- ed with ten counts of poisoning, five counts of murder, and a count of conspiracy.! FOLLOWING a -tedious and meticulous jury-selection pro- cess, the trial began March 28. By this time, trial Judge Philip Pratt had reduced the 151 charges in the indictment to 12, but, more importantly, evidence revealed VA hospital nursing supervisor Betty Jakiin had con-s fessed to the poisonings before committing .suicide a monthf earlier. THROUGHOUT t h e lengthy trial, the prosecution never pre- sented a motive for the poison- ings, leading to speculation that the charges had been a frame- up of two innocent women., Those who cried frame-up' pointed fingers at a mysterious "man in green, " an unidentified person garbed in 'a hospital scrub suit supposedly seen lurk- ingthe.coridors of he hospital By EILEEN DALEY Nearly a dozen women became the vie- times when a series of rapes and assaults swept the city last fall. But'thousands of other local women were victimized as well as an atmosphere of tension and un- easiness clouded the campus area. "No one would go out anywhere at night unless they were accompanied by someone," recalled one junior "(The as- saults) made it less likely they'd go to, the library unless they had a bunch of friends to go with them. Nobody likes to be restricted for reasons like that." Julie Bertelson, who lives a block away from where two rapes occurred, agreed.1 "Not that I did go out by mystelf (be- -eents fare he attacks)," she remarked, "but I did have the opportunity to. I had that freedom. taken away." Bertelson no'ed that male students be- came very concerned with the danger facing local women. "The male friends we had became very protective of us," she said. "They didn't let us go out by ourselves to the library or to work. We were very care- ful, 'more aware.of the sit4ation than we had been. Police believe that ,one man was res-t ponsible for the series of attacks. Al- though they have a suspect, they have been unable to charge him with the as- See RAPES, Page 11 p7- r n s re of r s leave s cam pus clouded in fear 'A '77 19. l ,I (SOME ARE STILL AVAILABLE) Along with furnished apartments, weekly maid service, and conven- ient location, "U owers Qffers you a congenial atmosphere con- ducive to your kind of College Life with an added touch of class. Also, check out our competitive rent prices. t , N i i f ! , j. f t l i E F t a ,- E , t S t 'c F y , s 11 tuition, housing fees lbat the time of ma of.the' (Continued from Page 1) term, an increase of $40, or 8.6 breatinp failures. is the University's Health Serv- per cent. For non-residents, fees IN HIS OPENING statement, ice. Two years ago, the service will be $1,610, an increase of defense attorney O'Biren said, was provided free to University $102, or 6.8 per cent. "The women simply didn't do students. But at that time, the, Fees for Michigan residents' the things the government says legislature told the University who are juniors and seniors will they did." to make Health Service self-sup- be $574, up from $526 last year.! Stein added, "When it's all porting, rather than subsidized, Non-residents will pay $1,740, upI over, reasonable doubt will fill within four years. Students will from,$1,626 last year, an in- up this courtroom-it will stir- each pay a $10 fee per term in crease of 7 per cent. round you, and scream at you." 1977-78 for on-campus health UNLIKE PREVIOUS years, The two went on to point out care. two tuition structures, will be us- all possible causes for the THE 8.75 per cent hike iii tui- ed for graduate students, mainly! breathing failures of -1975, in- tion this school year is only an to reduce the disproportionately cluding lax security at the VA average figure. Students will be high financial burden on part- Hospital, the mysterious "man affected differently, depending time students. in green," and the nursing sup- Iupon their classification. Most graduate students will- ervisor who "confessed" to the The new undergraduate fees have one tuition rate per credit, poisonings. for in-state freshpersons and hour-$60 for residents and $148 THE PROSECUTION based sophomores will be $504 per I for non-residents-for the first '130 hours beyond a bachelor's de- gree. A higher rate-$90 for residents and $222 for non-resi- dents-will apply for each credit hour above 30. Another tuition structure will be used for master's degree pro- grams which require more than 30 hours of course work. Full- time students in such programs, which include architecture, lib- rary science, music, social work and others will continue to pay full program fees on a term ba- sis, rather than credit hour., MICHIGAN RESIDENTS in these programs will pay $720, up from $636 in 1976-77, while non- residents will pay $1,776, up from.$1,650. Former Vice- President; Rhodes, noting that the tuition increase for non-resident under- graduates is slightly less thanI that for residents, said: "We! pz " 'eface a declining applicant pool. 6 e of the very best of the students gc fron) outside Michigan. Our eor00 - rates for them already are high, ;O Ee 0 e z~aand the University needs to re- e6 Ntain the leavening and diversity essyywhich our non-Michigan students1 de 1 eprovide." c a0set o He also noted that the revised a a, e graduate fee system will "en- d9a ne e \° ,Ecourage part-time enrollment' aar9za-wa 60and enrollment in master's de- \ a o \ 4 gree programs; assess. loweri , so Bfees per credit hour for begin-' e ey° a 9 ee s. N& "SON 1, - I' o;,n d & o e1ePeoe dN l yd footwear byr " S c ftt Xa EriSa ning graduate students who are least likely to have financial support; provide uniform rates per credit hour for all students, regardless of the pace at which they complete their programs; and provide more equitable dis- tribution of charges in line with instructionjal costs." DESPITE TUITION increases across the board, Rhodes pre- dicted an "unusually tough year for the University" fiscally. The University must embark on' an enforced savings program in the amount of $1,150,396 in order to balance the budget. 'Will the real mayor. please' stord u? (Continued from Page 1) do-ahle absentee ballots, some )f which were filled out incor- re -tlv and others which weren't sealed. One married couple placed their absentee ballots in each others' envelopes. Mos observers agreed t h a t Belcher's suit would not be suc- cessful. Then v series of revela- tions from City Administrator Svlvester Murray's office left the results of the election even more uncertain. In June, Murray's office turn- ed up several irregularities in voting procedure. THE REPORT said "the in- vestigation exposed a number of instances of a lack of adequate procedure being followed, inade- quate record keeping, and t h e need for additional training by fhe City Clerk's office staff, pre- cinct workers, and political par- ty challengers at the polls." Then, in July, Murray a n - nounced that a check of regis- tered voters in Ann Arbor show- ed that 173 township residents were illegally registered to vote in the April election, and over 20 actually cas': ballots. The re- prt said the persons reside in township islands and peninsulas - areas surrounded by city pro- perty but not a part of the city. It was uncertain who would defend Wheeler in court. The mayor, who spent thousands of dollars in a legal hassle over the 1974 election results, asked that city Attorney Bruce Laid- la~ defend him, since Wheeler had been officially proclaimed t'ho winner in the election by the WAashtenaw County Board of Canvassers. All Pizzas Include Our Special Biend of Cheese and Sauce I i I 4oPA M OUR SUPERBc 12" small 14" medium 16' large CHEESE PIZZA $2 55 $325 $3 75 ADDITIONAL ITEMS Pepperoni H am Greed Peppers Olives LAIDLAW balked, saying it wold not be proper for him to defend the mayor since Belcher was also a member of city gov- Large selection of i